A Relatively Powerful Mage

Appendix End of Volume 2: Imri's Character Sheet

Point In Time

End of Volume 2


Manifestation of Gaia (2F) 45

Celestial Mage (2E) 45

Runic Engineer (2E) 29

Primary Attributes Base Class Bonus Profession Bonus Heritage Bonus Achievement Bonus Title Bonus Final Score

Strength 119 1.0225 1.0145 1.135 1.0835 1.034 156

Agility 92 1.0675 1.029 1.135 1.0835 1.034 128

Constitution 108 1.0675 1.029 1.1575 1.0835 1.034 153

Intelligence 147 1.2025 1.1305 1.3375 1.0835 1.034 299

Willpower 136 1.135 1.1015 1.27 1.0835 1.034 241

Charisma 95 1.0225 1.058 1.135 1.0835 1.034 130

Secondary Attributes

HP 238 1.18 1.0435 1.18 345

FP 195 1.1125 1.0435 1.135 256

MP 742 1.36 1.2175 1.3825 1698

Mana Efficiency 894 1.315 1 1.1125 1307

Crafting Efficiency 1326 1 1.29 1 1710

Mana Regen / Hour 24.80966667 1.315 1.261 1.225 50.39620773

Hours to Full MP 33.69301137

Hours to Full MP Meditating 17.07225424

Total Magic Output (in thousands) 2219.286

Traits Rank/Tier Description

Spatial Control 2F

Gives an instinctive control over spatial concepts, helping improve the rate at which spells and abilities related to the concept of space are learned and improved by 5.5%. Increases the effectiveness of spatial spells and abilities by 2.5%.

Temporal Control 2F

Gives an instinctive control over temporal concepts, helping improve the rate at which spells and abilities related to the concept of time are learned and improved by 5.5%. Increases the effectiveness of temporal spells and abilities by 2.5%.

Enigmatic Being 1E

Increases your resistance to divination based spells and effects by 10.25%

Omniscient Eye 2F

Improves visual acuity by 7.5%. Increases the effectiveness of the Identify skill by 30%. You can see mana in any state as well as distinguish how the mana is being used. You can see mana residue, discerning the previous effects caused by the mana.

Primordial's Intuition 1E

Intuit basic understanding of concepts without any prior knowledge. Increase the rate at which intelligence-based spells and abilities are learned and improved by 5.12%.

One with Time 2F

You have achieved control over time within your body, making it a part of you. You age 5% slower, both from natural and magical effects. The mana efficiency of beneficial temporal spells that target you is increased by 5%, while the efficiency of harmful temporal effects is reduced by 5%. You can always accurately perceive how much time has elapsed in a given period, with precision dependent on Willpower, and will be instantly aware of any changes in the passage of time instinctually.

Runic Crafting 1E

Gives an understanding of how runes work and how to create them. Improves the rate at which new runes are learned by 5%. Crafting Efficiency of runic enchantments increased by 1.5%

Runic Infusion 1F

Decreases mana inefficiency from directly infusing mana into runes by 5%.

Relativity Runic Enchantment 1F

Understand how to create runes of all known relativity spells. Crafting Efficiency of runic enchantments based on relativity increased by 2.5%.

Runic Etching 1E

Inscribe runes with greater speed without sacrificing efficiency. Speed of inscribing runes increased by 1% / 10 Agility.

Locus of Mana 1E

Mana is drawn to you and within you. Increases mana regeneration rate by 5.12% while within a sufficiently dense mana region. Increases resistance to all forms of magic by 5.12%.

Shaped by Mana 1F

Your physical body is a construct of mana. Increases mana by 3%. Allows your mana to be converted to HP or FP at a rate equal to mana regeneration rate.

Weight of the Stars 2F

Improves the mana efficiency of all spells that bend space by 7.5%.

Perpetual Expansion 2F

You can tap into the concept that space in the universe is perpetually expanding. This increases the Mana Efficiency of spells that create or expand space by 5%. Additionally, those spells can be used to create semi-permanent space that subsists by absorbing ambient mana. Creating semi-permanent space has a base mana cost equal to 10 times the normal version of the spell.

Inner Domain 2F

A single point within your body has formed an entire domain. The space within is cubical, with each dimension being 1 Kilometer/100 Willpower. If you are physically or spiritually connected, you may place any non-sentient material or a willing sentient being within the domain. You can summon any object from your domain into a space beside you. Moving objects in and out of your domain takes an amount of mana proportional to the mass/mana efficiency. You can view your domain by entering via a mental projection while in a state of Transcendant Meditation. All resource regeneration rates are improved by 5% while meditating.


Transcendent Meditation 2F

You are able to enter a state of meditation, able to shift your gaze free from your mind and body. While in a state of meditation you gain +1.05% resource regeneration / 10 Willpower. You also gain the benefits of resting while in meditation.

Mana Infusion 1F

Transfer mana from yourself to an external source. The rate of transfer varies by mana channeling. Inefficiency varies by the medium of transference. Reduces inefficiency of transfer by 5% and improves rate of transfer by 5%.

Rune Removal 1F

Enables the runic enchanter to use mana to remove runes inscribed on an item, allowing the material to be repurposed. This skill consumes mana/rune removed, cost varies by material and level of core used in finish divided by crafting efficiency.

Rune Transference 1F

Transfer a rune from one object to another at a 10% mana discount from creating them by directly inscribing

Dimensional Waypoint 2F

Create a nontangible semi-permanent waypoint relative to a frame of reference. You always know the exact distance and direction of any waypoint while in the same dimension as the waypoint or the direction to the nearest dimensional rift if in another dimension. The waypoint is always considered visible for the purposes of targeting restrictions. The caster is considered closer to the waypoint by a factor of 2.5 for determining mana cost when the spell targets an area within 5 meters of the waypoint. Waypoint may be dismissed at any time but will otherwise exist indefinitely on ambient mana. Mana cost varies slightly by the number of waypoints in the network and the distance from the caster to the target location when creating the waypoint.

Manifest Domain 2E

Create a domain within the physical world with a radius of 1.03 meter/willpower. You are aware of everything within your domain as if you had identified it and instinctually know exactly where everything is while it remains within your domain. You may imbue the domain with the effect of one of your spells with a 5.15% increase in mana efficiency. The spell will drain mana at a rate equivalent to if you were targeting a single target. You may affect any number of targets within the domain with the spell's effects at no additional cost. You can manifest a domain for 1.03 minutes/willpower/month. This time is reduced by 10 minutes/number of usages beyond the first each time a subsequent domain is manifested within the same month.

Runic Refresh 2F

Refresh a touched enchantment you previously crafted, with the new enchantment having an efficiency based on your current crafting efficiency. The etching quality and base items remain unchanged, but the core energy seal is removed. The mana cast for the refresh is equal to what it would have been to etch the runes originally with a 10% discount. There is a 10% reduction in core energy to re-seal the enchantment if the core level is equal to or lesser than the original seal. Otherwise, the discount is 10%/ratio of old seal / new seal.


Spatial Collapse 2E

Collapse space down, compressing all matter into a smaller space. Mana cost varies by the volume of space being collapsed, density of the space, and distance from the caster to the space being collapsed.

Metronome 1F

You can send out a pulse of a mana at a regular interval. Mana cost varies by duration and frequency of pulses.

True Distance 1F

Determine the distance between two frames of reference. Mana cost varies by precision and the distance from the caster to the frames of reference.

Temporal Expansion 2F

Expand a moment in time, increasing the amount of time the target experiences/unit of time elapsed. Mana cost/second varies based on the amplitude of the effect and distance from the caster to the target.

Temporal Collapse 2F

Collapse a moment in time, decreasing the amount of time the target experiences/unit of time elapsed by a factor of the amplitude. Mana cost/second varies based on the amplitude of the effect and the distance from the caster to the target

Teleportation 3F

Instantly appear at a distant location that is visible or has previously been visited. Touched objects may also be teleported. Mana cost varies by distance traveled and mass of the objects being teleported.

Dimensional Expansion 2F

Expands space in a dimensional pocket as defined by dimensional anchors. The mana cost varies linearly with the amount of space created, the distance from the caster to the anchors, and non-linearly with the ratio of existing space to newly created space.

Dimensional Tear 2D

Create a tear in dimensional space relative to a frame reference. If the dimensional tear occurs along a dimensional boundary, then a stable connection is created between the two dimensions. Nothing can exist where there is no space, and anything that comes into contact with an tear into nothingness will cease to exist. Anything that comes into contact with the edge of a stable tear will be forced apart. Mana cost determined by the size of the tear and the distance from the caster.

True Age 1F

Discern the age of something by seeing the effects of time. Mana cost varies by distance from caster to target and precision.

Cycles of Growth and Decay 2E

Exert the forces of time, Increasing the age of the target. While the target is aging, it can be nourished with mana, applying only the beneficial effects of aging to the target. Conversely, mana can be used to improve natural breakdown due to aging, applying only the negative effects of aging to the target. Mana cost/second varies based on the amount of mass affected, amplitude of the effect, and distance from target to caster.

Dimensional Portal 2D

Create a stable connection between two planes that you can see, connecting them as if they were no distance apart. Mana cost for creating the portal varies based on the dimensions of the portal and distance between the planes, and the distance from the caster to the two planes. Mana cost per second to maintain the portal depends on the dimensions of the portal.

True Gravity 1F

Measure the effective curvature of space and the resulting acceleration. Mana cost varies by distance from caster to target and precision of measurement.

Celestial Gravity 2F

Increases the force of gravity upon a given object, effectively increasing its weight and falling speed by a factor of the amplitude. Cost / second increases by the distance from the caster to the object, the mass of the object, and the amplitude of the effect.

Low Gravity 1E

Decreases the force of gravity upon a given object by a factor of the amplitude, effectively decreasing its weight and falling speed. Cost / second increases by the distance from the caster to the object, the mass of the object, and the amplitude of the effect.

Reorient Gravity 2E

Changes the force and vector of gravity upon a given object, effectively changing the direction and speed at which it falls. Cost / second increases by the distance from the caster to the object, the mass of the object, the amplitude of the effect, and the angle of reorientation.

Achievements Rank Description Primary Stats/Rank Total Primary Stats Increase

Solo Hunter 29 Slay a creature above your level without the aid of others. 0.001 0.029

Group Hunter 20 Slay a creature above your level with a group of 4 or less. 0.0005 0.01

Horde Slayer 16 Slay a group of creatures that outnumbered you, excluding enemies 5 levels plus 20% of users level lower. 0.001 0.016

Master Crafter 4 Produce a crafted item of significance. 0.001 0.004

Escape Artist 1 Escape dire circumstances without getting caught. Rank varies depending on the difficulty of escape and the consequences of failure. 0.001 0.001

Savior 3 Achievement granted for rescuing those captured by the Chixel raiding party. 0.0005 0.0015

Progenitor 1 You have distinguished yourself, reaching level 10 within the first month of the integration. 0.0015 0.0015

Grade Above 2 Solo kill a creature of a higher grade than your heritage, 1 rank / grade difference. 0.0015 0.003

Defender of Celestia 8 Awarded for contributing to the defense of Celestia against the Chixel army. 0.0005 0.004

Mass Produced 2 Produced a considerable number of items. When an item is crafted, the amount of progress towards the next rank varies by item type, the quality of the item doesn't matter. The amount of contribution needed to rank is slightly exponential. 0.0005 0.001

Supernatural Being 2 One or more of your primary stats has exceeded the limits of what is naturally possible for your species. 0.0015 0.003

Butcher 1 Slay a considerable number of creatures, excluding enemies 5 levels plus 20% of users level lower. The amount of creatures killed to rank up is slightly exponential. 0.0005 0.0005

Wonderous Crafter 1 Awarded for crafting an item that be considered a wonder 0.0015 0.0015

Tier Above 1 Solo kill a creature of a higher tier than your heritage, 1 rank/tier difference. 0.0025 0.0025

Warden of Gaia 5 Prevented the planetary core from being terraformed by the Azala 0.001 0.005


Baron of Celestia 17 0.001 0.017

Ongoing Quests Description/Progress Reward

Class Rank Up

Learn new space or time spells 5/15, rank up space or time spells 8/20, visit new celestial bodies 0/3, have space or time spells of tier 3 or higher 0/5.

Class Rank Up

Profession Rank Up

Runic Engineer rank up: Generate mana 539/4,000,000, have rank 5 in achievements Master Crafted and Mass Assembled 0/2, have achievement Wonderous Crafter 1/1

Profession Rank Up

Control New Chicago Claim the New Chicago area and form a county under your control before the auction. County formed 0/1.

Achievement and credits based on contribution and settlement experience for all settlements in the county.

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