A Sinner’s Chance

Chapter 46

It turned out that Arya was quite the heavy sleeper and it took quite a bit of effort to awake her. It started with me gently prodding her shoulder, before her unresponsiveness caused me to lightly shake her. Still not getting a response I resorted to more creative and heavy handed methods. No matter what I tried she would simply shift back into a comfortable position with a stupid grin plastered on her face while mumbling something in Elvish.

I was about to throw my arms up in frustration and give up when I had an idea. I stood slightly back and focused my vision on Arya's sleeping form, activating Vision of Seshat. Much to my surprise there was quite a bit of information, though much of it was mundane and currently useless, things like her three sizes or her favorite food and color.

However I did manage to find the information I was looking for, along with a somewhat troubling entry regarding her condition, one that only made me more curious about the situation in her clan.

'Sacred Yang Body: A cursed bloodline variation of the Heavenly Yang Physique.' I had a few questions but it wasn't like Vision of Seshat could or would give me an answer so I could only wait until I managed to wake Arya up that I could ask. As for the method to wake her, it was rather simple and made me somewhat annoyed that such an easy method could be employed.

Without much of a second thought I bent down and gently blew on the tip of Arya's ear, causing her to bolt upright and look around in confusion. I stood back up as she blinked a few times getting her bearings. "Good morning, I didn't know you were such a mess."

It took her a moment for her to process my words and understand the situation. I could see the exact moment that she became aware and comprehend what was happening as she flushed embarrassedly. She was however quick to regain her composure as she pulled the blanket she'd kicked off in the night over herself and gave me an accusatory glance while brushing the hair out of her face. "You didn't do anything weird to me right?"

I cocked my head in confusion, I had just woken her and yet she was suddenly accusing me, it wasn't until I realized that she was avoiding looking at me that I realized I was in a more indecent state then she was, seeing as I was fully nude. I could vaguely recall stripping at some point last night, but had no idea where my nightgown had gone. I was simply too accustomed to sleeping naked with Reine that it was simply more comfortable to be nude.

I had long since gotten over the strangeness of being naked around others, something I could tell that Arya was obviously not used to, despite being an Elf. Not that it was really her fault since her being naked was a death sentence for those around her. I purposefully stretched and exposed my body as I released a yawn. "I'm going to make breakfast, I figured you'd want some before doing your sunbathing thing, feel free to come grab some when you feel ready."

Breakfast was eaten with an awkward silence, mostly because Arya wasn't comfortable and didn't know where to look. It wasn't my fault that my body worked best with little clothing, and I had long gotten used to people staring at me for my lack of decency. Today's clothes were a loose sleeveless crop top and loose low waisted shorts, something I'd only recently been able to make since figuring out how to retain my silk's elasticity once it had been processed. Ever since I'd cheated death, I'd focused on my Skills much more intensely than I had before, so unless I was at home I almost always had my carapace out.

With the help of Arya I also began to learn the Yin cultivation technique I'd gotten from her clan. The reason I'd had such difficulty working with it before was that it was actually a dual cultivation technique, requiring both a Yin and a Yang in order to practice. Arya had been given the Yang set but she'd also had no idea what to do with them until I showed her the Yin set.

I didn't know who developed it, but it was extremely effective and helped me achieve full control of my mana enabling me to start using Primordial Magic. Learning and getting used to Primordial Magic was much more difficult than using formations and it required extreme focus to use, but the versatility I could achieve was much higher, especially when it came to enchanting and utilizing Vibro. Eventually my mana control Skill evolved into Yin Revolution, a mana control Skill specialized in controlling Yin energies.

It didn't take too much time for me and Arya to be comfortable with each other, especially since we were practically doing the equivalent of nude yoga together every morning, but even as the school year came to a close, we were more like friendly roommates, rather than a couple, let alone an engaged one. Though it had almost become a reflex to devour the Unworthy Burning Yang curse which made spending time with her easier and something that actually accelerated the  speed some of my Skills developed.

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