A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 52: Calling on Masamune

[T/N: I currently have two Ko-fi’s that I’m not sure about which translation you wanted to apply them to? Please advise. If I don’t hear back I will assume they are applied to NEETS guide. In the future please specify unless it’s just a straightforward donation. Thank you for your support! patreon ko-fi

Current Extra chapters: patreon 0, ko-fi 3

Kofi to next extra chapter: $10

Kofi has been pulled from this resetting how much is needed for the next chapter per senders …request? off handed meh? anyway its generated another chapter for ‘reincarnated in a game world’ instead. current extra chapters for NEET remains at 3.]

“Looks like some people died.”

Bell surveyed the battle field from Masamune’s right hand.


Nem was staring at the black wings on Masamune’s back.

“Nem, what happened to Toa?”

Masamune touched Nems cheek confirming that she was OK but a grim expression came over his face when he looked at Toa.

“I don’t know, she’s been like this since she saw the Leowolf.”


“The monster that master just defeated.”

Masamune looked at the blood and gore on the ground around him before shifting his gaze towards Sierra.

“《Healing wave》”

A light green sphere formed around him before extending out towards Sierra, healing not only her but the adventurers that were around them as well.

“Nem, look after Toa for a moment.”


Nem looked at Masamune’s back with an uneasy expression as he rushed over to Sierra.

“Sierra, can you stand?”

By the time Masamune grabbed ahold of Sierra’s hand she had regained consciousness.

“Masamune?….I’m sorry.”

Masamune also applied 《Effect Heal》to Sierra to clear away her fatigue.

“Sierra can you evacuate everyone? I’ll take care of everything else.”

“Are you sure we can just leave it to you?”

“Not a problem, it’ll be over soon.”

“I understand.”

Sierra stood up slowly supported by Masamune.

“Sierra, I’m not getting any loot from defeating the monster’s, come to think of it the same thing happened back when we fought that Nootkerane. What’s going on?”

“It seems like the enemy is using Necromancy.”


“Its magic that temporarily revives the dead.”

“I see.”

“Please leave the adventurers and the knights to me.”

“Uh, yeah. What happened with Toa, she doesn’t look injured?”

“It was a Leowolf, didn’t Toa say that one attacked her in the woods before? ”

“…..that’s what it was?”

“I don’t know, she might have some trauma related to Leowolves.”

“I see.”

In the next instance he was by Toa’s side.

“Toa, do you recognize me?”

However Toa’s eyes seemed hollow.

“《Effect Heal》”

Her eyes slowly regained focus and her mouth moved.


Hearing Toa call out his name he smiled as she slowly regained her senses.

“You recognize me?”

“…..You’re late.”


Masamune smiled in relief.

“Nem, take Toa and evacuate with Sierra and the others. I’m going to go wipe out these monsters.”

He patted Nems head then moved toward another Leowolf that was killing adventurers one after the other.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you that healer?!”

Yogi and Cedric happened to be in range of the healing and called out to Masamune.

“Why did you come here? This isn’t a place where a healers magic would have any use. Hurry up and just go home!”

Cedric also noticed him.

“I remember you, I’m sorry about before but everyone’s retreating you should hurry and get out of here as well!”

A leowolf howled and Masamune turned to see the large white wolf coming his way.

“What’d I say, hurry up and run away!”

Yogi and Cedric both moved to protect Masamune.

“Take those girls and get out of here!”

Masamune stared at their backs wondering why they were protecting him but he was reminded of how Toa and Nem were uninjured.

“Sierra was….no, she must have done something unreasonable.”

“What are you mumbling about? Run!”

“Get out of here!”

Masamune finally understood.

“I see, you protected them for me. Thank you. I’ll take it from here.”

“This is no place for a healer, do you want to die!?”

Yogi turned around to yell but in the next moment Masamune disappeared, reappearing in front of the Leowolf.

“I wonder if you’ll have any loot? 《Erosion Wave》”

A red-black sphere erased the Leowolf from existence.


Yogi and Cedric both were at a loss to explain what just happened. Neither of them had seen masamune move. But they couldn’t deny the fact that he stood where the Leowolf had been just moment’s before.

Masamune picked up a stone off the ground, one just bigger than his fist, and turned toward a large ogre creature with a crown on its head. The orc king weirded a sword the size of Masamune.

Masamune took up a throwing stance.

‘Skill 《strong shot》 《minds eye》 《gratification》 《all seeing》 《muscle strengthening》 activated.’

He let the stone fly. It sailed through the air connecting with the orc kings head, when it did the head exploded into a mass of gore. The adventurers around it were caught off guard and confused but cheered nonetheless.”

Masamune strengthened his shooting skills with 《Strong Shot》.

He used 《Mind’s Eye》to see through the target’s key points, 《All Seeing》 to read the opponent’s movements and correct the trajectory, and 《Muscle Strengthening》to increase throwing power.

When Yogi and Cedric saw this smiles spread across their faces. They had survived.

“Yogi, we’re safe now aren’t we.”

“Yeah, we can leave the rest to that brat. Although, I guess I shouldn’t call him a brat anymore.”

Yogi threw in a “the lying bastard.” At the end causing Cedric to burst out laughing.

Although many adventurers were caught up in it a red black circle appeared around the cyclops’ feet and a translucent barrier formed around it.

The puzzled screaming of knights and adventurers were heard as they evacuated, for some reason they could easily pass through the barrier.

The goddess appeared in the sky, her first tear landing directly in the oversized eye of the cyclops. Then blood rained from the sky dissolving it.

“Oi, Raid, are you awake?”

“Yeah, I can see it. It looks like our job is done huh.”

Daniel and Raid left the battlefield together.

“Is that the boy?”

“That blood is familiar, it was there that day with the nootkerane, in other words. That brat is here. ”

“Whatever, all it is, is a strange adventurer helping knights that couldn’t protect their country. ”

The two of them didn’t talk anymore after that.

Masamune flapped his wings and appeared at a point where A rank monster’s had crowded together.

“《Erosion Wave》”

The wave spread out indiscriminately swallowing monsters and adventurers alike, stopping once it passed the wyvern and cockatrice. Once the wave disappeared the adventurers that had been swallowed stood looking around in confusion.

“Master, that’s the only one left.”

“That rock looking thing?”

An earth golem. A monster made entirely out of rock.

“Master, please allow me.”

“Uh, sure?”

Masamune pointed the wand towards the monster, the surrounding adventurers fell into silent confusion.

“《Black Hole》!”

A large black sphere swallowed the upper body of the golem causing everyone to cry out in surprise, but as it did that slowly changed into a loud cheer.

Gido stared at Masamune his eyes wide and sweat flowing down his forehead.

“Who is that? That boy!”

Gido asked Reinhardt this.

“Who knows.”

“I see, so not even the white knights know his identity. ”

Gido looked at Fran off in the distance.

“For my plan to be completely ruined by a single boy.”

Gido was sweating heavily now.

“I don’t care about the white knights anymore, you’re in the way.”

Gido planted a kick into Reinhardt’s stomach.

“Fran come here! We’re postponing this, first we have to get rid of that crazy adventurer!”

“Are you, talking about me?”


Before he noticed Masamune had lifted Gido up by his neck.

“Guh! When did you….guwah!”

Masamune squeezed a little tighter as he glared at Gido.

“《Mademoiselle Pain》!”

Fran attacked Masamune from the front, her magic approaching with a roar as it gouged the earth.

“I didn’t come to fight you.”

“If you say so.. Hohohoho, die with this!”

Fran laughed loudly convinced that she had hit Masamune. However with a light kick from masamune the magical sphere flew into the air and exploded.

“Who are you? Did you come to destroy the capital? Although with this level of power, you shouldn’t have tried that.”

Masamune asked Gido as he held him in the air.

“《Mademoiselle Javelin》!”

“Fran stop! I’m here too you know!”

“How persistent, should I get rid of her first?”

“I’m sorry, I’m aware that you’re there as well but this guy is too dangerous so, I’m afraid you’ll have to act as a decoy.”

Fran smiled mischievously and threw the purple Javelin.

“For the empires first step to be foiled by a brat like you!”

Fran was distraught and Masamune turned casually to face her.

“Empire? What’s that?”

Masamune asked innocently as he gripped the spear out of the air with his left hand. Bell floated next to him, watching. He returned the spear more than twice as fast causing it to explode at Frans feet.

“Not possible, with your bare hands!”

Fran collapsed from shock.

“So, what is the empire?”

However Gido was frightened and didn’t answer.

“It’s a large country that controls a vast amount of land.”

Reinhardt answered in his place as the surviving knights and adventurers gathered around masamune.

“Its something you couldn’t reach in your lifetime! This continent’s peak existence, that is the empire! Waaaaaaa~!!!”

Masamune threw Gido away, not looking as he smashed into the ground. Instead he used 《Telekinesis》to drag Fran to him, pulling his broadsword out of storage as hit did.


Masamune waited.

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