A Survivor’s Life in the Dungeon (Danmachi fanfic)

Chapter 26


-a week later

"I'm finally in Orario!" a young man about 17 years old is running, brimming with energy as his eyes glimmers at the sight of the dungeon city of Orario. It is one of his life long dreams to become an adventurer of this city. 

"I hope there's a god out there who'll take me in." He said to himself as he ran towards the city on the horizon. 

He was a blur as he passed the other travelers on the road. They could only see his silhouette as a gale blows right at them.

The young man was wearing a dark blue loose long sleeves shirt with white accent under his greyish light armor, a white scarf was around his neck that was swaying at the wind as he ran at full speed. His black hair that he tied like a loose bun was flowing freely. His blue ice cold eyes shine happily as he smiles, excited about his incoming adventure.

"Orario awaits... MAKOTO DENKI IS COMING!!!" he screams as he jumps in the air leaving dust at his wake.






°at the gate of Orario.° 

The guards are lazily doing their jobs as they check the incoming travelers who are going inside the city.

"Boring day today isn't it." a middle age guard spoke at his buddy at the top of the tower as he let his feet relax on top of the table.

"Well what do you expect would happen. There are about a thousand adventurers in this city no one is stupid enough to cause a ruckus here." his buddy answered him as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Well I guess you're right on that one. But I wish some excitement would come our way... It is boring doing nothing here all day." he sighs and rests his head on his hand as he looks at the horizon. "Eh..." he gasped from what he saw at the distance.

"What is it?" his buddy asked him as he followed his gaze. "Holy shit!!! The fuck is that?"

What they saw is a dust cloud heading straight to the city. 

The middle aged guard turned to his partner and spoke. "What are you waiting for? Get the binoculars." he ordered as he stood up from his relaxed position. "Well I did ask for excitement." he said quietly to himself as his eyes were glued to the dust cloud in the distance.

"Marcus!" he heard his name being called and saw his buddy coming with a binocular on hand. He tossed it to him and he caught it no problem.

He quickly looked at what was coming and he couldn't help but twitch his brow at what he saw. "Son a bitch." 

"Well what is it?" the other guard impatiently asked Marcus.

"It's a kid..." 

"A what now?"

"It's a fucking kid!" he said as he passed the binocular back. "See for yourself."

He received it and hurriedly looked in the direction only to see a smiling kid no older than 18 running towards the gate. "You gotta be shitting me." he had seen his fair share of overly excited youth coming to the city but this was a first for him. "Where in the hell did this kid get his energy so early in the morning?"

Marcus smiled at his buddy's question, like him, seeing overly excited youth coming to the city was practically the norm for him, but this was a first. 

He remembered the youth who came to the city earlier along with his god, August Kaiser, Gáe Bulg. "Looks like we have another interesting fellow coming over." he smiles at his buddy and slaps him behind his head. "Get back to work."






Denki arrived in front of the huge gate, he was in awe by the majesty of it. "Master. I made it." he clinched his right hand on his scarf as he walked inside the dungeon city of Orario.

"Good day lad." he was stopped by the guards on the gate. "Just the standard procedure, no need to be alarmed." the guard smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Ok no problem." he said as he followed the instructions of the guards at the gate. He was feeling fidgety, he couldn't contain his excitement and it showed in his face. There was a beaming smile as his eyes sparkle at the sight of the city and its inhabitants. 

"What's your name kid?" the guard asked him, holding a clipboard and a magical quill to write down the information he would get at the boy.

"Denki, Makoto Denki." he answered the smile still on his face.

"where are you from?" 

"The far east."

"And why did you come to Orario?"

"I'm gonna become an adventurer."






He was finally done with the question and the standard check-up, he bowed his head at the guards and with a smile made his way inside.

"Hey kid." he stopped on his track as he turned around. He saw the middle aged guard smiling at him. "Welcome to Orario!" 

He couldn't help but feel joy in those words. He bowed deeply and with a joyful voice thanked everyone at the gate and made his way inside. 

He was walking happily in the streets of the city watching the locals go on with their day to day life. Seeing the adventurers going towards the dungeon with their equipment.


His stomach grumbles, he did take quite a long journey to get here and food was scars at the outside. And he hasn't even had breakfast yet. 'my master did tell me that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.' he thought to himself as looked for a place to eat.

He was new to the city which means he doesn't know where to go to grab a quick bite. He was lost and he doesn't know anyone here. He tried asking for directions but no one batted an eye towards him. The longer he waits the stronger his stomach protests.

"Are you lost?" a voice called out to him and he looked to see a little Chienthrope girl with chestnut hair and eyes looking at him.

He points at himself to make sure that the little girl was talking to him.

"Yes you silly... You seem new here." the girl laughed at him and walked closer.

"Sadly I am a bit lost." he sighed as he answered the girl.

The girl's smile widens and gets closer to Denki. She then held his hand and looked at him in his eyes. "I can guide you around the city if you could pay me." 

Denki felt that his luck was turning around. A guide could help him around the city, he could even ask questions about Orario so he agreed right on the spot.

"Good, all I ask is 100 valis and I'll be happy to guide you all day long." 

Denki was taken aback. All he has when he started his journey was around 10000 valis and right now all he has on him is roughly 1200 valis give or take. 100 valis was quite a large sum for him but hell he needed a guide so he took his coin pouch out and paid the cheinthrope girl. 

The chienthrope girl put the valis in her pocket and smiled at Denki. "Ok then... Where should we start?" she asked.

"Let's go somewhere where we can grab a quick bite to eat. I'm quite famished." 

"Follow my lead. There's this good place called the hostess of fertility and it serves a good breakfast."

And the two made their way towards the pub.






Denki was munching on the food at the table. It was the best food he had for months. Eating nothing but stale breed and dried meat on his journey, a hot soup with vegetables and meat was so good that he felt like crying. 

He wanted seconds but remembered that his budget was tight right now. But he was still satisfied since the serving was large and filling. 

He learned that the girl was named Lili and that she was a supporter in the dungeon. She told him all sorts of stuff about the city so he was quite thankful towards the young girl. 

She excused herself to go to the restroom and right now he was waiting for her to return.

"How do you like the food?" a waitress came to his table asking hi about his food.

"It was sublime." he said with a smile as he asked for the check.

"One moment sir." the waitress bowed and made her way back to the counter.

He watches and smiles at them as he hands move towards his bag. "What a nice girl." he wondered what was taking Lili so long, she was gone for almost 5 minutes now. Oh well guess girls will be girls no matter where they are from.

His hands search for his coin pouch inside his bag, not finding it there he moved it around his pockets cupping it trying to find a bulge. 

"Eh?" he was getting flustered. 'where did I put that thing?' he hurriedly looked at his bag again as he spilled the contents of it out spreading then at the table. 

"here's your check sir." the waitress came back with his total.

He was getting redder and redder by the second as he searched everywhere.

"Is there any problem sir?" 

"Uhhhh... Uhmmm..." he was unable to answer the waiter as he looked at her with teary eyes. "I-I may have lost my wallet..." he whispered so softly that his voice seemed silent.

"Pardon I couldn't catch what you said." the waitress tilted her head at Denki. She didn't quite hear him.

"I-I lost my wallet." he said a little louder and the waitress heard him loud and clear.

The waitress gave him the most beautiful smile he ever saw while she spoke in the scariest voice he had ever heard.

"So how are you supposed to pay for your meal dear sir?" he could have sworn that he felt a malicious aura coming from the waitress and he could do nothing but swallow his saliva at the situation he was in.

The waitress sweetly handed him his bill and when he saw it he felt like his whole world crumbled. "N-N-NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE VALIS!!!" 

He looked at the waitress and there she was still smiling at him but the scary thing is her eyes were no longer smiling.

Lili... Yes he could borrow some money from Lili, it may be quite shameful but he knows that it is his only choice right now.

"C-can we wait for my friend who I was eating with."

"I'm afraid that she had already left sir. She said that you'll be paying for the two of you." 

Then it all clicked. He'd been scammed. He remembered how the girl got close to him earlier that day. How she was sticking to him like glue. He thought that she was quite friendly but oh how wrong he was.

'Master... Orario is a scary place.' he thinks to himself as he can only look down in shame.

Suddenly the bell on the door rang as a patron came inside the pub.

Everyone greeted the newcomer as he went to the bar and ordered his meal. 

Moments later Mia came towards Denki's table. 

"What seems to be the problem here?" Mia asked her employee.

"He lost his wallet." the waitress said flatly as she eyed the poor kid. She knows Mia won't be going easy towards him. 'May his death be swift.' she thought.

"Hmmm... I'll take care of this Chloe, take care of August, he just arrived and is quite hungry." 

"With pleasure!" she answered energetically. August was one of his favorite customers, not only is he good looking he was also strong and not to mention rich so all in all he was quite a catch if you asked her.

Mia looked at the kid who was dropping his shoulder and looking at the ground in shame. "What should I do with you?" 






Chloe Rollo was skipping her way towards August, she was the one who regularly took his order and has somehow gotten close with the young adventurer. 

She was shocked like many of her peers when she heard that the boy who threw a party the first time he went inside their pub was such a strong adventurer. A level 5 to be exact, and also someone who can solo a monster rex on his own. 

And not to mention such a cool alias to boot. Gáe Bulg or the spear of mortal death. Such a dreamy guy. Sadly she had competition for August's attention. Syr has also taken interest with him, luckily for her she was not here right now so she has August all for herself. 

"Hi August... This is a first. Usually you're pretty early. What can I get you?" she opened up as she smiled brightly.

"Hey Chloe." August waved at him, returning her smile back. "Yeah... The old man has been beating me up non-stop, I swear he doesn't know the concept of holding back. I'll take the usual." 

"THE USUAL FOR AUGUST!!!" she screamed her voice reaching the kitchen and earning an Ok from them. "Well you have a tournament coming up, when is it again?"

"about three weeks from now. Still, he can maybe tone it down a little." August sighed remembering his training with his god. "By the way. What's up with that?" he asked as he pointed in the direction of Mia and Denki.

"Oh that? Someone who lost his wallet and is about to be a dead man." 

August looked at the new face. Quite brave eating at mama Mia's without any money. But what caught his attention was his posture. Straight and loose, relaxed yet aware of his surroundings, no opening whatsoever, not even a fly can go in his space if he wanted to. Even with him looking down August can sense that he is aware of everything around him. He is also sure that he can feel his gaze right now.

"Interesting." he said to himself which Chloe heard.

"Yeah... He's strong." she said, as her eyes followed August's. Chloe was no push-over. She was after all a level 4 adventurer and a high level 4 to boot. She can tell the moment that the kid entered the pub that he was strong.

"Hmmm..." August was playfully looking at Denki, he may not admit it but Heracles childish nature had rubbed off on him. He smiled and sent a weak jolt of blood thirst on Denki. 'let's see if he can feel this.' 

Denki's eyes went wide as he suddenly jumped back and clutched his katana at his side, taking a iaijutsu stance as his aura burst forth forming a sphere around him. His eyes looked directly towards August's direction.

"*whistle* fast and quick. He was able to sense such a minuscule amount of bloodlust and was able to react well." he said as a cold sensation suddenly assaulted him and he looked only to find Mia staring at him. He quickly mouthed sorry and turned towards Chloe dodging Mia's gaze.

"August that's not nice." Chloe said as she covered her lips trying to hide her smile.

"Hahaha! Sorry about that. I Was just curious." he smiled and waved her off. "by the way... How much does he owe?" 

"nine hundred and sixty-five valis." Chloe answered him as he watched Denki bowing and apologizing at Mia for his actions earlier.

"It's on me." he said as he took the doggy bag that was his order and left the money at the counter. He then made his way out the door. 

"And he's off... Guess I'll stop mama Mia now from killing that poor boy." she said as he watched the door swing close behind the young adventurer.












Chapter 26 is out now, how do you guys like the story so far?

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all. 


The Man Candy would really appreciate it if you guys can leave a review of this fanfic. 

Thank you, love y'all.

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