A random pokemon journey


I couldn't really blame them since there was so many traits to be found in the not so little ones appearance that he may as well be an entirely different species from the normal Feebas. "It's no secret in the league but this fellow here was the result of a criminal organization tampering with the genetic structure of pokemon in hopes of creating an artificial variant pokemon. They of course failed as the finished product was an unstable creature that while technically a variant would be useless to them as it was insane and had fluctuating power that couldn't be tamed."-

"That creature however was this ones mother and as a result this one is a unique existence as you'll not find another like him anywhere else in the world. I was entrusted with him by the league since I am a variant specialist." I explained honestly. "What happened to his mother?" Rui asked horrified. "She needed to be laid to rest as she had become a danger to the innocent people nearby. No need to worry though this one was an egg at that time and has known nothing but care since he hatched." I said rubbing the flying creatures head affectionately.-

"Sounds like what Cyphers been up to as well." Wes said thoughtfully. "Ah, I believe you are referring to the group that's been manufacturing shadow pokemon artificially yes?" I asked and they nodded with surprised looks. I chuckled "No need to seem surprised I have looked into the matter in my own way to a small degree but have deemed that you two have the situation covered and my interference isn't necessary. Admittedly I was tempted to kill that gaudy golden disco ball when I saw him flee but resisted the urge." I said honestly.

"We are actually here because we wanted a favor after speaking with my grandfather in Agate village. He said that you would more likely than not know how to purify a shadow pokemon since the relic didn't actually work to do so." Rui said giving me her biggest puppy dog eyes. "Ugh, that old man heard what I said what but clearly wasn't listening. I said that the relic was the closest thing to purification you'd find save for bothering a legendary directly. All he seemed to have understood was that it wasn't actually purification."-

"Before we get to the matter of purifying shadow pokemon I suppose I should explain a bit exactly how such a thing is accomplished. As you hopefully know by now a shadow pokemon is created by closing the door to the pokemons heart. What this means is more symbolic than literal but roughly the idea is to close off all the positive emotions and energies of the pokemons aura leaving only pure negative emotions and impulses that cause the aura to twist into a foul shadowy color which was where the name shadow pokemon came from."-

"The catch here was that just as the door could be closed it could also be opened again restoring the pokemon to it's natural state. How this was accomplished was via one of three methods that two of were lumped together with true purification and thus mistakenly labeled as such. What the relic does is one of those methods in that it forces the one being effected to experience their most positive memories and emotions until the dark emotions and impulses are overcome. To put it bluntly it was suppressing the larger negative with the smaller positive until the positive becomes the larger of the two thus opening the heart again."

"The second method is simply busting down the door with brute force and something any decent aura master can accomplish. This method is effectively fighting off the negative emotions and impulses in the aura with your own aura until you can forcefully fling the door open returning the pokemon to normal. And of course the final method is true purification where the negative stuff is directly and completely eradicated from the pokemon which means the door is no longer being held shut by it and thus opens right up." I explained seriously.-

"So we could just use the relic then?" Wes asked for clarification. I shook my head "I believe it's not quite so simple. When I visited Pyrite town I got the chance to examine a shadow pokemon created by Cypher and I discovered that it had been wiped of all memories before it became a shadow pokemon. This meant that before the relic could even have a chance to work you'd need to create new positive memories with the pokemon and after you make enough the relic will use those to push the door open. Unfortunately this will take a large amount of time to accomplish normally." I said honestly.

I am willing to admit that it was a clever method to create shadow pokemon as the usual process is to heighten the negative emotions in the pokemon until they overcome the positive before forcing the door shut. However by wiping all the memories from the pokemon and then creating negative ones you had no positive emotions to fight back and thus could directly slam the door shut far easier. Don't get me wrong though this was an extremely cruel methodology as it effectively wiped out who that pokemon was entirely leaving them little more than a husk of raw emotions and instincts.

"So what are we supposed to do to help them then?" Rui asked upset. "Repeat back to me what I told you the methods of rectifying this situation were and then think about that question again." I said calmly since I had already said how to fix a shadow pokemon. Honestly I was beginning to think people in this region had something wrong with their heads since they seemed to only focus on one thing out of everything. Makan focused on tech or money, Cail was all about payment and even Eagun basically latched onto a single aspect of what I said.-

Like theres nothing bad per se about this sort of mentality but it was kinda annoying to deal with when explaining shit. Still after Rui finished repeating what I said she at least figured out that I had already answered her previous question. "Does that mean I could restore the shadow pokemon?" she asked and I scoffed. "Fuck no! You barely even know what aura is much less how to use it to do something like this. I mean you totally could in the future with the right training but that's a far off thing."-

"No I was referring to myself and before you ask , yes I am in fact more than willing to help." I said bluntly to get any such thoughts out of her head before she pays for them. Aura manipulation like this was not some sort of game where everything will be fine if you make a mistake. It was delicate and precise work that one wrong move on and you risk killing the patient or worse, getting corrupted.


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