A True Dragon in GOT


"I see… well how do you know he is a magic caster? They are extremely rare and few leave the places they made for protection," Aenela's mother says to her daughter while still eyeing me suspiciously.

"Magic is in my blood, I can easily perform almost any spell," I say to the older woman making Aenela give me another sideways look.

"Then would you care to show me a demonstration?" Aenela's mother says to me while motioning for me to show her.

I look around the room really quickly and see that it is large enough for me to cast a spell without hurting anyone or damaging anything. Though from what she said, I figure even basic magic is impressive to them, so I cast silently Prestidigitation and make a few sparks of magic appear around my hands. Seeing the extremely basic spell has the two younger girls gasp in amazement, while the older woman tries to appear unimpressed, but I can see the excitement behind her eyes.

"Is that good enough?" I ask Aenela's mother.

"Yes, that was very… interesting to say the least. I will agree to provide you with room and board, along with adequate pay until you believe my daughter has mastered your teachings. Though I will pay you even more if you teach can teach my other two daughters," Aenela's mother says seemingly not caring about my origins anymore.

I then look at the two younger girls who fidget while I inspect their magic capabilities. The one younger girl has little to no magic capabilities, so it would be impractical to teach her, though the other one has even better magic capabilities than Aenela.

"Your one daughter does not have much capabilities from what I can see, though your other one has even better aptitude than Lady Aenela," I say to her without lying and the one young girl's face becomes saddened, while the other perks up excited to learn.

"Are you saying she can not learn your magic?" Aenela's mother asks me with a curious look.

"No she can learn very little of my magic, but what she learns would not be that very useful in any way. While Lady Aenela and this one can learn much more and be even considered adept mages," I say with a shrug and she nods her head thinking about what I said.

"I'm sorry Daenera, but if Lord Talrit says you can not learn then you will focus on what it means to be a lady of House Targaryen. While Aenela and Relaesys will learn from Lord Talrit until he deems them masters of his magic," Aenela's mother says while giving me a nod and I nod back to her.

"I believe I still have not given you my name, I am Lady Vaehna of House Targaryen. I give you my word that while you teach and guide my children in the ways of magic, House Targaryen will provide for you. May I ask how long you believe it will take for them to learn all you can teach them?" Lady Vaehna says to me.

"Depending on how fast they pick things up… could take maybe a few years at best to a decade at worst," I say with a while thinking about what I could teach them.

"...Very well, I expect you two to listen well and do your best to learn from Lord Talrit. Lord Talrit I would ask you to provide me weekly updates on my daughter's progresses," Lady Vaehna says to her daughters, then turns to me.

"No problem," I say nodding my head.

"One of you show Lord Talrit where he will be staying during his time with us. Aenela stay here I would like to speak with you alone. Lord Talrit once my servants show you to your room, feel free to ask them to show you around our grounds and city if that would please you," Lady Vaehna says to one of the slaves nearby who quickly bows to her and then me gesturing for me to follow them.

The room they show me too is a very large place that I assume is where humans sleep. As the room has a bed that looks like it could fit five humans comfortably and a few other pieces of fine wooden structures that I have no idea what are used for. One even has a silver plate above it, that I can see my appearance in. The room even has a weird metal bucket in the corner, that still smells of excrement even though it appears clean.

"M'Lord if you need anything just call for me, Lady Vaehna has made me be your personal servant while you stay here," a new slave woman says stepping into the room wearing a white silk robe that is finer than other slaves I saw in the city. She also appears to be well taken care of and is looking at me with a lustful look.

"What is your name?" I say while looking back around the room inspecting my surrounding. I also could not detect any magic in the room or the rooms I passed while walking through the castle.

"Jaela, M'Lord," Jaela says to me while bowing her head to me.

"How long have you… worked here?" I ask her with some contempt in my voice thinking about the slavery in the city.

"I've been here since I was born, my mother was a servant and so I became a servant too," Jaela says to me while still looking at me with some hidden lust in her eyes.

"I see…" I say as disgust fills me at how humans can just enslave beings so easily and not bat an eye for the terrible act.

"I can tell you are not from here M'Lord, you seem to not like the idea of slavery," Jaela says to me and it seems I was not hiding my disgust as well as I thought.

"You are correct, I was brought up to believe that all beings deserve freedom and happiness. Though I'm not foolish enough to believe that every being finds happiness or freedom. The only way for that to be possible is for someone to control the whole world and enforce those ideals. That would be next to impossible," I say to her while looking out the wind and having the scenery take my mind away from the horrible state I find this city in. The room falls into silence as Jaela is unsure what to say or do now.

"Do you know when Lady Vaehna wants me to begin teaching her daughters?" I ask Jaela while still looking out the window at the garden outside the castle.

"My mother would like you to begin tomorrow and she wants you to teach us every morning for a few hours, then we will have other duties to attend to," I hear Aenela say while entering my room and I turn to see Jaela bowing her head respectfully to Aenela as she enters.

"Ok, I can do that," I say nodding my head and beginning to form plans on teaching the two of them.

"You can leave us," Aenela says to Jaela who hesitates for a second before nodding her head and quickly leaving the room.

Once we are alone Aenela lets out a sigh and deflated a bit looking mentally tired. I raise an eyebrow curious about why she is like this. She gives me a small tired smile and pours herself a glass of red liquid that was on a stand by the wooden table in the room.

"Want some?" Aenela asks me as I watch her take a sip of the red water.

"What is it?" I say walking over and smelling the drink that she pours me with a smirk on her face not answering me.

The drink smells sweet, with hints of bitterness. I take a small sip and the flavor hits me and I enjoy the taste very much. I down the rest in one quick motion, holding out my cup for more. Aenela chuckles seeing me do this.

"That was amazing! What is this red water?" I ask her as she pours me another glass this time I drink more slowly savoring the flavor.

"Sometimes I forget you are a dragon disguised as a human… this is called wine and is made especially by one of the other Noble families in the city. Each House has something they are known for, my House is one of the smallest in the city. We are really not known for anything yet," Aenela says to me answering some of the questions I would have asked, while I nod my head enjoying this red water called wine.

"Can I explore the city? There is still daylight left and I assume that means I can go out still?" I ask Aenela who nods her head.

"You can explore the city as long as you want. You are a 'noble', here is a small crest showing you are a guest of my house. Carry this at all times and almost no one will bother you. I would come with you, but my mother needs me to do some things… I will have the servant my mother assigned to you and some of our family guards to accompany you," Aenela says to me before downing the rest of her wine and leaving the room.

'If she wants to talk she will,' I think to myself as I see Aenela leave with a complicated look on her face.

Then I leave with Jaela and four of the guards that stay at the Targaryen's castle. I have Jaela show me all the interesting places in the city. The first place we see is the docks that have huge wooden ships coming and going. Then we stop at many shops selling random trinkets to food, I try most of the food I come across since humans cook amazing food. The guards are carrying the gold that Aenela's family is paying me with and hand over the cost of the things I bought.

As we were walking, we came across a place where many men and soldiers were leaving. Each had a smile on their face after leaving, the sign said 'Sweet Maiden'. I've no idea what a maiden is, but I know I like sweets and with all the happy men leaving the food must be very good. I begin to walk towards it making Jaela shift uncomfortably, while the guards give me a surprised look.

"M'Lord… there are better places than this for a man of your stature," Jaela says to me before I can enter the place.

'Right these humans and the belief that certain places are for the 'lessers'. Fine as long as they bring me to one that makes just as good food,' I think to myself and turn to Jaela.

"Fine then bring to a place that makes men just as happy as the ones leaving," I say gesturing to the men leaving the place with happy looks. The guards hold back some laughs, by clearing their throats while Jaela gives me an embarrassed look.

"There is one in the Noble district that… that is more suited to your stature," Jaela says to me quickly showing me the way as I just nod my head following behind her.

The place she brings me to is called 'House of Pleasures', though this time I see very rich men and noblemen leaving the place. Some with smirks and happy faces, I nod my head since this place appears to be just as good as the other.

"Ok let's go," I say walking towards it as the guards follow behind, Jaela has a red face and quickly follows too, confusing me.

Entering inside I see many naked or practically naked women and some men walking around. Then I see a very fine-dressed man at the counter, seeing he is probably who I want to talk to I walk over to him. The place smells very different than any other food establishment I've been to, but since all the men leaving it have happy faces the place must serve good food.

'Why is everyone naked? Must be just another weird human custom,' I think ignoring the naked humans walking around.

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