A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 05

2 months have passed and nothing completely out of the ordinary has happened. Ace still attends school meeting new friends and hanging out with Peter, Ned, and Gwen. Ace has also been helping MJ write her article for the school paper. She also recently created a blog post for her articles. The social media account of Kamen Rider has been going viral. Each video has been getting millions of views and each post he makes in Mixter has thousands of shares. Some people privately message him to ask questions, but he ignores them. MJ also tried her luck and Ace decided to respond to her to help her journalist career. She asks questions about the Kamen Rider. Asking how much armor I have, where I come from, etc. Ace answered some but also kept silent to questions he couldn't answer. This made MJ's article popular, making a lot of people interested in finding out more about the Rider.

SHIELD has stopped trying to hack Ace after Ark taught them a lesson. But Ace noticed a lot more people were watching him from the shadows when he went on his patrols. It was only a matter of time before some organizations made contact with him. Good or Bad. He just has to keep an eye out for danger. The creation of the company has also gone smoothly. Izu bought a warehouse and is in the process of turning it into our base. As well as a factory for creating Humagears.

Homeroom started and all the students were in their seats. The teacher started passing a form to all students in the class.

"Alright class, make sure you show this form to your parents. You will need them to be signed for the field trip next month. You only get this once a year so make sure they are signed to not miss out."

The class started murmuring and were excited about the field trip, Peter especially. The field trip was a tour of Oscorp and Peter wanted to be a scientist. This field trip would be a great opportunity for him. Ace however had other thoughts.

'So the time has finally come. The birth of Spider-Man is close. However, it is still up in the air if Peter will get bitten by the spider. Gwen is here so it might be the birth of Spider-Woman instead. I don't want to interfere so I will leave it up to faith. The spider however will be interesting if I could get hold of it. I could let Zea study it and maybe it could be put to good use in the future.'

(A/N: I was thinking of both Peter and Gwen getting both bitten. Or persuade me either of them should only get bitten.)

"Excited for the field trip Peter?" Ace asked

"Yeah! Oscorp has a lot of innovative projects. They are one of the leading companies in biomedical and chemical technologies. I also heard they are having a breakthrough in cross-genetics! I hope they let us see some of their projects."

"I'm sure they will, Peter. They have to inspire the bright young minds of the next generation after all." Ace exaggerated. Both had a good laugh and continued their class.

After class Peter, Ned, Gwen, and Ace were together to talk about the upcoming field trip.

"Are you boys excited to go on the field trip?" Gwen asked

"I am totally ready for it. I asked Uncle Ben if I could borrow his camera to take pictures," said Peter.

"I'm excited too! I can't wait to see their computers. They have a supercomputer and Tony Stark is the only other one who has it." Ned was excited to see their technology

"I'm not really interested in their science stuff," said Ace

"Oh come one Ace. Oscorp is one of the leading corporations in the world! You could learn a thing or two." Gwen was trying to sell Oscorp to Ace but he knows the darker side of it by reading the comics.

"Yeah-Yeah, of course, you science nerds will geek out of Oscorp. I'm the only normal person here."

"You're not the only one."

MJ appeared and stood behind Ace. Ever since Peter and MJ's relationship has gotten better. She has been hanging out with Gwen, Ned, and Ace more. She would eat with them and join in the banter. Gwen was the most enthusiastic to have a girl in the group. They would talk a lot of girl stuff leaving the boys silent.

"Hey MJ, are you going on the field trip too?" Ace asked

"Yeah, I will be writing an article about the trip. Could use a new story for the school paper and my blog."

"That's great, MJ. We could use my pictures and post them on your blog," said Peter.

"Thanks, Peter. Give my regards to Uncle Ben and Aunt May!"

MJ walked away to finish her article and the rest went to the cafeteria for lunch.

Four men walk into a warehouse. It was dark and only a small speaker on top of a table could be seen.

"Come on, the big man wants a word."

 The one leading was Hammerhead. One of the men following Hammerhead wore a cowboy hat and a brown jacket. Another was a big man with bulging muscles and a prominent mustache. And lastly was an African American wearing a blue suit. They all gathered around the speaker waiting for a response.

"All enforcers present and accounted for, Boss," said Hammerhead

"Thank you, Hammerhead." said the man behind the speaker

"Gentlemen, I'll get right to the point. For the past weeks. A pest has plagued our operations. I could not have believed the reports myself. But unfortunately, it is true. Establishing patterns and movements took a month. He publicly calls himself Kamen Rider."

Hammerhead distributes the photos and reports gathered by him. The enforcers took a look at their new target.

"And this masked vigilante. You want the enforcers to wrangle up this interloper?" said the man wearing a cowboy hat.

"Yes Montana, his types of equipment are intriguing… It would prove to be useful if we can procure them. He also seems to be proven useful. Capture him and his equipment but if he proves to be too dangerous for our operations… eliminate him."

The call cuts off ending the meeting of the Boss.

"Due to the difficulty of this particular target. The Boss has given each of you a present."

Hammerhead presented three suitcases. One for each of the enforcers. The man in the blue suit named Fancy Dan opened his. Inside was a purple suit with tech woven between the fabric. The big man going by the name of Ox also opened his. It was another purple suit but it had metallic tubes running down the arms and legs connected to the chest plate. Montana, the one wearing the cowboy hat, had a yellow and brown suit with gauntlets.

"Use these to deal with the Rider. I expect this task to be successful. Otherwise, the Boss ain't going to be happy."

Ace is now heading to a warehouse. Half an hour ago. Ace received intel from Zea that a group of criminals had been hiding stolen goods. 

(30 minutes ago)

"Ace-sama, Zea has found a group of criminals," said Izu

"Really? What did they do?"

"They have stolen many items in the past months. From gold, drugs, and even weapons. The police have been trying to track them down but could not find them. But Zea was able to narrow down their base of operations."

Izu showed a screen showing a dock with shipping containers. There was a warehouse in the center of the dock.

"Is this where we will find them?" asked Ace

"Yes, this is where we will most likely find them, Ace-sama."

"Then I will be heading there to check it out. Get ready to call the police once the place is confirmed."


Ace arrived at the dock and could see rows and rows of shipping containers.

"Okay guys, it is time to do your thing."

Ace brought a bag full of Takacandroids. He started opening them and they transformed into small birds. They flew into the sky to survey the entire area.

"Izu, do you have eyes?"

Back in the mansion. Izu can see everything through the eyes of the Takacandroids. "Yes, Ace-sama. There are no problems. Please listen to my instructions to reach the warehouse and not get spotted.

Izu, acting as an operator, guided Ace to the warehouse avoiding the cameras and guide roaming the area. Ace reached the warehouse and saw a nearby roof window he could use to enter. He broke the lock and dropped using Spider Shock as a grappling hook slowly. Once inside he saw the entire warehouse crouching on the catwalk. A small army of men were moving crates after crates. Inside the crates were all filled with different stolen or illegal goods. Gold, weapons, drugs, you name it.

"I guess this is the place Izu," Ace said, his voice unsettled. Seeing so many stolen items means a small-time criminal is not running this operation. Ace could think of many people who are responsible for this trafficking but he is not sure which one.

"Yes, Ace-sama. This is a large operation. They are usually scattered in different areas but we are lucky they have gathered such an amount here."

"Yes, but that means there are more guards, and it will be more difficult."

Suddenly two rough-looking men were discussing the latest shipment that just arrived.

"Hey, is the shipment ready?"

"Almost, just got to load up the last of the merchandise and we can ship them out."

Ace heard them and wondered what they were talking about. The two men walked to a shipping container and what Ace saw inside shocked him.

"Are these all of them?"

"Yeah, these women will be shipped out tonight. A lot of people have been requesting them lately. But who cares if it ain't my problem."

Ace saw the shipping container filled with women and children. Their clothes were ragged and they looked like they had not eaten in days. Ace clenched his fist in anger.

"I have to save them tonight."

Ace dropped down from the catwalk and sneaked behind the two men. With a well-placed strike, he knocked out the two men. The women were shocked to see a man in a mask knocking out the two men in front of them. Could it be they would be saved is what their thoughts are going to be.

"Wait here, no matter how much noise there will be later stay calm. Everything will be over soon and all of you will be safe."

Ace closed the container to make sure the women wouldn't be harmed. He can't sneak out that many women will all the guards roaming about. He needs to defeat them all. But he is not trained in stealth. So the only thing he can do is make noise drawing all the guards to him.

Ace kicked a guard, sending him flying toward multiple crates and knocking them over. All of the people moving the crates stopped and looked. They saw Ace and became alarmed realizing who he was.

"After tonight, all of you will be in a nice cold cell," said Ace

"It's the Rider! Get him!" shouted one of the criminals.

They all started shooting with their guns aiming at Ace. Ace did not need to transform and just rushed to the criminals. His suit can ignore the bullets so he just uses his martial arts to defeat the criminals. Seeing guns were not working. The criminals started to gang up on him. Ace fought them off but he did not let himself get surrounded. He kept moving and jumping around the warehouse. He took down many criminals as he kept moving. He sometimes threw some of the crates to other criminals and let some stacked crates fall onto a group of criminals.

Ace jumped to the catwalk and fought criminals coming from two sides. He fights them off blocking and striking at them. He threw some criminals off the catwalk landing on some crates. The battle continued on until all of the criminals lay on the floor knocked out or injured. Seeing everything was over Ace was about to go to the captured women when a shockwave blast hit him from behind.


Ace was knocked back and was sent flying hitting a stack of crates. Ace stood up from the rubble in a daze and looked at who sneak-attacked him. He saw three people wearing suits. One was a large man with his arms and legs covered with robotic exoskeletons. A smaller man in a purple suit. And the man leading them wore a yellow and brown suit with gauntlets. Ace knew this guy. His name was Shocker.

"I have to say I'm impressed. Defeating this many men by yourself is an impressive feat," said Shocker

"Who are you?" asked Ace

"We are the enforcers. You have been interrupting our operations lately. And let's just say we don't take too kindly of it. We're here to put you out of the equation."

Ace realized he had stirred up the hornet's nest for a while now. And now they decided to send out people to stop him. But this also means that at least most of the crimes he has stopped for the past few months were part of a criminal organization. The crimes in New York really run deep.

"But I have good news for you. The big man likes you. He is interested in your tech and skills. Not just anyone could catch his eye. So what will it be Kamen Rider? Care to join us?"

Ace is genuinely surprised. He knew some organization wanted to recruit him but he thought SHIELD would have made a move first. Not a criminal syndicate.

"Tell me… what would have happened to the women you have captured if I did not intervene."

Shocker was confused as to why he was asking. But decided to humor him. "They would have been sold to other countries as slaves or be used for experiments."

"And you don't think that is wrong…" Ace's voice was seething in anger.

"The world is not so black and white Rider. Sometimes you have to do what is necessary to survive. Even if it means dirtying your hands. Besides those women are just at the bottom of society. A couple of drug addicts, runaways, and orphans. They wouldn't even notice if a few disappeared.

"That doesn't mean you can use them like objects! Even if they are abandoned or even have committed crimes. They are people and deserve a chance to live! You asked if I wanted to join you. My answer is no! I won't work with people who treat human life as disposable. As long as you keep hurting people. I will stop you!"

"Then negotiations have failed. Such a shame really. We're taking you down dead or alive."

Shocker was about to blast Ace with more shockwaves but was interrupted by the dozens of Takacandroids.

"What the hell are these things" said Shocker, the enforcers tried to swat them away but to no avail.

Seeing his chance Ace equipped the Gotchardriver to his waist. Ace pulled out two ride chemy cards.

"Let's do this! Hopper1, Steamliner!"



Ace inserted the ride chemy cards into the Gotchardriver.



Large ride chemy cards appeared behind Ace. Showing Hopper1 and Steamliner. Ace pulled the lever to transform.



Ace was covered in black smoke. Hopper1, Steamliner, and yellow and purple arrows surround Ace. Ace is covered in a black bodysuit with a white flowing scarf. Blue armor starts attaching to his legs, arms, chest, and shoulders. The chest opens to reveal a boiler. A blue helmet drops onto his head with two silver antennas and black goggles. The helmet opens to reveal Gotchard's orange eyes shaped like arrows.


*Insert Kamen Rider Gotchard OST - CHEMY×STORY*

The enforcers were pissed. They knew the power of his armor was dangerous. They planned to take him out before he got the chance but now they have to do things the hard way.

"Let's do this!" Gotchard rushed to fight the enforcers. Fancy Dan or Ricochet was the first to take charge. Both fought and were adept at martial arts. Each strike from Gotchard's punches and kicks releases compressed steam adding more power to his strikes. This gives Gotchard an advantage against Ricochet. Gotchard punches Ricochet and knocks him back toward a pile of crates. Ricochet curls himself into a ball and bounces back to Gotchard hitting him. Gotchard was surprised he could do that. Ricochet's suit allows him to bounce on any surface at high speeds. Ricochet bounces more and attacks Gotchard like a pinball.

Ox gets behind Gotchard and grabs. He gave Gotchard a bear hug trying to crush him. His suit only adds more power to his strength. "Let's see you get out little man."

Gotchard was struggling before pushing and pulling the driver. 


Gotchard turned into smoke before forming again with his armor pieces looking like a blue metallic grasshopper with a smoke chimney. This was Gotchard's wild mode. This surprised the enforcers not expecting him to turn into a giant grasshopper. Gotchard jumped and kicked Ox with his legs and also jumped at Ricochet ramming him. Shocker fires blasts at Gotchard but he dodges by jumping around the warehouse. Gotchard jumps to Shocker and turns back into his Rider Mode. The two fight in close quarters. Shocker's gauntlets are covered in a vibrating field. Giving his punches added power. Gotchard focuses on dogging them instead of blocking them. Gotchard scissor leg takedown Shocker sending him to the floor. Gotchard gets on top of him and starts giving him punches. Shocker sends shockwave blasts but Gotchard tilts his head to dodge. Shocker blasts him in the chest, knocking him away. Shocker sends more blasts but Gotchard dodges and gets closer to Shocker. Gotchard kicks him away to give him some space.

"Let's change things up." Gotchard takes out two new Ride Chemy cards







Now in silver armor and red gauntlets, Gotchard punches Shocker. Shocker responds the same and the two punches collide. The resulting clash created a shockwave but the two were still trying to push each other back.


Gotchard pushes more with sheer will. His gauntlets ignited with fire and punched away Shocker. Shocker gets sent flying outside the warehouse slamming into a shipping container with his left gauntlet broken.

Ricochet recovered and started bouncing around to attack Gotchard. Gotchard blocks Ricochet's attacks but he cannot keep up with his speed. Gotchard takes out new ride chemy cards.







Gotchard is now wearing red armor and holding the Gotchartornado. An orange triangular bow with a blade. 


Gotchard with his increased speed dashed to Ricochet mid-air, slashing him toward the ground.

"Agh!" Ricochet got up but his suit was now damaged. Gotchard attacked him with the Gotchartornado. Ricochet doges frantically before Gotchard slashes him in the stomach knocking him back. Gotchard pulls back the Gotchartornado and shoots beams toward Ricochet creating an explosion and knocking him out.

Ox gets up and is mad seeing a fellow enforcer down. "You're going to pay, little man!"


Gotchard transforms back to Steamhopper and fights Ox. The two exchange blows but Ox punches are stronger. Gotchard holds the Gotcharge Gun. Loading it with empty ride chemy cards.


He fires at Ox who puts his arms together to block the shots. Gotchard scans Steamliner with the Gotcharge Gun. He fires at Ox creating a smokescreen. Ox couldn't see through the smoke and was attacking blindly. Gotchard gets behind Ox and strikes at his sides and legs. Gotchard knees him in the face knocking up and clearing the smoke. Ox stands up but is disoriented and can't focus.

"Let's finish this." Gotchard pushes in the driver and heat starts to build up inside him. Steam then erupts from him. He transforms into his Wild Mode and jumps towards Ox. He then turns into his Rider Mode mid-jump and does a kick toward Ox.


He kicks through Ox, destroying his suit, and falls to the floor knocked out. Gotchard stood still to calm himself after the fight. 

*End OST*

He looked around to check if there was anything he missed. He searched for Shocker outside of the warehouse but did not find him where he landed.

"He got away…"

Gotchard was disappointed with himself for overlooking Shocker. He won't be so careless next time. Gotchard went to the women and escorted them out. The women saw all the knocked-out bodies and looked at Gotchard. They started to cry feeling they were safe now. Gotchard had trouble consoling them. A lot of them hugged him to get a sense of security, especially the children.

The police and paramedics arrived. Izu notified them and they rushed to the scene. Captain Stacy was leading them and when he arrived he saw Gotchard comforting a group of women.

"Kamen Rider, do you mind explaining what happened here?"

Gotchard explained what happened. That these women were trafficked. A bunch of criminals were in the warehouse unconscious and full of illegal goods. And when he fought the enforcers but one got away. Captain Stacy ordered his men to apprehend the criminals and secure the goods as evidence. The paramedics examined the women for injuries. They transported them to the hospital for better treatment.

"I would like to thank you for helping them and busting this operation. The trail went cold and we thought we could not find them anymore."

"You're welcome, The women were about to be shipped tonight. So I knew I had to act immediately."

Captain Stacy gave a nod expressing his gratitude for stopping the criminals. "So, what do you call this form?"


"Gotchard? That's a weird name. Any idea on who is behind this operation?"

"I do but I'm not so sure yet. I need to do my own investigation first."

"I see, can you give any names?"

"It is better you don't know Captain Stacy. Although I'm sure you have an idea who it could be. They have wide connections and power that the legal system can't touch them unless with overwhelming evidence. Even then that just might put them in jail for a couple of months. If you try to dig any further it won't be just yourself that will be in danger. Anything you hold dear will be put in a crosshair."

"I see…" George had a few suspects and they were powerful men and he could not do anything about it.

"You know you're still a vigilante. I should have you arrested."

"Come on, George. After all, we have been through in the past few months. I would think I would be on your good side."

"Hey, don't push it."

"Besides, ever since I started I'm sure you noticed the crime rate drastically lowered."

"That may be correct… but that doesn't excuse vigilantism."

"The world is changing Captain Stacy. We have a group of super-powered people living in New York. A mutant group advocating for their supremacy. And not too long ago an alien invasion. More super-powered people will continue to appear either by accident or naturally. And how many do you think among them will be willing to do good and not turn into crime."

"..." Captain Stacy is speechless

"Only a few people will be like me who would use their gifts to help people and do the right thing. The rest will use them to further their ambitions and if they choose to not use their gifts. They either hide or run away. But someday they will be forced to act. Either through discrimination, bad luck, or be captured and used as experiments.

"*sigh* Fine… I won't arrest you. Can you at least give me a way to contact you. If there are situations the police can't handle."

Gotchard threw a green can and George caught it. "What is this?" he asked

"Open it,"

George did as Gotchard says and the can transformed into a small mechanical grasshopper.

[Batta Can]

"What the hell!?" George was startled by the Battacandroid.

"It is a two-way transmitter. With it, you can communicate with me."

The Battacandroid jumps in place a few times to show that it is working.

"Okay… thanks. I'll contact you if I need anything."

"Sure thing Captain Stacy. It is about time I leave. I'll leave the rest to you."

Gotchard held out a chemy card. A flash of light emitted briefly revealing a gold motorbike. It was the vehicle chemy Golddash.


"Let's go home Golddash."


Gotchard drove off leaving Captain Stacy confused. "Did that bike just talk?"

As Gotchard was riding he contacted Izu. "Izu,"

"Yes, Ace-sama. Is there any problem?"

"Keep an eye out for the two enforcers that got caught. I have a feeling they will either escape prison or get bailed out soon. They could lead us or give us a clue on who is behind all of this."

"Very well, I will send some candroids to spy on them."

"And watch over the women who were just released. I'm pretty sure most of them will have nowhere to go. I'm pretty sure Aunt May is running a charity organization. What was it called again?"

"It was FEAST Ace-sama."

"Right, send the women who do not have anywhere to go there."

"Yes, Ace-sama."

Ace arrived back at the mansion.

"Welcome back Ace-sama."

"I'm home Izu. Can you call Horobi and Jin for me and meet in the basement please."

"Roger," Izu stood for a second and responded. "They are on their way."

Ace arrived at the basement and saw Horobi and Jin.

"Do you have a mission for us?" asked Horobi

"Yes, after the events at the warehouse. I realized the crimes happening in New York are more connected than I thought. I want you and Jin to investigate. You two know more about the dark side than me."

"Very well, this will be interesting."

"Yay! We have a mission! It was boring just waiting and lazing around."

"Do you have an idea for a place to start with?" asked Horobi

"Well… what better place than the melting pot of crime? Hell's Kitchen."

Inside a warehouse, Shocker walked in with his leg limping.

"Dammit… That guy sure packs a punch."

"I see you failed."

From the shadows revealed Hammerhead, his face showing disappointment.

"The boss ain't going to like hearing this," said Hammerhead

"The Rider is more powerful than we thought. He took down all of the boys in the docks without even using his armor. He also knocked us down using new armor. And I'm pretty sure he was even holding back." said Shocker

"Save your excuses. The Boss wants to have a word with you."


The two rode in a car and drove off exiting the warehouse.

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