A Yandere Nightmare, In Night City!

Chapter 30: Rain Nero, The Woman I Want!

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Chapter 30: Rain Nero, The Woman I Want! by Harem-Fan


     In the western edge of central Night City, two young adults get out of a black SUV, and then hold hands as they enter the parking lot elevator to go up to the penthouse.

     Yes, the apartment building Rain's residence was in is a 40 story luxury building in the downtown area. Rain came from a wealthy background, and when she became trapped inside of Night City, she sold her outside assets, and bought the top floor penthouse.

     This tower has an interesting design, as it is not square in shape, but cylindrical with a new-age feel. Most floors are split into two or four apartments per floor, but Rain's floor is the entire floor. She even has access to the rooftop and a covered pool.

     Well we finally came out to her floor, and in a small hall, we went to the only door on the floor, Rain's front door.

     [I was just here on Monday and was so damn impressed and jealous of her place.]

     As we entered, Warm heard my thoughts, and then threw her set of house keys to me, and I looked at them in confusion, so she told me.

     "What? After tonight, I will be your woman, right? So what is mine is yours... Well, just do not bring other women here, or I will be pissed. I also stocked up on your favorite alcohol, and there is plenty of food in the fridge, help yourself."

     I see that Rain is going to her master bedroom for a shower most likely, so I will go make dinner then.

     All of the rooms, such as... the kitchen, dining room, living room, both master bedrooms, and office are in a circular pattern around the floor on the outer edge, for a full floor to ceiling window with automatic blinds.

     All of the rooms such as bathrooms, laundry, utility, and pantries are in the interior without windows.

     I wash up well, and then change my clothes in a guest bathroom, due to some blood spatter from frying fatso.


     After changing into my sweats, I entered the kitchen, and pulled out ingredients for meat spaghetti.

     I picked out some bottles for cooking and drinking, a nice red. Red wines are used in cooking red sauces, and white wine in cream dishes. I guess my fake memories did give me life skills I lost from this life.

     With the food simmering and boiling, I lean on the counter, and finish my fourth glass of red wine, when Rain, wearing a long white robe, comes out drying her hair with a towel. Her blue eyes see me, and she jokes.

     "It is nice you know I love Italian food. Did you know my mother was from Italy?"

     I actually did not know this, because only so much background information can be gleaned by a single novel, so I shook my head and said.

     "No, but I want to learn everything I do not know. I mainly know your personality, powers, general likes, and Night City background. Oh, and you had a lonely childhood in partial isolation. I really hated such a wonderful woman as yourself who lacked love."

     Putting the towel on the side, she poured some wine for herself, and then stood next to me. She said seriously, telling me shocking news of my past.

     "Before I tell you my depressing past, let me let you in on a reason you may have suffered depression after your parents died. You should have noticed subconsciously, you have avoided almost everything about your mom and dad, right?"

     I all of a sudden felt a chill up my spine, but I nodded.

     "Your father was a small-time psychic in the Shadow Group, and your mother was a normal human. Two months before their deaths, they put a rather large life insurance on all three of your lives. It seems that when you are 18, your life is worth 5 million dollars upon your death, and the beneficiaries are naturally your father and mother."

     Seeing my eyes dim, she pulled off the bandage.

     "Your father planned a trip to Europe next month, for vacation. It is odd that a Psychic who knows he cannot leave Night City would book a pair of tickets out of Night City in advance, right?"

     While I stirred the food, my heart went cold. I just look at her, waiting for where this is heading.

     "I think, the future knowledge you had about your death on your birthday, was a warning about a plan for your parents to have you killed. But why do I believe it was a premeditated murder? Because I believe your father knows you are the person trapping Psychics. I think... He wanted you dead, and with plenty of money could finally leave Night City."

     She rubs my back while I process this.

     "I believe, your father planned on using Ann to kill you by saying things that would upset her, but..."

     She raised her eyebrows and suggested.

     "Someone... found out about your parents plan, and killed them first... And by a twist of fate, you ended up with their life policy, allowing you to live well and not be killed for money. No one knows who killed your parents in the crash, but it really was not clearly investigated seriously."

     In my mind I try to piece together the timeline, and cause and effects. I think of who or why all of this happened to me. But with lost memories, I will never recall it.

     "I am sure, your depression and isolation during the summer was due to you finding out about your parents plans for you. That would devastate a young man. Thankfully, you had Jill at your side to comfort you and care for you..."

     Like a bolt from the blue, I remembered a sentence the black-wedding dress widow said as I died in the fake world... "You will not believe me, but I love you more deeply than you will ever know. You are going to hate me for what I will do to us, but you are an empty shell."

     [Did she kill them for me? Oh, It fits... If she found out my parents would kill me... She would kill them for me in that case. But I did not shun her, and she stayed by my side helping me... She must have told me the truth. She really killed, for me, huh? That must have really hurt her to have to do that for me...]


     At her home, Jill was showering, while hearing my words, and tears flowed remembering what she had to do... But she smiled that I did not blame her after finding out the second time...

     "Husband, no one, even my own children, can hurt you. I love you so much it hurts... Find me soon."


     Rain, hearing my thoughts and seeing my thinking pale face, asks.

     "So, did you figure out what the truth is? You know who killed your parents? And are you safe?"

     I put on a strange smile, and finish the food.

     I tell her without exposing Jill. Well, with amnesia, I really do not have proof it was Jull, just my hunch... And I will not ask Jill about it, just let it go. I do not want her to admit it. So I will pretend I do not know it is Jill.

     "No, I don't think I am in danger anymore... I think the one who would do it, only cares for me, I think. My parents were not good people, and my father being a part of Shadow Group proves he is trash. My mother probably did not know about her human hating husband, and was just greedy for wealth, but I probably will never know the full truth. Thanks for letting me know about my parents though, it helps me."

     Rain will not push anymore, just knowing she helped was all she wanted. The both of us plated the food and ate side by side, like lovers would.

     I can tell this is Warm trying to comfort my heart and mind, because of all the shocking things I am learning today. She jokes.

     "Truthfully, when I came out of the shower, I half expected you to push me down right away, fufu."

     I smiled, put my arm around her waist, and teased her.

     "No, I am waiting to eat you after we eat, for my treat!"

     Suddenly, she stiffened, thinking I am seriously getting ready to push her down, then her eyes turned gray, and Cold said to me.

     "Seems she retreated and wants me to take your attack, so? If you are ready, the leather sofa is there, and my hymen is broken from training, so the mess will be easy to clean. Sorry, I am not versed in romance, but I am very knowledgeable about the act, due to my curiosity about us."

     I then threw romance out the window, and picked up Rain in a princess hug, and told her.

     "Then my wife Cold, we will go to the bed, and consummate our marriage, and Warm will be my mistress. Let me make you mine tonight, and I love you both."

     As I happily carry this sexy goddess in my arms, Cold said or asked.

      "Warm wants to know why she is only a mistress and I am the wife?"

     "Simple, in my fake world, Cold was my wife, and Warm was my mistress, and in the world, it was only legal to have one wife, not like in our world, so Warm was not given legal status sadly. So I was kinda teasing Warm. Naturally when the day comes, you both will be my wife, so Warm, relax."

     Cold nodded seriously to my tale, and said with all seriousness.

     "A world that can only have one wife, sounds a bit sad, Tim. That poor mistress was discriminated against. I am glad we do not live in a world like that."

     As I was about to lay down Rain, I kissed her lips lovingly and agreed.

     "Yeah, that world had its problems. But, I do not have to be sad now in our real world. I love you both..."

     Cold seeing the hunger for her in my eyes, decided to throw her plans of warm-up sex and two positions she was going to do, and decided to play docile in my arms. Who said Cold had no skill in seduction?

     So I slowly removed our clothing, and began...


     After a long 15 minutes of feeling her curves and slowly licking her body, tasting her skin, I had enough. Cold said nothing from start to finish, and let me eagerly explore her with no rush.

     As I climbed over her, she only gently put her legs around my lower waist, and held my neck, looking into my eyes with her grey orbs. I can see anticipation for my infiltration into her body. I finally spoke, as I rubbed at her entrance.

     "I will try to be as gentle as I can, but my love for you might drive me crazy, so bear with me, both of you. I will not stop till we can't go on."

     Cold said in a sneaky smile...

     "No matter what I say or how I beg, do not stop. So please just push in deep and fuck me hard!"

     Hearing Cold tell me to be a beast, I could not help falling in love more, so I listen to her, and kiss deeply! At that moment, I thrust deep-into her, making her breath hitch in pain, and relief.

     I was closing my eyes, and had not noticed as I thrust in her, Rain's eyes had turned blue and opened wide in shock!


     Cold tried to say something, but I ignored her due to feeling so good inside of her tight body. I kissed so deeply, she could not talk.

     I ignored the first time discomfort, and just fully pulled back and inserted again, over and over for a while.

     Rain's body relaxed and accepted my ministrations. Her nails decorated my back to show her joy. Her legs were so tight on my hips, I had to work extra hard.

     Rain had an unexpected body constitution, many orgasms, and was easy to please. I would feel her body shudder every five minutes or so, with a lot of wetness for each time.


     After around 20 minutes, I was finally nearing my climax myself, and had just noticed teary blue eyes for the first time in the dark, and had not realized when Warm was in my arms.

     I whisper in Warm's ear.

     "I love you both, and I am cumming now, so take me..."

     And like before, while I was sucking on her earlobe, her eyes had turned grey, just as I pushed in deep and held it. I filled her full, and held her super tight. Then I heard her voice in my ear as I shuddered in exotic bliss.

     "I will love you the most, and deepest, forever. You cannot leave me now..."

     And just like that, as I moved my head to kiss her, I saw blue eyes looking awkward at me and smiling.

     She confused me by saying.

     "No, I love you even more~!"


     And for another two rounds, we finally called it around 11 pm, and took a nice shower and bubble bath. We finished a bottle of wine. And finally after we only held each other, I held her tight in my arms, not allowing her to leave me.

     With Rain in my arms, spooned, I had the best night sleep in years. My heart for the first time felt complete, like I found that one thing I missed for a lifetime. Rain confessed she had felt the same in the morning...

     I guess all I went through today was fully worth it!

     Plus Rain's power changed and improved with our coupling, and it was a huge change!



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