A Rattling Monster

Chapter 60: The Northern Wall

Now that the dangerous dwarf is located in the South of Ronta, I can finally try my plan. Of course, I ask Oslo once again to monitor the two most dangerous threats. Now that I think about it, you don't have a problem with such a heavy use of your powers?

(Quite frankly no. I mean, the fairy crystals were very good, so filled with life. And your recent massacre has allowed me to reap some benefits too. So no, I am fine right now. In fact, the gem located inside you allow me to absorb a little bit of the magic around you. That was a surprise and since you never asked, well I didn't see the relevance of such information.)

That's great, I think. Besides the fact that you are absorbing something thanks to my body and I don't even know it. What else is he hiding?

(Nothing, nothing at all.)

Like I trust you, God of nothing. Actually, I trust you for a lot of things, too much even. But I have no choice, you had no choice, my skeletons warriors have no choice. Speaking of them, they are really important to me. But I have to sacrifice them, for the greater good. I just hope they didn't hear that, was my mind fortified enough? No answer means yes.

(I still don't understand what you are planning to do.)

That's easy. First, I will do another stunning performance that could grant me another Oscar. I will try to fool the soldiers by saying that I captured some of their fellow companions for my experiments. Then, those will manage to escape. They are my skeletons warriors, that's why I ask if they could speak. I will train them a little of course, to make their voices looking like the voice of someone terrified. After that, I will make one or two nearly escape to the surface, like just an arm and melt them. That way, the soldiers on the surface will spread the information. They will try to save the future guards trying to escape the mad ratman. After a short time, I will kill another skeleton in front of them. That will definitely be enough. The next three skeletons warriors will carry 3 acid crystals with them. Simultaneously, the three will escape to the surface, by crouching on the ground, not showing their faces. And when the reinforcements will try to save them, they will break the crystals, melting everything around them. And at that moment, I will follow that and jump out of the sewer and rush toward the wall. Genius, right?

(Low chances of success, certain death in case of failure, based on sheer luck. What are we waiting for? No, just kidding, but that is not a good plan, but it's the best plan, I agree with that. I will try to find the closest exit to the sewers near a wall. I guess you want the two others exit to be very close too, right?)

Yes, the closer the three skeletons will be, the better. But first, a little lesson of theatre for the six undead. Now that I arrived at the meeting point, I can see that some of the armors have some blood on it. That's good, that way, they will really think that I tortured them, and only with some luck did they escaped. I will even say that the dwarf helps them. Of course, later, they will learn that he had no part in that escape. But for the moment, the only thing they heard was an explosion in the middle of the city. Now, the dwarf could be anywhere.

Number one, talk to me, say help, help, help me, in a way that could be seen as desperate.

"Help! Help! Help me!"

That's good, just a little more screaming, and less shouting. Try again.

"Help! HELP! HELP ME!"

Very good, excellent. You all five have seen the example of number one, you need to reproduce it, the same tones. Now, number six, you will say help me please, for the love of Aria. Number five, you will say just get me out of here I don't want to die. Number four, your lines will be he is behind me, he is behind me. As for number one, two and three you will just scream for help. Now, six, five and four go to the location that Oslo will indicate you. As for you three, I need to give you something else. Here, each takes three crystals, you will have to crush it the moment someone touches you when you are outside. That's all, go to your designated location too.

Everything is in place, Oslo, you have managed to find the perfect way out?

(Yes, three sewer grids near a wall and some on the way. Like that, it will seem like they were running in the same direction but some tried to escape earlier and were caught by you. And the last three survivors were finally rescued by the brave guards and the surrounding priests and magicians. But for that, you really need to make them understand that if they don't go help them, humans will die.)

Yes, yes I know. But with the help of my undead, I am sure that I can fool them. And just the hope, that someone manages to survive a night with a ratman, will blind them. They will quickly rescue my skeletons warriors.

And now, I need to execute it flawlessly. Before the army of the kingdom arrives, and before the assassin catches me. Ok, three, two, one, breathe and action.


Now number six, and as I say that I can hear his scream resonating inside the sewers. Of course, while it seems he is running for his life, he is actually just walking peacefully toward the nearby grid. There, without stopping to scream, he extends a hand to the surface. It is at that moment that I throw an orb of acid at him. The death of a skeleton is really painful for me, just thinking about the time I spent to create them. But I need to do that.

I can hear the humans shout, they are reacting, good.


Number five, action. The same ritual as number six, we approach slowly the exit of the sewers and once again, just when he is about to leave the dark corridor, an orb put an end to his progression. Now I can really hear the humans curse me and complain to their goddess. Well, sorry, but your goddess has no power over me since she granted me my new life and she won't have any power over me ever again.


The act needs to continue. This time it is my fourth skeleton warrior that has to be sacrificed. But this time, instead of the hand, it will be the helmet that will remain. I carefully position the undead in a way that with a good shot, there is a chance that the helmet will be expulsed toward the surface and at the sight of everyone. I aim, I shoot and, damn I miss. I am sure that from the exterior, the helmet could have been seen, but he didn't land on the ground, it returned inside the sewers. But by now, the information about some guards running for their life should have reached the next barricades.


Three, two, and one go now. I approach the location where number one is. It is by that exit that I will jump out of the sewers. I can see the legs of number one moving slowly like he is trying to escape the sewers but doesn't have the strength to do it. That's really a smart skeleton, really a shame. He was the first to ever show the sign of intelligence.

Fushii SHiiiii SCHiiiiii

The three explosions of acid. Now it is time for the ratman to make his apparition. I quickly take the now wide hole in the street. I can see the shock on the remaining humans around me. The wall is at barely a hundred meters. I quickly begin my ascension under the cover of the chaos that I created. Unfortunately, the wall was guarded, but not with enough men. I activate my aura for the few seconds that I spend on the ramparts. I think that I melt four men while doing so. I climb down the wall, not getting shot at all. I guess my speed was too fast for them to react in time. The moment that I finally touch the ground, I see a bolt land right next to me, the confusion has ended apparently. Too bad it is far too late for them, I can now escape without any problems, only some fields are surrounding me. Farewell Ronta, for good this time.

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