A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

Daenerys and I returned to Meereen, we saw our vast army stationed outside and the people inside the city adjusting very well to the sudden changes thrust onto them. Though I suspect it has to do with our military might, magic, and dragons that would otherwise have some of the locals attempting to resist us. Once we return to the large pyramid in the city I head to the war room where a map of the world is set up. I then start finishing up the plans for the next part of conquering the world.

Daenerys goes to give everyone the news that she is a true dragon now and my mate. While also seemingly getting a human wedding set up as Daenerys still feels mostly human as she just turned into a true dragon. Rokgar and Lilther came into the war room and congratulated me on my new mate. From there we discussed the next best action.

"I already sent word to Zathori and she has responded back telling me she has called back her people. It will a few more weeks for her to gather them all and then lead them to join our Empire. Once she does she will begin leading them west," I say while pointing to the map where the Dothraki will take over the cities.

"First they will take Qohor, then head to Norvos, then Pentos, and finally together we will head to Braavos after meeting up with them in Pentos. As there is a true dragon living in Braavos and I need to be there to ensure a smooth transition," I say to Rokgar and Lilther who nod their head listening to my plans.

"As for us, we will head west from here. Taking the bestmen city of Mantarys, then Volantis, then we will head North. Taking Valysar, Selhorys, and finally taking Myr. Once they are all taken we will head to Pentos and meet with the Dothraki," I continue to say while showing where we will be moving.

"What about the east of us? Like the Red Waste? Yi Ti Empire and the Shadow Lands?" Rokgar asks me since we seem to be focusing on the east.

"I want to have the places West of us taken first. As the ones East do not appear to be the bigger threat, as they have much fewer people under their command. Plus they are busy dealing with their own issues to focus on us. While Westeros might ban together before we get there, making taking it all that much harder," I say to them and they nod their head seeing my reasons.

"Understood. Then once the west is taken, we will move east?" Rokgar says to me and I nod my head.

"Yes, I have a suspicion that the cult we are looking for is located in the West," I say and we continue to discuss the finer details of the war for the next few hours.

"Any word of Oberyn and the siege of Yunkai?" I ask Rokgar and Lilther who are walking behind me as we head to the dining area after the war meeting.

"Not yet," Rokgar says to me and I nod my head.

We then sit inside the dining area eating our supper. It brings a smile to my face sitting with my close friends and people I consider family. Then once we finish eating and now just relax and speak with one another, a messenger interrupts us.

"My Emperor, we just received word from Lord Oberyn. The siege of Yunkai was successful, with minimum losses. He is now headed here to meet back up with our main forces," the messenger says to us and we all celebrate hearing the good news.

"That is very good news!" I say as we all continue to celebrate late into the night.

As we all return to our rooms, Daenerys initiates some lovemaking. She has become much more energetic since we officially became mates and turned into a true dragon. I do not mind in the slightest, though I find it funny how I can feel her want to constantly jump my bones as some would say. The next few days go by with us ironing out the fine details of the ongoing war, plus solving some minor supply issues we might face.

A couple of days after we received word of the successful siege of Yunkai, Oberyn and the forces I sent with him returned to us. Other than the ones meant to stay inside the city to keep it under our control. Upon the Martells' return, we threw a feast celebrating their victory and safe return.

"Brother! Miss me?!" Oberyn says as he and his family arrive at the pyramid in Meereen.

"I did, though now that you are back, maybe not so much anymore," I say to him as he gives me a hug which I return. Then the rest of his family join us in a group hug.

"Yes, yes I missed you all too," I say with a laugh as they all hug me.

"Hmm…. You don't smell like a celibate anymore… You fucked! You and Daenerys finally got together! Thank the gods! Here I thought you would actually die alone!" Oberyn says to me while smirking at Daenerys who gives him a sly high five. I just sigh at this while the rest of his family laughs, mostly Oberyn's daughters who took after their father's antics.

"Yeah, I don't miss you anymore," I say turning around and heading inside.

"Lies! Without me, you'd be forever alone!!" Oberyn says to me as they all quickly follow me inside.

As we feast and celebrate the return of the Martells everyone speaks about what happened in Yunkai. Oberyn being the overzealous person he is over exaggerates the siege. While his daughters agree with him offering an even more extravagant siege. I just chuckle listening to them tell this overly fictitious story. Once they are done explaining it all, Daenerys finally tells them we are to be married.

"As you know, Talrit and I are now together," Daenerys says while Oberyn and his family just give me sly looks which I ignore.

"We are going to get married by the end of this week. We were just waiting for you all the return," Daenerys says and they all congratulate us. Once everyone congratulates us and asks all their questions, Oberyn asks me one.

"Brother, if possible could Ellaria and I join you? We have been through a lot together and I believe we should officially be married," Oberyn says to me surprising everyone even Ellaria.

"I don't see why not, of course. A double wedding it is," I say with a smile and Daenerys nods her head agreeing with me.

"Really Oberyn? You want us to officially marry?" Ellaria asks with extreme happiness in her eyes, but uncertainty in her voice.

"Of course my love. If you want to that is," Oberyn says to her while lovingly grabbing her hands.

"I do," Ellaria says making everyone cheer even more.

"If you too are getting married. I can make your daughters no longer bastards, even though I think that law is stupid that a King must make children take your name," I say offering to make Oberyn's daughters officially his in the laws of men.

"That it up to my daughters," Oberyn says while looking at them. They all immediately nod their heads.

"Well just remember before you agree. That means many men will become extremely interested in you all, as you will become official nobles," Oberyn says to them and then they all hesitate.

"What's the difference, men already are interested in us. This time they will just have to try harder to get us," Tyene the youngest of his daughters says with a smirk as everyone laughs.

"Then bring me some paper," I say and one of the unsullied goes to get me some paper. Which I then write up the official papers for each daughter with the help of Oberyn. Afterward, sign the papers using my name as Emperor Talrit. I no longer use my alias among humans.

Over the next few days, the whole city was getting ready for the two weddings. By the end of the week, everything was set up. Since there were no priests of the religion that Oberyn's family practiced, Kinvara took their place. Though she used her own way of having us marry.

"In the light of the one true god, R'hllor. I am to see these two couples officially married," Knivara says while looking for us to speak.

"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection," Kinvara says while Oberyn and I take the cloaks my people made in preparation for today.

My House Sigil was a Golden Dragon with some Platinum scales surrounded by a golden ring on a black background. I made this after declaring myself the Emperor as this was the banner my troops carried into battle. Oberyn was using his house Martell sigil, which was a golden spear going through a red sun. We both placed the cloaks over our very soon-to-be wives. Removing their previous house cloak which was also made in preparation for today.

"We stand here in the sight of the one true god and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever," Kinvara says once we place the cloaks on both women.

"Let it be known that Talrit of House Gildorran and Daenerys of House Targaryen is one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder," Kinvara says while repeating the same for Oberyn and Ellaria.

"In the sight of the R'hllor, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words," Kinvara says while looking at the four of us.

"I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days," Oberyn and I say to our brides.

"I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days," Daenerys and Ellaria say to Oberyn and me.

"With this kiss, I pledge my love," Oberyn and I say before we kiss our brides, officially sealing the marriage in the eyes of mankind.

Then the crowd of our friends and family cheer for us all. Even the citizens cheer for us as the whole city was given a feast. Food and drink were on me for the whole city as the next two days were in celebration of the weddings. We two newly wedded couples headed into the pyramid where a more private feast was set up for only our close friends and family. There we all ate and drank celebrating the weddings.

"Brother, should we have a bedding ceremony?" Oberyn says to me with a slightly drunken voice, while I stare at him with an annoyed look. Knowing my answer already.

"No," I say to him and he laughs having already expected that.

We all then retired to our separate rooms to officiate the marriage in the bedroom, even though both couples have already done that, some more than others. That night Daenerys seemed even more excited than usual, though I just figured it was the fact we are now married according to her human side. The night for us almost never ended as we enjoyed each other until noticing that the sun rose peeking through the balcony by our room.

"It's morning already?" Daenerys says as we relax for a bit from our latest session.

"Times flies by when one is having fun," I say with a chuckle while she smiles at me giving me another passionate kiss.


AN: The fanfic I am working on alongside this one is up, though only two chapters are out now. It is called, 'Transmitted into Underworld', take a look if you want. Have a good day all.

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