A Yandere Nightmare, In Night City!

Chapter 6: Stabbing The Loli Yandere’s Stomach!

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Chapter 6: Stabbing The Loli Yandere's Stomach! By Harem-Fan


     For the rest of the morning, no one paid any attention to me, thankfully. Finally at noon, we had a 1 hour lunch.

     The First High lunchroom is a 2 level cafeteria. Students can sit on the ground level, or eat up above on the second floor overlooking the other students. This second level seating is actually over the kitchen, so it in essence does not cover the ground floor students tables.

     It is an unspoken rule that only the popular elite 11th and 12th graders eat here, while the first two years and outcasts, eat below. This design made it easier to force plots for my book.

     Rain finally let me down, and I was ashamed when I was getting my food, because I do in fact have a bank card... Too bad remembering my Pin Number was impossible, so my best friend Dan told me...

     "Brother, I told you last night I was treating you to lunch today anyway, ha-ha! Also, Mom knows where you keep your bankbook at your house, so you can get your Pin tonight. Oh, by the way, when you meet Mom, just call her Mom like you have since you were 10 years old. You called your biological mom, Mother."

     [Wow, when I wrote my story, I never mentioned I called Miss Evergreen, Mom. Well, it sounds better than Miss Evergreen in my mouth. But since I do not know this life's mother that is dead, I do not mind adopting a caring mom... Well, when Dan hooks up with her, I will stop calling her Mom then, awkward, right? Then Dan would be my stepfather, ha-ha!]

     Dan made me eat on the second floor after I tried to eat on the lower floor. He does not understand how dangerous it is to eat up with the wealthy and popular kids.

     Thankfully, Ann did not join the two of us for lunch. Dan must have told her to eat with her friends, so he could privately tell me a bit of our past.

     So, some of the things I learned that I as the author did not know was...

     1. My parents died the day after I graduated 11th grade. They were killed in a car accident, but the driver that killed them was never found.

     2. My parents loved me very much despite my tendency to be a loner. I think I was slightly autistic before my memory loss, based on what Dan is telling me.

     3. Dan's mother and mine worked in Night City General, along with some other of my mothers friends. The women always socialized, and why our two families were close. This is why I call Miss Evergreen, Mom.

     4. I spend the night at their house at least 1 to 2 nights a week. Dan and I play video games, listen to rock music, and watch all sorts of movies together. He even has kept his bunk-bed in his room for us to use. I have the top bunk, and apparently I snore, sigh...

     5. Ann and I fought like children, and when I was young, I tailed her like a follower and always wanted to be her husband. Apparently, she started to hate me a bit back then for declaring that. Only I know it was because she wants to only be Dan's lover and wife. Oh, did I mention that incest is not illegal in this world?! I told you, this world was made for Dan.

     6. In the previous 3 high school years, I indeed had a real crush on Luna Vandal! However, I never talked about her after my parents death, so Ann did not lie to Luna... Fuck, I never in my author days would have even put that history in my book!

     7. Lastly, in the summer after my parents passed, I only came out of my house to spend the night with Dan once a week. At home, I would smoke and start drinking hard alcohol. My depression was only getting better in the last week. Now that my memories are gone, Dan thinks I may be cured of depression.

     So after that educational talk, I went to the roof for my smoke, to think and finished the rest of my day... till class lets out, then the fight for my life starts.


     Ding Ding Ding! As the final bell rings, the pretty Math teacher ends class.

     I was ready for this, and packed my bags fast. My plan is to quickly find the student council room and hide from Ann. As long as 4 pm hits and clubs start, I will live!

     Screech! Just as the teacher said go, I bolted up with my chair sliding with a loud sound, grabbed my schoolbag, and yelled to Dan as I fled out of the door.

     "Later Brother, I have to go, see you tomorrow!"

     Everyone in the class watched my actions with wide eyes, but a couple had smiles seeing my move.

     After I bolted, a few things happened when I was already in the stairwell...

     Dan with his hand up to stop me said to the empty air I left.

     "Tim, Mom wants you over tonight! Damn, he was fast!"

     Dan looked at the message on his text, and told his sister.

     "Sis, go find Tim and tell him where he lives, and bring him home... He does not know where his house is, sigh. I have to go get groceries for tonight's meal, since my first club is closed."

     Ann smiles cutely and tells Dan.

     "Anything for you big brother~!"

     And just as Ann was rushing to find Tim, Luna suddenly stopped her at the door and smiled, like she was not trying to buy a certain someone time. She asks the impatient Ann.

     "Excuse me, Miss Evergreen. Is it true that Tim admires me?"

     Ann, who was hiding her irritation, only smiles and sells me out...

     "Tim is madly in love with you, and his phone's photo gallery has shots of you in school last year, so yes, and he would not stop talking about how pretty you are. Now move, I have something to do!"

     Luna, who heard Ann's words in a twisted way, dazed and forgot she was protecting Tim, and let Ann pass her unnoticed.


     So, there is good news and fucking terrible news as I found room 7 on the first floor!

     My class let out at 3 pm, and now its 3:10 and I made it! But reading the note on the door, my soul left me... The Student Council Room opens at 4 pm! I forgot clubs go from 4 to 5"30 in Night City!

     The reason for this is so students had time to use the restroom, eat a snack, or do homework before clubs.

     The reason why clubs were introduced in my book was so Dan could be in the Student Council with Luna. Also, when clubs end at 5:30 pm, it gets close to sunset and the time crimes are more prevalent.

     Just when I am cursing my past author's life for being a lazy retard, I heard a voice from a cute and sweet murder hobo! My head turns to see Ann walking down the hall in my direction, with her hands behind her back. She is slowly skipping towards me, like she is happy to see me.

     And to my horror, there are no other students in the area, like a bad horror movie that was waiting for my bad luck to have no help. Ann says in a cheerful tone.

     "Timmy, come here... Dan wants me to give you a message~!"

     I did not even think I would find her here... I thought she would wait till I  was in a bathroom, or private place... I never in a million years thought she would kill me in the hallway in the middle of school, where anyone could walk out and see her!

     I did not even hesitate, or think, and my feet turned and carried me down the hall as fast as I could run!

     [Fuck! I do not know how to fight, I am weak, and cowardly. When that woman killed me in the stairwell, I could not even resist due to fear! I have never even hit anyone in both lives, so how can I fight a real killer! Damn, I don't even know how to make sure a handgun has its safety on or off!]


     As Tim bolted, the look of disbelief on Ann's face, who was flatfoot, seeing me run, when she had not intended to kill Tim at all, but only deliver the task.

     But when Ann saw me enter the Gym doors, a creepy smile was made, and an urge to hunt took over. Ann licked her lips and said.

     "Oh my God! Seeing you run from me just made me wet! Tim, are you doing this to seduce me?! Fufufufufu~! Here I come, my little mouse, let us see if you can entertain me, my prey~!"

     Then she started to skip to the Gym like a young child playing...


     Just when I thought I was a fucking genius to run into the Gym and find help or other students, I discover something abnormal.

     "Where are the fucking people?! There is no one, and there is no where to hide?!"

     There are no bleachers, but an empty basketball court. So my eyes scan, because soon, Ann will be here!

     I see an Emergency Exit, with chains locking the push-bars?! Seriously?!!!!!!

     Unknown to me at the time... I did not see the under construction sign on the gym doors, and that was why the doors are chained. Also it is the reason no one is in this gym, but are in the new second gym. This building will be open next week, to my dismay.

     I see a second door named... Mens Locker-room. So naturally I ran there!


     Just when I ran into the dark locker room, I found that there was around 30 large lockers and a shower room. I can tell the showers will not even give me a chance, so I find an open locker near the back, and get inside.

     While trying to calm and quiet my breathing, I grab my phone to see if I can get help.

     [Fuck, fuck, fuck... Where is Rain's number?! How do I use my phone?! This model is not like the one I am used to? Ah, there are the numbers, um...]

     Crack! I hear the locker-room door open, and finally put my phone away in my coat... There is no way anyone will get here in time.

     [Tim Smith, that is my name in this life. Well I think this second life will end in about 10 minutes or less, sigh...]


     Chapter 1 events are inserted here...


     Crack! And just as Ann had licked her lips, the door of the locker room opened and a voice yelled inside the dark room.

     "Tim?! Ann?! Are you two in here?"

     As my eyes opened wide in surprise that the woman I was thinking about calling arrived, Ann pushed me into the locker more, with her knife on my neck.

     Ann quickly closed the door, squeezing both of us together tight, and she covered my mouth with her soft left hand, still holding the knife to my throat, and she whispered up into my face.

     "If you shut up and stay silent, I will not kill you, nod if you understand?!"

     Step Step Step! I hear Rain walking in the locker room investigating. I did not forget to nod to Ann, because I am not dumb enough to piss her off right now.

     [Crap, this locker smelled a bit before, but with Ann pressed up against me, it smells nice now. If I did not have a switchblade on my neck, I would be really fucking turned on right now. I just hope Ann keeps her word and lets me go... Death hurts way too much. Plus, I kinda liked Ann... I did create her after all... But letting her kill me is kinda sad.]

     Then Ann and I heard Rain on her phone outside...

     "Yes, this is agent Nero... I found blade marks on school lockers where the target was... If Tim Smith goes missing or is injured, the culprit will most likely be a girl by the name of Ann Evergreen, so make a memo. I will find out tomorrow about the suspects, thanks."

     [Damn, Rain is the best heroine! If I die, at least it won't be unsolved, I love you Rain, he-he!]

     Step Step Step, Crack! We heard Rain start to leave, and the moment my heart relaxed, I finally felt Ann's body pressed tight with mine, and I had a bodily reaction to her soft body!

     [Damn, that just reached 8 inches right? Fuck, I am poking my Loli Yandere in her belly, and I cannot tell if she will cut my neck?! Honestly, I would never do this, but it has a mind of its own, sigh... My luck is the worst!]

     Slap! The tiny hand covering my mouth suddenly let go and hit me hard in my forehead. Then I hear her small voice.

     "Bastard! If you ever tell anyone about this... I will castrate you, understand?!"

     "Nothing happened, um, and I am sorry about that... Can you please put your blade away, I am still a bit frightened?"

     Click Pop! And before I knew it, Ann popped open the door and bolted before I could react... And she was gone, leaving me alone, with a hardon and confusion...

     [Fucking yeeeeeees! I cleared my death flag! Time to go meet the student council, sigh...]




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