A random pokemon journey


This raised the question of what would happen if you raised this new move to transcendent as well but I got that answer from the system after asking. While it was possible to do so the difficulty of it increased by multiple times and at some point you will start getting quantitative improvements rather than the qualitative ones like what was going on with this new move. Tanks personal enlightenment of the move harden let him create what was basically just an all around defensive buff move unlike most moves that affected only a single stat.-

This brought into question exactly how many different variations of a single move can be achieved through transcendence. The answer I came up with was too gods damned many to count. Typing change, effect change, effect boost and so many more possible directions. There was one small problem with moves made from transcendence though , they couldn't be copied onto a tm. It was my first thought once I understood how transcendence worked. Since it got harder and harder for the pokemon that transcended the move to transcend the new one why not just give the new move to another pokemon to transcend without that extra effort?-

The answer was simply that whatever made a transcendent based move special also prevented any other pokemon from learning the move. Birch was also less than pleased at that discovery as move mastery at that level was pretty much unrecorded as it pertained to the secrets of the trainer themselves usually. In Tanks case though it was less my own training and more his own effort so sharing it with Birch wasn't an issue. The good professor documented what he could but any attempt to copy juggernaut failed entirely.

I supposed it made sense that moves at that level would be impossible to copy as they were likely a sign of prestige once one managed to reach champion level. There was one problem I hadn't expected to come from Tank having a move at that level , move blurring. Tank described his mastery of other moves as "blurry" like they were surrounded in a mist that made it hard for him to improve his mastery of them. My best guess here was that this was either an innate restriction on how powerful a pokemon was allowed to become by nature or this was simply a new kind of barrier to be broken through.-

Moving on from there I handed over the fossils to Stone to revive and he was nice enough to do it for free because of what they would be used for. An "investment in the future" he called it it and I merely shrugged and headed for Mt. Grey to try and find one more fossil. While I was there I showed the little one the Kyogre tooth but unfortunately the young pokemon felt nothing from it which I had expected to a degree.-

It was neutrally typed after all so it got nothing from the tooth unlike if it was a true water type still. The idea of trying to take the tooth with me crossed my mind but frankly speaking I didn't have a way to do so. While the space in my bag was certainly big enough to hold the tooth the thing was simply too large to fit through the bags opening. I also briefly thought about trying to get a clone of Kyogre using the tooth but immediately dropped that highly suicidal idea. Much like the original Ho oh I was pretty sure Kyogre would know immediately if someone tried that shit and would retaliate violently.-

In the end I could only choose to leave the tooth behind for now with the intention of coming back for it later. As I combed the area around Mt. Grey for a fossil the league was busy advertising the tournament after the preliminary rules and location had been chosen. All of Hoenn was buzzing about it and quite a few of the older trainers were upset that they couldn't participate as the prizes for the top three were revealed to be highly desirable.-

The league was getting thousands of projected people coming to the tournament to watch it and a about forty first year trainers coming to participate. This meant that they needed to get construction of the venue done very fast. I and Stone were kind enough to toss some of our fortunes at the project to have a frankly massive colosseum made capable of seating thousands easily. Originally the league was going to just make a temporary venue but I felt this would be a good chance to leave a permanent mark on Hoenn and opted to fund the colosseum.-

There was nothing even remotely similar in the region and that would help the newly built Slateport after it was done thanks to tourism alone. Even for my stupidly large amount of money funding this construction properly and on a tight deadline cost me a hefty chunk of my net worth. Nearly six hundred million poke from me alone went into the project temporarily dropping me out of the billionaire tier. Between my potions and tm sales I had accumulated a lot of money and that was only from the single target healing move Yani created. If I put up any of my other highly desired moves like magma coat or flashing rain for sale I could make even more money but I wanted to keep those moves for myself.-

Even after spending so much money I still had more money than I knew what to do with and more was coming in every day. Anyways while that was going on my team and i was scouring the area around Mt. Grey in hopes of finding a decent revivable pokemon fossil. My eyedrop potion came in clutch for this situation as I was nearly constantly x-raying the ground to find something. The hard stone ground tried it's best to impede us but nothing hid from my gaze for long.-

I had found many busted up unrevivable fossils as I went but that was normal for mountains like this and I needed a complete fossil that could be revived. It took me three weeks to find one and it was unusual to say the least. It was an ancient Tropius fossil of all things which if anything I had expected to find near Fortree where the species usually resides. The strange part was that the ancient variant of Tropius was one of the ones that had a strange typing to it. -

See the modern Tropius was grass and flying type but the ancient variant was grass and dragon type which was an unusual combination. This particular variant was also highly coveted by alchemists due to the properties of the fruit it grows under it's chin. Unlike the normal members fruit that was sweet and nutritious without anything special about them the ancient variants fruit held intense supplementary effects for grass or dragon type pokemon. While grass type supplementary ingredients were a dime a dozen dragon type ingredients were as rare as it got as far as ingredients were concerned.

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