A Yandere Nightmare, In Night City!

Chapter 3: Musical Chairs, With A Yandere!

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Chapter 3: Musical Chairs, With A Yandere! by Harem-Fan™


     First High is a 4 story building that separates grades into floors, so the 1st floor is for year 1 and so on...

     So we year 4 Seniors have most of our classes up on the 4th floor. The school is designed in a huge square shape with the cafeteria and library filling the inside square area in half.

     The two gyms and vocation building are in the sides of the main campus building, with the massive track and field for sports in the back of the school. Naturally I had to include an indoor swimming-pool for fun murder and drowning scenes, sigh...

     There is an elevator, but only students with disabilities and teachers may use this benefit, and normal students must climb the steps. Also, our lockers are also given to us on our respective floors.


     As Warm Rain returned, she turned her head to me to speak, as we made it up to the 4th floor.

     "Student Smith, please do not stress about the class subjects right away, due to the fact that you may have forgotten some of the content. Also, you may have forgotten, but your class will stay the same for the whole year, and teachers only will move to teach you. This keeps the halls from becoming cluttered between classes."

     [Yeah, I designed this system to keep Dan from running away from the yandere. Thankfully Rain is pointing out the bathrooms to me, because when I wrote the story, I only generalized some places, like the 4th floor bathroom that Ann will try to kill me in, sigh.]

     As we reached classroom 47, Rain accidentally said horrible and ominous things to me.

     "All right Tim Smith, this is my and your homeroom, and I teach Social Studies... Come inside and meet your fellow students."


     As I follow Rain into the class, I see the teachers desk to the right, in front of the blackboard. In the seat sits a chubby middle aged man, who is apparently the school Principal. He sees the two of us walk in together and he gets up to leave. He smiled and asked Rain.

     "And how is Mr Smith? Anything the school needs to worry about?"

     Teacher Rain only shook her head and said to him.

     "No, his body is fine, he only lost his memories and will try to relearn things."

     The Principal looks like he received a pardon from a life sentence, and as he left the class, I heard his quiet voice.

     "Phew, lawsuit avoided, my bonus is safe!"

     As the class door closed, Rain said to all the students waiting for her Social Studies class to begin.

     "Sorry for the wait everyone, but please be patient with student Tim Smith, he has suffered amnesia from the fall before, so please be kind and understanding if he asks strange questions. Smith, go back to your seat in the back row."

     As Rain goes to her desk, I look at all the damn students looking at me. There are 5 rows and 5 desks across, for a total of 25 students in a square formation. As I look out, I try to Identify the main cast.

     In the back right side from the teachers desk, I see in the Protagonist Window Seat...

     [Dan Evergreen (Night City, Main Male Character, MC)... 18 years old, 6 foot tall, with handsome looks, Blue eyes, and Blonde. Psychic Power: Calm Emotions (constant aura). Psychic Mental Backlash: Very low EQ for women, Dense Protagonist. He is also the person emitting the spacial curse to trap all supernaturals inside Night City.]

     [Dan is also the older twin brother of Ann Evergreen, and son of Miss Evergreen. Dan is also supposed to be my childhood best friend and neighbor since the age of 10, when they moved in next door to my family. Dan's real cheat in this world is his Calm Aura ability that calms down the main cast yandere in this room. So as long as Dan is near me, Ann will not kill me... But when he is not around, I will eat 72 stabs, sigh...]

     To Dan's right, is my empty chair that is between him and his sister, who wants to fucking kill me over a seat! Ann smiles at me as I see her innocent blue eyes, like she is wanting me to sit quickly.

     [Ann Evergreen... 18 years old, 5 foot-4 inches tall, mid-back blonde hair, with blue eyes. Psychic Power: Metabolic Senses/Reflexes (constant). Psychic Mental Backlash: Possessiveness and Teritorial (iconic yandere). She might only be an A-cup, but I wanted her to be Dan's little sister, incest Loli, with a cute outer appearance, but that truelly agressive darkness.]

     She smiles even more and I think.

     [Her Psychic ability lets her have a wild and instinctive fighting ability, like a wild cat. As long as she has any blade, she is the best fighter under Rain in this story. I admit, I only put her in the story while I was wasted, and my inner Lolicon wanted to fantasize about pounding her, sigh... Drinking is bad, boys and girls.]

     My eyes scan the class quickly, and I think I found the girl who is most toxic. As I look into her eyes, I see her looking up from her laptop.

     [Aisha More... 18 years old, 5 foot 6 inches tall, violet eyes, redhead, with glasses. Psychic Power: Electro Manipulation (electronics control plus stunning grasp). Psychic Mental Backlash: Stalker and Blackbelly. Fuck girl, your glasses are fake and only cosmetic to make you look lowkey and smart.]

     [She is wearing a long-sleeve sweater and black slacks to hide her curvy body from all of the boys, but I know her real secret... She loves wearing very slutty and sexy underwear, particularly thongs. She is mousy and conservative on the outside, but super awesome inside, well if you can unlock her toxic personality. She is a professional blackmailer, and super selfish. I hope I never fall into her hands... Good Luck Dan! She is the best in bed, but in public her mouth is mean as shit!]

     Well the young Jean Grey look-alike is in the center seat to the left of the teachers desk, furthest from the window. And the next Heroine main character I believe, based on her looks, is dead center in the middle of the class, the student council president.

     [Luna Vandal... 18 years old, 6 foot tall with heels, red eyes, and smooth-long Black hair. Psychic Power: Metabolic Strength (uncontrolled). Psychic Mental Backlash: Noble Woman Facade, Family Delusions, Explosive Rage (trigger: being told, Firmly No/Rejection). Now she is the most unpredictable, because she is both easy and hard to interact with. She is also the one that likes to kidnap Dan the most for a couple of days at a time to rape, cough, I meant make a family with!]

     Luna was looking at Aisha a moment ago, but when I looked at her she noticed me.

     [Honestly, she is really good if you want to have a family... She is not only beautiful, willing to be submissive in bed, but she is also wealthy, and her family is actually in control of the local Mafia. She even has her parents under her control and keeps their behavior in check. So secretly she is the real King Pin of Night City. If I cannot find Dan for a few days, I can just go to her mansion to ask for him back, ha-ha!]

     As I ignore all the future dead students, I think about the last Main Cast Member...

     [Too bad the only main cast members that lived to the end of my book was only Rain Nero and Miss Evergreen. She was the second incest target for Dan, and my personal fantacy of an older woman to love. She and Nero have the same body shape, but one is firm and the other soft to hold based on their body type. But her past was sad, due to being the very first victim of the super villain, Sandman.]

     I recall what I wrote about the older woman...

     [Miss Evergreen... 33 years old, 5 foot-8 inches tall, blue eyes, blonde. Psychic Power: Metabolic Recovery (optimized body, health, and fast healing), Charm (1 targeted male, controllable, constant). Psychic Mental Backlash: Jealousy, Son-con, and Forbidden Lover Raising. It is sad that I cannot meet her yet, because I know she is kind and beautiful. I know incest is bad, but if I was Dan, I would do it for sure. Dan never got his mother or sister pregnant in the story though. The only girls to get pregnant were the dead females. I was in a dark place when I wrote everything, and I ended up destroying what could have been beautiful in this story.]

     Just when a number of eavesdroppers felt the future was wrong, the next thoughts changed things...

     [But when the woman who killed me and my wives made me come to this world, she told me to save someone in the main cast, but the bitch never told me who... So I will now have to save Dan, Aisha, Lucy, and even that cute executioner, Ann. If I cannot save the one person here, that crazy woman will kill me again, sigh. But first I have to survive my death at the end of school.]

     As I made it to my seat, before sitting, I smiled at Ann, my killer and offered.

     "Miss Ann, please make this your seat. I am sure you want to sit next to your twin brother here, right."

     Okay, I will try to avoid my 72 stabs by giving her what caused my mess. But she only smiled deeply like a kind girl and said.

     "No... you have forgotten, but the 3 of us are childhood friends and neighbors, so you sitting in the middle is perfect."

     Okay the smile on my face just twitched.

     [Fuck girl, let me live! Just sit by your brother and forgive me, okay!]

     I turn to Dan and kindly ask him.

     "May I have the window seat, to hopefully regain some memories by looking out the window?"

     He smiles at me looking awkward as fuck and looks like he will save my ass... Okay, he is a good friend.

     "Brother Tim, I have always sat in the back seat, so a change of pace will be good, and you never ask me for anything. Let's swap."

     [Yes! Dan Evergreen is such a good man and his dense curse makes him unable to see that his silly sister is trolling me. This is the best friend and ally I could hope for... Ann, I win, suck it!]

     Just as I sat down in the protagonist seat, and before Dan could sit next to me, a white and blonde flashing Loli sat next to me in the middle of the 3 seats, forcing Dan to sit where his sister sat, furthest from me. When Ann smiled at me, I felt like I was about to die!

     "Big bro, let me sit in the middle afterall. We both know that Tim has always had a crush on me, so I might jar some of his memories of the 3 of us!"

     [Dan, please stand up to her and tell her to move, please, please, please...]

     "Sure, but this is the first time you wanted to sit next to Tim! I thought he annoyed you?"

     Ann fake blushed to fool her brother and lied...

     "Fufufu... I have only been trying to play hard to get until Senior year, then I was going to accept his confession. But now he forgot me, so I have to remind him who I am, right?"

     Dan looked shocked and said.

     "Wow sis, I was even convinced you did not like him! Maybe Tim can become my real brother in the future!"

     As Dan sat and Ann fake blushed, I shouted in my mind!

     [DAMN IT DAN! You are a pig-teammate trying to kill me! Sob sob sob!]

     I think the yandere keen senses smelled my fear, and Ann smiled warmly, and winked at me like she wanted me!



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