A Survivor’s Life in the Dungeon (Danmachi fanfic)

Chapter 1

The abyss, there's a saying that If you stare at it, it will stare right back at you, that it will pull you down in its deep embrace, cold and lonely, that you'll wish for the sweet release of death to pull you out of it. 

As I stare at the horde of monsters that's slaughtering my people as I hide under the corpse of my father who protected me from an orc, I realized that the abyss will always find you. 

How did this happen? we were having a completely normal day, as we tended to our crops and our livestock minding our day to day life, one minute laughing to ourselves as my brother steeped on a cow dung, the next minute he was decapitated by an orc's axe as the goblins rushed in and gored at his corpse, pulling his intestine out and stuffing their face with it. how did one minute become so wrong, so fast.

My father seeing this happen brandished his hoe as he slammed it at the goblin who was stuffing its face with my brother's innards. my father who I look up to, a former adventurer who retired because of an arrow to knee tried his best to kill as many goblins as he can.

He was a second class adventurer by his story, a level 3 at Ganesha's familia, and as he screams with grief he slaughters the goblins that are rushing at our humble village.

As I look around I see my neighbor, my friends, villagers, trying to either flee or fight for their lives as the horde marches on, killing everyone that is standing in their path, eating the dead, as they fight for the meat from their kill. 

That day we became livestock for them.

I was glued to the ground, my feet like stones, unmoving, as I witnessed death and chaos all around me. My stomach forcefully pushed the contents inside of it as I vomited the breakfast that I ate earlier that day.

Then I heard a scream, a familiar voice from my left as I slowly looked and to my horror I saw a monster banging the door at our house. My mother inside alone with my infant sister, undefended from the danger that is knocking at the door.

Everything happened so fast, as the door broke, goblins and kabolds rushed inside, my father rushed in to save them but he was surrounded, the horde was smart, knowing full well that he is the only able fighter in the village they surrounded him, cuts, and bruises can be seen all over his body, the goblins screaming for joy, pulling my mother out the house, stabbing her to death. 

Then an orc, walks out, holding my sister in his arms as he looks at my father dead in the eye, he then smiles a sinister grin, as he crushed her head like a grape. 

My father fell on his knees, grief plastered on his face as he looked at the remains of our family, being devoured by the monster. 

With a feral shriek he rushed at the orc and brandished the hoe that is covered with the blood of the monster that he slayed, killing everything in his path.

As he was about to reach it, his knees buckled, the injury he suffered in his adventuring days resurfaced, along with the ones he suffered as he fought the horde. 

"P-papa!!!" I called him as my voice broke, I ran to him on shaky legs, 

"Stay back!!! August please... stay back..." he pleaded but I didn't care. I ran and ran as I reached his side. hugging him, at least we'll get to see our family together.

As the Orc comes closer I dread, the Orc is huge, it is twice as big as the other orcs around, they made way for him, it must be their leader. It gave us a smirk as it raised his axe above his head, but that was a mistake. 

My father, moved faster than I've ever seen him move, took the sharp end of the hoe and slammed it at the belly of the beast. blood gushes out as the Orc screams in pain and anger.

It slapped my father with the back side of its massive hand sending him flying in the air, then it looked at me, anger in his eyes. I stared back, and there it was, the abyss, staring back at me.

It readies its axe again, as he prepares to cleave me in half, with a snarl it brings its axe down with all its fury, I close my eyes waiting for my end.

"AUGUST!!!" I hear my father and I snap my eyes open, only to see him being cut down by the Orc. he fell on top of me but the axe pushed through, hitting my shoulder as I whimper in pain. 

After that the goblins and kabolds rushed to reap the flesh off my father, they are practically salivating as they can feel the falna inside my father. 

I stare at the horde of monsters that are slaughtering my people, under my father who protected me, who I know will die in vain, because after they are done with him, I know that I'll be next, so I close my eyes, waiting for my inevitable demise.








Or so I thought... "CHARGE!!!" I hear a cry, as the earth shakes, I slowly open my eyes, I don't have the energy anymore to keep it open yet I will myself to see what was happening.

Adventurers, rushing at the monster horde, their sword raised up, as they plow through the monsters.

Goblins, kabolds, orcs, dying at their wake, as they pushed through them. I hear the cries of relief from the villagers who survived.

Yet all I feel is grief, as my consciousness slowly fades, as everything went black all I can think of is that, it's too Late.... they've arrived too late. 












Hey, this is the first fanfic that I'll write, and I really like the world of Danmachi but I felt like that the content of it is too light. I mean they are practically living in a world that is brimming with monsters, and from what I read from the LN those monsters aren't exclusive in the dungeon, so with that said how come the world isn't as dark as it's supposed to be?

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