A random pokemon journey


Satisfied with the location I claimed the Hub token and quickly dug it out of my bag. It looked sort of like a poker chip to be honest as far as size and shape was concerned. Weight though was an entirely different matter it felt like it weighed a good couple pounds despite it's small size. On one side of the token there was an engraved image of a roulette wheel and on the other a house. Much like the Evolution token I merely needed to make my will clear to use this token.-

I activated the token and to my surprise it shot out of my hand and straight into the middle of the oasis pool with a dull "THUNK!" like I had dropped a rock into it instead of the token. Nothing happened for a few minutes though which confused me as the system usually was pretty speedy about this sort of thing. I was almost about to leave when the ground began rumbling and the water began to stir. I quickly realized that i should probably move and had Rune take us into the air as we watched the show.-

The trees and plants shifted and moved away from a single side of the oasis and dust began to rise as sand was displaced as an intricate looking white stone wall with silvery lines all throughout it rose around the entire oasis ending with a large set of matching gates carved with intricate images of all my pokemon as well as myself on them. The walls looked to be about fifteen feet tall and three feet thick and my instincts told me that it wasn't just for show either. Once that was done a building that appeared to be made of the same material rose from the sand on the side of the oasis that had cleared itself previously of plantlife.-

In terms of design though the building reminded me almost of gothic architecture from on earth except it was less edges and more smooth transitions. In addition the entire building seemed to be made of a single massive chunk of material. Soon the process came to an end and I had Rune land outside the gates so we could inspect the entire area. I also released the rest of my team that were just as curious about the place since this would effectively be our new home for the foreseeable future.-

The level of detail on the stone gates images was incredible as I could feel the small grooves that made it by running my finger tips across the material. Yani was actually the one who brought to my attention a series of marks in the wall next to the gate that were nearly imperceptible but perfectly mimicked a part of each of my pokemons bodies as well as my own. Curious what they were for I found the mark that matched my palm and placed my hand there.-

Immediately I felt a gentle tug at my aura which I didn't try to stop but let do as it wished. My aura flowed smoothly out of my body and into the wall and to my surprise the silvery lines lit up as my aura began to spread throughout the wall and I had an idea what was happening and quickly told my pokemon to place their matching part on the wall as well and not to fight the flow. When they did the wall shuddered as the energy of all of us flowed into it and fused with my aura as the center most energy.-

The silvery lines began to glow brightly in a rainbow hue and to my amazement the air began to shimmer at the top of the wall with the disturbance rising higher and higher before arching and meeting in the center of the compounds sky. At that moment the wall began to slow down on it's absorption of our energy until it stopped entirely. I marveled at what I was seeing as I had never thought I would see something like this so soon. This wasn't something new in this world but a fusion of four different skills at grandmaster level coming together to create what may as well be a fortress.-

Aura, stone work, metal work and alchemy came together to create structures that used aura to create a powerful defensive array around and within the area it was set up in. In a manner of speaking this compound was now considered a conduit weapon of supreme defensive capabilities. From the information I had from my skills until the energy within the wall was exhausted NOTHING was getting through the dome surrounding the compound without my permission. That included an attack from a godly legendary.-

Don't get me wrong any such attack would exhaust the energy in nearly an instant so it wasn't really anything to brag about but it still showcased just how robust the defensive capabilities of this structure were. I spent a few minutes marveling at the wonderous construct before walking over to the gate again and gently pushing it open. Despite being several hundred pounds easy the gates barely took a single touch from me to slide open without a sound. The compound encompassed the entire oasis and then a good deal of desert land so even Gaia with her massive size found the area spacious and comfortable.-

The temperature within the dome was also rapidly cooling from the harsh scorching climate of the desert to an almost mild tropical temperature perfect for any species to thrive in, except perhaps lava dwelling pokemon like Magcargo. Once we were within the compound the gates closed on their own which would take some getting used to. Moving on from there though we approached the building and I wasn't surprised to find that it also required us to fill it with our energy. Doing so the building hummed to life as a nearly invisible beam of energy shot out of the top of the spire at the center of the building.-

It connected to the center of the dome strengthening it further as well as bringing an additional benefit, environmental enrichment. In mere moments the entire inside of the dome became an aura hotspot as the very air tingled with life energy that made all of us subconsciously relax. Even Hades that was a chaotic mess to look at slowed and flowed in a smooth organized manner as though it's mind had been calmed. It was an unbelievable feeling and sight to witness as my bond with it all but grew silent compared to the near constant droning of madness and hostility.-

Entering the building i couldn't help but smile helplessly as the entire place was barren of all but the essentials such as an aura powered cooking set up, working bathroom and shower and outlets for electronics. I can't even begin to tell you how any of that worked beyond that it used the aura energy flowing throughout the entire complex to create these things in working order. It was all so high tier that beyond pure theory I had no real explanation to give.

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