A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

S*x Frenzy

After finishing work for the day, Kass rushed home, his dick worryingly erect and straining against his pants. He wasn’t sure how much longer his [Suppress Arousal] would last, and he didn’t want to find out what would happen when it wore off.


Reaching the house, Kass hurriedly wrenched open the door, seeing Lilith and Amelia preparing dinner.

“Sorry, we’re behind schedule a bit,” Amelia said. “It’s still half an hour until dinner.”

Okaythankyouseeyouthen!” Stumbling over his words, Kass ran into his bedroom and shut the door behind him.

“Do you think he’ll be alright?”

“Eh, he’ll be fine,” Lilith said. “But just to make sure, I’m going to go give him a hand.”

“You mean-”

“I’m going to go have sex with your brother. I mean, unless you’d object to that-”

“He needs the help,” Amelia said. “Besides, I’ll probably have to get used to you having sex with other people sooner or later.”

“Okay, if you’re sure. But if you do have any problem with it-”

“Just go and help him.”

“Got it.” Going into Kass’s room, Lilith saw he had removed his pants, and was already roughly stroking his penis.

“Hey, need some help?”


“I mean, it’ll go down faster if you do it with someone, and… I’m offering. So, which of your virginities do you feel like losing tonight?”

“Please- leave me- alone. I can take care of- this- by myself.”

Lilith sighed. “Why do you persist in making this harder for yourself? I am offering to help you out of the goodness of my heart, and you don’t want my help!”

“Please- leave. I think- the spell- is about to wear off,” Kass said, looking worried.

“Oh, you mean the [Suppress Arousal] skill? Yeah, if you’re this erect and that wears off, it’ll be-”

Before Lilith could finish the sentence, a pop-up appeared in front of Kass. The moment it appeared, Kass sprung at Lilith, his face like an animal’s. Oh, this is what I was like when-

Lilith’s train of thought was interrupted by Kass roughly shoving his dick into her pussy, pushing past the momentary resistance of the engorged ring with a wet popping sound. 

As Kass continued the rough thrusting, Lilith soon came, spraying cum over both her and Kass.

Trying to keep her mind steady, Lilith noticed something interesting. As Kass thrusted, caught in the throes of his lust, his body hair was growing right before her eyes, thickening into the beginnings of outright fur. His actual hair was growing too, and darkening; going from pure curly red to black roots, as though his hair was dyed, with the curls being pulled down slightly by their own weight. His level must really be going up.

eventually- a little over twenty minutes by Lilith’s count- Kass’s thrusting slowed, and he seemed to come out of his frenzy. “Wha- Oh god oh shit oh fuck I can’t believe I just-

“You coherent now?”

“Did I- did we-” Kass looked around, hoping for some explanation of the situation that wasn’t ‘I just raped my sister’s girlfriend’.

“Yeah. That happens when your arousal builds up past the limit,” Lilith said.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to-”

“Don’t worry, Kass. I don’t blame you. I know what that feels like- my first time with these powers, this happened to me too. Besides, if I wanted to, I could’ve thrown you off easy. Ten more levels than you, remember?”

“But I-”

I was literally offering to have sex with you before this happened,” Lilith sighed. “At least for the future, your SP will take longer to build up.”


“You probably leveled up a lot just then. Check your menu.”

Obliging, Kass opened the menu and saw that Lilith was right.








Warrior of Medenta

Combat Level


Sexual Level



















  • Ass  (Total level 1)
    • Size (Lv. 1)
  • Thighs (Total Level 1)
    • Size (Lv. 1)
  • Vagina (Total level 0)
    • Fertility (Lv. 0, OFF)
  • Penis (Total level 3)
    • Size (Lv. 1)
    • Balls (Total level 2)
      • Cum Volume (Lv. 2)
      • Fertility (Lv. 0, OFF)


“Two whole levels?”

“Well, I’ve noticed you get more EXP when you’re having sex with another person, and-slash-or awake for it. Also, you probably had a lot of SP to expend.”

“Hmmm. Well, I understand- at least a little- why my [Cum Volume] increased, but what’s [Ass]? Why is there a whole section related to donkeys? Oh god, am I going to turn into a donkey?”

“Wrong kind of Ass. It refers to your, well, behind.”


“Butt. Booty. Keister. Whichever euphemism you prefer.”

“I have never heard it called an ass.”

“I have,” Lilith said. “Can I see how much it’s increased by?” Not waiting for an answer, Lilith pulled herself off of Kass’s softened dick, looking around to see Kass’s magically enhanced ass. “Yeah, that definitely qualifies as an ass.”

“So is it not an ass all the time?”

“Ass is typically reserved for when it’s pretty big. And trust me, this-” Lilith slapped his ass, Kass holding in a moan as the sensation sent reverberations of pleasure throughout his body. “-is an ass.” 

“Why would you slap me like that?”

“I mean, it looked like you enjoyed it.”

“Why would I enjoy getting slapped?”

“I mean, I don’t judge, a lot of people-”

Please stop talking.

“Okay. Hey, since you’ve hit level five, I think I can give you a sexual skill. Do you want that [Clean-Up] spell me and Amelia use?”

“I- yes, that would be useful,” Kass admitted.

“Oh, one more thing- do you need a ball bra?”

“A- a what?

“One sec,” Lilith said, quickly granting Kass access to [Clean-Up]. “Can you clean this up? I just gave you the spell.”

“Why not do it yourself?”

“I thought if you did it, you might unlock a new spell. You unlock magic by doing magic, remember?”

“Oh, right.” Casting the spell, both Lilith’s cum and all the cum that wouldn’t stay in her vagina (A frankly massive amount, due to Kass’s leveled-up [Cum Volume] skill) to disappear in the typical orb fashion.

“Oh, no new spell?”

“Huh,” Lilith said. “Not sure why that didn’t work. Anyway, the ball bra.”

Lifting up her dress to show her bra, Lilith continued, despite Kass’s almost-immediate blush. “So, this is a bra, something I made to help support my breasts and prevent them from just, like, swinging around. You probably wouldn’t need one right now, but your balls might. Amelia’s got balls a little smaller than yours, and she uses a ball-bra. Do you want us to make one for you?”

“I don’t think I’d need-”

“Dude, your balls are almost the size of, like, plums. They’ll probably swing around a lot when you move.”

“...Give me some time to think on it. Also, can you pull your dress back down?”

“Oh, yeah, sure. Let me check on-”

At that moment, Amelia’s voice rang from the kitchen. “Dinner’s almost ready, you two!”

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