A Rattling Monster

Chapter 153: Another Portal?

After that nice discussion with great openings for my future, I followed that dark man to my next mission, across space. Yes, space, where the stars are. I don't need to breathe anyway, so, that's fine. And arrived at the passage or what I think is the passage. I see thousands of creatures, stranger than the other and everyone is different. I guess that's the numerous Heroes guarding the way and preventing the passage of some unexpected guess. As for me, most are surprised by me and try to take a defensive stance. I get it, I am not looking very friendly. Some are just disregarding me, that should be those knowing who I am. And I even encounter those small robots, the one created by Thoth. But instead of just one, there are hundreds and hundreds of them. Now, I understand why I was only chased by one at a time, the rest is here. And not targeting me, thank you very much.

In the end, I was brought near a weird white thing pulsating. Quite huge, I would say 5 meters in size. Yes, the portal is white, not black and filled with darkness. No, just white light and even a peaceful atmosphere. Are we on the bad side? I look at the Hero of Anubis, but he just shakes his head. I guess the other side is the bad guys. Well, since I still don' really want the Earth to be totally destroyed by something else than the humans on Earth, I will defend you. Don't worry.

-So, now that I am near this friendly portal totally white and absolutely not looking harmful at all, what should I do? Dance? Praise the God of Portal?

-Hehe, no. Just enter it, and you will do what you want and we will get what we want. It's a win for us and maybe a win for you in the end. Farewell, Mister Marc Cassidy.

I can see him getting farther and farther until he just disappears. Astral or magical projection, just something to do that. Vanishing in the horizon. Anyway, I see all the other Heroes looking at me angrily or terrified. I guess they are just waiting for me to get out and leave them alone, without slaughtering anyone else. Do they all know how many died trying to catch me? Probably not. Well, here comes the Void.

When I enter it, I feel the same sensation that I felt when I was resurrected by Aria. Not very good. But not painful at all, wonder if it is because of my race. After leaving the white trail I end up, in space. Again. Nothing in sight, no huge monster ready to devour me right after that. No meteorite crashing in my direction. Is everything just peaceful? Seriously? I mean, I am supposed to provoke chaos and trouble, what should I do now? Where am I going?

Why didn't I just ask about that? Where should I go now, left, right, forward? I try to scan the surroundings and see anything but find nothing. Not a single trace of a living being, even when there is still this huge door of 5 meters near me. And it's pretty visible from far away, you can't miss that. I create a small spirit near the door, to use it as a beacon. Now that I have near infinite mana, I will do as a famous fairytale, just leave some small blue spirit behind me. And that way, I will find the way home. I hope they won't be eaten. Why did I say that?

I should stop asking for those things, otherwise, I will never get out of this place alive. Let's go forward, as usual. I travel for a few hours in the immensity of space. I found a small asteroid coming at me but I just dodged it. Besides that, nothing alive or moving. Is this place supposed to be that bad? I mean, I saw nothing threatening, well, nothing at all really. Until I finally see why they sent me.

Another rift hanging in the space, but blue this time. Dark blue, maybe navy blue. A lot smaller, barely half of my size. I don't know, but if I turn into a smaller form I can probably still enter it. And around it, five slugs hanging in the air. The same type that I was turned into when I transformed into the Devourer of Gods. But I wonder what they are doing right now. Because, when I said they are just hanging around, they truly are. They are just waiting around the blue portal, for something. So I approach, to see what is happening.

At first, they all turn to look at me, since I am quite a new face and they probably don't see a ratman a lot. But, probably after they understand that I am the same as they were, they just keep looking at the portal. That thing should be pretty interesting. Why am I not attacking? Because I have no idea what is happening right now. So let's just watch.

I shouldn't have planned that. I am certain that it is the second day that we are all waiting near this. I tried to discuss with the other slugs … I mean, Devourers of Gods. They just said nothing. I still am debating whether they understood a single word of what I said. Because, I can talk, but I need to hear something before. And I didn't hear a thing.


What is that sound … Oh, something appeared? So that's was what they were waiting fo…


Farewell little thing that passed through. The five monsters quickly absorbed it in less than a second. I didn't even have the time to really see what it was. And after that, they are all waiting again. So, that is basically free food for them, every time someone is stupid enough to pass through. So, I already discovered 2 rifts in their universe, one totally unguarded, another one slightly guarded. But I still have a lot of things to see. As for the slugs surrounding me, well time to remove the infestation.

I can roam around and they still are letting me do that. Only when I approach the blue portal, when I am a little too close, after that they react. They have a formation and they probably don't want an intruder to disrupt their meals. Other than that, I can even get really close to one of them and observe one of them. They have the same dark shield than I have, not the [Veil of Darkness], the other. I still don't know the resistance of it. Except for that visible aspect, I have to think that they will be able to teleport as they want, use their bodies offensively and maybe have a [Death Ray].

If I attack one, they will maybe don't react. Like, it's more food for them and it probably already happened quite a lot. But the moment I attack another one, they will all turn against me. Well, if it is not like that, I will teleport to my beacon. The first one, near the white portal. The only other issue is the fact that they are all grouped near the entrance of the blue world. I should be able to cast a precise [Death Ray] …

Yes, OHOH!

I can see countless tentacles getting out of the body of the quite burned slug. They were targeting the empty space where I was previously, and now, I cannot see it …

Dodge again. It is quite funny, but right now, we can't hit each other. I am teleporting away from the tentacles and they are hitting nothing. But I can't aim at the enemy because we are moving too fast. In the meantime, the four others are not even bothering to watch the spectacle, they are all focused on the blue portal. I try to drag the fight away from them, to use more of my powers without having a problem.


Another tentacle trying to hit me. What, you think I'm just gonna stand here and take it?


Teleport jumps left and right, stopping and starting. Until suddenly, everything ends.


Another hit on the burned slug. Now, I can see it barely keeping up. So, one hit from the probably strongest [Death Ray] possible is not enough, I need at least 3 in total. But I keep dodging and him attacking. I guess he is having a really bad time. But I have to at least deal with this one. It has been five minutes that I tried to find an angle where I can hit it without missing. As for why it is not running away, I have no idea. But I don't think his friends will welcome him in this weakened state.


Another row of tentacles, hitting nothing. Time for me to end this.


Miss, another one.


Damn, he is dodging now. But I need your life. [Purple Moon], I create 10 of them around us. Now, space is limited, I see him retreats after getting in contact with it. I guess my spell has something else than just energy. But now, I can manipulate the empty space as I wish. After another minute, I create an opening in my back, a fake one.


Finally done, let me see.



Dace: Void

Class: Devourer of Gods

Livel ??/??

RP: ????/????

MZ: ?????????"

Well, nearly perfect for the first rows. After that, still in a pretty bad shape, but it is better now.

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