A Yandere Nightmare, In Night City!

Chapter 26: Meanwhile…!

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Chapter 26: Meanwhile...! Interlude-Fan


     Many things were happening in the 24 hours of the morning attack on Tim...


     About 7 pm on Wednesday evening...

     After the sunset, two women sat at an outdoor table at the local KFC restaurant, each eating a chicken combo meal.

     The first woman was a bob-cut brown haired driver and bodyguard. After sipping from her drink, she watched the other woman next to her who was still taking video clips of the slightly shaking white limo in the parking lot. She said in a confused tone.

     "Has the young lady gone mad? She never once looked at a man in her life, and now, this?! I-I am confused."

     The personal maid in an office-lady white suit, taking the smartphone video clips, only did her job professionally, and said to her partner.

      "Try the coleslaw, and stop gossiping about the young lady. If our young lady wishes to be shameless, then let her be shameless. Though her taste in men did surprise me... I did not know she liked men with glasses, fufu."

     The driver hearing gossip coming out of the hypocrite asks.

     "Isn't that supposed to be done in like 10 or 15 minutes? It has been 40 minutes already, and I have a new show to watch at home?"

     The office lady shook her head and said.

     "The young lady said it could be one or two hours for her new boyfriend."

     The driver's mouth opened and she said.

     "Maybe that is why the young lady does not like most men, they are weak?!"

     Slap! The OL assistant smacked her partner in the forehead and said firmly.

     "Do not be stupid and slander the young lady... How would a pure woman know if a man was powerful ahead of time, jeez!"

     "He-he! Maybe she heard from another woman"

     The two women remembered the redhead talking with their young lady, then both nodded and continued to watch the rocking limo in peace.


     A short while after Tim and Ann left school...

     Rain pulled both Luna and Aisha from class, and brought them to the teachers lounge for a private talk.

     Rain drinking a bottle of water started to explain the events from the top of the stairwell, to the battle in the Clubroom 7, to the questioning of the hit man student.

     "So ultimately, Tim was uninjured, but the damage to the stairwell wall, and the large damage and blood in your classroom is the only real issue."

     Aisha drinking a canned coffee, said unamused.

     "Teacher Nero, I will investigate this guy, and see who he hangs with, and his background, then I will email whatever I find."

     Rain nods to her, and then Luna with elegant crossed legs, sipping black tea, says to Rain.

     "You should not have let Tim take Ann home, he has to baby that girl who is using him, when he should have been resting his body and heart in bed, tsk tsk tsk..."

     Aisha sneered at Luna being so transparent. Then she says teasingly.

     "What, Tim cannot fuck who he wants? I think you are being narrow-minded, and a control freak, fufu."

     The metal can in Luna's hand starts to slowly twist in a bizarre fashion, and Rain says to calm the two.

     "Look, none of us really likes that we have to share Tim with one another, even me. But for Tim's sake, I will loosely work with you all."

     Seeing Luna getting ready to pull the boss card on herself, Rain says to Luna.

     "Little girl, do not confuse my willingness to play with you, my weakness! I am the only person keeping the FBI from arresting your family and throwing away the key, so play nice, or I can keep you alive in a jail cell, get me? Now with that rude threat out there, I find you and your family very adorable for our Tim, so let us be Tim-sisters, and I will still be the cute sexy maid at his side on Sunday's so you get your Tim time, alright Miss Vandal?"

     Aisha, seeing a new side of Rain, says in a complimentary way.

     "Wow, I underestimated you Miss Nero, fufu. Well, as long as I get to follow and study my loving sex toy Tim, I will throw some aid here and there. Oh, and Miss Rain, that full moon is coming soon, and if a certain Sandman gets you first, I would rather kill you than give my Tim sloppy seconds, so get to mating time. And I am dead serious, my Tim cannot have secondhand goods, fufu, right Luna?"

     "Hmm, makes sense."

     Cold rolled her eyes at the two women and said unamused.

     "Not that it is any of your business, I am finishing up my period, otherwise I would have beaten both of you, so do not worry, Tim will have his favorite teacher soon enough. Besides, Tim gets two for one with me, fufu!"

     Imaginary sparks fly between the three women's eyes. After the short interlude of this Shura Field, the three women at the same time smiled, without revealing their true thoughts.


     In a 4th floor classroom, a young man with white hair and blue eyes watches Tim and his childhood sweetheart leave school, meaning the other guy is probably dead or in custody.

     Tony White picked up his smartphone, even during the teacher's lecture, ignoring her annoyance, and called someone.

     "Hey big sis, I need your help dealing with a schoolmate... Yeah, it is that asshole Tim Smith. Since I cannot move right now with the police still investigating, I want your help in dealing with him... Well, just make his life difficult, I never said you had to kill anyone. So just threaten him or something. Maybe offer him money to break off his engagement with Luna.... Oh you will personally deal with him then? thanks sis, just make him suffer for me!"

     Tony, remembering his plants in his sisters company, asks.

     "Hey sis, I had some friend in your pharmaceutical company make me a designer drug to help a friend with sexual issues, but I am being denied access to my friends, and even your building, why, do you not trust me anymore, big sis? What, an FBI raid? And all unauthorized personnel are purged?! How long will this take to free up? I promised that friend, they paid good money?"

     Tony's face looks really bad, because he had plans to use the drug on Luna, to get her pregnant. That drug works on both men and women, and doubles their fertility for a few days. Tony then looks surprised, hearing what his sister Cary just said.

     "Wait, what? You have had a boyfriend for a while, and are getting married soon?! What the hell, I never knew you even dated! Who is it, do I know them? What will I do, and you will not tell me till you bring him home?! What, you might even be pregnant?! Fuck! You used the only sample of that drug, and that's how you two met?! FUCK! Sis, did you just hang up on me?!"

     The teacher finally fed up with Tony talking in class and finally yelling curses.. pointed at him...

     "Mr White report to the office now, and calm down... Now class back to the classic romance story on page 69."

     Tony, not in the mood for school, left hearing that his one dose of drug was used on his retarded sister for a child. Not only that, he cannot recommend her to his superiors as a potential high ranked member for her purity, damn. He vows to kill the ass that slept with his sister, brother-in-law or not!

     (A/N So the drug is a two phase drug, one male and one female, both have synergy together. The male drug causes excessive fluids and strengthens swimmers, while the female drug forces ovulation and a good environment for sperm in one to two days as long as the uterus is not shedding. Aisha took the female drug, while Cary applied it on the couch with Aisha, after wanting her new lover's child.)


     At lunchtime that day, at the Night City General's cafeteria...

     Two attractive women with long blonde hair and blue eyes, sit facing each-other, while eating their meals. Drawing the attention of a few dreaming males... and females, cough.

     Both hot blondes look to be about 23 or 24 years old, but one is busty and curvy, with a big sister or motherly vibe rocking. The second is more average, in the C-cup range but a nice mature and youthful look.

     Both women have their hair up in sloppy buns, to keep their hair from bothering their hospital duties. The scrubs they wear are dark blue in color, while they dangle stethoscopes on their beautiful necks.

     The busty Head Nurse, with the name tag of... Jill Evergreen, is eating some carrots and a antipasto salad. Jill says to the other woman.

     "My adopted son, Tim Smith, has a vacant room for rent, and it is only 200 dollars, but food is on your own expense. All utilities are covered. And the only other rule, you have to be single to live there, because my son, Tim, is a bit anti-social, and has a tough-time with some kinds of men. He also gets jealous if other men flirt with me out in public, because he thinks all men are bad, fufu."

     The other woman, Ellen Stand, a medical doctor intern, missed the blush on her older friend's face.

     "You will like him, he is only 18 and still in high school. He is even best friends with my son and daughter, so I trust him with my life, fufu. Oh, and he is a bit nerdy and he wears glasses, but don't point them out, he is shy about wearing them."

     Ellen, eating a fajita, asked about what she heard the other week.

     "Is he the one with complete amnesia?! I heard he was your boyfriend though, you called out. But as a neurologist, I am curious about his total amnesia, and how you are all coping with it?"

     Jill smiles warmly thinking how great it has been with Tim being 'reset', so she kinda tells the truth.

     "It is sad to miss his loss of 8 years with all three of us, but Tim accepted his past he forgot, and 'embraces us all'  with warm feelings. I think Tim is even better than before."

     Jill wiped the fake tear from her eye and continued.

     "Due to his parents' deaths, he drank himself to death, and he wanted to be left alone, only allowing me around to care for him, almost like being dead. But now, he has made new connections, and shows us all care. I like him like this more. And as for the boyfriend thing, I think that woman misheard, I clearly said "son, sigh!"

     Ellen, the pure hearted sucker, asks with light in her eyes.

     "So, he went from happy, to devastated, lost his memory of all his life, then became optimistic, but distrustful of men?! Wow, how interesting."

     Jill secretly rolled her eyes, because it pains her to entice another woman into her home, but Tim seems to need this stupid woman, who is literally paying her kidnappers and counting the money. But Jill, wanting her man to stay alive says.

     "Sadly, so many women seeing Tim's new kind heart are all fooling him, telling him they had relationships when they clearly did not, including my silly daughter. That is why she is not allowed at the house. My daughter did not like Tim before, but now that he has changed, she keeps pursuing him, sigh."

     Jill puts on her worried mom look, and says like she is frustrated.

     "If only a kind woman wanted Tim, I am sure the bad influences could leave him. A kind man with money and amnesia is a hussies dream lover. I am at work so much I cannot chase off those girls. That is why only Tim and I are in his home, to keep others from abusing his memory loss. Well I trust you to help me, right?"

     Ellen Stand, a pure hearted woman, who does not even realize she is a S-Class Psychic, and afflicted with the backlash of, Gullible, says with caring eyes.

     "Jill, count on me. At first I only cared about his condition, but it would break my heart to see your adopted son suffer. I will help keep those women out of the house!"

     Jill takes her hands with grateful eyes and tells her.

     "I wish Tim met you sooner, you are like the perfect big sister. Well, here is a picture of what Tim looks like..."

     Jill holds her smartphone out to show my picture in my suit before the ball, and the Super S-class Sucker's eyes lit up unknown to herself. Jill, just thinks of what she will ask from me later, for finding me this air-head for me. Then Jill laughed in her head thinking... "Will Rain arrest me for human trafficking, kidnapping, and coercion?"


     Later when I hear this recording Jill made, I literally facepalm not realizing how simple and sad this poor woman was. And I almost felt bad for my future, tricking of her feelings.

     Then I remember... I will treat her much better than Sandman, and I harden my heart to love this gullible lady. I will be a scumbag to save her, and I will force myself to like it!

     (DBZ Yandere Scouter is raising!)

                                                              [Ellen Stand]



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