A New Player in the Force

Cathedral of the Past 1

I stepped backwards and guided the attack from my opponent to the side even as my free hand lashed out and caught him flush in the ribs.

He grunted and used the Force to leap away from me.

"Not bad kid," he muttered as he moved into an Ataru stance while I stayed with Soresu. While I'd normally use Makashi, this was my first full-on spar with a full Jedi Knight. Because of this, I was relying more on the defensive form to try and outlast my opponent.

And it was working.

I led the spar two-zero, meaning another clean hit would give me the match, and my first win against a Knight.

In the few weeks that I'd been back at the Temple, I'd sparred with and beaten a further five Padawans, gaining about 2000XP from Training Superiority while also raising my Intelligence and Wisdom to 19. I'd also spent time training those who wanted pointers on Makashi while sparring daily with Serra, Darihd and Sia-Lan, who'd arrived back from an assignment a few days ago.

The knight moved to attack, his blade sweeping upwards as he moved in far more rapidly than a normal sentient could.

Though to me, it seemed slow, letting me know that Bullet Time was at a high enough level to counter his skill at accelerating his actions.

I easily avoided the attack, sliding forwards so that his blade sailed through where I'd been standing, then brought my blade around to block his next attack.

He pivoted, slashing as he did, forcing me to step backwards.

He brought his blade upwards, surging forward, and I was forced to step backwards, gliding to the side of his attack.

The pattern continued for a dozen more attacks until one attack where he overextended.

I shifted from Soresu to Makashi, guided his blade to my left, stepped inside his range and brought my blade down across his chest.

"Match Shan," Master Drallig called out to a few cheers.

"Damm kid. You're good," the knight stated as we powered down our lightsabers.

"Purely thanks to Master Dooku, Knight Pana," I replied.

Dooku heard my comment and shook his head once. "While I have been teaching you Padawan, your ease with the blade is all your own. Few Jedi, even Masters such as I, are so comfortable shifting between Forms in combat." Even without the Force Bond we shared, I could tell he was proud of my ability with a blade.

"Your master speaks truly, Padawan," Drallig said as he stepped closer. "In time I see you being able to challenge, and possibly best, even Grandmaster Yoda. Though only with continual training and patience."

"You need not worry about arrogance Cin, Cameron is well aware of his limitations," Dooku stated with the barest hint of a smile touching his lips. Most would not see it, but after a few years around him, I could detect the subtle hints that indicated his true feelings. Or at least, most of the time.

"Nodro, while you are more than capable with your blade, perhaps a few more lessons on facing opponents with experience defending would not go amiss," Drallig suggested to Pana who took the comment without any hint of disappointment.

"Yes Master, though I'd prefer to focus on my other studies," he turned to me, "I am training to be a historian for the Order. Perhaps we might speak later about the Order, or at least what you knew of it, from your original time."

"If I have the time," I replied with a smile and a bow to him.

"Master Dooku," I turned with him to see a blue-skinned Duros approach. Based on his height, he was young, thus probably a Padawan. "Master Nilas asked me to inform you she was free to speak with you and is currently in a meditation chamber in the northwest tower."

"Thank you," Dooku replied dismissing the Padawan by turning from them to me. "Come Cameron. I suspect that Master Nilas will also wish to speak with you."

I didn't verbally respond, instead falling into step beside him s we began to walk.

Though I stopped as Danger Sense pinged, and I turned to see Jon Savos enter the hall alone. His eyes narrowed as he saw me and began to storm towards my location, only stopping when called by the other Padawans. Before I turned and caught up with Dooku, I used Observe.

Jon Savos

Race: Human

Level: 16

Health: 100%

Age: 14

Force Potential: High

Threat Potential: Medium

Emotional State: Infuriated, Unstable, Confused

Jon hasn't truly recovered from what happened to him two years ago.

He blames everything that has gone wrong in his life on you.

He feels that you have no place with the Jedi, as you serve only yourself.


Yeah, that was a problem.

The fact he'd gone up three levels in two years, was impressive, especially given what had happened. However, the fact he was furious and blamed me for what had happened to him and wanted me gone was not good.

I'd have to be very careful about how I handled him while we were here.

I suspected he'd try to spar with me, but everything in me told me that wouldn't do any good. If I let him win, even if I was subtle about it, would feed his belief I shouldn't be here, but beating him would only increase the anger and instability.

"Do not worry yourself about him, Padawan," Dooku said as we exited the hall, "he has to accept that what happened was beyond both his and your control. If he cannot, he will be dismissed from the Order."

"Then what would happen to him?" I asked as Dooku's words didn't leave me with much hope Jon would get the help he needed.

"After that, he will be placed in monitored care. While the Order has many faults, we do not abandon those in need of help. Even those unable to recognize that they need it." There was a hint of disapproval in his tone, but whether that was aimed at the Order, Jon, or both, I couldn't tell.

The rest of our walk to the elevator was made in silence as I contemplated Dooku's words. The way Dooku told me to ignore Jon was in keeping with his character and was an option to take, though I was certain it was not the one Fay would suggest.

Learning that even if he was dismissed from the Order, he would not be left to his own devices was nice to hear, as I feared that no matter what I did Jon would be forced from the Order. Though if/when that happened, I knew his belief that it was my fault would be permanent in his psyche, which could be a problem if Sidious discovered him, learned I was a threat to him or both.

The easiest solution if Jon was forced from the Order would be removing Jon from the board, but it wasn't something I was willing to do. I felt a little sick that I could even consider it, but I knew that if I didn't, I risked him becoming a problem down the road.

That morbid train of thought stayed with me until we entered a meditation chamber to find Nilas with one other: Qui-Gon Jinn.

"I did not expect you to be here Qui-Gon, yet it is not surprising that you are," Dooku stated passively, which made the other man smile.

"I'm always glad to confound you, Master," he replied and there was a very subtle twitch to Dooku's lips, "And Padawan Shan. A pleasure to see you again."

"And you Master Jinn," I said back, remembering he was the one to escort me to meet former Chancellor Kalpana. "I hope your Padawan is not still angry about our spar?"

Qui-Gon chuckled loudly, and I noted that Nilas smiled as well. "No, no. Obi-Wan has taken the defeat well. He has started to learn Soresu to help counter the lack of defence in Ataru. Though I believe he wishes a rematch." Though if the way Master Dooku looks when you duel, I fear my Padawan will suffer defeat again."

"Cameron is… extremely gifted with a lightsaber. I imagine he will be able to best any in the Order within a decade," Dooku stated proudly; though only those who knew him well would be able to detect the pride in his tone.

Qui-Gon chuckled and looked at me. "That is high praise indeed, but do not let it go to your head young one."

"I suspect if it did, Master Dooku would take pleasure in knocking it back out," I replied, making Qui-Gon laugh even louder.

"Yes, I imagine he would."

The doors to the room opened, and I turned to see Darihd walk in with Sifo-Dyas.

"Good, everyone is here, please be seated," Nilas said as she took one of the comfy seats that reminded me of beanbags, though with a more defined shape.

Once we were, she turned to me and smiled. "Hello again, child of time." Then she 'looked' at each person in the room in turn.

"Master Jinn, I am glad to see you have decided to join us. I was concerned that the perceived distance between you and your former master would lead to you not joining us."

Qui-Gon bowed his head before he spoke. "I am grateful for your concern, Master Nilas. Thankfully Master Dooku is now, apparently, more… open, regarding certain prophecies and events."

Dooku grunted quietly but didn't deny the comment.

"That is probably due to Cameron," Sifo-Dyas explained with a small smile. "Having to teach a Padawan that many believe is the Chosen One would force any Jedi to reassess their opinions."

"I hate being called that," I muttered loud enough that everyone could hear. Qui-Gon, Sifo-Dyas and Darihd all chucked to various degrees as Nilas turned her head to me.

"You may hate the label, but you are the Chosen One. Yet, you are also not." I frowned, which made her laugh even if she couldn't see my face. Likely because of how her race used the Force to see.

"For some time now, we Seers, and others with the gift, have sensed a coming darkness within the Republic. That veil of darkness became to most Jedi four years ago. And yet, with the darkness came a new light. One that didn't shrink or cower from the darkness, instead it grew brighter as it touched the darkness."

"That sounds familiar," I mumbled as I glanced at Sifo-Dyas, which made both him and Nilas smile.

"Yes, I understand Master Sifo-Dyas said something similar to you a few years ago," Nilas continued. "He was not wrong. Nor was I about the darkness within you making your shine brighter.

"Yet, you were not the only light that I have witnessed in this darkness," she paused and again looked at everyone in the room. "What I say now is something I have never revealed to any."

"Before Cameron's arrival, within the darkness, I have long seen another. While this source of light is potentially greater than Cameron, in almost all my visions from before, that light faded for a time before exploding, consuming the darkness and itself. What comes after that, I do not know, and now will never know, as those visions have been replaced with others."

She paused to take a mouthful of water, though no one spoke. Instead, we all waited for her to continue.

"This new light, one I know within my very bones is young Cameron, has altered that future. The darkness will still grow, though how much it covers all is far less clear than before. It could cover every source of light within the galaxy, yet I feel it is far more likely that it will not be as large or long-lasting as it could have been.

"However, the one constant I can see in all these new glimpses is the way the twin Chosen are linked."

"I have seen something similar, though seeing the linked fates of Cameron and the Chosen One is beyond my ability," Sifo-Dyas added, as I felt everyone's gaze upon me. "Though the fact there are two who could fulfil the prophecy and bring about the end of the Sith is encouraging."

"Sadly, the prophecy does not actively state an end to the Sith," Qui-Gon offered with a smile, "though I believe you have already realised this, Padawan."

"I do, Master Jinn."

He raised his hand to cut me off. "Please, since we are alone and a part of this little coalition, call me Qui-Gon."

I smiled and nodded. "Yes, sir." He chuckled and turned to Dooku.

"He seems far more respectful than I remember being."

Dooku laughed once with a closed mouth. "He is, and yet isn't. It is most perplexing and stimulating."

"If I may answer the question?" I asked, proving Dooku's point, which made Qui-Gon chuckle once more as he waved his hand, indicating for me to continue. "My opinion on what balance means, which is already known to Masters Dooku and Sifo-Dyas, does not mean the destruction of the Sith. Not unless the Jedi also fall."

"What? Why would you want that?" Darihd blurted out, only to seem to sink into himself as the four Masters turned their attention to him. "Um, I mean, wouldn't that mean our deaths as well?"

"Why would it?" I asked back. "The coming darkness is being brought on by the corruption and decadence in the Republic, centring on the Senate: A body the High Council is all but fused at the hip to. If… When one falls, so will the other. That is unavoidable. Yet, how can someone preach about balance when they deny part of themselves? How can we fight against the darkness, within ourselves and the galaxy at large, when we fail to acknowledge the same darkness that exists within all living creatures? Jedi included."

"A bold proclamation young one," Nilas said with a smile and a shake of her head. "Yet also one showing wisdom far beyond your tender years."

She paused and sighed. "However, we are not here to debate a topic that has been raging for longer than even I have been within these walls. Instead, we are to discuss what can be done to drive back the oncoming storm, how we can prepare for the rot to bring down the Republic and the Order, the link that exists between you and the other Chosen One and how to approach it."

"I'd assume just becoming closely acquainted with this other person would be the easiest approach," I suggested.

"I believe we have spoken at length on the dangers of assumptions," Dooku stated firmly. "Though in this case, that does appear to be the most logical approach."

"Logical yes, but without knowing more about this other, we can do nothing but speculate," Nilas added before coughing once more. "The path you must walk young Padawan is shrouded in mystery.

"When I attempt to meditate on the matter, the Force swirls around the pair of you, blinding like the light from two stars. It makes any details, even the most remote, impossible to see."

"Then this other could be anything from Cam's best friend to his greatest rival?" Darihd asked, seemingly having grown more comfortable speaking up as this time when everyone turned his way, he held his ground.

"Yes." Nilas sighed and suddenly looked far frailer than her age would suggest. "Sadly, the Force does not grant one perfect sight of what is to come: only hints of possibilities. How we interpret those glimpses is up to mere mortals, and none of us are infallible."

I frowned and looked from her to Sifo-Dyas, remembering the story he and Dooku had told me about seeing a planet burn. "Are all visions so vague?"

Nilas smiled at me before looking at Sifo-Dyas. "No. Not all. Just as the closer you are to a fire, the easier individual flames are to see, so to do visions tend to become clearer the closer you approach the event they cover. That does not, however, mean we can know exactly what will happen."

"Like, if someone had a vision of their loved one dying, and did all they could to stop it only for those actions to be the cause of that death?" I suggested, using Anakin's visions in Episode 3.

"That is a strangely specific example to use, but the premise is true," Sifo-Dyas answered as his brow creased. "And an example of why relationships for a Jedi are forbidden."

"And an example of one of the few things the Jedi and Sith agree upon, though for entirely different reasons," Nilas added, making everyone turn to her. "Do you understand why Padawans?"

Darihd shook his head but I smirked.

"Because everyone can be a monster or an angel in the name of love." Nilas smiled warmly and nodded even as I continued. "However, that would be true for those who are not Force-sensitive as well. For both Jedi and Sith to deny that their emotions, good and bad, influence their decisions and actions is to cut off a part of themselves, thus denying them balance."

"I see Master Fay has been explaining her views to you," Nilas said with an amused shake of her head.

"Those opinions are my own," I replied quickly, wanting to save Fay from getting into trouble. "I had them even before I began learning from Master Fay, or Master Dooku."

"Cameron is correct. He does hold opinions that many would consider heretical, and while I do not fully agree with many of them, he does speak with wisdom far beyond his age." Dooku added in support.

"Perhaps we might discuss that topic another day," Sifo-Dyas offered as he glanced at his commlink. "The longer we are all in here, the more chance we have to arouse suspicion."

"Yes, yes. I know that meeting here was not your preferred option, but you are aware of why I cannot simply walk out of the Temple and hold this meeting in a quiet little corner of Coruscant." Nilas countered, to which Sifo-Dyas nodded in acquiescence.

I could only assume that due to her status as a member of the Council of First Knowledge, a Seer, or just her advanced age, she did not leave the Temple often; if at all. That would explain why we were meeting here instead of outside the Temple, where there would hopefully be less chance of another Jedi interrupting us.

"Perhaps we might consider how to move forward with any plans?" Qui-Gon offered calmly, his eyes staying with me instead of the byplay between his fellow Jedi Masters. "Padawan, might I infer that the reason you published and then diverted the proceeds from your story was the start of such a plan?"

I looked over at Dooku, who gave a fractional nod for me to answer. "It was, and wasn't, sir. The objective there was the girl, Padmé Naberrie. A – for lack of a better term – voice in the Force called her name to me, which was why we became involved in the relocation efforts. It was her desire for me to publish my creation, I merely suggested diverting the earning to help."

"And in doing so, earned the friendship of the girl, helped increase the chances that an entire race would survive, discovered a revenue source outside the control of the Jedi or Senate and, provided you one day reveal yourself as the author, a large amount of goodwill with the denizens of the galaxy," Qui-Gon added with a wide smile.

"Honestly, I didn't plan for it to be so successful," I replied with a shrug. "I only did it to help."

Darihd coughed into his hand, though it sounded more like laughter.

"Perhaps, but by trusting your instincts, you were in a position to make a difference and help those around you."

"While I concede that Cameron's actions have potential future benefits for what we are doing, we are not here to argue the merits of aspects of the Force, Qui-Gon," Dooku said firmly to his former Padawan.

Qui-Gon lowered his head as Nilas spoke once more.

"Sifo-Dyas and I have considered possible paths we should travel, but without further details about the Chosen One, we cannot decide on which to take."

"What about a safe harbour?" Darihd offered hopefully. "I mean, if the Republic is to fall, and the Order with it, then we cannot stay in the Temple, right?"

"No, we cannot. However, while the idea of a refuge for the Jedi and our knowledge is desired, any moves we make to develop a location somewhere else in the Republic will draw the attention of someone, and word will leak back to the Senate, The High Council, or both." Sifo-Dyas explained slowly.

"Then perhaps somewhere outside the Republic," I suggested. "I'm sure there are systems that have been lost to time, while others may simply not have been catalogued, or not even discovered yet."

"Again, wise beyond your years," Nilas said with another smile. "There are indeed worlds whose hyperspace coordinates have been lost or forgotten and many more that are nothing more than a name in the central records of the Republic. However, discovering such a world that would be suitable as a refuge is a long a difficult undertaking. One we sadly lack the numbers in our group to truly commit to."

"Why not ask the Exploration Corps, Master? Couldn't you ask them to search for worlds that the Jedi could use as training centres?" Darihd suggested to Sifo-Dyas, who shook his head in reply.

"While asking the corps is sensible, the risk that they'd reveal their findings to another member of the High Council is too great to use unless…" his voice trailed off as he tapped his chin. "Perhaps there is a way, though I'll have to research it first."

"We can also be on the lookout for mentions of hidden or lost systems in our travels," Qui-Gon added. "I believe I heard mention of a world near Hutt Space that was used by mercenaries but wasn't in any hyperspace tracking listings."

"I believe we must end here," Dooku suggested as he glanced at the chrono-display on his commlink. "Cameron and I have classes to teach and being late would raise questions I would prefer to avoid."

"Yes," Nilas agreed with a tired sigh. "I also have somewhere to be."

"If anyone has any ideas, please inform either Master Nilas or me," Sifo-Dyas stated as everyone stood.

"Of course," Dooku replied as I exited with him and we walked in silence to the elevator. However, as we entered, Qui-Gon caught up with us.

"Perhaps we might spar once more, Master," he suggested with a smile, which Dooku returned, though it was not as large.

"Certainly Qui-Gon. But I remind you there is no need to refer to me as Master. We are equals now."

Qui-Gon chuckled. "Perhaps, but I admit that I still find calling you by your name strange." He glanced at me. "Have you even revealed it to your latest Padawan?"

"I have not. And until he becomes a Knight, I do not feel the need to inform him of it." Dooku replied as I frowned.

What Dooku's given name was had been a running question in my head. I'd searched the archives, but they did not list it, suggesting he had gone into the system and removed it. There was the chance that his given name actually was Dooku, but I highly doubted that was the case.

"Then far be it from me to do otherwise, Master Dooku," Qui-Gon agreed as he chuckled at my frown.

It might be a minor detail, but when it was something that I knew nothing about, it was annoying to not know. And a little refreshing as it was nice to not know things that others did.

… …

… …

About a week after meeting with Nilas and the others, Dooku and I were heading to the spaceport nearest the Jedi Temple.

In that week, I'd spent most of my free time meditating in solitude. Thankfully, no one questioned my desire to meditate, since it was allowed, and while I'd used the time to train up certain Force Powers, most of the time I was simply taken up by me thinking about what had been discussed in the meeting, or how to handle the situation with Jon.

Regarding Jon, I hadn't come up with any other real options beyond allowing him to spar with me and see where things went. I wouldn't hold back, but I also wouldn't go all out. Hopefully, the middle road would have a better effect on him than passivity or aggression.

While I hoped that sparring would help him and that I could get through to him, I had serious doubts I could. If it didn't, I was going to have to either just let him go, and risk him becoming a threat and possible agent of the Sith or take him out.

As for the meeting, having a support group that now extended beyond Dooku and Fay was a relief. Yet, it also increased the chance that the High Council or Palpatine would learn what we were up to.

Learning that Nilas' Force Visions dealt with me and Anakin, while unexpected, made sense once I thought about it. TPTB had told me a few times that the Force was trying to work out how I fit into things, and it now linked my fate to Anakin's, which, once I got past the bout of pride that generated, made sense.

I'd talked with Dooku and discovered that my midi-chlorian count was in the same region as Yoda's. While this was extremely high, it was not at the same level as Anakin's.

However, one thing I was certain of was that I learnt powers and skills at a rate far beyond most if not all, sentients. That meant that while he potentially had larger natural reserves of the Force to call on, I'd have greater control/ability with those powers.

If we ended up as rivals, then that would make things interesting. However, I was leaning heavily toward the idea that I could replace Obi-Wan in the big brother role for the boy if not outright replace Obi-Wan as Anakin's Master.

That train of thought had resulted in a quest being generated. It involved me becoming a Jedi Knight before Padmé became queen of Naboo. Since the quest was C-rated, it implied that the interface/TPTB felt me getting knighted while I was still a teenager was likely. The downside had been that if I failed, Anakin would be locked into becoming Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan's Padawan. Since that wasn’t a major problem, not while I had a quest to prevent Qui-Gon’s death, I accepted the quest – Knight Before Queen. Still, unlike earlier quests – such as the Changing Fate quests for Sifo-Dyas and Giiett – I’d given it some thought before accepting.

The further discussions about locating or re-discovering a refuge for survivors of the Jedi Purge – if that came to pass – had also played around in my head. I'd spent a few hours each day with Dooku reading up on worlds with connections to the Force to which their hyperspace coordinates were not listed. Especially those linked to Revan or Satele Shan as I had spoken to Revan and Satele's holocron seemed to be holding back information from me, even now that I was a Padawan.

For Revan, three came up, Lehon, more commonly known as Rakatan homeworld of Rakata, Malachor V, and Dromund Kaas. Since both Rakata and Dromund Kaas were still essentially Dark Side nexus planets, I had to assume that the hyperspace coordinates were simply restricted, though if the Jedi didn't know how exactly to get to Dromund Kaas, it was going to make the datapad stored in my Inventory with those coordinates – and the ones to other Sith Space worlds like Ziost – very useful.

Meanwhile, while Malachor V was listed in connection to Revan, my eidetic memory had informed me that, as of KOTOR2, Malachor was a shattered husk of a planet. It was neither light nor dark, but dead. A void in The Force. Not the best place for a refuge of Jedi.

For that matter, setting up a Jedi refuge in Sith Space was probably not a good idea either. Any group based there would be easy for the High Council to label as Sith if they were discovered before the outbreak of the Clone Wars. To say nothing about how Palpatine would react to me learning that I'd based a Jedi group on Sith worlds.

The search linked to Satele had been more useful. It had listed worlds that caught my attention.

Tython was the supposed first world where the ancient Je'daii Order – the forerunner to the Jedi – had been formed and was in the Deep Core; a place known to be extremely difficult to traverse. Which probably explained why its exact location had been lost to the ravages of time.

Satele had apparently rediscovered the world during a decades-long peace with a Sith Empire that had forced the Jedi to flee Coruscant for a while during her lifetime. The hyperspace coordinates to Tython had again seemingly been lost as I doubted that if the Jedi still had them, they wouldn't be hidden from someone of Dooku's standing.

There were also brief mentions of other worlds that had been used by the Jedi throughout the ages, even some that had been used as staging grounds for a resistance against some ominous threat that appeared out of the Unknown Regions. But they were seldom mentioned, except in dark rumours and digitally redacted recordings. I had little hope of finding them when someone had so obviously tried to erase their existence from recorded history.

There were also more than a thousand worlds that were mentioned in older documents that had no listed hyperspace coordinates. These, while lacking links to the Force and my family line, could still be useful places, if rediscovered, for staging posts or refuges.

The only issue with such worlds was that they were lost. That meant finding them would require time, effort, and possibly a little luck. And probably a little help from the Force.

As we stepped out of the transport shuttle, I glanced around and saw that another vessel had a golden glow. Where it was going, I didn't know, as we were outside the spaceport so I couldn't see the display boards, but unless Dooku had plans for where we were to go – and I didn't think he did as we weren't meant to meet up with Fay until after the new year; which was still three months away – I saw no reason for us not to take that vessel.

… …

… …

Seven days later, I found myself on another transport, this one bound for Nar Shaddaa. We had transferred twice from other vessels, and I was beginning to doubt that this golden halo had anything to do with the Force or TPTB.

"I do hope that Hutt Space is not our final destination," Dooku stated from his seat in the small cabin we had on the vessel as I felt the now-familiar lurch as we accelerated into hyperspace.

"As do I, Master. Though if we are there to end the Hutts, I would not be against it." I replied with a smirk even as I considered the chaos that I could cause in Hutt Space. Thanks to maxing out Telepathic Shield, I had no risk of him – or anyone else – sensing my thoughts while it was active, which it was whenever I was in the company of others.

The fact that the Republic banned slavery but allowed Hutt Space to exist – and blatantly turn a blind eye – was another example of the Senate being motivated by the greed of the few, not the desires of the many.

"While I share your sentiment, doing anything to anger the Hutt families would only lead to, restrictions, being placed upon us by the High Council." Dooku's tone was clear in its disgust, but I couldn't tell whether that was due to the Hutts, the failings of the Senate/High Council, or a bit of both. "Now come, I believe we can use this vessel for a more advanced form of sparring."

I followed him out into the corridor, then through the ship and then down to the lower passenger levels. While the quarters we had were cramped, we at least had room to move around in the room. That was probably due to Dooku being against being jammed in like sardines as the passengers in these levels were.

There were eight to a room not much bigger than our quarters, with a single fresher unit between them.

The people down here were poor, desperate, and often fed up with the corruption of the Senate and the Republic. I'd even seen more than a few of them glare at us on both this ship and the last as we passed, indicating that the reputation of the Jedi was just as sullied as that of the Republic, if not worse as we were meant to be peacekeepers and protectors of the innocent and downtrodden.

Eventually, we arrived at a deck that appeared to be deserted, and we stopped.

"While you are comfortable fighting within a sparring ring or a similar open space, often that is not the case," Dooku stated as he turned to me and unclipped his lightsaber. "Often, you will face opponents in enclosed or cramp areas like this corridor."

"Which would rule out most movements of Ataru," I interrupted as I unclipped my lightsaber. "It would also limit the effectiveness of Shii-Cho as without the room to move quickly, the attacks of the form are lacking."

"Indeed. I am relieved to see you understand the issue. What then would you consider a good form for combat in this location?" He asked as our lightsabers hissed to life.

"Makashi has some use, as its natural weakness against blasters is countered by the need to only defend a very narrow area. Soresu, while the natural defensive form, would be less useful than normal as it can’t force any attackers back, and if they use blasters, the chances of them running out of shots before a Jedi tires is, unlikely. Shien is the most obvious choice, especially against blasters, but it lacks much in the way of offensive capabilities. Or at least, from the velocities I had studied so far, while Djem So is only useful once close enough to use a lightsaber offensively." While I had answered, Dooku had moved a few metres further down the corridor.

A single nod as I finished speaking, indicated that he was happy with my answer. "Excellent deductions. Shien would be the choice of many Jedi, though others might use Niman. That form is preferred by many Jedi now, but unless studied to a highly advanced degree, the form is lacking in all areas of combat. Thus, the best option is often to use the Force to alter the battle to your advantage."

He paused as he turned and raised his blade. "Let us see how well you can adapt."

I readied myself, with Bullet Time and Precognition activating automatically, as he moved forward, and leaned back at a warning from Precognition, then felt a blast of Force energy careen past me.

I barely had time to process that this spar would involve using the Force before Dooku was upon me.

Bullet time and Precognition were both at a high enough level that I could keep up with his rapid stabs, prods and slashes, though it was tough going as he was a far superior duellist in this location and it was taking all of my concentration to avoid the continual succession of attacks he was launching. I managed to avoid another two offensive uses of the Force before something came from behind and took out my feet.

As I fell backwards, I thrust out a hand and used TK to push myself up from the floor, only to smash into Dooku's lightsaber.

"Arg," I grunted out. Since the blades were in a low-power setting, the contact wasn't lethal, and with Damage Resistance: Energy being in the Master range, a good chunk of the damage done was negated.

However, it still annoyed me to be hit, and I took a small touch more damage as I fell backwards, and this time didn't arrest my fall.

"You must be aware of all of your surroundings when in combat, especially when engaged in tight quarters. The slightest mistake or misstep carries the risk of grievous harm and danger if not death."

"Yes, Master," I grumbled as I looked and saw that it had been a toolbox that had taken out my feet. My mood worsened when I saw that the interface had warned of the danger, but I'd been too busy reacting to Dooku's attacks to realise that there was a new danger from another direction.

As I began to stand, he turned and walked away. "Again." He called out once we were more than three meters apart.

I lifted my right leg, avoiding a blast from him, and stepped forward.

He prodded three times in quick succession. I blocked the first two, but as the third approached, I Phased and stepped forward.

His blade trailed harmlessly through me and then his brow just enough to tell me he was surprised as I stepped through him.

As always, passing through a blade or person felt tingly, but thanks to a few years of practising with Fay I was used to the sensation.

As I stepped past him, I ended Phase, which resulted in my blade resting against the inside of his thigh.

"Most impressive." He stated and I deactivated my lightsaber, allowing him to turn to face me. "I see your lessons with Master Fay have been worthwhile."

I gave a nod as a smile broke out on my face. "Yes, Master. While the feeling of passing through something living, or a lightsaber, is strange, I have grown used to it."

Dooku's lip curled. "That is one way to describe the feeling. I would advise you to not reveal that while sparring with other Jedi, or in combat unless you are being overwhelmed. It is a powerful tactic to have, but overuse only allows your enemies to adapt."

"That was the first time I've used it in a spar since becoming your Padawan," I stated, making a smile twitch into, then out of, existence.

"We shall go again, however this time, I want you to stick to the more common applications of Force, in particular, using the Force to move objects and defend yourself from harm." He said before turning and walking three metres away from me.

I raised and activated my lightsaber, tensing in preparation only for Precognition to warn me to brace. I grabbed the nearest handhold and noted Dooku doing the same, as the ship violently shook.

"We have exited hyperspace prematurely," he explained as the shaking stopped mere moments after it had begun, clipping his lightsaber back into his belt and pulling out his commlink a second before it beeped. "Yes?"

"Master Jedi, we have a situation. How soon can you reach the bridge or engineering?" the transport's captain – a man by the name of Thrall – asked through the link.

I mentally pulled up the map of the ship, something I did as a precaution on every vessel since my kidnapping. "We're closest to engineering. About three minutes, depending on traffic." I said and Dooku relayed that to Thrall.

Thrall sighed loud enough that it carried over the audio-only comm channel. "Then I must ask you to head there."

"What exactly has happened captain?" Dooku asked as he waved at me to take the lead.

A glance at my interface showed I had about sixty per cent of my FP. I then cast Detection, fully reached out with the power, and frowned. Since the ship was only about eight-hundred metres long, the three groups that were about fifty kilometres away, and closing, had to be inbound vessels.

Sadly, when using Detection fully, it showed up the problems with it as it was only when a target was within one kilometre - the range of my minimap - that I got an accurate location. Anything beyond that was just a rough estimate of the range.

"Our hyperdrive engine disengaged abruptly, dropping us out in an uninhabited system. And three ships are approaching fast that are ignoring hails." Thrall explained, confirming what Detection had told me.


"Either that or slavers. They are a constant threat as we approach Hutt Space if you don't pay the appropriate fees." My frown deepened at the idea the transports had to pay protection money to avoid being attacked by raiders. We were still inside Republic space, yet Thrall's tone made it clear this was something everyone running transports to Nar Shaddaa had to deal with.

"What defences do you have?"

I dodged around a pair of Duros that were ambling around in the corridor, clearly wondering what had happened.

"The ship has a pair of laser cannons, but they won't do much against three ships."

"And onboard?" Dooku continued with the questions, trying to get as much information as possible.

There was a pause before Thrall answered. "We've been told to heave to and prepare to be boarded. If we don't comply, they're threatening to kill members of the crew and passengers."

I didn't need to see his face to know Dooku was frowning as he replied. "Then I suggest you do as ordered. I assume they are jamming hyperspace communication?"

"Yes, Master Jedi." Thrall sighed loudly just as we ducked into an elevator. "I don't know what to do."

"Order the passengers to their cabins, arm the crew and secure the bridge. We will see how we can help once we reach engineering."

"Thank you, Master Jedi. May the Force be with you." The commlink closed and Dooku turned to me.

"How many are there?" he asked. Something that both he and Fay had noted was that ability to sense others at distance was beyond that of most Jedi, themselves included.

"Around eighty. The two closest groups each have about thirty while the last group is moving slower and holding back." I replied after casting Detection again. "Based on their speeds and distances, the lead two ships should be docking in about six minutes. Each will dock amidships, though on opposite sides." I reported.

Dooku nodded as he processed what I'd told him. "While I believe we could handle one group quickly, the dual-landing poses an issue." He stated slowly as the elevator slowed and the doors opened, revealing five crew members rushing around rapidly. "Our first goal is to see if the hyperdrive can be repaired in time, though I suspect foul play means that is unlikely."

I looked at each crewmember, casting Observe as they caught sight of us. Thanks to that power, it was easy to discover that one of them was responsible for the hyperdrive failing.

"The Sullustan," I whispered to Dooku as we stood by the door.

"He is anxious, but that is true of all of them," Dooku replied only for his eyes to narrow as he focused on the Sullustan. "Hmm, I do sense that there is more to his worry than just the pirates."

"I think he is concerned that we are here," I suggested, using what Observe stated about him, though with a touch more vagueness. "Perhaps that is because he is responsible for the engines failing."

"Yes, that would make sense. However, we do not have much time to confirm it."

He strode forward confidently, stopping only once he was standing behind the Sullustan.

"Why has the hyperdrive failed?" he asked bluntly, and I sensed the application of the Force behind the question.

"I, uh, it,"

"You will tell me," Dooku stated, interrupting the stammering Sullustan. This time the usage of the Force was stronger.

"I will tell you." The Sullustan paused. "I altered our hyperspace coordinates to this system, then disabled the hyperdrive with a security datacard." The other four engineers looked at their co-worker. Their expressions shifted from shock to anger at hearing what the Sullustan had done.

"You will give me the datacard."

The Sullustan reached into his pocket and pulled out a small object that reminded me of a credit card from Earth before he handed it to Dooku.

Dooku tossed the datacard to another engineer as he waved his hand at the Sullustan, who fell like a puppet that had had its strings cut.

"Get the engines back online and secure him for questioning." He ordered as he turned to me.

Whatever he wanted to say was cut off as his commlink beeped.

"Master Jedi, the pirates are demanding that we open the airlocks," Captain Thrall almost shouted. The panic in his voice was evident, but he was still in control. "They've threatened to fire on the bridge and engines if we do anything to resist."

"We have discovered the source of your engine problems," Dooku replied, giving the man some comfort. "Can you direct the pirate vessels to the same docking area?"

"No. The two smaller ships have moved to either side of us while the freighter is staying to the rear and above us."

I used Detection again and confirmed the report with a nod.

"Very well. Have the crew move the passengers away from the main docking port on each side of the vessel. We will handle them."

"And the freighter?"

"That as well." Dooku closed the link and turned to me. "Could you disable the freighter as you did when kidnapped?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, but without any idea of where they are in those ships, and rough deck plans, I can't be sure that I'd be able to take them all out without either killing them. And if any are of a species with thicker skin or bones, say Gamorrean, then I might not even stun them."

Dooku stroked his beard. "Do so. I wish to take a few alive for interrogation, so we will have to ensure survivors from the boarding parties and hope that the operational commander is on in one of those groups." He moved to the elevator and stepped in, with me right behind him.

"You will handle the starboard docking port," he stated as the elevator rose. "The moment you hear the docking hatch begin to open, disable everyone on the freighter. How you deal with those who board this vessel is up to you, however, remember that I desire captives, so prisoners are preferable to bodies."

"Yes, Master."

A part of me was worried that Dooku's apparent disinterest in taking everyone prisoner was a concern, but the more rational part of me agreed with him. Having fought in battles in my past life, I understood that our primary concern was protecting the civilians on this transport, and the use of lethal force was acceptable.

I did though wonder how most Jedi would approach the situation. Probably attempt to convince the pirates to leave with an errant wave of their lightsaber?

"Keep your commlink open so we can coordinate our counter-assaults." Without waiting for me to reply, he took off at a jog towards the port-side docking area.

I wasn't surprised by the lack of concern at his sending me off into combat without any words of encouragement as I followed his actions towards my destination. The calm, stoic approach he used was what I'd expected from him based on his scenes in the movies and cartoons. Thankfully, he didn't have a sociopathic approach to other beings that had been hinted at. Or at least, if he did, he kept it under wraps.

As I neared my destination, I noted that my FP was now around sixty-five per cent and activated Detection and left in on.

My primary target group was just on the far side of the hull, probably in the process of docking, while Dooku's group was about a minute behind, though I noted Dooku was now waiting for them.

The pirate freighter was still about three kilometres above and behind our transport and as I heard the familiar hissing of an airlock sealing into place I reach out with the Force and, using TK, took hold of the twenty sentients on the freighter.

"They are docking. Take out the freighter." Dooku stated quietly through the commlink, which I had turned down the volume on to not give myself away. I also made a mental note to get an earpiece for it for future combat situations.

As I launched the freighter crew upwards with TK and then slammed them violently onto the decks, I heard the voices coming from the docking area.

The whole attack had taken only seconds, but the fact seventeen contacts blinked out told me it had been successful. Now I just had to hope the High Council didn't give me another bollocking for being too aggressive in dealing with pirates. At least I could say I was following orders this time.

"Heh, no one's here," a heavily accented voice said from the docking area.

"I hope they've got some yummies on board," another said with a chuckle, making me growl. Honestly, I wasn't sure in what way he was saying that would be worse.

I stepped around the corner and saw that about a third of the pirates had exited the docking hatch.

"Looks boys, they sent a kid for us," a large man stated, earning a chuckle from the others.

"No," a Trandoshan hissed as his tongue flicked out, tasting the air. "A Jedi. The Scorekeeper will be pleased."

He stepped forward, a large vibroblade in hand and I noted the others, who were still boarding, seemed content to let him deal with me.

That was fine as the large reptilian was slowly moving into position to block me from sight from the others.

I stood calmly, my hands at my side, making no move for my lightsaber even as the Trandoshan came closer, his teeth showing as he smiled down at me.

"Prepare to die by my blade," he stated, which drew a chuckle from his friends, only for the sword in his hand to suddenly move, slicing his leg to the bone.

"Argh!" He grunted out as he stumbled even as the blade was ripped from his grip, spun around and then slammed into his open mouth. I heard the grumbling of the other pirates as he fell to the ground dead.

"Anyone else?" I asked as I took hold of every weapon with TK and yanked them forward.

Most lost their blaster or blade, though a few managed to keep the grip. That resulted in those few being pulled forward and falling face-first into the deck.

"Get him!" a human shouted as he pulled a pistol from a holster I hadn't seen as I saw others following his lead.

Using Barrier, I generated a protective bubble of the Force around myself as a few pirates opened fire. The barrier held easily – the power was just into the Master tier and could, in theory, survive a blast from a fighter, though I wasn't willing to test that just yet – as I grabbed the man who'd given the order and pulled him forward, slamming him into the wall to my right, though not with enough force to kill him.

As he slumped to the ground groaning, I sent the weapons flying back to their owners. Though those who'd managed to keep hold of their weapons in my initial attack, now found themselves landing on their backs.

The loose weapons slammed into their owners. Most of the blasters broke in half as they made their target stumble or fall over, while the blades all lodged themselves in the arms or legs of their owners.

The rate of fire against my barrier fell to almost nothing as I lifted ten of them and slammed them into the wall, making the group fall on the human who had spoken before.

In quick succession, I repeated the process with two more groups of ten until all thirty pirates were lying in a heap against the wall.

Ignoring the groans from the group, I pulled the closest one that was still moving, a grey-skinned Duros, towards me.

"Two questions. Who is in charge, and do you have any restraints?" The only issue with disabling most of them was that I now had no way to restrain them all.

As the Duros groaned instead of replying I sighed.

"Note to self, keep more cuffs in my inventory," I muttered as I kicked the Duros in the head, rendering him unconscious and pulled the half-dozen restraining cuffs from the Inventory.

That would leave two dozen that needed to be secured, but I was reasonably sure I could find something that would do the job.

… …

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