A Slut’s life can also become sore (BL) – HIATUS

Chapter 2

Leo’s POV

I woke up at around seven in the evening, took a quick shower and started to toss my clothes left and right trying to decide on what I should wear for the night, after a few minutes I chose black skinny jeans with a silver T-shirt and a black jacket, I combed my ash-blond hair and put my black boots on, I took one last look at myself in the mirror and grinned to myself as I left my apartment.

I walked on the streets while my very light green (almost yellow) eyes on radar mode, scanning every moving target on the streets.

When I’m in ‘cock hunt’ I always start the hunt the moment I step a foot out of my apartment, in a lucky night I can find a prey before I even reach the club, but if the prey is not up to my standards, I will search for a better option, I like them young, which means more stamina, and more stamina means longer period of sex, I also want them to be handsome, to arouse me more.

You may think that I’m gay, but that’s a misunderstanding, you see, I can get hard regardless of who touches my cock, but I have preferences, my first choice would be a man to top me since I prefer to be the bottom, I like the feeling when the cock enters my ass and rampage it over and over and then *cough* as I was saying, if I can’t find a top according to my standards, I will go to my second choice, which would be to find a lovely bottom to fuck. Lastly, on a bad night when luck is not on my side and can’t find any nice option one or option two, I resort to my last option, which would be to find a beautiful woman to fuck, so basically I’m a bisexual who prefers men.

The streets tonight are almost empty, maybe because the weather tonight is colder than usual, so there is no use in keep walking, I think I may go to my favorite club, it is about a twenty-minute walk from where I’m standing right now.

As I was walking towards the club I took a shortcut and entered a street that I usually don’t use, and to my surprise, there is a club I never entered before, and to make things better, guess what? It is a gay club, that’s mean I can flirt with any man without wondering if he is straight or not, it is the best thing ever, I’m so excited, I have a feeling it is going to be a great night.

I rubbed my hands in excitement and comb my hair with one of my hands to make sure that I’m looking fabulous, and entered the club.

Just as I entered the club, I knew why the damn streets were empty; every god damn sexy man was in here. My eyes kept wandering left and right in full mode radar, locking on all the possible preys. I walked slowly trying not to miss any prey and dividing said preys into three groups, tops, bottoms, and taken (For the guys who were already flirting with a possible partner) I walked and divided them until I reached the bar and ordered a beer.

I took a chair near the bar and watched my ‘tops’ prey first, there are four at the moment, the first one has black hair but his hair is very short, he looks in his early thirties and he seems a little angry for some reason.

The second one is very young, maybe he used a fake ID to enter the club, but he is tall and I can clearly see his nice muscles underneath his tight shirt, the only problem that he looks totally drunk while dancing like crazy, I can’t guaranty that he can stay awake, not to mention, be able to fuck me. 

The third one is joking and laughing with three other men and I’m guessing they are his friends because they are definitely not flirting, he is tall, with a little long blond hair and handsome, totally my type.

The fourth one is, fuck, where did he go? I turned my head left and right and stood up trying to locate him, but he just disappeared, shit, I stared a little too long at prey number three and lost prey number four, fuck, how did I make such a baby mistake? I need to keep my shit together.

I moved my eyes to number one again and now he is even angrier and texting or something on his phone, and number two collapsed on a table, I knew he wouldn’t last.

Now my last hope is number three, and he is still looking good, I have already confirmed that none of the other three men he is talking to is his boyfriend, they never touched or kissed, and he is in a good mood and energetic, I guess I’ll make my move soon.

I finished my beer and walked to his direction, I moved at the edge of the dancing floor making sure to keep glancing at him, I felt a hand on mine then someone pulled me to the dancing floor, I looked at the guy, he was shorter than me with a slim body and nice face, clearly a bottom, he smiled at me and said cheerfully “Hi there, dance with me.”

I checked him out again while swaying my body and dancing with him, rubbing my hips against his for a minute or two, I nibbled on his ear a little and said “You are totally my type, but I’m looking for a top today, maybe I’ll fuck you next time.” I gave him a last lick to his ear and walked out of the dancing floor.

“Fuck, where the hell did he go?” I mumbled with a frown on my face, I can’t find number three or his friends, I moved around the area he was in but I couldn’t find him, I think they have already left, ‘Fuck, what the hell is wrong with the people today?’ I thought and decided to go back to the short ‘bottom’ guy, and guess what? What a shitty luck I have today, he was dancing with somebody else, he sure is fast.

I stood there for a moment contemplating whether I should go to another club or stay here and wait for new prey, but it only took me a few seconds to decide because my luck here is clearly bad.

I put my hand at my head and ruffled my hair and made it messy, and walked towards the door, Just as I was about to leave, someone grabbed my hand again and pulled me inside ‘Fuck, what now?’ I thought as I turned to look at the culprit.

He is tall, young, with wide shoulders, nice muscles, black hair, silver eyes, and a very handsome face with a strong aura, but most importantly, he is clearly a top. After I looked at him from head to toes, I looked him in the eyes and waited for him to speak first.

“Leaving already?” he asked me with his sexy voice.

I tilted my head, pursed my lips then said “Maybe, why? Do you have something on your mind?”

He smirked, looked at me up and down then said with a suggestive look on his eyes “Maybe, do you want to take another drink here or somewhere else? By the way, I’m Jan.”

“Leo, somewhere else.” I answered and pointed to the door with my head, and walked out.


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