A Sinner’s Chance

Chapter 140

The last time I had molted I had broken from my old body that had hardened into a stone-like substance. This time however, was far more unpleasant. I was surrounded by something wet and squishy and it was like I was pulling myself out of a gel that had begun to harden, but was still gooey and sticky on the inside. After some time struggling I managed to extract myself and stand up, completely naked covered in a purplish red goo that I struggled to remove from my skin.

After a hefty power wash through magic I looked for my equipment, it likely wouldn't be far. I was quite right that it wasn't far, however it was in quite an unsettling position. It was sensibly located on my old body, which which looked like an empty suit of skin and muscle that had been torn apart from the inside, something that wasn't entirely wrong, but it was still eerie to see a face I recognized as my own being torn and bent like it was made from rubber.

Like my body I used high pressure water to clean my harness, Status Plate, the two naginatas that belonged to my mother, and the Communication Jewelry. The other clothing I was wearing before molting hadn't been as durable and likely wouldn't survive such a rough wash, but I wasn't about to wear flesh goo coated clothing so I just put on the harness while changing my limbs to the carapaced versions.

Putting my hand against the necklace I connected to Arya. "Hey, I've gotten my freedom and I'll be making my way to you soon." I didn't know how long I'd been out but seeing as I hadn't been responding before now, I assumed that there wouldn't be too much worry so long as I was alive.

However, it seemed something had happened while I'd been molting as Arya responded extremely quick, the relief in her voice apparent. "Vell! You're okay? What happened over there?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, I fell unconscious on my birthday to molt, much like I did last year." I said shaking my head despite the fact she couldn't see me do so.

"You were unconscious for nearly a whole month then, but since you were in the Lesser Alraune's territory I guess it makes sense that you were safe, at least until a few days ago." There was a brief silence before she continued. "About two days ago, a large monster stampede trampled through the heart of the Alraune's territory. Not only that but somehow a wildfire started as well and turned the majority of the area to ash, while I knew you were alive, you weren't responding so I thought the Alraune had survived and was using you to protect itself."

I almost couldn't believe what I was hearing, I'd been out for nearly a month and in that time the Lesser Alraune had been killed in a freak accident? I knew I was assigned to the outskirts of its territory usually since I was more durable than most of the creatures it controlled, but I was somewhat regretful that I hadn't been able to kill it. It had harmed two people I cared for, and one of my employees, yet I was now unable to do anything about the smoldering bloodlust in my chest. "I'll make my way to Neyla's lair then, I assume everyone is doing well?"

Arya narrated everyone's condition as I made my way through the Lesser Alraune's territory. Steria had made a full recovery, but seemed to be lethargic and was unwilling to do much. Renae was obviously fine, and she'd been learning to use a bow from Arya and a glaive from Neyla. Neyla was apparently rather jovial and enjoyed the company, though she had been extremely worried about me as she was worried that I would die on her just as my mother had. Arya was enjoying herself and was extremely relieved to know I was okay, though the lack of cultivation and the general gloomy atmosphere of the Forest of Darkness was taking its toll.

I was glad to hear that everyone was safe and doing well for the most part. Likely Steria and Arya were feeling less than optimal due to the incompatible nature of them and the forest. Since I'd lived near it for so long I was aware that holy men, fire mages, and others who were closer aligned to Yang struggled to stay in the forest for prolonged periods of time, and that doing so often caused sickness and in the worst cases, death.

Arya was likely doing better due to her Photosynthesis Skill, which she could use as long as some sunlight was reaching her. Steria didn't have any similar Skill to that despite her absurd Status, so it only made sense that she was succumbing to the Forest's influence. Rather it was extremely impressive how well the two were holding up considering the length of time they'd been here. Arya continued to talk about what had happened to the four of them while I'd been unconscious, but her voice suddenly fell on deaf ears as I exited the tree line into what would have been the heart of the Lesser Alraune's territory.

There were hundreds of dead monsters strewn about, some I recognized as one's that had been enslaved. The ground was black and small gusts of wind disturbed the ash on the ground, which only revealed more scorched earth. I had a hard time reconciling the events that Arya had told me, but seeing it was completely different to hearing about it. 

What I didn't understand was how such a coincidence happened. A monster stampede usually occurred when a much stronger monster passed through or settled in a new location, but why would such a powerful monster be in the Lesser ring? Even more mysterious was the wildfire that had reduced the are into nothing but scorched earth and ash. The darkened wood from the Forest of Darkness was notoriously difficult to burn, so much so that many shields and other wooden implements were made with it, though they were incredibly rare and expensive due to the difficulty of actually getting the wood.

A random lighting strike, or some dried grass exposed to extreme heat wouldn't be able to burn any part of the forest, let alone something that was controlled by an Alraune, even if it was only a Lesser one. I was almost certain that the Lesser Alraune I'd been enslaved by was close to evolving, and I'd thought that it might even skip the Inner ring and gain sentience since it had an almost human-like cleverness that surpassed any monster I'd seen before.

However the thought was moot at this point seeing as it was no longer around. With a final glance at the remnants of the place I'd been enslaved in for so long I began to make my way to Neyla's lair, it wasn't too far and the short trip would likely give me enough time to thoroughly look at and test my new Status.

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