A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 32

"So, if I might ask, what Trait are you after, here?" I asked as Nel sat down and began to fidget.

"Long-Lived," Nel said, looking away. "It's... How much do you know about elves?"

"They have pointy ears and live for a thousand years," I said.

"Only a rare few of us live that long," Nel said. "Most elves live for five hundred years, in the same sense that most humans live for seventy years; there's outliers, but the range isn't that huge. But... When I say 'most elves,' I mean most elves who were born awakened, in a long-standing society of elves. The elves of Vilane and the Red Forest and the Black Seas, they all have the Long-Lived 3 Trait, which is the highest the Trait can go without causing sterility. Elendar, though... she only has Long-Lived 1, because she was a wild elf before I made her my familiar."

"Ah," I said, nodding. I did a touch of math in my head, and then hummed appreciatively. "So, each level of Long-Lived effectively doubles the lifespan. The baseline is seventy, and doubles to a hundred and forty for Long-Lived 1."

"The average lifespan for Long-Lived 1 is a hundred and fifty, actually," Nel said. "The doubling doesn't quite hold between 2 and 3- 2 has an average of 300, whereas 3 has an average of 500, but 4 is 1,000, so it seems that the space between 2 and 3 is just a strange hiccup. But... that's not the important part."

"Right, the important part is that you've known this whole time that you're going to outlive your familiar, and you'd rather she not die centuries before you," I said.

"That's what the Rancher thing was for," Nel admitted. "I was thinking, if I could get a breeding population of unawakened elves going, then I could breed them for Long-Lived 3, and... well, by the time Elendar died, I'd be able to replace her. But... if this works out..."

"I mean, it'd still be worth having some unawakened elves as pets, wouldn't it?" I asked. "Unawakened monstergirls in general are really fun pets, on account of all the sucking and fucking."

"If I want to fuck an elf, all I have to do is tell Elendar I'm horny," Nel said dryly. "But, if this works? Well, I could be persuaded into nearly anything."

"...Oh?" I asked.

"This is a very big deal to me, Roxy," Nel said. "And considering that I already like you, I am quite prepared to marry you and/or have your babies over this."

"I think you're just horny," I said. "Lucky for you, though, so am I. Now, let's get you milked, shall we?"

Nel nodded, reaching up and pulling down her tube top, whipping her tits out.

"First, though," I said, producing from my inventory the bottle of Lactation 1 Potion along with a glass pipette. I squeezed the rubber bulb, stuck the pipette into the potion, and un-squeezed the bulb. "I want to perform a very, very small test run, to make sure that this doesn't do anything bad to you."

Nel simply opened her mouth, waiting patiently for me. I lifted the pipette to her face, and carefully dripped a few drops of potion onto her tongue, before withdrawing and stowing the pipette.

"...Huh," Nel said. "[Temporary Trait: Lactation 1]. It says it'll last for... a little less than a minute."

"Any maluses... malii?" I shook my head. "Any weird stat penalties?"

"Not that I can see," Nel said.

"Then all that's left is the taste-test," I said, bending forward and catching one of her nipples in my mouth. A gentle suckle rewarded me with a strong spurt of elf milk, and my eyes went wide. I started sucking harder, and grabbed her other boob, before jamming her other nipple into my mouth at the same time as the first. I kept sucking at both nipples until, after far too short a time frame, the potion wore off and her tits ran dry.

"How'd I taste?" Nel asked as I let go and pulled back.

"I don't suppose I can convince you to drink a permanent version of the potion, can I?" I asked.

"If you're willing to deal with milking me every day," Nel said.

"Don't threaten me with a good time."

We shared a chuckle, and I hummed contemplatively to signal that I had to think about something for a minute. That something being the new package of potion recipes I could unlock from Incubus, themed around elves. Oddly enough, once I purchased it, it seemed to contain a lot of duplicates- various transformative body-mod potions that I'd already had from the cowgirl package. In fact... ah, huh. I spotted something interesting in the elf package, and also the cowgirl package, that I'd previously overlooked- each one came with a potion that could turn the person who drank it into an elf or a cowgirl. Which definitely interested me, as I maaaay have been ever so slightly a bit of an elf kinnie, but I was going to be normal about it in front of my friend who is an actual elf because if I gave voice to that thought, she would probably call me a freak.

Anyway. My desire to have pointy ears notwithstanding, the important part was the potion for granting the Long-Lived Trait. It'd require an expenditure of Reified Lust to make it permanent, but for some reason, I didn't suspect that would be much of a limiting factor. That... didn't mean there was no limiting factor, though.

"Alright," I said, nodding. "I know how to brew the potion. The synthesis path is going to be a bitch, unless you happen to have twelve-point aniseed, but... it's doable."

"Oh thank god," Nel said, breathing a sigh of relief. "What next?"

"Well, I'll need your milk and cum for this," I said. "Milking you like a cowgirl is, honestly, the boring part. The part where I bend you over and fuck you, however?"

"Now, hold on just a minute," Nel said. "I think you're being a little disingenuous about how exciting it'd be to milk me like a cowgirl."

"A year ago, the idea of bending a busty elf over and literally milking her, expressing her breast milk into a bucket, would have been deeply, deeply arousing to me," I said. "However, my daily chores for the past six months involved spending two hours, milking a tiny herd of sixteen cowgirls twice a day. It's just not special to me anymore."

"Yes, well," Nel said, producing a choker from her inventory and putting it on. "It is to me, so, humor me, alright?" Said choker, naturally, had a brass cowbell on it.

"...Can't argue with that," I said. "Also, can I just say, now that you're pretending to be a cowgirl, that I would quite genuinely like to be an elf?"

Nel opened her mouth, paused, and then closed it with a click.

"Well," Nel said, "I suppose this will just make me retroactively correct about you being part elf."

"That reminds me, what does 'half-elf' actually mean?" I asked.

"Oh, well, uh," Nel cleared her throat. "So, when two people have a child together, that child will manifest the breed of one parent or the other. The breed they manifest is the one they simply are, while the one they don't manifest is the one they are 'half.' Akane, a human with a bunnygirl father, is half bunnygirl. And a human with an elf parent would be a half elf. As far as I'm aware, it's not a System thing specifically, it's just a common understanding of this sort of thing."

"A social construct, basically," I said.

"Now, if you're done indulging your intellectual curiosity-"

"For now."

"-I would like to redirect your attention to my boobs."

"Right, right, milking," I said, pulling the lactation potion back out, along with a shot glass. I poured out an ounce of appropriately-milky fluid and handed Nel the glass. "Drink up."

She snatched the glass from my hands and tossed it back in one smooth motion, without spilling a single drop. After barely a second, the potion's effects kicked in, and droplets of milk began to bead at her nipples.

"Now," I said. "You want to feel like a cowgirl being milked, right? How... realistic do you want that experience?"

"...What do you mean?" Nel asked.

"See," I said, producing a big ol' tin bucket from my inventory- the price of tin had been going up recently, but it was still affordable, especially compared to iron, simply because delvers didn't want a metal they couldn't make swords out of- and setting it on the floor. "When I milk a cowgirl, I'm going as fast as I can, and spending maybe four or five minutes on each individual cowgirl, because I've got sixteen of 'em to milk and I don't want to be there all day. But you, I'm thinking... want something a touch more intimate."

"Ah, right," Nel said, nodding. "I'd like you to take your time, yes, although I also would like some mildly objectifying dirty talk? Y'know, tell me I'm a good cow, I'm making so much milk, that sorta thing."

I rolled up my sleeves. "I can work with that. Now, come sit in my lap. It's milking time."

Nel inhaled sharply, and hopped out of her own chair to land in my lap, her back against my chest, and her hands darting down to grab mine.

"Easy, girl," I said. "I know you're full of milk, but there's no need to rush." Still, there wasn't any need to dawdle, either. I put my hands on her tits, and after carefully aiming her nipples into the bucket, I gave them a good knead.

I knew how to properly milk a titty. And I was not going to do that here. With Lactation 1, Nel was already so goddamn milky that any amount of playing with her boobs was going to make milk come out, just... less so than using the proper technique.

Ah, right, the dirty talk.

"Wow, you're really full, aren't you?" I said, continuing to idly play with her tits. "This is just a massage to get you ready, and you're already gushing. Can't imagine how you'll respond to real milking."

Nel moaned a little at that, rolling her hips to grind her ass against my cock.

"Such a sweet little cow," I said, giving her boobs a particularly hard squeeze around the middle, and being rewarded with another gush of milk. "Are you ready to get milked for real?"

"Mm-mhm," Nel said, nodding.

Without further ado, I did what I said I wasn't intending to do, and started to milk Nel like I would a real cowgirl- form a C with my fingers around the outside of the areola, pull back towards the chest, squeeze down a little, then slowly roll forwards, squeezing the milk through the milk ducts and out her nipples, in a steady rhythm of punctuated spurts. While I did so, the dry-humping intensified, as she tried and failed to ride my dick through her leather pants.

"Gooood girl," I cooed gently. "You're doing so well. Just look at all that milk you're giving me- none of the other cows can give me close to this much milk." That wasn't even a sweet nothing I was whispering into her ear- she was in fact somehow being more productive than the regular cowgirls I milked, despite having notably smaller boobs than them. I had no idea why, but I certainly wasn't going to complain.

Finally, after a few minutes of milking, she ran dry, right before the bucket was full.

"Nnnhn... nooooo," Nel moaned quietly. "C'mon... there's gotta be more milk in there..."

"Sorry, hon," I said. "But, well, you are dry up top. Still... There's somewhere else I've gotta milk you, too."

I levitated the milk bucket to the side, and produced another bucket from my inventory, before putting my hand on Nel's belt. She nodded at my unasked question, and I unfastened her pants, letting her cock pop free.

After the groping and the milking and the dry-humping, Nel was pretty worked up already; it didn't take much Incubus magic to speed her along even more, and after barely a minute of handjob, she came like a freight train, spraying a thick, long rope of cum into the new bucket with enough force to ring it like a bell.

Once she came down from that, I gave her a kiss, and began putting her clothes back in place.

"I'm gonna start brewing that potion now," I said, re-buckling her belt. "You're welcome to stick around if you really want to, but... it's gonna be a while, and it's gonna take all my focus."

"I think I'll pass," Nel said, sighing happily as I pulled her top into place, before giving her boobs one last squeeze. "Right. Well, Roxy... Thank you so much, for... everything. Feel free to visit me whenever you want, not just once the potions are ready."

"I'll bear that in mind," I said. "All the same, I probably will be waiting until the potions are ready, if only because I wanna get 'em finished as fast as I can." I wrapped my arms around her waist, giving her a tight hug. "Do you... need any more aftercare, or..."

"Huh? No, I'm fine," Nel assured me. "I'm... not totally sure what 'aftercare' means, admittedly, but I'm guessing it's the post-sex cuddles?"

"Among other things," I said.

"Then no, I'm good, but thank you for asking. I'll get out of your hair now; good luck on the potions!"

With that, she climbed out of my lap, carefully stepping around the buckets, and showed herself out.

"...Next time," I muttered to myself, standing up. "Next time, I'm gonna cum inside that damn elf."

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