A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 60: Sorrowful princess

Long ago, when Artemias was still a small country they had an enemy, the country of Latosphilia.

One day a war broke out between the two countries. Latosphilia maintained its self through strength of military and as such Artemias was quickly defeated and forced into a one sided alliance. However this was an unforeseen opportunity for Artemias and through their technology Trifar the country has rose to prominence. Eventually it rose to be more powerful than Latosphilia, however the alliance is still active. Sufilia reads the document she received from the messenger.

“We have confirmed that trifar is being sold to unauthorized countries more so than in the past.”

It was referring to the magic tool Portus. In Artemias gladiators fight several times a week in the arena. However seating is limited and only the wealthy are able to get seats.

“Portus is a magical tool that projects images, it means that you can watch the arena from your own home.”

“She sounds like an infomercial sales woman more than a princess.” Masamune whispered to Toa but it went right over her head.

However Portus was expensive and still not available to the general public.

“In recent years, products that are very similar to Portus, called pologists, have become available. Most people now one one of these.”

Tickets to the arena are expensive and they sell out immediately, then behind the scenes are sold for even higher prices. It’s not something that a normal person could ever hope to achieve. Pologists, on the other hand, are cheap.

“According to the source they’re coming from a merchant in Latosphilia. Who leaked it?”

“What is Latosphilia saying?”

“They won’t get involved.”

“What are you surprised about princess?”

Masamune asked Sufilia, despite Sierras impatience.

“This matter is related to the countries survival.”

“Survival? ”

“Not getting involved means they’re just not cooperating, so it’s not possible for us to catch that person.”

“Its fine, we will use that.”

“But thats…” Sufilia appears confused.

“There will be those who understand.”

The king raised his right hand and the guards surrounded masamune and the others, lowering their spears at them.

“What are you doing? ”

Masamune turned a keen eye on the king.

“Father, they saved me!”

“Thank you for saving my daughter, but in this country whether you live or die is based on my will.”

“You think we’re going to talk!?”

Sierra complained.

“Please understand that I can’t give the people more to worry about.”

“And if we say we won’t talk?”

“Who would believe you? It’s faster and more reliable to kill you.”

“Did you intend to do this from the beginning?”

“It depends on my mood.”

The kings voice was calm and Masamune began to understand Sierras warnings.

“《Erosion wave》”

The red black sphere expanded out just enough to erase the spear points, causing the soldiers to falter.


“I don’t care about your country and I don’t care that you look down on me, I have no respect for you. But I still don’t intend to tell anyone. But if you keep this up you know what will happen don’t you?”

“You’re like a child who can’t read the situation.”

“I’m just not polite. If you’re going to do this be prepared.”

There was silence in the hall as the two glared at each other. The king was worried about the mysterious magic and the story that he drove the dragon away. Although the story was unbelievable.

“The story of you chasing the dragon away is a lie! ”

“What? How is that a factor here? That conversation has been finished for a while now.”

“Father it’s true! Nito really did chase off the red dragon!”

“That story has no credibility as no one can confirm it. Although it’s true that my daughter is alive.”

Masamune waited quietly.

“Fall back.” In response to the kings words the guards retreated.

“A wise choice. Well then…”

Masamune turned to leave but the king saw the red glow in his eye as he did. The other three chased after Masamune as the King’s expression became tense and he quivered in horror.

“Don’t get involved!”

The guard that attempted to block Masamune’s exit retreated in confusion at the kings words.

“Sufilia, give them their reward as promised.”

Sufilia bowed and followed after them

“Activate Magphis!”


A problem occurred in Artemias.

“Oi, what is this! I can’t see!”

In a residential home the screen on the pologist placed inside the living room suddenly went black.

“What is it? ”

A neighbor came over, perhaps because of the shouting.

“Tommy, my pologist isn’t working.”

“You too?”

“No way, yours is broke too?”

The looked around to see other confused residents coming out of their homes angry about the broken pologists.

“Theres no way that many of them broke at the same time. I think the country blocked the magic power coming from the stadium.”

Word quickly spread through the country and a hoard of people rushed to the arena carrying their pologists.

“This is humiliating! This should not be allowed!”

Of course everyone there understood that the pologist was made illegally but the country didn’t make there purchase or use illegal. Putting a stop to them was just the tip of the iceberg and the crowd had finally had enough of the kings domineering actions.


The Castle

Masamune and the others had a late lunch with Sufilia.

“No the princess is nice. Totally different from beardy.”

Beardy was of course referring to the king. Masamune stabbed something resembling a lobster with his fork.

“Masamune, although it can’t be helped he is the king, please refrain from bad mouthing him.”

Sierra cut into her steak.

“He said, ‘that'”

“I-its a figure of speech. ”

Sierra chewed her food.

“Today was a short day.”

“Was it? Hmm? Do you hear that?”

Toa listened at Masamune’s words.

“Yeah, I do hear something.”

“It sounds like people, quite a lot of them in fact.”

“Do you smell something burning?”

The four of them got up and left the room, from the corridor they could see black smoke so the moved to find a better vantage point.

“….what is this?”

They arrived at a balcony and looked towards the main gate. There were countless people there holding torches, the crowd stretching across the entire city.

“Doesn’t this look kind of dangerous?”

“Should we run?”

“So this is where you were.”

Sufilia appeared.

“Uhm princess…. What’s going on here?”

“A riot.” Sufilia replied.

“Yeah I can see that much.”

“My father activated Magphis. It detects and blocks the magic flowing from the arena.”

“This is all because they can’t watch the match?”

“Thats the only joy the people of this country have.” Sierra interjected.

“It is.” Sufilia didn’t deny it.

“Besides the king there is no preferential treatment.”

“I won’t deny it.”

“Is it OK to be telling us this? Wont beardy get angry?”

“Its no longer something that can be hidden.”

” I see, so what are you going to do? ”

Masamune could imagine the response.

“Well he tried to kill us too so, I take it this isn’t just a warning. ”

“What are you talking about? ” Toa asked.

“They all have torches!” Nem said.

“We should go, is the carriage ready?”

“Yes, it’s waiting outside the gate, please use the back entrance.”

“Thanks for the help.”

“No, thank you for saving my life.”

“Would this have happened if you were king?”

“I can’t say.”

“I can’t imagine what he’s trying to do. Do you agree with this?”


“You’re the princess right?”

“I’m the princess, but that’s all I am.”

“Should we lend you a hand?” Sierra offered.


Masamune blocked the offer.

“This is an Artemias problem, outsiders shouldn’t get involved. Just like how Reinhardt doesn’t kill prisoners.”

“You’re right. ”

Sierra stopped talking.

“You think I’m a useless princess don’t you? A decoration.”

“I don’t think that.”

“Liar. You think I’m a failure of a princess don’t you. ”

Masamune took a few moments to answer.

“You’re not thinking of letting me kill your father are you?”

“I’m not.”

“I see, then it’s time we left. We’ll come back and visit once you are Queen. I’m sure you’ll be good for this country. ”


Looking up at the wall of Artemias Masamune felt regret as if he’d left something behind.

“Are you ok with this?” Sierra asked

“Ok with what?”

“You didn’t want to help them?”

“Nah, it’ll probably be fine.”

“I see..”

“Razhausen really is peaceful isn’t it. ”


Masamune was a little disappointed that the first country they visited on their journey wasn’t very fun but he felt he made the right decision by not intervening.

“Alright, to Halekuwait!”

But in his heart he still wondered if he should have helped them.

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