A technomancer's journey in an apocalyptic world

Chapter 104: The reward (Part-3)

Ryan looked at the gun in front of him, the gun he had received as a reward from the searching quest a gun that he had received.

The gun looked a bit like a love child between an X95 and one of the best and deadliest weapons humanity has ever created AK-47.

'Hmm, the front part well most of the barrel part just looks like a silenced X95 especially that one that makes it look more futuristic, but the rest is plain old AK and I hope it has the same punch as an AK though.'


Name: HAR-VmA17

Tier 10

Rank: Uncommon

Type: Projectile

Damage: 300 (+0)


Accuracy: 75%


Range: 850m 


Weight: 5.27 Kg 

Ammo: 7.26x39




Ryan looked at the gun before he spoke with a smile on his face, "At least I can now understand how much damage I can cause with it, as well as its range amongst many things."

Michalina frowned as she spoke, "At least you can know about its capabilities unlike me, I had to learn about it the hard way, what was all those data that were written alphabetically I could not make a head or tail about it."

Ryan nodded as he spoke with a sigh, "You are right sis, you are right even if my previous gun was awesome I also had to work hard to understand its capabilities though now I will have to make ammunition for it."


Ryan nodded as he spoke, "Yes the same ammo calibre as an AK, and I hope it is as good as an AK."

Michalina gave a small nod towards Ryan before she looked towards Angela as she spoke, "Floor it, the faster we get out here the better.", she then looked back towards her brother as she spoke, "The new quest is still active right?"4

A loud roar came to their ears, the roar was louder than any creature that they had encountered a roar that seemed to rattle their bones.

Ryan looked towards his sister as he almost shouted out to her, "There you have your answer."

Xuelong was sitting inside the car in a meditative pose with her eyes closed but upon hearing the roar she opened her eyes as she spoke, "A rather big creature but I am unfamiliar with the roar so I cannot tell you what it is we are about to face, but be ready to fight with it."

Ryan could not help but let out a sigh at that as he spoke, "Can we not escape from it."

Xuelong snorted at his words as she spoke, "Plan for the best but prepare for the worst, in an ideal situation we could make it out safely but hearing the roar I can safely say it would be very dangerous and big creature, and most of the time shaking them off would be rather difficult."

Her eyes then travelled to Michalina as she spoke, "Worse come to worse, drop me off as I believe my group along with Ylerias and he group can deal with it or at least bye sometime, Ryan is not well so take him with you."

Ryan scowled but before he could retort back Xuelong raised her hand stopping him as she spoke, "I know you want to help but your current condition is not ideal so I am sorry.", Ryan could only let out a soft sigh before lowered his eyes as he began to check on his new weapon.

Meanwhile back with Alpha Raven, Jessica let out a lawn yawn while she tried to be vigilant but she failed spectacularly as she was extremely bored as she could not help but think inwardly, 'Ugh, I wish I was out there as well this thing is so boring.'

"Goliath sighted approaching from the left side, guarded by Lady Ylerias and her entourage."

Jessica sighed upon hearing Nikita's words as she spoke, "I see there are back and I hope their work has been finished as well this is getting too boring at least they were having some fun."

As she spoke her radio chimed in as Michalina's voice chimed in, "We are coming in hot do not stop."

Jessica tilted her head but before she could speak, a shout came from Nikita, "Goliath down I repeat Goliath down, man the turrets man the turrets."

Jessica looked in disbelief as she spoke, "What just happened?"

A scathing reply of Nikita came to her ears, "Well you got your wish now shut up and concentrate."

A few minutes back with Ryan and his group, Angela took a sharp turn as the large vehicle became immediately visible to her as she let out a sigh of relief as she spoke, "We are nearly there and finally we can leave this place."

It was as if her words were some form of the trigger as the house nearest to them exploded as a large creature barreled out of it ramming into the car hard managing to even dent it, but Angela was no novice as she deftly took control while the roaring beast chased after the car, but then something unprecedented happened, the beast's throat bulged before it sprayed rear half of the car with its putrid green vomit.

Ryan looked with his eyes wide as the part of the car covered in vomit began to melt fast while Michalina shouted out, "Abandon car abandon it fast."

Ryan did not waste his time as the side left side of the car vanished immediately as he jumped out followed closely by the ret while Angela jumped out by opening the door, and it was just in time to see the rear of the car completely fall off along with the destruction of the rear wheels and axle.

Meanwhile back in Alpha Raven, the passengers were suddenly scared hearing the guns firing while Ryan's ex-family had a clear view of the destruction of Goliath.

Eleanora let out a loud gasp as she spoke in a fearful voice, "What is that?"

The reason for her fear was the creature that the group was facing, a creature taller than most modern two-storey houses even though it was hunchbacked, a creature that had a large beefy left arm whereas it's right had two thinner arms but both ending into what looked like an overly large scythe, but what took the cherry on top of the cake was the head which looked like exactly like a moose with its horns.

The creature then roared, a roar that made everyone near it wince as they tried to block the ear-shattering sound, but what scared many of them was the fact that unlike any creature its mouth parted four ways as it wagged its large vomit-covered tongue as saliva dripped from it, saliva when reaching the ground sizzled letting out smoke.

Beth grabbed her son's hand as she spoke with fear in her voice, "Oh my God he is near to that creature it is going to kill him, oh God."

Meanwhile, Ryan swore up a storm inwardly as he looked at the creature in front of him, taking a jump from a car moving at high speed was not a good idea, though necessary but not good as such he was not filled with cuts and bruises all over his body as was any who were with him.

'Damn it,  I will have to escape from it now I am feeling sick just by trying to walk and now this, this is too much.'

As his mind thought of various profanities with which he cursed out loud the ever-helpful voice in his head spoke out loud along with the ever-helpful notification.


Caution: Host in danger. A creature beyond host capabilities.

Advice: Engage Quantum Brain when battling.



Ryan's eyes widen considerably at the hint he had just received as he could help but wonder, 'I have always used my brain separately with one part dealing with normal functions but the rest engaged with the research, but I have nothing to research for now so why not engage everything on this battle.'

With a single thought he allocated his complete brainpower and the world seemed to change, Ryan could see the smallest movement, he could see the twitch of the creatures muscle.

The scythe went passed his head as Ryan crouched he purposely hit the creature's scythe with his gauntlet as he disintegrating it while he himself decided to dash forward with his sword drawing making a deep cut on the creature's leg.

Ryan did not have to look back to know that Xuelong came on hard with her huge sword or the fact that Ylerias bombarded it with her arrows, normally he would have allowed the guns to deal with it but it seemed that the very gun that tore open even Tier seven and eight failed to do any worthwhile damage even after the bombardment as such he had to take the matter into his own hands.

He looked down to see a large shadow nearing him so immediately lay flat on the ground as the tail of the creature passed above his head, he then proceeded to jump away from his position before turning to look back at the creature.

Ryan gained a look of confusion on his face as he looked at the creature suddenly looking up with his throat bulging and as such using his enhanced mind he drew a very grim conclusion as he shouted out at the top of his lungs, "Get away from it, the creature is going to puke something dangerous."

His shout bore fruit as the creature suddenly spun on its uninjured hind leg before puking out showering the entire area near him with a similar noxious putrid green vomit that immediately sizzles on the ground as holes began to form on it.

But, what made a chill run down Ryan's back was the fact that the leg that he had almost managed to sever was perfectly alright without even a hint of even a scratch, even the scythe that Ryan had destroyed had begun to reform.

'No way, it is healing so fast just what is it?'

A hand fell on his shoulder as he looked back to see Ylerias standing behind him with a grim look on her face as she spoke, "Ryan you get out of her Xuelong and I will deal with the undead Chimera."

Ryan did not know why but her words infuriated him as he spoke while standing up, "Get lost we will all go home safe and sound together or none of us will leave, I do not wish to experience your death."

Hearing his words Xuelong could not help out but let loose a bark of laughter while Michalina frowned hard, she did not approve of her brother facing such a creature.

Ylerias frowned before letting out a tired sigh as she spoke, "You are not well but if you insist then but please be on your guard and do not fall."

A scream from the beast drew their attention as its eyes were destroyed in quick succession as a couple of large cracks akin to thunder came to their ears while Michlina spoke with a slightly smug smile on her face, "That is Nikita for you, with the eyes destroyed at least it would be much easier now."

To Ryan hitting a moving target a little smaller than a ping pong ball from over eight hundred meters while the creature head was constantly on the move is nothing short of an awe-inspiring act when it was done because Nikita did not have a proper scope though he also noted that others accompanying them did not look too impressed.

Back in Alpha Raven 2.0, the firing of the guns had stopped as Ryan and his group were too close to the target for friendly fire as such the remaining subordinates of the two apostles left to help their mistresses while Jessica was stuck behind the wheels, even Nikita had climbed on top of the cockpit to provide sniper support leaving.

The large hand came down exactly on the spot where Ylerias and Ryan were standing, while Ylerias jumped back Ryan simply moved to the side before jumping on top of the creature's rather large and beefy hand as a platform before jumping above the creature's head as his newest weapon appeared on his hand pulling the charging handle he pressed down the trigger releasing a hail of bullets on it.

The others were not idle as arrows, weapon strike, as well as various magic, rained on it but the coup de grace came in the form of Xuelong who showing a show of immense strength and agility separated the creature's right leg from the rest of the body making it collapse on the ground.

The moment the blind beast fell on the ground it spelt its doom suddenly multiple ethereal chains erupted from the ground holding it down tightly, while Ryan idly noted one of Xuelong's subordinate kneeling on the ground with one his hand slammed on the ground.

Ylerias did not waste any time as she shouted out, "Tear that chimaera apart."

Ryan did not know what was going on but from the way others were acting he knew Chimera was serious business, and as such they will have to deal with it as fast possible as such without wasting any time he unloaded every bit of 7.62 calibre rounds he had in his possession at present before attacking with its sword.

The head was separated from its body yet the creature struggled while the person holding it was showing immense signs of fatigue from the strain of maintaining the chains.

Xuelong turned towards Ryan as she spoke, "Use those damn bottle of Molotov on it and cover every inch of its flesh before we lit it on fire."

Without wasting his time he took out every bottle in his position before flinging them towards the main body of the creature as well as its dismembered body parts a task that many happily helped him with before Ylerias lit them aflame, before shouting out, "Retreat, everyone retreat."

What followed was a mad dash towards the vehicle with Ryan being promptly carried as the strenuous exercise had taken its toll on him making him collapse on the ground.

The creature struggled and twitched for a moment after being freed from the chains as it tried to heal itself but being torn apart to pieces by the combined might of over a couple of scores of attackers as well as set aflame was too much for it as it died with a loud explosion while coating the surrounding with highly acidic fluids.

The next few minutes were a blur for Ryan as he struggled to keep his eyes open while trying not to vomit and by the time he managed to regain his bearings the Alpha Raven 2.0 putting a good distance between the sight of the battle and itself with a great speed.

As the vehicle moved Ryan could not help but think back to the fight they just had, 'That was not to difficult with the combined might we took it out without much difficulty so why did it say it was beyond my capability was it saying such...', his thoughts came to a halt as a blinding pain enveloped him on his right cheek, as he could not help but scream out in pain.

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