A Survivor’s Life in the Dungeon (Danmachi fanfic)

Chapter 22


Mia and August talked about many things, about his training with Heracles, how he has grown well, his registration as an official adventurer, his run in with Finn and the other members of Loki's familia, and his battle with Goliath. He made sure not to share too much information regarding the topic as it was still a sore spot for him.

Mia also shared her experience. How after coming back from their expedition she retired as an active adventurer and founded a pub that locals and adventurers alike can enjoy.

After their talk Mia gave August some of her strongest alcohols which August drank, being an inexperienced drinker August inevitably got drunk and here we are now.

"KEEP THE DRINKS COMING!!!" August was having the time of his life, it was not everyday that he got to party out. He made quite a few friends in the process as he volunteered to pay for everyone's night.

""YEAHHH AUGUST!!!"" The rowdy bunch kept on ordering as they were cheering August on. And Mia was in the corner seeing dollar signs as she took the order from the customers with a huge smile.

She's fond of the boy but business is still business and he quite likes this side of August. Well because of all the money she'll be collecting later on.

As the night gets later August lost track of the time, and he also forgot that he was with someone as the young elf was nowhere to be found. But he doesn't care. He is enjoying himself. 

The door of the pub suddenly opened and came in a giant of a man. Everyone inside the pub stopped what they were doing and started at the door. And there it was.

Bulging muscles, wild brown hair, he wears leather armor made from the skin of a mythical beast, his eyes scan the room, looking at every adventurer inside while they all look down avoiding eye contact with the unknown guest. 

Alongside him is a young elf who was here earlier with August. She was shaking and looking down on the floor. 

Everyone was swallowing their saliva and holding their breath, well everyone that has a brain as one stupid and drunk adventurer stood up and walked towards the giant man at the door.

"Who are you supposed to be huh? You looking for a fight?" Everyone who saw this feels like their breath got shorter, Mia in particular recognized this guess who entered her pub. It was after all a god. August who saw the stupid adventurer walking towards his god couldn't help but applaud his stupidity. 

'Well his dead.' August thought to himself as he stopped himself from giggling at the sheer idiotic behavior of a drunk and stupid adventurer.

Heracles just looked at the man, and the adventurer came closer, his step unsteady from all the alcohol that he had drank. "Why are you so quiet? If you want to fight then let's go. Don't ruin the party young August has thrown for us."

August mind shattered at that moment. He was planning on leaving unnoticed by his god but the fool really spouted his name. Then he saw Sophie besides his god and faced palmed at the realization that no matter what he was fucked.

Mia tried to deescalate the situation but one stare from the god made her stop in her tracks.

Heracles lifted his arms, raising it to level with the adventurer's forehead as he pulled his middle finger back, holding it with his thumb.

"Huh? What's that supposed to d--" 


He never got to finish his words as Heracles flicked him and sent him flying breaking the wall sending him tumbling outside.

Everyone's jaw dropped at the sheer strength that was displayed, one flick and it was lights out.

The adventurer was fortunately still alive, as Heracles made sure to hold back as much as he could.

"I'm sorry about your wall, I'll make sure that it'll be paid." Heracles gave a quick nod towards Mia and looked around only to find his child hiding at the corner. "August, how nice of you to eat all this delicious food. Drinking such fine ale. All while I starve at home waiting for food."

He walked towards August as every step shook the pub, every step made August sweat profusely at the incoming god.

"My lord... I-I can explain." August stuttered as Heracles stands in front of him, he completely forgot that he was supposed to bring dinner today and judging by the look of his god it's completely late at night.

"Cut the boy some slack won't you old friend." a voice came and joined the conversation as both August and Heracles looked at the owner of the voice.

It was a male, he was wearing a leather pauldron and a fur cloak, and was chugging a huge mug of the pubs special fruit ale. His hair was long dark brown in color as well as his beard. There were tattoos all over his body, he was both muscular and fat. His beard is tied into a braid but his hair is loose and unkempt.

August was unfamiliar with who this was, as far as he's concerned it was a new face for him. Heracles on the other hand knows this man and knows him well. He was his blood brother after all.

"Son of a bitch!" Heracles can only curse, his eyes twitch at the sight of one of his oldest friends. 

The man moved his hand and it revealed a large war hammer adorned with runes. He smiled viciously towards Heracles as his finger traced the marking of his hammer. "You know. I'm really pissed that you left without even saying goodbye." his voice boomed inside the pub, making everyone in it twitch and tensed up as they sweet nervously at the two giants staring at each other.

Heracles' right hand moved towards his back, his fingers held his mace as he slowly pulled it up. "Well what can I say? I'm a spontaneous God." 

August as well as everyone in the pub felt pressure unlike what they had ever felt before, it made their troat dry up as the two mighty beings size each other up.

Both of them smiled and soon both of them laughed loudly. ""HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"" Their laughter was the only sound inside the pub as they moved closer towards each other.

'I've got a bad feeling about this.' August thought as he watched the two stand in front of each other laughing like madmen.

Mia can't take it any longer, she knows where this is headed and if the fight happened inside her pub, only scrap wood would remain of it. She was no pushover, even in front of the gods, she was after all a level 6 adventurer, a high one at that.

*Clap!* She clapped her hands to get the attention of the two deities and spoke. "Can you please take this outside." 

The two deities looked at the owner and smiled, they looked around the pub to see that the atmosphere inside it became tense. 

"HAHAHAHA!!!" a hearty laugh shook the pub. "Sorry about ruining the fun, it's just that I haven't seen my friend here for 9 years." the large man said as he slapped the back Heracles while smiling widely. 

"Yeah you can all continue drinking. My child here will pay for everything so drink till your heart's content." Heracles joined in and laughed as well. He really missed his friend and he knows that they have a lot of catching up to do. 

"Good to see you old friend."

"Good to see you as well... Thor."






The night continues on as the pub became more lively with two gods joining in on the fun.

Sophie was palming her face as she saw Heracles drinking along with the adventurers, Heracles found her walking home earlier and pressured her from feeling where August was. She was scared of the God so she shakily led him into the pub. 

'Was this really the god who made everyone scared shitless earlier?' she thought to herself.

"Hey Sophie what got you so down?" August came and sat beside his adviser holding a mug of booze and a huge tomahawk stake at the other.

"Well your god can be really intense." she answered as she looked at the two god arm wrestling and broke the table in two with their sheer strength. Laughing as they fall on the ground the adventurers cheered them on.

"Well he can be a little childish sometimes." August scratched his head as he watched the shenanigans of his god who by this time had had a fair share of drinks in his system.

"Well you seem quite fine now. You don't seem as down now as you did earlier." Sophie smiled at August.

"Well the drink did help. And to tell you the truth I might be drunk right now to care about what happened earlier today." 

"You never really told me what happened inside the dungeon today..."


"oh... You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"well you are my adviser so... Let's just say that I wasn't as strong as I thought I was. Inexperience might have been a factor but it is no excuse. Let's just leave it at that." August smiled at the young elf but it didn't reach his eyes and Sophie could see that the smile was forced.

"I'm not really good at fighting and giving advice in that field. I don't even know how you fight since I haven't seen you fight personally. But I do know that you are strong August. And experience will come with time. Just don't rush it, find a party that you can rely on. Someone strong that can keep up with you. From what I have seen in countless adventurers that have come inside the guild, a reliable party can help you grow strong as well."


"No matter how strong you are you need to have someone who would watch your back inside the dungeon. Even Ottar or Finn has someone watching their back."

Sophie stood up and stretched her back, she then smiled at August. "I'm going home now, do enjoy your night. And thank you for the meal August." she put her hands on the boy's shoulder. "Think about what I said. It is not a weakness to rely on the strength of others... Goodnight August."

"...Thank you Sophie, goodnight." August watched as Sophie headed toward the exit. His mind clinging to what she had said. "A reliable party eh." That may be hard to find since he doesn't know anyone in this city.

He continued drinking while thinking about the event earlier today and Sophie's advice.






"HAHAHA!!! I see that you can still hold your liquor old friend." Thor's voice was booming inside the pub, he and Heracles had been catching up on the last 9 years.

"And I can see that you've never really stopped drinking. That gut of yours is getting larger and larger every time I see it."

"Touché... I can see that you've gotten busy with that child of yours. A level 5 in 9 years. A prodigy."

"What can I say, I have a good eye for talent." 

"Yeah I would be careful if I were you. Orario has many fair shares of jealous gods, they may want that child of yours for themselves. And you are vulnerable since you only have one member in your familia."

"Let them come. August can handle them."

"I'm not saying that he can't old friend. But there is strength in numbers. Any god can just challenge you to a war game with the child on the line and you won't be able to say no to the challenge. And I doubt that he can fight multiple level fives at the same time. Maybe even multiple level sixes."

"..." Heracles was silent, he knows Thor's words to be true. Gods are a greedy bunch, they will want a prodigy in their midst. 'Maybe I should start recruiting others into my familia.'

"Denatus will happen this week old friend. And the others will know the existence of your child as well as his spear. They will salivate with the prospect of having him. I suggest making allies with the others. I will help you the best that I can but I can't do much since my strongest child is only level 4."

"Would they allow me to fight with him in an event of a war game being issued?"

"No god is that stupid Heracles. Arcanum or not, you'll kill their child."

"Hahaha yeah I guess you're right." He sighed and took a long chug of his ale and thought to himself. 'well it was worth a shot. I guess recruitment is my only option right now.'

"By the way... Does the child know?" Thor asked his friend, his gaze was serious.

"No... And he will find out in time but not now. He is not strong enough to face them yet." 

"I hope you know what you are doing old friend. The child deserves to know the truth, and you telling him is much better than him finding it out on his own." 

"I know. I'll tell him when he is ready. As of today he is still too green to face Evilus."

The two continue their talk as Mia announces last call, the customers groaned but followed the rules nonetheless. 

August came to the bar to talk and pay for everything which he had done smoothly, he has more than enough valis with him. 

"It's really good to see you again August." Mia said as she received the pouch filled with valis and began counting the money inside.

"Yeah yeah... Say that after you finish counting the money hahaha."

"Well business is business. But seriously it is really good to see you all grown up and strong now dear." Mia said with a loving motherly smile. She then ruffled the boy's hair.

"I don't think I've said this enough, Thank you for saving me back then. You as well as everyone else back then made me what I am today. Without you guys I won't be alive right now... Thank you."

Mia turned around as she wiped a tear out of her eyes. She felt lost back then, she felt that she never really did much as an adventurer, that was why she retired. She was much better at making food and bringing joy to her customers. But hearing someone thank her sincerely made her feel that everything she did was worth it, that she made something good.

"Oh stop it dear. You're gonna make an old lady weep."

August smiled and laughed at hearing what Mia said. And both of them shared a smile at each other.

"Always remember that the Hostess of fertility is always open for you dear. Don't hesitate to ask me for help if ever you need one."

"I will." 






August and Heracles are walking home from the pub, they may have drunk a lot but with August's level and Heracles resistance to alcohol they were not as drunk as many would have been with the amount of drink they have.

"My lord..." August started a conversation with his God.


"I lost today." he said solemnly "I thought that I was strong and was overconfident in my strength."


"Without the spear I would have died inside the dungeon. I need to get stronger."

"And you will, in time."

August clench his fist, time, time, time, he doesn't have the patients to wait, he wants strength and he wants it now, he still felt pathetic at how HE lost against Goliath, the spear won not him. It was Beowulf's victory not August's. 

"But lor-"

He was cut off before he could even finish.

"August rest. Too much of anything, even those that are good can be bad."

"..." he was silent, his god wanted him to rest. But he needed strength for his promise, for his revenge, and he won't get it if he rests.

"August, you are the type of man who pushed yourself above and beyond your limits, who often refused to give yourself the proper respite..." Heracles stared at his child, his eyes sincere yet fiery and August can feel that fire.

"And to that I say this... Your adventure, your strength, never gets better unless you do. And you should give yourself a rest as much as you freely train yourself. It is not considered a weakness to rest your mind and body. Even the sun and moon take turns to shine."

August stared at his god, he does this sometimes, no matter how childish the god seems he often gave August this words of wisdom that seems to resonate in him.

"Rest August and rest well, time will bring you strength and you would need to be properly rested for that."

"Yes my lord."

They continue to make their way back to their home, to take a well deserved rest for the night.













Chapter 22 is out. how do you guys like the story so far? 

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all.

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