A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

The time came for me and the Martells to secretly enter the city. They came to my tent late that night shortly after midnight and I teleported us inside the city, where I could sense no life forms nearby. Once there we found ourselves in an abandoned house, I then cast invisibility on us, which I reminded them would only last an hour. Then I cast see invisibility on us all so we could see each other before we headed out of the abandoned house.

'Remember we can only speak through the rings,' I say to them all telepathically.

'Yes, yes we know Uncle,' Tyene the youngest of the three bastard daughters that follow Oberyn.

'Good, from the last time Oberyn and myself were here, the Master of the Unsullied should be in the southern part of the city. So let us hurry there and remember no killing unless absolutely necessary,' I say to them and the three daughters sigh internally, but follow my orders.

We all then quickly and quietly make our way toward the place where the Unsullied is trained and made into what they are. When we arrived it took us almost the whole hour to reach it, so I recast the two spells on us. This place was the most heavily guarded in the city as it was the home of the Master of the Unsullied. We then split up as Oberyn went with his niece and nephew, while his three daughters went together and I went by myself to search for the staff of the Master.

I entered the main estate and saw dozens of slaves walking around, mostly women who appeared to be used for the Master's enjoyment. I felt sickened seeing this but pushed those emotions aside and continued my search. I figured the staff was either with the Master or in his main room of the estate. I followed the slave women to where I believed the master was located. I was correct as they led me to a room that appeared to be the Master's bedroom.

The room was very large and the bed inside the room looked to be able to support ten or more humans at once comfortably. Plus the other furniture and items in the room showed just how extravagantly the Master lived his life. On the bed, I see a bald middle-aged man who was the master and he was surrounded by sleeping naked slave women. The women that led me here were cleaning up the mess made by the master enjoying himself.

"You two come here, I can use more help falling asleep this army has me stressed," the master said as he was still awake and spoke in draconic.

The slaves looked dead inside but walked over to him following his orders. I walked over and grabbed the Master by his neck and lifted him up while dropping my invisibility making the two slaves gasp in surprise as the Master struggled to breathe.

"Leave us," I say to the two slaves who look between the Master and myself, before quickly leaving the room.

"Tell me where the staff is and I won't have to destroy your brain searching for the memory," I say to him with disgust heavily in my voice.

"It's… in… my office," the master says as he is struggling to speak and breathe.

"Thanks," I say and snap his neck dropping his body on the ground, before turning back invisible. As I leave the room I see some Unsullied hurriedly make their way to the Master's bedroom.

As I calmly make my way to the office, I contact the Martells and tell them to meet me there as the alarm bells are ringing in the estate and now the city. Walking inside I can the office/meeting room is just as extravagant as the bedroom, if not more to try to show off to whoever the master is meeting with. As the room was filled with golden items and decorated with gold itself. I then see the staff behind the desk in the room sitting on a display board. Grabbing the staff, I turn as I hear people enter the room and see all of the Martells have safely made their way here.

"Seems we have what we came for. Time to claim the city," I say as Oberyn nods his head smiling.

I drop all of our invisibility as we walk outside the office with some Unsullied quickly walking this way searching for who killed the Master. Seeing as they get in an offensive position, but I show the staff and they share a look with one another, before snapping to attention to me. Seeing the staff work this easily makes me question the thought process of the Master, but I just shake the thought from my head as the man lay dead.

"Go tell the others, I am the new leader of the Unsullied. Have them find and capture the other 'masters' of this city and free every slave they find. Kill only those who resist," I say to the Unsullied that found me with the staff as they run off the relay the orders to the rest of the Unsullied.

"Let us go the main gate and let in our friends," I say to the Martells as we then walk towards the gate of the city.

As the city turns into chaos the Unsullied suddenly turning on those they were originally protecting. Some of the other defenders would attack us on sight, but Oberyn and his family would easily intercept them and kill them.

"I believe I have the most kills, sisters, and cousins," Nymeria the second oldest of Oberyn's daughters says with a smirk, after her most recent kill.

"That's because you are cheating with that whip of yours!" Tyene says as the others nod their heads since Nymeria's whip was made with draconic steel and has sharpened serrated blades on the inside of the wipe. This makes it a very deadly weapon with more reach than even a spear and Nymeria has taken years to master the weapon.

"Don't hate me just because I am better than you all," Nymeria says making the four other young ones argue with her as they kill the ones trying to stop us from reaching the gates.

"Oberyn your family has too much competitiveness sometimes," I say to him and he just laughs as we watch them argue while killing the few defenders this city has now that the Unsullied are no longer with them.

"What is life without some competition? Boring I'd say," Oberyn says to me with a chuckle as we reach the gate.

"Whatever you say," I say as we pull the levers inside the gatehouse opening the gate below. With that my dragonborn army marches inside the city.

"Go ahead and have fun," I say to the Martells as my army enters the city and quickly begins helping subdue the remaining fighters. Oberyn and the rest run off to see who can get the most kills it seems. As I walk back to the original Master of the Unsullied estate.

On my there, I can see the once many slaves walking about with faces that show their surprise and happiness at finally being free from their oppressors. Many begin cheering at me and crying in happiness as I walk by thanking me for this. Though I just feel a ping of regret as I did not help them sooner.

Once inside the main grounds of the estate, I sit down in the middle of the courtyard and wait for the soldiers to bring me the remaining masters of the city. With Daenerys, Kinvara, Jorah, Rokgar, and Lilther, Rokgar's son enter the courtyard as the soldiers finish clearing the city. Vaak, the white wyvern, is with Rokgar and Lilther as they flew to the courtyard.

"Talrit, who are those women?" Daenerys asks me as she sees the once-enslaved women waiting in the back of the courtyard, unsure of what to do with themselves.

"Slaves once served the Master of this place with whatever it was he desired of them," I say to her and her face grimaces at the realization of what they went through goes through her mind.

"May I speak with them?" Daenerys asks me and I just nod my head.

"Don't need to ask me, they are free women now," I say to her and she nods her head before walking over to them.

"My Prince, the remaining masters are here," Kinvara says to me as I see the Unsullied escorting the last of the masters in the city inside the courtyard. With a very large crowd of once-slaves following behind them wanting to see what will happen to them.

"Unsullied! This staff makes me your master correct?!" I shout after they force the masters onto their knees in front of me. As the Unsullied look at me and one speaks up.

"Correct Master," the Unsullied says to me.

"Then what does this mean?" I ask as I snap the staff in half throwing it on the ground as the Unsullied stare at me with wide eyes. All remain quiet unsure what to say.

"It means you all are now free men! Men who can choose what to do with their lives and do as any other free man. Though I will ask you if you want to join me and my army in bringing a new era to the world?!" I say while my dragonborn cheer for me hearing me.

"We will follow the breaker of chains!" the same Unsullied says earlier as the rest join him in shouting breaker of chains. I just nod my head as I turn to the few living masters of this city.

"Then Unsullied rid this city of the last of the masters," I say and they all nod before they execute the remaining masters who panic and plead before dying. The crowd cheers in happiness at seeing the masters die.

"Like the last cities we took control of, this one is now under the protection and leadership of the Draconica Empire! One of our people we stay here to lead this city and show you what it means to be one of our citizens!" I say to the crowd that is still cheering in excitement at everything that has happened in less than a few hours.

"These soldiers will remain here to ensure the protection of this city and for yours, to ensure the laws of our Empire are followed!" I say as I plan on leaving the five thousand heavy infantry that was camped outside the city here as I did with the others before.

"Rokgar, please have the one you have chosen as the governor come and take their place. The rest of us will return to the ships and wait for you before we head to Yunkai to meet up with the Dothraki," I say to Rokgar who nods his head before flying back to the ship to find whoever he has chosen to lead this city.

Once we are all back on the ship, Oberyn and his family are arguing about who won the competition of killing the most enemies. While Daenerys took a few of the previously enslaved women with her on our journey. As it seems she made them her 'handmaidens' giving them a purpose and helping them the only way she knows how. Kinvara followed me everywhere with the same fervent look on her face.

"Brother! Can I lead the next assault on Yunkai, and you can head to Meereen taking both at once," Oberyn says to me as we begin to sail for the last two cities in Slaver's Bay.

"Sure, I will give you another force of five thousand heavy infantry and the chosen governor that Rokgar wants to lead the city. Then once you take it, bring the Dothraki with you to Meereen. From there we will decide our next best course," I say to Oberyn who nods his head smiling at me as he and his family board another boat that will head to Yunkai, as the rest of us head to Meereen.

"See you at Meereen!" Oberyn says with a smile and waves goodbye, as he and his family are taken to the boats that will sail to Yunkai.

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