A random pokemon journey

Evolution quest

Not only had all three of the non attacking moves jumped up to journeyman but Vulcans level had also gone up by five and had even gained a few points in it's special defense. The stat points were probably from the first spar Vulcan had with Gaia but none the less it's growth with so little time was staggering. I didn't mention any of that though to Vulcan as it already had an arrogant personality and this information would merely inflate it's ego. "Good work guys , it's getting dark out so we should probably start heading back!" I called out to both of my pokemon that were panting after a long day of hard training.-

"Gaia you should go hunting for our dinner while Vulcan and I set up the parts we don't have to leave for like the fire." I said calmly and Vulcan huffed and complained that it wanted to go hunting. "And let you burn down half the forest in the process ? Not likely. Don't go thinking that I didn't see you stopping yourself from using a fire type move all day." I said bluntly and the legendary lowered it's head in shame.-

"It's fine to be eager to fight but you need to understand that restraint and patience are key parts of battle. If you go charging headfirst into a fight and get killed that would suck pretty hard wouldn't it?" I asked and Vulcan nodded in agreement. The legendary wasn't stupid or even all that stubborn just ignorant much like a young child that simply didn't know any better. As a result it didn't argue about me having Gaia take care of the hunting for now until I was certain it wouldn't randomly decide to use flamethrower on a Zigzagoon a quarter of it's level.-

Once back at the cave the two pokemon push open the boulder and Gaia immediately heads into the nearby woods to hunt while Vulcan and I head inside. I quickly get to work stacking up the sticks in the spot the fire normally is and Vulcan spits out some glowing red embers in a weakened version of the actual move. The wood catches immediately as a result so I nodded happy with the now lively fire. Pulling the bag I never go anywhere without off my back I open it up and remove my wok as well as various plants and roots.-

Taking my now admittedly dull knife out of the bag I rough chop them all up and toss them in the wok with some of the water I store in the empty full restore container. I add some salt to the water and set the wok next the fire to gently cook the vegetables. I stirred occasionally to keep the stuff from burning but once the mixture was cooked halfway through I took it away from the fire to slowly cool until Gaia brought back the meat to go with it.-

She didn't disappoint either as she brought back three Pidgey , three Zigzagoon and a Linoone that was probably the leader or parent of the three Zigzagoon. It made no difference to me though since I'd be eating it anyways. I cut up the meat and tossed it into the wok while the bones were quick roasted over the flames before Gaia and Vulcan split them between themselves. I meanwhile tossed the warm semi cooked plants with the meat over the fire in the wok that was quickly heating up. It didn't take more than five minutes for the food to really get cooking at such high temperatures but I never stopped moving it so nothing stuck or burnt.-

All of our stomachs grumbled impatiently and I laughed before dividing the food up and waiting for my own to cool. The next few days passed by in a blur as we worked on Vulcans moves to get it to an acceptable level. I as I started to remove more and more restrictions from the spars Vulcan rapidly over took Gaia in power and was beginning to put her under serious pressure. Both of their levels shot up thanks to this with Gaia hitting forty five herself three days later and Vulcan sitting pretty at fifty seven.-

The signs of Gaia's evolution were glaringly obvious at this point and she merely needed a tiny push in the right direction to evolve. Vulcan still was a bit impulsive but much less than originally after learning the importance of timing and patience in battle. Both of them had learned a couple new moves as well with Gaia learning dark pulse and crunch. Vulcan on the other hand learned crunch , extrasensory and lava plume. I woke up on the fourth day to a surprise from the system in the form of a quest.-

[Quest conditions established!

Description: Your pokemon has reached the threshold for evolution and needs your assistance to take that step.

Objectives: Evolve your pokemon , Command the opponent in a spar(optional) , dominate the fight(optional)

Rewards: 2x exp ticket , 1x item ticket(optional) , 1x skill ticket]

I had already planned on removing all the restrictions on the next spar between Gaia and Vulcan but if I get paid to personally step in and take charge damn right I was gonna. I got up full of energy after getting that notification and hurried my two pokemon to also get up.-

They were a bit confused about why I was so excited until I explained it to them " I had already planned on having you two go all out in your spar today but now I will instead take charge of Vulcan to hopefully pressure Gaia into evolving." I said with a wide grin and both of their eyes lit up in excitement. Until now I hadn't commanded either of them in battle against the other so they were both feeling a bit odd about me being the trainer. They understood that I was merely letting them get more comfortable around each other first before I did but the point still stood.-

Gaia was excited about the idea of evolving since contrary to popular belief the process was not in fact a guaranteed thing as some pokemon go their entire lives without the opportunity. As a result all pokemon hope to one day reach their full evolutionary potential with the exception of legendries of course. Vulcan on the other hand was excited to finally get a chance to experience what battle under the reigns of a trainer was like. We all eagerly made our way to the training area that had been destroyed in the last few days.-

The ground had been cratered and scorched while the sand was more abundant than ever with chunks of glass from the fire type attacks having hit it. Gaia took her normal position while Vulcan took his only today I stood behind Vulcan. I picked up a chunk of glass from the ground "The match starts when this piece of glass hits the ground!" I shouted and both of my pokemon tensed up as I threw the glass as hard as I could up in the air. 

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