A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

32. Space dolphin!

[Third Person POV]

Three days later.

Anger could be seen standing in front of a wormhole that opened to the Star Wars universe. It didn't lead to the Galaxy but was just one tiny light-year away. The Force not being able to go this far out of the Galaxy.

She had a bag of cookies in her hands, as a goodbye gift. She looked behind to see the monster, no, the God that could go against the Force itself, master of gravity, and can travel through the fabric of space and time better than any technology or powers she has seen in her immortal life.

It was a very humbling experience for someone like Anger, she must go back to the Force, not for her. But for the Force and her sisters, they were pillars in the Force. She was too proud and wrathful until now to realize her folly.

Every lifeform in the Galaxy is dependent on the Force to live. This wasn't the case in this universe, it shook her to the core when she learned this, but it did go against everything she learned.

And the very one-sided deal, to let Caelicetus do whatever he wants in the Galaxy without the Force Priestesses' direct or indirect interventions and the Galaxy supermassive black hole won't disappear or swallow the Galaxy whole. 

She didn't know if he was bluffing but even if he wasn't strong enough to do that at the moment, it was at the moment. And so she walked through the portal before she felt herself be propelled in the Galaxy direction with a push of gravity.

[You almost seem disappointed by her departure, Al-An.], Al-An heard the three mixed voices of his King through the telepathic link he made earlier this morning.

[Yes, yes Your Majesty.], Caelicetus heard the answer after 10 seconds of silence. He made the equivalent of a shrug and teleported away.

Al-An was saddened by the loss of such a great test subject even though he got three homo sapiens yesterday, it is the most spread sapient species on planet Earth. 

The three were people that nobody will care if they disappeared and they were 'volunteers' since they were 'asked' by Caelicetus with different means if they wanted to go to 'another' world.

Let's say that one was a bit too excited when he was transported to his lab in the Abyss. 

The now ex-male human ran, jumped, and climbed the stairs. He became a living pile of muscles after a short but visibly agonizing process, the most fascinating part was how he kept his sanity and mind intact.

In the center of the Milky Ways, space distorted as Caelicetus appeared.

He was 375 billion kilometers(233 billion miles) away from the supermassive black hole, in its event of the horizon.

This black hole is essentially the heart of the Milky Way and is equivalent to 10% of the galaxy's total mass. It holds everything in the galaxy together from flying into space.

He could feel the incredible power of the black hole from this distance, not that he couldn't from Mars but there was quite a huge difference, it was also bombarding nearly all of his senses.

It is fundamentally more powerful than anything else he ever made until now. Though, he knew he could affect it in some way but it was a bad idea since it would have a galaxy-wide effect. It's like poking a needle through a human's heart.

He resisted the black hole hold quite easily for the power it had, he felt his heartbeat accelerate to compensate and the instinctual feeling of excitement, overall it was quite an intoxicating feeling. 

Caelicetus' usual heartbeat was normally one beat per minute and here it was three. The reason for his excitement was the 'sound' through the graviton made by the supermassive black hole. 

It was like echoes from a distant past, this echo was similar to the 'sound' he made. He couldn't decipher 99% of it, too withered and damaged by time but it was still from his species. 

He stayed for five Earth days before teleporting to the Moon, the flora was more diverse and spread. 

He fed himself on the surrounding dark matter and swarm of flying shrimp for three hours. Expelling pure water from his blowholes and overall making the Moon's atmosphere denser than it was before.

He stocked most of the life energy he made in the 'small'(Average human height and some bigger or smaller) but numerous crystals on his body, they mostly were around his rostrum, back, and his throat pleats.

After this little snacking time.

He made a wormhole and used a phone through it with the sleeping owner's hand, he didn't look through the male teenager's research history.

He looked at every zoo, aquarium, aquapark, rehabilitation center, etc around the world and their exact location and made wormholes above every one of them.

On Earth, SeaWorld Orlando.

Madison Russell and her mother Emma Russel were looking with more or less disgust at the 'Orca Encounter: Killer Whale Presentation!', they were in the front row, the one closest to the pool where the killer whales were.

They were here because Madison wanted to see killer whales in the flesh and it was her birthday, her mother warned her that it might not exactly be like she dreamed of. She was young and naive.

Emma also wanted to prove to her daughter a point was the reason they were here. She knew her daughter was smart and will connect the dots.

The performance was going as usual until the performer's head on the back of the killer whale suddenly disappeared in a flag of light. 

The man fell off the sea oreo back, the public laughed, he ended up in the water, he was alive but in total panic. His colleague, a middle-aged woman on the border was on the ground crying in agony, something was yelling in her colleague's voice inside her abdomen.

The third human on the border started to float before he was flung so fast and so to the sky that he was vaporized by the friction of the air.

The public started to cry in fear and confusion, some prayed, put themselves on the ground, some fainted, and some took videos and pictures of what was unfolding. 

An old woman somehow cried louder than the rest while pointing her wrinkled finger at the blood in the water, making others notice that the male performer was decapitated, his body at the bottom.

Madison was more shocked than horrified by what just happened in those three seconds, she looked up and saw a wormhole, a blue gaseous-like substance pouring out, then the three sea Oreos in the pool started to float.

"Mom! Please look!", she tugged her mother's coat making her look where Madison pointed.

"My God… it's Titanus Cetus…", Emma muttered, her body trembling in fear and excitement, she was part of the one that believed their British colleague on Skull Island about what she saw.

Of course, the killer whales were also in shock, but different from the humans. It was followed by uncontrolled senses of euphoria and whatever they felt about the being that was causing all of this was an intense and pure sentiment of worship.

This was happening all around the world all of the cetaceans in captivity or in rehabilitation centers were seen floating with this same blue gaseous substance enveloping them, that coming from a wormhole in the sky.

Caelicetus was uncaring for any structures or human damage and casualties he caused if the cetaceans weren't in a rehabilitation center and even if they were, he cared very light for the humans there. He won't purposely make them die.

All cetaceans' hearts in his grasp stopped simultaneously, they died, all killed at the same time by Caelicetus, the space whale could see from the hundreds of wormholes the sphere surrounding their respective 'souls' starting to rapidly fade away.

Holes started to appear in those spheres due to this, then blue light started to seep in from those holes, directly entering the core of the dying souls, changing them on the most fundamental of levels.

Maddison stared with morbid fascination as the three orcas started to get smaller, their skin changed color and texture, a new pair of eyes appeared, their flipper changed in shape and number, and their body changed shape taking the general shape of a beluga.

A piece of this blue gaseous substance slipped and floated close to her, she instantly grabbed it, to the horror of her mother. She looked at her hand and didn't see the blue life energy anymore, she didn't think much of it.

She was back at staring even if her mother was dragging her away.

Caelicetus didn't know of this as he was currently reshaping the body of 2569 cetaceans in their original forms at the same time, each one needing a certain degree of attention from him.

Messing up was something he would prefer to prevent if possible.

He was reviving the Astrodelphii after all.

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