A random pokemon journey

Meeting big names

Gaia played along and roared loudly which shook the air hard enough that the people in the bottom rows likely felt it in their bones. The crowds went wild which was top be expected since that was the sort of thing that really got the blood surging. "Even more valuable is that this egg has a truly powerful pedigree that all but guarantees excellence! In addition to my dearest Gaia here the other parent of this egg is a royal variant elite tier Garchomp! In other words this egg houses a pokemon almost guaranteed to be a royal variant as well!" I said loudly and the crowd cheered.-

"The prizes for the other top five are also nothing to turn your nose up at either! All four of these pokemon came from fossils that I personally collected on my journey thus far! The second place winner will receive an ancient variant Tropius! Yes I am giving the lucky runner up a pokemon that even champions would feel tempted to possess due to both it's utility and potential power! In third place there is a Kabuto! Forth and fifth place are ancient variant Azurill and Wingull respectively!" I said hyping things up.-

"In this regard I would like to thank the Devon corporation for graciously reviving these fossil pokemon free of charge just for this most grand of events!" I said throwing a bow towards where Mr. stone was sitting in the VIP booth which he merely smiled and waved at. I hadn't actually mentioned that I was going to be thanking him in such a way so his reaction was genuine and impressively controlled. It was a small prank on my part but one that he couldn't exactly complain about either since this was great publicity for his company.-

"With that out of the way I will now explain the rules of this tournament since they are slightly different then normal! This tournament has exactly sixty participants and so will proceed on a process of elimination! Each opponent is randomly selected to maintain impartiality so there may be some unfortunate match ups as a result! Next is that the style of battle for this tournament is double battles in which each trainer must command two pokemon at the same time at all times unless they are unable to send out a second pokemon to the field!"-

"Being a trainer is about teamwork between not only the trainer and their pokemon but their pokemon working together as well!" I said and the crowd went nuts in excitement. Double battle style tournaments weren't really a thing outside of Orre so this was a very exciting event for them that was quite novel. These people knew what double battles were but they were so rare outside of Mossdeep gym that few actually understood exactly how difficult they were against teams you had no way of planning for. I wanted to make this tournament a learning experience for those participating and I saw no better way than to toss them into unfamiliar territory.-

"Now don't go discounting the ones who lose a single battle as each one has a single challenge they can issue to hop back into the tournament so that they aren't disqualified due to an unfair match up! And finally of course I have decided to add a final last minute reward just to spice things up! I will personally help the top three train for an entire two weeks!" I said and the crowd went nuts as I left the field with a grin.-

"You certainly know how to light a fire under folks kid." A gruff older voice said as I entered the VIP booth. Looking over I saw that it came from a ripped old dude with a thick white mustache and long black coat with no shirt underneath it. "Elite four Drake, can't even begin to say how many people have thought we were related." I said with a chuckle that he also had. "I know all about it, this lot has given me no end of teasing over it since you started making a name for yourself. Can't say as I don't understand the comparison beyond our names since your aggressive nature mirrors my own." he said with a smirk.-

I shrugged "Mercy on ones enemies is asking for trouble later on, best to nip the problems in the bud and be done with it." I said honestly. "Couldn't agree more but then again I can't think of a single dragon type master who wouldn't, ruthlessness and power is the dragon way after all." Drake said seriously and I nodded. "It's like seeing a really strange pair of twins." Phoebe said with a giggle from nearby. Hades left my pocket at that and glared at her or more specifically at her shadow that just cackled in response.-

"That one really doesn't play nice with others it seems." she says casually like she wasn't smack dab in the middle of where there could be a turf war between ghost types. "Relax, their friendly." I told Hades and it hissed before retracting back to it's keystone. "I'm still working on the aggression problem with it, sorry about that." I apologized to Phoebe. She just shook her head "I totally get it, Spiritomb are naturally hyper aggressive and irrational due to the way they are formed so if anything your ability to calm it like this is quite impressive." she said with a smile.-

"I've had my share of problems with it but having it bond with my youngest pokemon has done wonders for curbing it's violent impulses." I said honestly. "Speaking of the anomaly would you mind letting us see it? We have all read the reports you submit but can't really get a good feel for it without meeting it ourselves." Glacia asked calmly. I didn't mind and released the little one from it's ball where it immediately took to the air and looked around at everyone here curiously before rushing over to Watson eagerly since the old man always had treats on him that he gave to it.-

"Hahaha! Good to see you too squirt, yes yes here you go!" the old man said with a wide smile as he handed over his treat stash. "How naïve , surrounded by the most powerful people in the region and the thing doesn't have even an ounce of caution." Drake said with a frown. "That's not naivete but trust. Why should he feel any caution when he knows that should someone make a move out of place they won't survive long after?" I said as I flared my aura at the old man and Hades howled as it glared at him with dozens of crimson eyes.-

Drake laughed though "If I didn't know better I'd say you were a dragon yourself! Fiercely protective of their own. Can't say as I don't see your point though as in truth other than Phoebe who has a ghost or two in her shadow the rest of us would probably die before we could react if you and your own ghost turned hostile." he said casually.

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