A Survivor’s Life in the Dungeon (Danmachi fanfic)

Chapter 7


The four strongest adventurers in Orario charge towards The Nemean Lion, as the king of the beast ragdolls the others, sending them flying off.

"Ottar, take lead." Finn ordered as Ottar followed suit, releasing his aura to the max along with his beastification he took the front swinging the black Durandal blade that was touted to be unbreakable. Finn may not be the strongest of the four but he was put in charge by the gods as the commander of the expedition due to his wit, leadership, and strategic mind. He was the perfect man for the job, and everyone knows that.

"Arghhh!!!" Ottar screams as the Lion's claw meets the blade head on, a battle of strength, the ground shaking at their clash.

Mia and Rajesh flanked the beast at both sides, releasing their magic as they imbued their weapons with it. 

"KJEMPENS VREDE!!!" Mia's booming voice echoed as she unleashed the magical blow with her shovel shining crimson.

"SIR KAATANA SLAISH!!!" Rajesh took his two katara imbued in lighting, driving it at the neck of the beast.


As the smoke settled the beast took the attack like they were nothing and spun around so fast hitting the three with its limbs in the process sending them reeling back.

"DIE YOU FUCKING OVERGROWN CAT!" Finn, like death from above beams towards the beast, a streak of yellow following the pallum hero at his wake.

The Lion meets his attack head on with the same fury, roaring and jumping towards the pallum. 

they met at the air, the lion strength overpowering Finn as he slashed at him with its massive claws opening up multiple wounds and sending him bleeding towards the ground.

"CAPTAIN!" Riveria calls out to him, and charges up a spell, as the clouds in the sky compressed with her might. the strongest mage unleashed her strongest spell.

"DRAKONISCHER BLITZ!" Lightning descended at the beast, forming a dragon as it crashed towards it. Its roar echoed in pain.

Riveria feels dizzy, extremely so, she was nearing mind zero, only a speck of mana remaining at her reserves.

She took a few bottles of mana potion from her bag, only two remains from her stock. he Hurriedly drank one and returned the other back inside her bag as she looked at the effect of her awesome magic.

Smoke rises as the area hit by the magic charred at the extreme heat of it.

"Did that do it?" Jacob a random level four adventurer from Loki's familia question as he watched, bringing his weapon down and breathing heavily.


A blur passed him, he didn't even see it coming. His head sliding down his body at the horror of everyone around.

The Nemean Lion, with smoke rising from its body, eyes red with rage slashed his head off, the magic that it was hit with only fueling its rage and bloodlust.

"JACOB!!!" Cynthia from Loki's rushed towards the lion, planning on avenging her fallen comrades.

"Cynthia you idiot. stand down." Finn tried stopping her but her anger blinded her from reason. And as she slashed the beast with her sword the look of anger on her face turned to fear. 

Her weapon broke upon contact with it, as the beast mauled her with its mouth, biting her head off with a crunch.

but the beast didn't stop there, it moved in for the kill, charging at the shell shock adventurers who witnessed two of their comrades die.

Ottar meets the beast head on, trying to stop it in its track, but the beast was too strong as it pushed the adventurer off, beaming him a few miles back.

Countless magic bombarded it, and the lion just shrugged it off, looking at Riveria, the lion decided to take care of the annoying elf first.

Sensing the bloodlust, she quickly erected a defensive barrier around herself, but in a blink of an eye it broke at the sheer strength of the beast slamming towards it. sending her crashing towards the trees rendering her unconscious.

Finn along with Allen used their speed to attack the lion with everything they had trying to diverge its attention to them before it could finish the mage off.

But the lion was too fast for them, it suddenly vanished from their eyes, reappearing behind them and like a blur its paw struck them down. But they aren't high levels for nothing, they were able to move fast enough to block the incoming strike, using their magic as a buffer for the force of impact. 

nonetheless they were sent crashing down the ground, a crater forming at where they land.

As the beast moved to finished them both the ground shakes as Mia, who is now as large as Ottar broke the sound barrier as she moves shovel in hand glowing a crimson color.

but the Lion sensed the attack coming, Turning fast it let its teeth do the deed as it bit the shovel to pieces like hard candy.

"The fuck?" Mia couldn't believe it. Her weapon was made by Hephaestus herself, design to withstand her strength yet the Lion broke it with only one bite.

Yet Mia didn't back down, she didn't get her alias for nothing, as her body transformed, using her skill gigantification. Demi Ymir let out a howl as her hand swole, her muscles bulging to the max as she stands her ground infront of the beast. 

Shockwave assaulted the adventurers as the Demi Ymir and the Nemean Lion exchange bone shattering blows, with the adventurer bobbing and weaving, dodging the claws by a hair width.

Yet with every punch she throws, bones in her knuckles crack as the skin of the beast absorbes the blow like a sponge in water.

Then she heard her bones pop, her fist couldn't take no more, as the bones insde shatteres in pieces. "AHHHH!" she let's out a cry of pain as the bone protrude out, penetrating her skin. 

She lost her concentration for a moment but a moment was all the time the beast needs. Finally it can smack the annoying fly infront of it. As it swiped its paw towards Mia, the adventurer hastily put up her guard as she jumps trying te negate some of the impact from the lions strength, she raised her aura to protect herself.

The attack sends her tumbling down, her hand destroyed by it, as numerous wounds open on her body, bleeding heavily from a single blow.

With the beast turned Shakti attacked it with her spear from behind. Her spear bouncing off its skin, breaking the blade. The beast turned his attention towards her, as she stared helplessly at its vicious eyes.

"FIREBOLT!!!" Rajesh blinked in front of the beast unleashing magic at its face. it staggered it as it took a step back for the first time since the battle started.

Realising this, Rajesh kept on firing magic at its face. like a mantra Rajesh kept on chanting the spell. "FIREBOLT!!! FIREBOLT!!! FIREBOLTTTT!!!!" Breathing heavily he paused as he felt dizzy releasing so many spells in a matter of a few seconds. he was close to being mind zero. 

The smoke cleared as the lion smoking from his face stared angrily at the adventurer. Rajesh looked back at him, seeing blood dripping from its eyes. It hit him then, Its skin might be impenetrable but his insides aren't.

"AIM FOR THE FUCKERS EYES!!!" He screams as he charges the beast, his body rejuvenated by the discovery. They can win this. 

His weapon that's been broken glowed a deep blue he pushed what remains of his magic inside it.

The others seeing his charge joined in on attacking the beast. arrows and magic flying in the air aiming for the beast's eyes.

The Lion moving its head side to side, did everything in its power to protect its vulnerable spot.

Few adventurers swallowed their fear as they charged at it, weapons at the ready, yet with one of its quick swipe four adventurers died instantly as they didn't even see the claw coming.

Rajesh moved with tenacious intent as he saw his comrades fall, he won't let them die in vain.

"FIREBOLTTTT!!!" he cast his magic, aiming at its eyes, then he dashed forward, using the flame to cover his approach.

"DIE YOU FILTHY ANIMAL!!!" Rajesh with all his strength compressed inside his weapon, delivered an extremely powerful blow, hitting the beast dead in the eye. 


The Nemean Lion roared in pain, as the broken blade entered deep inside its right eye, blood spraying all over Rajesh. 

The adventurers can see it now. A path to victory, The captain of Ganesha's familia showed it to them. The beast isn't unlikable.

But the funny thing about hope is that it is synonymous with despair, both of them are overlapping, opposite side in the same coin.

"CAPTAIN!!!" Shakti was the first to realise it, his beloved captain wasn't moving, as the lion shook with pain, the adventurer's body was ragdoll by the lion movement, as it moved its head side to side trying desperately to shake the weapon off.

Mind Zero. 

A state where a person runs out of mana, making them unconscious, vulnerable to attacks. Rajesh spent every mana he had to deliver a chance for the others.

Shakti moved with everything she had, running as fast as her legs could take her, her eyes staring straight at her captain.

The lion, mad with anger, with his one good eye looked at the unconscious adventurer, it opened its mouth wide, showing its teeth blooded by the adventurers he had slained today.

Finn moved as well, looking at his friend, he realised that he won't be able to make it even if he moved at his max speed. 

Ottar who only just stood up from the beating he received looked shocked, his face filled with regret, it was unusual for emotions to ever show at his stoic face, yet it was plain for every one to see.

Mia Grand, who's clinging to her consciousness grimaced, she can't do anything with her state, her gigantifide body returning to normal from the damage the she recieved.

August looked in horror, he only knew Rajesh for four days, yet he took care of him and shared stories about his father. He feels pathetic, yet again he can't do anything as he watched his newly acquired friends die in front of his eyes.

As Shakti reached out her hand, inches away from her captain the beast closed its mouth.


Blood splattered at Shakti's face as the beast bit Rajesh in half, his innards falling in the ground as his upper body still clings to his beloved katara that's sticking out the lion's eye. It chewed his lower half, as its one good eye looked at the horrified adventurers around it.

everyone paused at the moment, Rajesh Kumar, a level six, one of the strongest people here, died just like that. He gave them hope yet despaired followed after it. Some lose their will to fight, others felt fury and anger from it. But every adventurer didn't move because of what happened.

because at that moment they realised, that even someone who was deemed one of the strongest, can die.

seeing that the mythical lion smiled maliciously at them, showing its bloody teeth, flesh clinging to its cavity, blood dripping from its mouth.

Shakti hit by anguish kneeled to the ground, the beast beat all four of the expedition highest level adventurers, it even killed a level six adventurer, what can she, a level four do? 

The Nemean Lion seeing Shakti walked slowly towards her, A look of sadistic pleasure plastered on the beast's face.

"Miss Shakti!!!" August calls out to her, he took his spear out and ran towards him, he will not lose anyone again.

"Idiot stay back." Allen pushed the boy down as he ran past him, using every ounce of his speed he is determined to prove himself, that being called the fastest adventurer in Orario wasn't just for show.

The lion extended its claw as it slashed it towards the kneeling Shakti, but Allen true to his title made it on time, yet he was not fast enough as a huge wound opened at his leg, the claw reaching him at the last second before he could get out cleanly.

The wound was deep, showing his bones as he fell down with Shakti in his arms. "You fucking idiot! why in the actual fuck didn't you fucking move?" cursing at the pain he grit his teeth as he tried to stand back up, desperately trying to get away from the beast.

Shakti didn't answer, her face unmoving, filled with despair. She just lost her captain, someone who was always helping her and the familia every time. She felt weak. She was proud of her accomplishment, in reaching level four, being vice captain of his familia, she thought that she was strong. 

Yet reality hit her hard. She was nothing compared to real strength.

The other also feels like her, feeling pathetic and weak, the moment Rajesh died, they started losing hope. 

But not everyone feels this way.

A huge torrent of mana filled the air, as the magic roared with wrath, strength, and determination.

He is angry.

Ottar refused to back down, he refused to die here, with his wrath he unleashed everything in him, his body further transforming further into his beastly state, his muscles bulge, smoke rising from his body, aura so violent erupted out of him as he looked at the beast with determined eyes.

Everyone was in awe. Ottar, the prodigy, the fastest person to achieve a level up, the person who singlehandedly beat a monster rex inside a dungeon, the adventurer with a potential to stand besides the gods.

August looked at him with fire in his eyes. at that moment, the boy found his goal. he wants what Ottar has, he wants the strength to pull people out of despair and spark hope.


The beast roared defiantly towards the incoming hurricane of aura and magic that is Ottar.

"ARGHHH!" Not backing down he released a scream of his own, filled with his pride, his anger, his devotion towards being the strongest, his goal to one day become king, all for his goddess Freya.

With his two swords at hand Ottar charged towards the beast, and it followed his lead charging towards the adventurer as well.

A Man destined to be king versus an unstoppable force of mythical proportion. they met at the middle as their force clashed.










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