A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 119

Ace and Gwen observed their friends from the sidelines, swaying gently to the music. Gwen couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy as she watched MJ approach Peter, a playful smile on her lips.

"Come on, Parker, let's show these amateurs how it's done," MJ said, grabbing Peter's hand and leading him to the dance floor.

Peter's cheeks flushed as he stumbled after MJ, his limbs moving with an awkward grace that belied his discomfort. Gwen couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, nudging Ace gently.

"Poor Peter," she murmured, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Ace smiled, his gaze fixed on the dance floor. "He'll get the hang of it," he reassured her. "MJ seems determined to bring out the dancer in him."

Gwen nodded, her attention shifting back to Ace. "Speaking of dancing, I believe you owe me a turn on the floor," she said, her voice coy.

Ace's eyes widened, and he felt a flutter of nerves in his stomach. "Oh, uh, of course," he stammered, offering Gwen his hand.

Gwen giggled, taking his hand and leading him onto the dance floor. Ace followed, his movements a little unsure at first, but as Gwen guided him, he slowly found his rhythm, their bodies swaying in sync to the music.

Across the dance floor, MJ continued to coax Peter into more elaborate moves, her laughter ringing out as he stumbled and fumbled. Despite his initial awkwardness, Peter gradually began to loosen up, his confidence growing with each passing moment.

Ace could see Doreen inviting Nico to dance, but she was reluctant. Doreen had to drag Nico to the dance floor, and Doreen danced energetically. Nico stood still for a few seconds before making small dance movements.

Doreen, her infectious enthusiasm radiating, grabbed Nico's hands and pulled her onto the dance floor. "Come on, Nico! This is the best part!" she exclaimed, her body swaying to the rhythm of the music.

Nico, her usual stoic demeanor betraying her discomfort, stood still for a moment, her gaze shifting nervously around the crowded dance floor. But as Doreen continued to move with unbridled joy, Nico's lips curled into the faintest of smiles, and she began to sway gently, her movements tentative at first.

Gwen gently placed her hands on Ace's face, guiding his gaze to meet her own. "Ace," she said, her voice soft yet firm, "focus on me. I'm your date tonight, remember?"

Ace's eyes widened slightly at the unexpected contact, but he found himself drawn into Gwen's captivating blue eyes. "I, uh, of course," he stammered, his nerves causing a slight tremble in his voice.

Gwen offered him a reassuring smile, her thumb caressing his cheek. "Just relax and enjoy the moment with me," she murmured, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief.

Ace nodded, feeling the tension in his shoulders slowly dissipate. Gwen's touch was warm and comforting, and he found himself getting lost in her gaze. The din of the music and the chatter of their friends faded into the background as they moved in sync, their bodies swaying to the rhythm.

Gwen felt a surge of confidence, emboldened by Ace's undivided attention. She leaned in closer, her breath tickling his ear. "You know, I've been looking forward to this all week," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Gwen's confession caused a flutter in Ace's chest, and he tightened his grip on her waist, drawing her closer. Their bodies moved in perfect sync, their steps guided by the pulsing rhythm of the music.

As the song drew to a close, Gwen gazed up at Ace, her eyes shining with a mixture of affection and mischief. "I'm glad you said yes to being my date tonight," she murmured, her lips curving into a smile.

Ace returned her smile, his heart racing with a newfound confidence. "Me too," he replied softly, his fingers gently caressing the small of her back.

The pair swayed together, oblivious to the world around them, as the next song began to play.

Ace and Gwen looked deeply into each other's eyes, entranced by the connection they shared. Gwen's gaze held a hint of mischief, but also a tenderness that made Ace's heart skip a beat. Without a word, Gwen leaned in and gently pressed her lips against Ace's.

The kiss was soft and exploratory at first, as if they were both testing the waters. But as Ace felt the warmth of Gwen's body against his, he responded in kind, his arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer. The world around them faded away, and all that mattered was the feel of her lips on his and the electricity that sparked between them.

Gwen's hands found their way into Ace's hair, her fingers tangling in the dark strands as she deepened the kiss. Ace's pulse quickened, his senses overwhelmed by the intoxicating scent of Gwen's perfume and the gentle caress of her lips.

When they finally parted, both slightly breathless, their eyes shone with a newfound intimacy. Gwen's cheeks were flushed, and Ace couldn't help but admire the way the dim lights of the dance floor illuminated her features.

"Wow," Ace breathed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Gwen's lips curled into a shy smile. "I've been wanting to do that for a while," she confessed, her fingers tracing the line of his jaw.

Ace felt a surge of warmth and affection, and he pulled Gwen close, resting his forehead against hers. "I'm glad you did," he murmured, his breath tickling her skin.

The pair swayed together, lost in the moment, oblivious to the world around them as the music continued to play.

Gwen's heart raced as she gazed into Ace's eyes, her fingers tracing the line of his jaw. The music and the chatter of their friends faded into the background as she gathered her courage.

"Ace, I need to tell you something," she said softly, her voice barely audible over the pulsing beat.

Ace looked down at her, his expression a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "What is it, Gwen?"

Gwen took a deep breath, her fingers trembling slightly. "I...I love you, Ace. I've loved you for a long time, and I just couldn't keep it to myself any longer."

Ace's eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, he was speechless. Then, a warm smile spread across his face, and he pulled Gwen closer, his hands resting on her waist.

"Gwen, I...I love you too," he confessed, his voice soft and sincere. "I've been falling for you ever since we became friends, but I was too afraid to say anything. I didn't want to ruin what we had."

Gwen felt a surge of joy and relief, and she wrapped her arms around Ace's neck, pulling him into a passionate kiss. Ace responded with equal fervor, his hands caressing her back as they lost themselves in the moment.

When they finally parted, both breathless and flushed, they gazed at each other with a newfound tenderness and affection.

Gwen saw Peter giving a thumbs-up from the side. Gwen blushed but was also happy.

An announcement was made that the bands would start. Ace grinned at Gwen, his eyes shining with excitement. "Looks like it's showtime," he said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Gwen felt a flutter in her chest, still marveling at the turn of events.

Ace, Gwen, Doreen, and Nico strode onto the stage, their expressions a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as David, the event organizer, stepped forward to introduce them.

"Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the Masked Mavericks!" David announced, his voice booming through the speakers. "These talented musicians are here to rock the night away!"

The crowd's enthusiasm was palpable as Ace, Gwen, Doreen, and Nico took their positions, each with their respective instruments. Ace gripped his guitar, a confident grin spreading across his face, while Gwen settled behind the drums, her eyes sparkling with determination.

The Masked Mavericks stood ready on the stage, the crowd's energy buzzing with anticipation. Ace Ukiyo, the lead singer and guitarist, took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment. With a nod to his bandmates, he launched into the opening chords of "DIVE INTO THE MIRROR."

His voice, rich and resonant, filled the air as he sang the first verse:

"The skyscraper I looked up at

Was so high it seemed to cut into the sky

Overflowing desires

Seem to be seeking freedom

In the palm of my extended hand

The things that I held onto disappear into sand."

Gwen Stacy, the drummer, matched his rhythm with a steady beat, her fingers dancing across the drum kit. Doreen Green, the bassist, provided a solid foundation, her movements fluid and precise. Nico Minoru, the keyboardist, added layers of atmospheric sound, her fingers gliding across the keys.

As the chorus approached, Ace's voice grew more powerful, his eyes closing as he poured his heart into the lyrics:

"But even if I mourn

Nothing will come out of it

The thoughts shaking within me

A certain impulse

Unleash the restrained instinct

Fly towards the unlimited world now."

The crowd erupted in cheers, captivated by the raw emotion in Ace's performance. Gwen, Doreen, and Nico provided harmonious backing vocals, their voices blending seamlessly with Ace's.

Ace opened his eyes, his gaze sweeping across the audience as he sang the next verse:

"Open the closed door

The heart is a MIRROR that always reflects the reality

Don't be afraid of hurtful things just be yourself

Grief will make you stronger


The music swelled, the instruments building in intensity as Ace's voice soared. The audience swayed and clapped along, their energy fueling the Masked Mavericks' performance.

As the song reached its climactic bridge, Ace's fingers danced across the guitar strings, his voice rising with conviction:

"Even if, in the midst of all betrayal and regret

You lose sight of the light

No one can take away

The memories of that heart

Stop taking the pain

When you bite your lips

Another world is probably

Waiting for you."

The band members exchanged glances, their eyes shining with pride and camaraderie as they neared the end of the song. Ace took a deep breath and launched into the final chorus, his voice soaring with a newfound energy:

"When you speed up

Rather than looking for an excuse

Destroy your timid self of yesterday

The quivering voice within my heart calls out

And miracles are born

The eye is a MIRROR that always reflects tomorrow

For the drawn tomorrow, the color of the sky

Not to be clouded up

Tear apart the distorted memory now


The final notes of the song rang out, the crowd erupting into thunderous applause and cheers. The Masked Mavericks basked in the moment, their faces alight with joy and pride.

The music played until late into the night, the rhythmic beats and Ace's soulful voice filling the air as the students danced and swayed to the Masked Mavericks' performance.

Gwen's drumsticks pounded out a steady tempo, her focus unwavering as she drove the song forward. Doreen's bass lines provided a solid foundation, her fingers plucking the strings with a fluid grace. Nico's keyboard melodies wove intricate harmonies, her eyes closed as she lost herself in the music.

Ace, the charismatic lead singer, poured his heart into each lyric, his voice carrying the weight of emotion and experience. As he sang, his gaze swept across the crowd, connecting with each student who had gathered to enjoy the show.

The students, their inhibitions melting away, danced and cheered, their bodies moving in sync with the pulsing beat. Laughter and excited chatter filled the air as they reveled in the energy of the performance.

Peter, Gwen's closest friend, watched from the sidelines, a proud smile on his face as he witnessed her triumph. MJ and Ned joined the throng of dancers, their movements carefree and joyful.

For a moment, the worries of the world seemed to fade, replaced by the pure exhilaration of music and friendship. The Masked Mavericks had captivated the crowd, leaving them wanting more.


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