A Side Villain…

Chapter thirty nine


Inside the mana simulation room one could feel a myriad of emotions emanating from the group of students that had gathered there but one thing common was their anticipation of going inside the dungeon.


Laura and the other trainers came in and everyone was looking in their direction. 


“It’s great to see everyone, I know you guys are excited to dive inside so let’s not waste any time. Get ready.” She ordered and the students arranged themselves in groups.


Of course there were some who preferred to go alone.


The students were then led to the room which held the dungeon core, this core was shaped in the form of an arc made of some ancient brown colored metal. There were several runes inscribed on the arc similar to the one found in the actual dungeon and they lit up when Laura and others came inside.

“Since this is a mock run, instead of floors we have decided to make this a horizontal dungeon which has a vast plain. Once you step in it will do a random teleportation.” Laura explained.


Arata further explained, “You have only one goal i.e. to kill as many monsters as possible. Killing them will give you some points which will be displayed in your watches. Oh and if you are in a critical danger you would be forcefully teleported out.”  


“As always your tier would be suppressed so please enjoy yourselves.” He concluded with a smile and the groups began moving inside.


One by one all of them went inside and disappeared from sight. On the outside the trainers too decided to head back to the camera room and watch the newbies rendition.


“Officer Laura, who will be the overseer this time?” Giuseppe asked.


“Arata should be the overseer as he was the one who had designed the majority of things inside.” She thought and replied.


But Simon's faction started arguing on the terms that she was favoring him and it went against the notion of shared responsibilities, they wanted someone Simon to be the overseer.


She could not understand why someone like Simon wanted that position which was only for the show. But if that satisfied their faction then she had no qualms about that.


“Very well if Mr.Seinfeld wants to be an overseer he can do it but once inside he should follow the rules.” She replied and headed to the camera room.


“Thank you officer Laura.” Simon’s faction thanked her and they too headed out.


Only Giuseppe and Simon remained in the dungeon core room. Once outside Giuseppe asked, “Are you ready?”


“Just wait and watch.” Simon was feeling quite confident.


“Good but please Simon don’t try anything too severe, it's not worth it.” Giuseppe was a true friend who wanted him to be safe.


Simon smiled and teleported inside the dungeon.


Back on Akira’s side he along with a few other students was teleported in the western corner of the dungeon which had a grassland topography. He could also feel that the mana density in here was similar to that of an actual dungeon.


“AARGHH…. My he-head hurts.” One of the students fell on the ground while clutching his head.


And he was quickly followed by others feeling the same sensation, the thing was similar to what Akira had felt in his first dungeon run but thanks to the fact that he was ready, it wasn’t this severe.


“Aughh… so dense.” One of the wolfkin was also writhing in pain but he endured it better than others.


Akira decided to move forwards and survey the surroundings for monsters and other dangers. This mock dungeon run happened in the game too where Richard and his group were able to take the first position with a staggering 1054 points.


“Hmm if I remember correctly he was able to collect so many points because of a second tier wooden golem that was placed by Laura and other trainers.”


“Even if I wanted to I can’t get the first place as this is supposed to be a group activity and those with more numbers would definitely have more kills so what should I do then?”

“Oh right, status.”

Name- Akira

Race- Human

Bloodline- Iron

Tier- 5th, level one

Spell Repository

Quick Steps

Blitz Bolt

Water Shield



Esoteric Fire manipulation- 30%

Crimson Armour - 8% incomplete

not recommended to use


Innate skills- none

Gained Skills- True fire  

Artifacts- RoR, Enchanted twin swords, Sealed sword

Weapon Proficiency- 

Swordsmanship tier 5th level 2nd

Archery tier 4th level 6th 


“Yep, I just need to kill a whole lot of monsters to get into the next tier and what other place could be better than this?”

“Hehe looks like I am lucky today.”


Suddenly the smell of burnt and rotten flesh attacked his nostrils making his face contort in displeasure. The landscape ahead was also dark and gloomy in comparison to the current one meaning only one thing.


“Free exp.”


“It would be so much better if I could use all my skills.” He sighed and went towards the lair of monsters.


Yes the teachers outside including Laura were keenly observing all the action that was happening inside of the dungeon and noting down the essential things.


Scoring points was the way of getting better grades but other things like teamwork, coordination, their reactions to stuff, creativity, individual strength etc were also being graded for the internal use of the academy.


Akira got near the place from which that gut wrenching smell was coming from and he observed that the surroundings here were vastly different from that of the outside.


If outside it was sunny, bright and fresh and here it was completely opposite, the land was barren, the sky was dark, the atmosphere gloomy and filled with stench. 


The more he went inside the more dead mana beasts, scattered limbs and heads of different monsters he could see. It would have been disturbing and he might have vomited if this was his first time.


“Why am I getting this eerie feeling-” He didn’t complete his sentence but jumped to his right.



The ground began shaking and then just a moment after cracks began appearing and suddenly a huge white worm like creature appeared from underground engulfing the same place where he was standing.


“And here I thought things were going good.” He was calm on the outside but inside he was totally shocked over the appearance of this monster.


Abyssal Acolyte is a giant white colored worm that lures in the deep ocean bed and comes up only when it has to feed. Its prey catching method is not an aggressive one rather it focuses on the element of surprise where it’s mouth which has innumerable razor sharp teeth latches on the target and shreds it to pieces.


Being in deep ocean where the pressure is too high had made it’s skin and internal organ practically impossible to pierce also it does not rely on vision but on smell and heat signature of target.


The acolyte came out in its entirety and wriggled around trying to find its target. Akira could conceal himself and leave the place but then where else would he get such free exp to level up?


“If I fought you in the dungeon there’s no way I could win with my current strength but here? I am more than capable.” He brought out the academy’s practice sword and coated it with fire making the edges even sharper.


The worm locked onto his mana flow and moved with speeds that seemed impossible for someone its size, Akira waited for the right moment and when the Acolyte was two meters away he jumped midair and slashed his sword below its huge mouth.




The Sword made contact with its skin and instead of piercing right through it made a clang sound and bounced off. Akira's hands were shaking from the impact and the Acolyte skin had been deformed making it cry in pain.




The monster rolled on the ground and made a lot of grunting sounds making the ground rumble again and in an instant three more Acolytes showed up from underneath the ground. Akira’s jaw dropped and his mind went blank.


‘Just what in the world is happening? One Abyssal Acolyte is too much for first years and someone had the audacity to put up four of them? Just who in their right mind would do that?’


But the Acolytes weren’t going to give him the luxury to think as they quickly surrounded him from all the sides and pushed an attack at the same time.


He dodged the first set of canines, increased his mana outflow in the sword and parried the second, the third one was slightly clever and chose his back seemed unguarded. But instead of chewing the human down he clashed with his fellow Acolyte.


“You cheeky bastard.” Akira yelled at him and used the quick steps spell again to increase his speed.


The Acolyte tried to engulf him in his serrated mouth but having learned his lesson  Akira made the fire on his sword even hotter and slashed at its mouth. 


The sword clashed with the teeth and broke through them making a clean cut, the creature at first couldn’t understand but when the pain kicked in it started hounding and making unbearable noise which soon attracted the other three.


Death of one made the others frenzied and they started attacking him without thinking anything, now these monsters were functioning on their primal instincts, instincts to kill.


“Oi ,oi what the hell happened to you guys?” Their attacks became faster, stronger and deadlier.


He was now having some difficulties in parrying or dodging them as their senses were now overwhelmed with the desire to kill the puny human.


“Fine if you don’t play nice then don’t blame me.” His eyes got cold and he stopped in his tracks.


Then he began pouring mana into both of hands and the atmosphere started to resonate with him, the Acolyte's senses were led in a mess due to the highly dense mana that was accumulating in that short space.


“Raijin!” He unleashed an AOE spell.


The clouds got murky and lighting began conjuring the animalistic instincts of Acolytes were shouting at them to run but in the blood frenzied state they couldn't make rational choices.


The lighting concentrated and struck down where the three of them were standing. This scene was so eye-catching that almost everyone in the five km radius was watching it.


Heck some of them had become curious and were coming here.


The lighting soon died down and the ground it had struck had become charred, the pungent smell of burnt flesh permeated the vicinity and the overall area could make a newbie puke his stomach out.


“Haah.. haah.. Damn these worms making me use so much mana.” He was panting but happy upon seeing the results of Raijin.


His mana capacity had increased a lot since the first time he used this AOE skill and the results were quite good, even though it was suppressed due to the rules the damage it caused wreaked havoc.


After drinking a mana and stamina potion he was good to go for the next hunt. 


“Hmm I should have gotten quite some points for killing those acolytes.” He said and checked his watch which showed 290 points.


“Not bad though I am more concerned about leveling up.” He said and went somewhere else.


Back in the camera room there was pin drop silence, no one could believe what they saw on the screen. A first year student killing four Acolytes on his own?


And he did it without any special artifact or enchanted weapon, it was his pure strength and spell repertoire. When Akira first came in front of an Acolyte everyone looked towards Arata with their eyebrows up in question marks.


He shrugged and answered, “I thought it would be fun for them to fight such a rare monster.”


Laura was at a loss for words, maybe she had underestimated Arata ‘little tweaks’ as there is no way something like an Acolyte was a little monster. That aside she could still not believe her eyes.


If it was done by someone who was from her SIT she could attest it to their rigorous training and the group’s coordination but a solo student and that too from E section? Get the hell out of here.


“Was it luck?” Sky, one of the teachers for first year asked.


“If killing four Acolytes is termed ‘lucky’ then that student may have the goddess of luck smitten by him.” Someone replied and everyone burst into laughter.


“Though I have never seen him in class, what’s his name?” Sky asked again.


“You don’t teach the E section do you?” Martin’s cold voice came from the back of the room.


“Wait, you are saying he’s from the E section?” Sky couldn’t help but raise his voice at that.


Martin didn’t reply but that was an answer in itself making everyone talk about it. Martin himself couldn’t help but get shocked at Akira’s performance, he used to think that the E section was not good in fighting prowess .


But that changed now, Giuseppe on the other hand was seeing an opportunity in all this. If Akira continued to perform as he was then many of his and Simon’s plans needed to be changed. They didn’t think of this variable but maybe it was going to be an interesting change.


“Officer Laura he isn’t in your SIT right?” Arata asked her.


“No he’s not.” She replied absentmindedly.


“Excellent.” He exclaimed.


“What?” She couldn’t understand why he was so happy.


“I-I wa-was just thinking about something officer Laura.” Her outburst made him back down a little and adjust his wordings.




‘Calm yourself down Laura it could be a one time affair, no need to be so worked up.’


Back in the dungeon Aurora and her team had killed an entire horde of Goblin and were catching their breath. The normal goblins weren’t really a problem but the mages and commanders were the real danger. 


Unlike the other monsters they could strategize and get a firm grasp on the situation and the fact that they too had group co-ordination made it a challenge for her group to eliminate them.


Of Course Aurora and Samantha could use their AOE skill and get done with it but then why would they form a proper group? Aurora needed to strengthen herself and her group in order to climb the rankings and make a better future.


When they were relaxing under a bright sun suddenly the clouds began rumbling but they could also see the sun above their heads so it was a confusing situation.


“Look, the dark clouds are concentrated only at that place.” Mark the ranger of the group pointed towards the northeast.


“Yeah and I could also feel highly condensed mana accumulating there.” Samantha added, being an elf she and Aurora were quite sensitive towards mana.


“Should we check out?” Mark enquired and everyone turned towards Aurora, their leader.


She herself could feel the mana changes there and was a bit reluctant to venture out but if not here then how would she lead her group in a real dungeon? 


Moreover this place was to learn not to back away and there was also this fact that her group members were leveling up at faster rates.


“Let’s go but guys don’t let your guard down.”


It didn’t take much time for them to reach the place thanks to Mark’s skill of navigation, Aurora was happy at his progress. When they arrived at the place the smell of rotten and charred flesh and bones attacked their olfactory system.


“Eewww.. What the hell is wrong with this place?” Samantha cried out.


Sylvia the official healer of the group was also having a bad time adjusting with the pervasive smell and the overall vibes of this place was that of death and destruction opposite of her attributes.


“Refresh.” She casted a minor spell on herself and the group, making them much better.


“Thanks Sylvia.” Samantha thanked her.


“It’s okay.”


“Woah!! What happened here?” Mark yelled and came upon the place where Akira and Acolyte’s battle took place.


The ground was scorched, tattered and covered in cracks, the surroundings were still on fire and a particular place in the middle of all this looked like some personal vendetta was extracted there.


The land was blackned and marks of lighting repetitively hitting it could be seen, all of them were looking at it thinking which skill or spell was used to do this.


“I think someone used a lighting based AOE skill.” Samantha concluded.


“Yeah but an AOE attack consumes too much mana and is used only when someone is pushed to the corner or the opponent has more numbers.” Mark replied.


Aurora was still in thought when suddenly her mana senses wriggled so she yelled,


“Ice Shield.” A large circular ice dome quickly encapsulated her entire group and moved sidewards.


Tremors from beneath the ground began stronger and stronger until the last of the Acolyte came out and shouted at the tiny humans underneath him.


“So it was hiding all the time.” Arata commented while being in the camera room.


“Seriously Arata? Five of them?” Sky asked from behind.


“I mean it's a round figure.” 


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