A New Hope Nier

Chapter 15 Magic Nonsense.

For a moment I thought I was going to be relegated to a punch wizard but it didnt take me long to pull up a light green color within myself and with almost heartwarming Bing resounded within my chest and I saw a little flower pop over my head, and I felt reinvigorated, not to mention I lost any remaining soreness in I had from the long walk going to and from the Resistance camp.

I couldn't help but grin as I saw the confused looks from the androids as the flower disappeared above my head. "Well, that's certainly new magic," Emile muttered and then he seemed to be in deep thought. "Wait I just remembered something! Gotta go!" He yelled and then before I could even call out to him as I raised my arm he spun around in a doughnut and sped away much faster than he should have been able to.

"So, I suppose we should just get back now?" I more asked than stated as these last few minutes were very confusing, and I just wanted to curl up on my couch and play my Nintendo 64 and play some Legend of Zelda.

Actually, I wonder if watching me play Destroy all Humans would awaken some form of PTSD in the androids or how they would react to the Warhammer 40k universe.

"Yes, we need to upload our data back to the YoRHa Bunker and discuss the next steps to our mission." 2B announced and we all continued our way back to the bunker in relative peace.

After we got back into the bunker, I quickly installed the Solar Panels on top of the bunker and fed the wires down into the bunker itself, so I left it to charge the batteries for a while.

This time 9S managed to snag the seat next to me on the couch while Devola and Popola shared the other side and 9S was questioning me about the magic or whatever Emile helped unlock for me along with what kind of games I was going to be playing.

"So, Jake what can you do now?" She questioned and even with her blindfold on I could see through her body language and the slight tilt of her head denoting how curious she was making me grin at how chill 9S is in comparison to the other YoRHa models.

"Well, I am honestly not sure as I can kind of pull at some forms of elemental magic and are kind of denoted by their elemental color like water is a darker blue, while ice is a lighter one." As I said that I pulled ever so lightly on the dark blue color within myself, and a puddle of water formed in my palm likewise when I let go and grabbed the lighter blue a sharp-looking icicle formed on top of my hand.

From 2B's Pod, we could all hear the voice of Commander White as she spoke. "Jake if you could please categorize all these 'colors' and their effects, that would make the people on this station very happy to help study your abilities." Yeah, I bet having a bunch of scientists looking at these abilities from a different perspective would help me get a hold of this faster than let's say challenging one of the combat models to spare.

Actually, I take that back, that's a stupid idea and I like my teeth where they are. Not to mention the sheer agony it would cause to said android for her to seriously spare with me and possibly hurt me.

"Ok, Commander White I will do it after I get relax for a while." I almost called her mom and I bet that would have led to a rather interesting reaction from her and would love to be one of the operators in the room who saw her reaction.

What does it say about me that after getting my own magic to explore the first thing on my mind is booting up my game cube to play some Metroid Prime?

After watching me play the game for a while and seeing me kill the first boss, A2 spoke out. "Why did she lose all her abilities and still be fine physically?"

I shrugged and replied. "They have to make the game interesting somehow and getting back all the abilities you had previously, and more is a good way to keep the player engaged." Yeah, the first game was awesome but then they screwed the second game with that stupid shadow world that was simply annoying trying to get through those spots.

"Is that character an android?" 9S questioned and as I was thinking on it, she added. "Her movements are too fluid and the fact she is able to survive being rolled up into a ball like that clearly shows she isn't human." You know that's a fair point.

After explaining she was genetically augmented by an alien race all the androids soon lost interest in Samus as they considered her a traitor to Humanity by working with and pursuing Xeno technology over improving humanity's technology.

It got to the point I just rage quit after the twins laughed at me dying and saying it was good to send the traitor to her death in lava as all the androids except for 2B and E6 kept heckling me.

"Ok seeing as I am going to have a whole bus's worth of backseat drivers as I play my games, I should just go work on my magic..." I muttered and stomped out of the bunker.

Except for 2B and 9S, who were discussing with Commander White about the next steps to there mission, all the other androids followed me outside probably to make sure I didn't accidently kill myself by summoning a lightning bolt onto myself.



Please thank shadow user once again for the triple chapters coming
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