A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 30


I groaned in pain, eyes still closed as I came to. I'd probably gotten a lot of healing, but alas, getting stabbed was still getting stabbed, and I was gonna be recovering for another week.


"Roxy, are you okay?" the voice asked more insistently, leaning in closer to me. I recognized the voice, but... I didn't know which of the voices I knew it was. My head was not precisely clear, between the pain and blood loss. Which is probably why I did what I did next, and lifted myself up enough to kiss whoever was talking to me.

Once I realized what I was doing, I pulled back, dropping back into the bed, and forced my eyes open.

"...Roxy?" Veronica asked, blushing like a cherry tomato.

"Veronica," I said, blinking. "Where am... oh, I'm in my bedroom. What happened... between me soloing a miniboss and waking up here?"

"Your team pulled you out of the Dungeon Gate with a sword still stuck inside you," Akane said. "Since the Guild knows I live with you, they let me out of class early to take you back home. Nicky just got here, and topped up your healing a minute ago. And then you kissed her."

"Is there, by chance, a heterosexual explanation for that, or..." Veronica trailed off, still blushing bright red through bone-white skin.

"That's an exercise for the reader," I said, closing my eyes. I wasn't going to explain to her the fact that, from where I stood, there was no such thing as heterosexuality on this planet, and even the penis-in-vagina sex that I'd had with Akane had been Quite Gay. "Ugh. Well, I guess I still don't get to say I've finished a delve. Some real insult to injury, there."

"Ugh, Nel..." Akane muttered.

"Nel had nothing to do with this," I said.

"...You went on a delve without the Level 5 Ranger you're friends with?" Akane asked.

"I... didn't think she'd want to go," I said quietly.

Akane closed her eyes and breathed in deeply.

"I gotta say," I began, since I knew what she was thinking. "My problems with relying on and trusting other people are definitely not being helped by those dipshits I went delving with."

"Well," Akane said, opening her eyes and forcing a smile. "On the plus side, Nicky and I graduate in a month, and once that happens, you can delve with us, and not get horribly mangled by monsters because we actually know what we're doing."

"A month should be long enough to convince me to keep doing this stupid bullshit that consistently ends with me flat on my back for a week," I said. "And to convince Nel to delve with us and partially fix our horrible party comp."

"Well, on the plus side," Akane said, summoning a strange looking red square chip from her inventory. "You did manage to nab one hell of a rare drop, according to the delvers who went with you."

"The hell is that?" I asked.

"A Slotless Paladin Unlock," Akane said.

"...Huh," I said. "...Maybe it's just the blood loss talking, but I kinda wanna see what would happen if Nicky used it."

"My Paladin class would become slotless, and I would regain an empty class slot," Veronica said. "A Slotless Class Unlock is never useless, but they often are worth less to a delver than the price they'd fetch at auction."

"Fair enough," I said. "I remember hearing that multi-role classes have cheaper Slotless Unlocks, so I think I'm gonna see if I can trade it for a Slotless Commander Unlock."

Akane winced, and Veronica shook her head.

"Three-role Slotless Class Unlocks are worth more than their two-role counterparts," Veronica said. "Most delvers are like you- a mono-role delver class and a producer class. As such, a three-role Slotless Class Unlock that gives them, in one fell swoop, access to all of the delver roles will be very highly desired. The one-role Slotless Class Unlocks are, of course, still the most desired, but..."

"Ah, fun, so I can't trade this for the one I want," I said.

"You can still just sell it, for frankly obscene amounts of money," Veronica pointed out.

"You can also use it yourself, and have it suddenly stop being a terrible idea for you to keep charging into melee and trying to stab people," Akane said. "Seriously, Roxy, you are a Wizard. Stop making me regret teaching you how to use a sword."

"But then I wouldn't have a source of the Thief role, and the only way to get that without overlap would be a Slotless Rogue Unlock, which would be unfathomably expensive," I whined.

"Do you actually care that much?" Veronica asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"...Enough to hold off on using an incredibly valuable single-use item until I've had plenty of time to think about it," I said, finally. "Anyhow, I am... going to take some painkillers and probably go back to sleep. Thank you for visiting, Nicky. I'm sorry I broke that sword you gave me."

"I can make another one," she said. "Get some rest."

"Not like I can do much else..." I wasn't looking forward to another week of lying in bed, unable to jerk off or go pork the cowgirls. What the hell was I going to do?

I grunted as I came in Akane's mouth, spraying thick ropes of jizz down her throat. I got another notification from the Incubus class, asking once again if I wanted to give Akane the Succubus class, and once more, I told it no.

Once the eruption finally subsided, Akane popped off of me, and hummed quietly.

"Thanks," I said quietly.

"Thank you for the sweater," Akane said, looking down at the stretchy black figure-hugging titty-window sweater I'd made for her way back when I first became an Alchemist, and then never gave her until now. "It makes my tits look amazing."

"That's not exactly difficult," I said. "Your tits already look amazing."

"I mean, yeah, but it manages to improve them," Akane said, poking at her own boobs and watching them jiggle through the window. She did that a few more times, seeming even more transfixed by her titties than I was. "...Wow. That is... that is really something."

A knock came from the door, and in an instant, Akane darted out of my bed- letting the covers land to cover up my dick and into the chair, disappearing the sweater into her inventory and replacing it with her customary blue yukata.

"Hey, it's Nel," the voice behind the door said. "Can I come in?"

Wordlessly, I cast [Magic Trick] to open the door, as I couldn't really speak above a croaking stage-whisper right now.

"Hey," Nel said quietly as she walked in, shutting the door behind her. "Sorry, I'm not interrupting a moment with your girlfriend, am I?"

"I'm not her girlfriend," Akane said.

"Ah, fair enough," Nel said, nodding. "Anyway... I heard you got really fucked up in a dungeon today, so... I made you this." She produced, from her inventory, a simple and slender silver chain, nearly identical to the one she wore around her neck, and held it out to me. "It's enchanted with a constant regeneration spell. Should help you recover faster."

"Can it be worn as a bracelet?" I asked. "I've already got a magic necklace I'm pretty fond of."

"Yep," Nel said, nodding. "Want me to put it on for you?"

"Please," I said, nodding back.

I lifted my arm as best as I could with a serious abdominal injury, and she carefully looped the chain around my wrist, which... yep, that was actually helping me feel less Horribly In Pain.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem," Nel said. "And also, since apparently it helped you so much last time... wanna see my tits again?"

Akane nodded, behind Nel's back, which was good, because I didn't want to tell her no.

"I would love to," I said, nodding at her.

Nel grinned and hooked a single finger into her cleavage, before yanking down her tube top with that one finger and letting her tits bounce free. And yep, they were an even more glorious sight in-person than they were through the internet. Big, round, beautifully bouncy... They were slightly smaller than mine were, in fact, but it made sense. Nel was pretty skinny, which I kind of expected from an elf, and her shoulders weren't as broad as mine were, either. Those boobs were on the upper edge of what would seem proportionate on her frame while still, obviously, being Fat-Ass Honkers.

"You can look with your hands, too," Nel said, her grin widening as she watched me stare at her tits. Like it was my fault they were fat as hell and demanded- wait did she just say I could touch them?

I reached up with my near hand, and took one of those juicy elftits in my hand, giving it a good squeeze. Yep, those were some damn fine boobs, alright. "I wanna put 'em in my mouth." Wait. Did I say that out loud?

"I want a kiss first," Nel said, leaning in.

I lifted my head up, meeting her halfway and locking lips, letting my eyes close as I luxuriated in the sensation of making out with and feeling up an elfish porn star who, for some reason, decided she likes me after a week of chatting over email.

After a minute, Nel pulled back, breaking the kiss. I made a disappointed little noise, which Nel muffled almost immediately by hefting one of her tits up and into my mouth.

"Can I have a kiss too?" Akane asked while I groped and suckled.

"Hrm..." Nel considered this carefully, probably looking Akane over and realizing that Akane was fucking hot, and then grunted in the affirmative. "Bring it in."

Akane climbed into my bed first, then knelt on the other side of me, so that, when she leaned in to kiss Nel, she ended up enveloping my head between two huge pairs of boobs. Which, frankly, was absolutely heavenly, and I would have to thank Akane profusely afterwards for doing this for me.

We stayed like this for a few minutes, just enjoying ourselves and each other, until, reluctantly, I had to extract my head from between their boobs, and lie back down.

"Thank you, both of you," I said quietly as Akane and Nel pulled apart from each other.

"Anytime," Akane said.

"Likewise," Nel said. "If you want me to visit again, you've got my number."

"I'll bear that in mind," I said, nodding. "For now... well, you two can keep making out in Akane's room, but... I think I'm about to pass out again."

"Sleep well."

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