A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 112

Ace, still clad in his Kamen Rider Gaim armor, led the group of young mutants through the gates of the X-Mansion, their faces etched with a mix of fear and relief. As they approached the grand entrance, the X-Men, including Ororo, Jean, Kitty, Rogue, Kurt, Bobby, and Evan, emerged to greet them, their expressions a blend of concern and determination.

Ororo, her white hair flowing in the gentle breeze, stepped forward, her regal bearing commanding the attention of all present. "Welcome, children," she said, her voice soft yet reassuring. "You are safe now. We will do everything in our power to protect you."

Jean, her emerald eyes shining with empathy, moved to the children's side, her hands outstretched in a gesture of comfort. "Come, let us get you settled. You must be exhausted." She guided the group inside, Kitty and Rogue flanking them, offering words of encouragement and support.

Ace, his armored form shifting back to reveal his true identity, turned to the remaining X-Men. "I found them in a heavily guarded facility, imprisoned and subjected to power dampeners," he explained, his brow furrowed with concern. "The Sentinels were relentless in their pursuit, but I was able to disrupt their operations and free the captives."

Kurt, his golden eyes filled with a mix of relief and determination, nodded. "We are grateful for your actions, my friend. These children have suffered enough."

Bobby, his icy demeanor belying the warmth in his heart, stepped forward. "We'll make sure they're taken care of. No one will hurt them again, not while we're here."

Evan, his spikes bristling with a protective instinct, added, "Damn right. The X-Men have their backs, and so do you, Ace. We couldn't have done this without you."

Ace, his features softening, acknowledged their gratitude with a nod. "I'm just glad I could help. These children deserve a chance at a better life."

Rogue, her emerald eyes filled with a mix of relief and concern, approached Ace, her gloved hand gently touching his arm. "Ace, are you alright?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry.

Ace offered her a reassuring smile, his gaze meeting hers. "I'm fine, Rogue. Really, there's no need to worry."

Rogue's brow furrowed as she studied him, her lips pressed into a thin line. "You could have asked for our help, you know. Going in there alone was reckless." She paused, her fingers tightening around his sleeve. "What if something had happened to you?"

Ace could see the genuine fear in her eyes, and he felt a pang of guilt for worrying her. "I'm sorry, Rogue," he said softly. "I didn't mean to make you anxious. But I knew those children needed help, and I couldn't wait any longer."

Rogue sighed, her expression softening. "I understand, but you're not alone in this fight. We're a team, Ace. The X-Men and I, we're here for you." She reached up, her gloved hand gently caressing his cheek. "Promise me you won't do anything so foolish again."

Ace covered her hand with his own, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I promise, Rogue. I'm fine, see?" He stepped back, giving her a lopsided grin. "I can handle myself, you know."

Rogue rolled her eyes, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I know, you stubborn man. Just don't forget that you have people who care about you, alright?"

Ace nodded, his expression softening. "I won't, Rogue. I promise."


Bolivar Trask paced the dimly lit control room, his brow furrowed in a deep scowl. The reports had just come in – the servers containing the comprehensive list of mutants had been destroyed, and the captives had been freed. His lips pressed into a thin, angry line as he whirled around to face the technician cowering before him.

"What happened?" Trask growled, his voice laced with barely contained fury.

The technician swallowed hard, his hands trembling. "It... it was the Kamen Rider, sir. He infiltrated the facility, hacked into the systems, and wiped the data. Then he freed the mutants and fought off the Sentinels."

Trask's eyes narrowed dangerously. "The Kamen Rider," he repeated, the name dripping with disdain. He had heard rumors of this mysterious figure, a masked vigilante who had been interfering with his plans. And now, this meddler had dared to undermine his entire operation.

The control room was in a state of disarray – destroyed Sentinels lay in twisted heaps, their metal frames sparking and smoking. Injured guards nursed their wounds, their faces etched with a mix of fear and frustration. The once pristine servers had been reduced to a smoldering pile of twisted metal and shattered circuitry.

Trask clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. "This is unacceptable," he hissed. "I will not be thwarted by some costumed fool." He turned to the technician, his eyes burning with a dangerous intensity. "Mobilize the Sentinels. I want that Kamen Rider found and brought to me, alive. We can't let him interfere with our plans any longer."

The technician nodded hastily, his fingers flying across the keyboard as he relayed the orders. Trask watched the activity with a grim satisfaction, his mind already racing with plans to counter this new threat.

The guard, his face a mask of obedience, nodded silently and turned to leave the control room. But as soon as he was out of Trask's sight, a subtle shimmer passed over his form, and the guard's body morphed and contorted, revealing the true identity of the intruder – Mystique.

Slipping into the shadows, Mystique moved swiftly, her keen senses alert for any sign of pursuit. Reaching a secluded corner, she pulled a small communicator from her pocket and pressed the activation button.

"Magneto, this is Mystique," she said, her voice low and urgent. "I have news."

There was a brief crackle of static, and then the deep, commanding voice of Magneto came through the device. "Report."

"The Kamen Rider has struck again," Mystique began, her eyes narrowing. "He infiltrated the facility, wiped the mutant database, and freed the prisoners."

Magneto was silent for a moment, and Mystique could almost feel the weight of his contemplation. "The Kamen Rider," he murmured, a hint of curiosity in his tone. "I remember Wanda mentioning an encounter with him before."

Mystique nodded, even though Magneto couldn't see her. "Yes, and now he's interfering with Trask's plans. Trask is furious and has mobilized the Sentinels to hunt him down."

"Interesting," Magneto said, his voice thoughtful. "This Kamen Rider could prove to be a valuable ally in our fight against Trask and the Sentinels."

Mystique's brow furrowed. "You want to work with him?"

"I believe it's worth exploring," Magneto replied. "The enemy of my enemy, as they say. If the Kamen Rider is willing to stand against Trask and protect mutants, then perhaps we can find common ground."

Mystique considered this for a moment, her mind racing. "I'll see what I can find out about him," she said finally. "If he's truly a threat to Trask's operations, he may be worth investigating further."

"Good," Magneto said. "Keep me informed, Mystique. This could be an opportunity we can't afford to miss."

The communication ended, and Mystique slipped the communicator back into her pocket. With a determined expression, she melted back into the shadows, her mind already whirring with plans to locate the elusive Kamen Rider.


Magneto in Asteroid M heard footsteps. He turned and saw his daughters Wanda and Lorna. Wanda asked if that was Mystique.

Magneto said, "Yes, we were just talking about the Kamen Rider and what he had done in the facility."

When Lorna heard about the Rider, she became excited. "The Kamen Rider? Really?" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "I'm a huge fan of his! I watch all his videos and think he's so cool."

Wanda looked at her sister with a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Of course you'd be excited about that. You and your Kamen Rider obsession."

Lorna shot Wanda a playful glare. "Hey, don't knock it. The Rider is a true hero, fighting for justice and protecting the innocent. I admire his dedication and courage."

Magneto watched the exchange between his daughters, a rare hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "It seems the Kamen Rider has made quite an impression on you, Lorna," he said, his deep voice cutting through the conversation.

Lorna turned to her father, her excitement palpable. "Absolutely! He's exactly the kind of hero we need right now, with all the anti-mutant sentiment and the Sentinel threat. I wish I could meet him in person and tell him how much he inspires me."

Wanda placed a hand on Lorna's shoulder, her expression softening. "I'm sure he'd appreciate the sentiment, Lorna. But you know how dangerous it is out there for mutants. We can't afford to be reckless, even if the Kamen Rider seems to be on our side."

Lorna nodded reluctantly, her enthusiasm tempered by Wanda's words. "I know, I know. I just wish there was more we could do to help him and the mutants he's trying to protect."

Magneto stepped forward, his gaze sweeping over his daughters. "Perhaps there is," he said, a glimmer of a plan forming in his mind.

Magneto's words hung in the air, the gravity of his statement palpable. Lorna's eyes widened, her excitement palpable. "You mean it, Father? You'll let me meet the Kamen Rider?" she asked, her voice brimming with hope.

Magneto regarded his daughter, a rare softness in his gaze. "Yes, Lorna," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "If the Kamen Rider is truly an ally in our fight against the Sentinels and the oppression of mutants, then it would be wise to establish a connection with him."

Lorna's face lit up, a broad smile spreading across her features. "Oh, thank you, Father!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Magneto in a tight embrace.

Wanda observed the scene, her expression a mix of surprise and approval. She knew how much the Kamen Rider meant to Lorna, and if Magneto was willing to facilitate this meeting, it must have been for a reason beyond simply indulging her sister's interests.

Magneto gently returned Lorna's hug, a rare display of paternal affection. "I trust you, my daughter," he said, his voice low and reassuring. "But be mindful of the risks. The Kamen Rider may be a powerful ally, but he is also an unknown factor. Tread carefully."

Lorna nodded, her enthusiasm tempered by Magneto's words. "I understand, Father. I'll be cautious, I swear. But I'm just so excited to meet him and learn more about him. Who knows, maybe we can even convince him to join our cause?"

Magneto considered her words, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Perhaps," he said, "but that is a conversation for another time. For now, focus on establishing a rapport with the Kamen Rider. Gather what information you can about him and his motivations. We may need that knowledge in the days to come."

Lorna's smile widened, and she nodded eagerly. "I won't let you down, Father. I'll do whatever it takes to help our people and gain the Kamen Rider's trust."

Lorna left the room, her excitement palpable as she considered the prospect of meeting the enigmatic Kamen Rider. The door closed behind her, leaving Magneto and Wanda alone.

Wanda turned to her father, her brow furrowed with concern. "Father, are you sure allying with the Kamen Rider is wise? I've met him before, and while he may be willing to work with us to stop the Sentinels and Trask, I don't believe he'll agree to your mutant supremacy ideology."

Magneto regarded his daughter, his expression unreadable. "Wanda, you know as well as I do that desperate times call for desperate measures. The Sentinel threat is growing, and we need all the allies we can get, even if their motivations differ from our own."

"But you know the Kamen Rider is a wild card," Wanda pressed. "He operates by his own code, and we have no way of knowing if he'll even be willing to work with us, let alone follow our lead."

Magneto raised a hand, silencing Wanda. "I am aware of the risks, my daughter. However, the potential rewards outweigh the dangers. If we can convince the Kamen Rider to join our cause, even temporarily, we may be able to show the power of mutants against the humans."

Wanda's lips pressed into a thin line, her doubts still evident. "And what if he refuses? What if he sees us as a threat to his own mission of protecting the innocent?"

Magneto's gaze hardened. "Then we will do what is necessary to ensure the survival of our people. The Kamen Rider may be a powerful ally, but he is not indispensable."


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