Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 28 - Fire Scroll

“It’s really troublesome for you.” Li Jia and the people in the transportation team packed the car together and repeatedly apologized to each other.

Today, the consignment note and the goods did not match. I repeatedly loaded and unloaded the car twice, and I did not find a missing box of Liushen toilet water.

The toilet water on the earth is worthless, but when it is here, it is much stronger than the local perfume, and it is very popular among the wealthy merchants in the surrounding area. And after use, you can also get a “delicate” green glass bottle, whether it is playing, arranging flowers or as a decoration, all have high-end atmosphere. Chen Hansheng set a high price for them. Four bottles of toilet water sell a gold coin, and a box of thirty bottles is definitely a valuable commodity.

Such a loss of valuable goods made everyone find it for more than an hour, and finally the supermarket store manager found it in the corner of the aisle.

In the end, there was no careful responsibilities, but Li Jia knew that he must have missed it. When he moved things, he thought about what gifts to choose for Celinda, just like sleepwalking.

He was full of thoughts, turned around a corner, but heared, and almost bumped into a man.

“It turns out to be a senior. What do you think about?”

The person here is Ye Zi, Li Jia said with embarrassment: “I have some flaws in my work, and I am introspecting.”

“You must pay attention to rest. You have been tired of many people in the past two days, and even Ji Yijun has fallen.” Ye Zi looked at Li Jia’s face a little red, thinking she was tired.

Li Jia wiped his flushed face with his hand and asked, “What’s the matter with Ji Yijun?”

“It’s not exhausted yet. It’s digging people, patrolling, training, and the iron man can’t hold it.” Ye Zi saw no one around, opened the plastic bag in his hand and showed it to Li Jia, “A hare , I was caught when I entered the school. I was going to use it to cook a small stove for Uncle Ji. Would you like to rub a good meal? “

“You eat it yourself. A rabbit doesn’t have a few pounds of meat, so I won’t mix it.” Li Jia shook his head with a smile, he now felt that nothing was interesting, nobody was interested, all thoughts were like A magnet attracted it.

At this time, he suddenly noticed that Ye Zi was wearing a dress today, which was different from the lean appearance of a sports suit a few days ago. He had a slightly more gentle charm, and he suddenly came up with an idea.

Ye Zi looked at Li Jia’s rhetoric, and felt that he was a bit unhappy: “Senior, do you have anything to say, don’t hold back, is it uncomfortable?”

Li Jia scratched her head and said: “Don’t be surprised, I just want to ask … Are there any clothes and jewelry that you can’t use for your girls? I’m going to propose the business team to collect some of these things and exchange them for goods. Food. Oh! Of course, it ’s not that you donate it in vain, it will definitely be allocated to you with additional food … Well, or wait until we are rich later, and then compensate you. “

“It’s this matter? This is a silly idea, it certainly won’t work!” Ye Zi blurted out.

Li Jia is a little embarrassed.

“I’m not saying you are stupid.” Ye Zi also covered her mouth and hey, “However, why don’t you understand the girl’s mind. There are no shopping malls and online shopping here, everyone’s clothes will only be less and less, who is willing to put So how many sets of clothes to let out? Not to mention jewelry, it is all thinking. “

Li Jia was secretly ashamed. He tried to fake public welfare for the first time, but he failed so shamefully. He hurriedly said: “When I didn’t say, when I didn’t say.”

“But … it’s not impossible to sell clothes.” Ye Zi turned his eyes. “In fact, there are new clothes in the school. Isn’t there a grocery street behind the library? There are many small shops in the simple room over there. We sell everything. We used to go shopping. The shops were basically collapsed when we crossed. You go to dig. “

“There … didn’t you crush the dead?”

“No, it’s summer vacation now, no one is locked in the shop, but the goods must be there.”

After Li Jia got the news from Ye Zi, he couldn’t live a good life. People can’t itch more than itchy heart, they can’t scratch it.

He wanted to wait until night to go to the grocery street, but once the restlessness in his heart started, he couldn’t stop it. In the office of the business group, he came and went, pouring water and going to the toilet. Jiang Jie, an accountant who was sitting together, was bothered, “Li Jia! Can you stop? Buttocks are on fire? I can’t count my accounts. “

“Sorry, sorry, I think of it! I have to take stock of the goods. I’ll go to the supermarket.” He said he would go out with a shovel in the corner of the house, and each group would participate in cleaning the campus after work. Labor, tools are quite a lot.

“Why do you take a shovel to the supermarket?” Jiang Jie asked suspiciously.

“Uh … someone asked us to borrow! … Hey, do your account well.” Li Jia waved and went out.


The Grocery Street was originally close to the edge of the school, and now it has collapsed into a rubble, and no one came. Li Jia wandered around the grocery street three times and found that no one had hit him, and he secretly dug up when he crossed his heart.


Li Jia hasn’t done much hard work, and his strength is not too great. Although the desire in his heart has doubled his combat effectiveness, he still can’t get up after all, not to mention that while he is working, he has to pay attention to the movements around him.

After digging for nearly half an hour, Li Jia found the corner of a piece of clothing, which was put in a plastic bag, and probably was not damaged. Li Jia carefully removed the surrounding gravel and found it was a men’s shirt. He threw the clothes on the ground somewhat discouraged and changed positions to continue digging.

Not a few digs, vocals from not far away. Li Jia quickly hurriedly looked around for bunkers. Fortunately, the rocks here are high and low. Li Jia found a depressed place, squatted on the ground, and secretly looked over there.

I saw a girl holding a thermos pot, standing in front of a quite hidden crossing, as if waiting for someone. Li Jia was anxious and waited, but there was no other way but to pray that the people like her would come quickly. About five minutes later, as expected, someone came, Li Jia looked, turned out to be Ji Yijun?

Ji Yijun seemed to be really sick, but as soon as he appeared, the girl greeted him, and she seemed to chatter and say to Ji Yijun, and then put the food into Ji Yijun’s hand, and Ji Yijun did not refuse After receiving the thermos pot, he talked to the girl and didn’t see much. He waved his hand back after a while, but the girl kept watching him walk out of sight before turning away.

This kid was lucky, and he caught a girl so quickly, Li Jia was quite envious of him. However, this envy soon rose to the level of jealousy, because in the next hour, two girls came to Ji Yijun, and each gave him something to eat and drink.

Li Jia feels that he is going crazy. This kid is really handsome and kung fu. He also heard that there are often **** women to watch him train. But can the girls stop moths like this? You did n’t find that he did n’t take you seriously! Recalling that Ye Zi also took a rabbit to see the kid, Li Jia was really not in the mood.

Li Jia sighed a long time, thinking that he still had Celinda, his heart finally calmed down, he vented his jealousy to the stone under the shovel.

Li Jia dug for another hour, dug out several clothes one after another, and finally found a pretty dress. He took it in his hands and looked over and over, imagining Celine wearing him, feeling tired all over. It’s all gone.

I really want to give her now …


“Miss. I still suggest that you cheat the guy named Li Jia, and then we will tie him up. We can come again.” Pinto stood on the hill and passed the forest under his feet, which was the school in front.

“The plan I gave up doesn’t need you to teach me again. He … is just an ordinary person, and how many secrets of a magician can he know? Besides, he is a relative of a magician after all, we shouldn’t take this risk. You didn’t Have you heard that sentence? The smart lion never scares away his prey. “Celinda’s face was not good-looking. She glanced at Pinto, only to feel that the old thing became more and more annoying.

But is he really an ordinary person? Celinda grew up among knights, and later went to the magic tower to learn. He has seen many powerful knights and magicians, but he has never met anyone as knowledgeable as him. A flower, a tree, a rain, a ray of light, he can say so much truth. Behind him, there is a new world she has never seen.

She remembered Li Jia’s attitude towards herself these days-warm and shy, stupid and gentle, which made her feel like being in the hot springs of Burgos, with a warm feeling. Especially that day … Although her strength was extremely weak, she did not care about her body, which made her feel a strange emotion. She was secretly alert to her attitude and tried to leave quietly several times, but there always seemed to be more things waiting for her to discover.

“The nobles have the secrets of the nobles, and the people have the news of the people. Since you are here, you should not go back empty-handed.” Pinto still did not give up.

“Even if I knew a lot about these people, how could the young lady come in vain?” Nina, the maid, grumbled.

“These people are dangerous. It’s true to know more about them.”

“Danger? I went in and out several times, and they didn’t even find anyone else. I can kill anyone easily, as long as I don’t encounter a real magician.” Celinda recovered.

“It’s really dangerous.” Pinto emphasized again, “I don’t have your skills, but I have observed them through my own way. Know that strength is sometimes not manifested by swords. They are very organized and able to put Very complicated things, well organized. The Knights are not as good as them. The Temple is not as good. “

“so what?”

“This kind of power is used in disaster relief, allowing them to rescue their companions in three days. Used in business, they can hook them up to the untouchables in a day. If it is used in the military? What do you think of the militia in our territory? Is it their opponent? “

“Do we have to meet each other?”

“Something makes you lost. My lady.” Pinto said solemnly. “Although your father didn’t wake up, we can’t decide the final attitude. But enough vigilance is indispensable. The people under my hands have inquired. By the way, they have long-range magic weapons and enchanted flame swords, neither of which is a good deal. They even use the mage-specific magic text as a daily language. Those who look ordinary will hide it. How many magicians and magic apprentices are there? How do you know that those who have these powers will not wage a war against your father? You should have heard the old saying: There are not enough benefits, there are no wars that should not be. “

Celinda didn’t answer, and could not answer. As the daughter of the lord, she knew from an early age that there was something about her personal likes and dislikes.

She silently looked at the spire of the school building and said after a while: “I will try to understand them as much as possible, understand their strength, and understand their attitude, but do not talk about kidnapping with me again.”

“You have been brilliant since you were a child, and the Earl has always given you the greatest freedom. I hope you are right.” Pinto did not insist anymore, but took out a scroll from his arms. “Please take this one. Flame Scroll, if there is any danger, please use it, don’t hesitate. “

“You want to add some chaos to them?” Celinda turned her head and looked directly at Pinto, but Pinto lowered her head and held out the scroll with both hands. After hesitating for a moment, she finally took the scroll in her hand.

“It’s just prepared. Your ancestor Melo said: People who are stronger than me are my enemies.” Pinto raised his head and smiled.

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