A random pokemon journey

Reaching Fortree

Birch was super excited to receive the egg as it was a very rare opportunity to study a developing pseudo legendary egg with a variation. We had already discussed what would happen to the child after it was born so it was only a matter of him holding it until that time. The basic idea was that we were going to hold a tournament where the winner gets the Larvitar. Only new trainers would be allowed to participate to prevent ace or elite trainers from basically ruining the point of the tournament.-

I expected that Brendan would end up getting the Larvitar in the end should he participate which would be perfect since if he was as talented as his game counterpart he would reach champion level in time. Even if Brendan didn't participate the winner would still be a top talent and the Larvitars talent wouldn't likely be wasted. All in all it would work out just fine either way and the league had no reason to complain at all since we were going to set the tournament up through it. While the Larvitar wouldn't be from a certified breeder or anything like that the parentage of it was verifiable by a trustworthy source.-

The rehabilitation reserve was a league run place and as a result the woman who worked there was a heavily vetted individual and so long as she says that Rex and Gaia are the parents then there would be no problem. Hell if anything we are more likely to get complaints from gym leaders for not offering it to one of them since it would be a welcome addition to any of their teams if they were rock or ground specialists. The tournament would be set in about six months when the egg was likely to hatch.

Along the way to Fortree we stopped by the weather institute to crack some team aqua skulls since they were after the Castform there. Castform were artificial pokemon much like Porygon that had been created by people though with different methods. Porygon was basically an A.I that had left digital space after coming to life and was a rather debated species. Castform on the other hand were in a manner of speaking ghosts. Not in typing or that they were negative emotions given life so much as how they were created.-

Castform were born from a dense conglomeration of "weather" type energy that came together into a pokemon. Sounds familiar doesn't it? Almost exactly like the way a ghost type might come about except without any death or emotions involved. I couldn't even begin to tell you how weather energy was collected and condensed but what I can tell you about is why team aqua would want a Castform. It is the only pokemon known to be able to use every weather type move there was and for added awesomeness it even changed typing depending on what the weather was.-

For a criminal organization that wants to expand the seas to "create more opportunities" the thing was a perfect tool on paper. There was a few very big problems with the species however that made me not want one at all and also made them worthless for team aqua. First was they all had multiple personality disorder. It was based off whatever weather form they had taken and made them pretty much impossible to train. Second was that in terms of pure power they were weak as all hell and add on the difficulty in training them and it was not worth trying.-

Finally they couldn't evolve unlike Porygon that had two evolutions each stronger and better than the last. Even if they could evolve there was no telling what sort of strange method was required and frankly I didn't feel like wasting my only evolution token to see what a second stage would be like. Fifteen dead bodies later and just like in the game the weather researchers insisted I take one for saving them and I sent the damn thing to Birch as an early birthday present. He was thrilled to have it since it was a fascinating species and relatively friendly too.-

I caught some flak for killing the aqua grunts and single admin at the research institute but I just ignored it. I got attacked by two more would be assassins and left them tied upside down to a tree after crippling them. Hades had wanted to do worse but even I had to admit the ghost went a bit far last time and toned it down. After a week of travel and training we finally reached Fortree and it was totally different then I was expecting. In the game it was just a bunch of interconnected treehouses with the gym in the middle on the ground.-

In reality there was two layers to the city , one in the tree connected by rope bridges and one on the ground. The buildings in the trees were made of wood and the ones on the ground were stone or metal in construction giving the whole city a strange aesthetic. It worked though as it looked almost like nature had been allowed to grow without control and two factions of people lived here , the with nature and the for man factions. Obviously that wasn't the case but that was just the sort of vibe the place gave.-

I drew more than my normal amount of gazes when I entered the city with the little one following in the air over head but i had expected that. He had grown over the last few weeks as his body matured and was now almost reminiscent of a Dragonair in terms of length and almost half as thick as a normal Milotic. Add on the jewel like scales and airborne activities and it would be hard not to stare at it. Don't let the carefree cheerfulness of the little one fool you though he had stats that put many mature second stage pseudo legendries to shame.-

[Pokemon: Feebas


Moveset: Splash(n) , Metronome(n)(egg move)

Variations: ??????



Sp. Atk: 73

Sp. Def:113


Ability: ?????(n) ]

To be honest i was almost willing to bet that by the time the little one reached maturity and could actually start training in a normal manner it's stats wouldn't be below one hundred in any category. I still had no clue what the variation and ability were called though despite regularly sending updates on the little one including any details I found.-

Interestingly the little one had it's own dedicated forum page now where people posted pictures of it and talked about what it was. I officially had the title variant specialist apparently as that was how I was referred to on the forums. It wasn't all positive though as some people had taken to trying to copy me with a full team of variants(rich people obviously) and it hadn't gone so well as you may have expected.

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