A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

20. Slipping on thin air

Sometime later.

Location- Somewhere in the Solar System.

[Caelicetus POV]

'I guess I'm a god in their eyes… and some were dumb enough to try attacking me, panics explain everything I guess. That's why they didn't meet my dear friend the  Sun.', I thought, I didn't kill the soldiers but that was their only chance I will always remember them. 

The humans worshipping me possessed the T-pose I have made as a religious symbol. I didn't anticipate this to happen. A meme has a religious symbol. 

What I wrote about the cake would make the developers of Portal, if the game and the creators exist that is, be affected too. I loved that game, the portal gun, in particular, so many things I could reproduce and do better than in it. 

On another note, the Brazilian guy was really small, like an ant, a fragile little thing that I could crush. However, it was funny to see his bemusement as I used him as a literal touch stylus. I don't have hands, but I can borrow hands from something else, Mister Nearly Dead by my mere presence being the first test subject.

I tore off the left arm of dead SpaceGodzilla and started to mince it into multiple pieces. It was certainly tasty. Then I added some of the smaller crystals. The last few 'days' of going around in unadulterated anger and my fight had made me quite hungry. 

I was occasionally looking at Earth, I made another wormhole on Earth, trying to find the G-man himself and the others M.U.T.Os. I won't help him fight those poor things, the female was possibly scared shitless out of me the moment she saw my eye and when my gaze landed on her.

I didn't do very well in discreteness, I was a giant floating glowing whale for fuck sake. But I could still hide myself, it was only an eye here. Certainly a very brilliant golden eye.

Godzilla will win if worse comes to worst; humans nuking the living shit out of everything will also work. 

They did it with the eggs, though I saved some of them, to see how I would affect their growth. The Femuto saw it and let it happen, with resignation, sadness, and a hint of joy, not that she could have stopped me even if she wanted.

They are currently on Mars, above the floating City in a small cavity filled with uranium, most of which didn't survive the space jump. As expected. Only two in the hundred I kinda-rescued, yes rescued, did survive.

'So this is San Francisco, right?', I mused, I was gazing at the burning city from far above the cloud level. 

I could hear everything below, my eardrums, or the equivalent of it, were capable of capturing the vibration of graviton as well as 'normal' sound. I also got a constantly updating mental map of the entire city with my echolocation. 

There were a lot of humans, mostly dead humans, funnily enough, the titans being the ones with the least amount of kill, panic, and fear for one's own and family members' life can make the most upright of humans do 'inhuman' things. It wasn't a movie.

Such as stampeding over a little girl until the little girl was no more than a red jelly and a boy with brown hair in his teens crushed by Godzilla's left paw. I could have saved them but I didn't. 

Their death didn't phase me. I won't go out of my way to kill humans, not that I won't do it if I choose to. I did however mercy kill a lot of animals that were mortality injured. (humans are animals and insects etc).

I'm not humanity's nanny, especially to strangers, nor have I ever wanted to be and will ever be. The ones worshiping me were mostly saved and barely injured, however. Just to see the evolution of humanity's insanity.

Hypocritical of me, I know but who is gonna lecture me? Some self-righteous prick with a stick up their arse. And frankly, might make right, always has been and always will be. Also, might isn't always brute strength.

Little soldiers were running around like ants when someone put water on an anthill, armed to the teeth with their more than useless modern weaponry. That wasn't what was interesting.

The fight to the death between the King of the Monsters of Earth and the M.U.T.Os. was. The Male dived in the G-man direction to protect the Female that was getting blasted but he was bitch slapped by the former tail, ending as a pancake embedded on a skyscraper. Dead.

For the rest of the fight, the Female was attracted by a lure made by Mister Soldier Boy and ended up with her deepthroating Godzilla's big fat atomic breath before literally losing her head due to the intensity of the act. That came out wrong. No kink-shaming, though.

Then Godzilla roared to the sky, and glared at where my wormhole was, oh boy was he mad. Poor radioactive lizard if only you could fly. 

Each of his steps was heavy, he was walking with difficulty before falling unconscious due to the heavy injury he suffered. Luckily nobody was where his body fell.

Enough people squashed into a bloody paste in one day, like it should be 12 368, ah no, 1 more died by a truck this time.


Two hours later.

Location- Earth, USA, Sans Francisco

[Serizawa POV]

I walked through the ruin of San Francisco, with a heavy heart. Families were destroyed, innocent people were killed, and so many died all of this because we couldn't do our damn job.

I passed through firefighters, doctors, etc. A Mother was desperately looking for her little girl. And she wasn't the only one. In the report we estimate that more than ten thousand people died and it was constantly increasing, the titans only caused 126 deaths in total. We weren't prepared at all, Monarch failed, and I failed.

'Titanus Gojira?', I thought as I walked faster toward the titan body, we were all like mortals, no ants, in front of a sleeping god, uncertainty mixed with fear was in my heart, he was alive, just unconscious.

I gently pushed the people in front of me aside and climbed a small pile of stone, in front of Godzilla's head. He was breathing, weakly. I unconsciously released a sigh of relief. He protected us all.

The Earth trembled as Godzilla stood up, his body towering above us, not even glancing at us. Too focused on something.

He was glaring with his orange reptilian eyes at something high in the sky, a deep rumble escaped his throat before he grunted and made an earth-shaking roar. I smiled. He was majestic. A King, the King of the Monsters.

I looked where he was glaring but only saw a little golden dot that disappears just after. I blinked in confusion. It was my imagination, I didn't sleep the whole night.

He then walked to the sea, his step making the ground shake, people were getting riled up. Then I heard behind someone shout, "King of the Monsters! Yay!", then others started to cheer. I smiled wider and started to cheer with the crowd too.

Godzilla left foot was going to take another step, I watched in confusion as he slipped on thin air, defying gravity. His eyes went wide in shock before comically and slowly falling to the ground, his arms and tail desperately trying to gain a semblance of balance. In vain.

Everyone stopped cheering and clapping, immense confusion permeated the scene, we were all looking at the King of the Monsters struggling against nothing. Silence.

All the majesty was gone as he slammed face first into the ground like a cartoon character, all of his body parts spread and his body shape cleanly embedded into the city… 

"Did it slip?! Hihihihi!", one little exclaimed with a mad giggle, it was as if her voice was amplified as the thousand people present heard her. I was gobsmacked at what just happened.

Then I heard the click of a phone camera, the firefighter next to me had just taken a picture, Godzilla then tried to get up. He was furious but nobody noticed it except me. He continued to walk to the sea as if nothing happened until he was finally gone. Disappearing into the salty water.

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