A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 177: Mage church

“This is the mage church.”

The mage church was just a tall white tower, some of the first time visitors may have still gotten lost on their way here but luckily we had William guiding us.

“Alright, let’s head inside.”

It seemed like William had come here in the past for some reason as he led us in through the front door.

In the entrance area there was a single woman at what looked to be a reception area. There were large windows that allowed a lot of light in with candles lighting up areas that might have otherwise been cast in shadow. I could see a few doors but had no idea where they might lead.

“Excuse me, My name is Nito…”

“We have been waiting for you Nito.”

It seemed that Schneiser had sent a letter of recommendation in advance so they knew that he would be coming. The woman then compared the letter of recommendation that she had with the piece of paper that I had brought with me.

“There doesn’t seem to be any mistakes, now then Nito please head this way. Although I must ask those that came with you to please wait here.”

Apparently I am the only one allowed to head further in. Schneiser had said early that I would have to take some kind of test in order to get the title. He said that it might just be a simple magic assessment but the church seemed to be a separate entity from the country and even the king didn’t know what the test entailed.

“Do you guys mind waiting?”

I’ll just go take the exam.

“I’m rooting for you!” Nem cheered.

“It won’t take long will it?” Toa asked.

“Yeah, I don’t think Schneiser would have exaggerated. “

“I’ll wait for you here.”

Sufilia said.

“William, will you watch over them for me?”

“Don’t worry about it, It’s just a simple review. Nito should be able to finish it quickly.”

William seemed to be somewhat familiar with the church.

“Nito, once you are done please tell us about the test.”

Francesca was the same as usual as her eyes were shining with the hope for a big story.

“Okay then, I’ll be back.”

After that I was lead to the door on the far right.

We walked through a short and narrow corridor to a room at the back. Inside of this room seemed to be a large expanse of land.

“……I see.”

We were indoors until just a moment ago, what kind of magic was this? After a moment I noticed that there were other people that were there. Roughly 20 old people were lined up at a few long tables.

“Now we shall begin the test to see if Nito is deserving of the title of Great Mage.”

The receptionist who had guided me here began to explain.

“I have received the letter of recommendation from King Schneiser so I think Nito would have had this explained to him already. However, the mage church exists separately from any country.”

“I see….”

“The people that are gathered here are well known magicians, they are not great mages but under the strict judgment of the church they have been recognized as mages.”

I was left wondering what this meant as adventurers who used magic and even the students at the school were often described as mages so what does the recognition mean?

“Allow me to answer your question.”

Apparently my facial expression was really easy to read.

“Before the mage church was established something called mage already existed. The mage that I am talking about is not an expression but a title. This title identifies those who have been recognized by the church to be qualified.”

I see, in other words they don’t just use magic but seem to be someone proficient in it’s use as well.

“I see, got it.”

The receptionist continued her explanation.

“In order to earn the title of great mage there are three separate criteria. Magical power, threat level, and job.”

“Huh? What did you just say?”

“….The three criteria are magic power, threat level and job.”


“Yes, is there some kind of problem?”

There is a big problem. It’s probably better to be honest in this case though, if it’s impossible then it’s impossible.

“Uhm? Actually I’m a healer.”


The receptionist seemed to have forgotten how to speak.


There was no reply until one of the judges spoke to me.

“We will make a special case considering the job.”

A woman? I thought they were all old men, there is a young women with the title of mage?

“We have heard various rumors about you Nito and were aware about your job in advance. We decided that after checking your status if you truly were a hero then we would make a judgment based solely on your magical power and your threat level. “

Then the discussion between the judges began. It seemed that since healers were the weakest job pride wouldn’t allow some of them to give one the title of great mage.

“Now, then Nito. Could you please show us your statue? The contents will of course not be recorded.”


Even if I am a healer once they look at my status the looks they are giving me will change.

“I will now project Nito’s status over there with magic.”

The receptionist said.


Why the projection? The receptionist touched my shoulder and began to cast magic as a magic circle appeared on her palm.




It’s been a while but nothing is happening yet.

“Uhm, does this take a while?”

“W, wait a moment please.”

I couldn’t see her expression behind the mask that she was wearing but she seemed to be flustered.

“Oi! What are you doing!?”

One of the judges seemed to be impatient and was growing angry.

“I can’t…….”


The receptionist turned towards the judges and said that she couldn’t do it.

“I am sorry, for some reason my magic isn’t working…….”

The judges looked at each other in astonishment.

“What do you mean it’s not working?”

One of the old men asked in a serious manner.

“The magic should have been activated but…”

The receptionist seemed just as confused as the others.


If I leave it like this the same question and answer cycle is likely to repeat itself.

“Can’t I just show everyone one by one?”



The judges thought about it although they seemed to be annoyed. Shouldn’t I be the one most annoyed in this situation though?

“It can’t be helped. She’s the only one that can use that magic anyway.”

Apparently projection magic is rare but it’s meaningless if it can’t be used so the judges took turns standing up and looking at my status.


Everyone seemed to have a similar reaction. It was expected though as my status was currently showing the level 2009 and when I check the other ‘mages’ here they were at most around level 40. Although they would still technically be considered great people in this world.




“What is this!?”


They are very vocal with their surprise but there wasn’t one of them who was not surprised in the end. Everyone of them who looked at my status went back to their seats with their legs shaking and their heads in their hands.

That was kind of fun… These guys here would have seen themselves as above me when I walked in but now that they had seen their expressions all looked horrified until it was finally time for the young female mage to look at my status.

“………I see, yeah, this would be just as they said.”

She appeared to be the most calm out of all of them.

“This completes the status check. If any of the judges have an objection then please raise your hand.”


However noone raised their hands.

“Since there is no problem with the magic power, I will move on to the next test.”

However all the judges seemed to be sweating and rubbing their foreheads.

“No objections but how are we even supposed to judge someone who is at level 2009? I feel out of place just standing here.”

“I agree, there’s probably no need to judge his magic. Who here could even do so accurately. I would say that he totally qualifies as a great mage.”

Everyone seems to be saying the same thing, that they don’t need to see my magic before the the receptionist stepped in to moderate.

“The rules are the rules!”

The old men quieted down.

“Nito, please cast your favorite magic over there. Anything is fine.”

“My favorite magic?”

“Yes we will check the scale of the magic and assess the threat level.”

What exactly is the threat level that they have been talking about?

I have to think carefully about what magic I can use because if I accidentally killed the judges then I would be seen as a criminal again rather than a great mage.

“Can I use some simple magic?”

“Yes, It doesn’t matter.”

This person must have a lack of imagination.

“{Goddess’s blood tears}”

The familiar goddess emerged from the sky then.

“What is that?”



“What is that giant….”


The judges stood up and all started to run away in fear, some of them screaming. Those with the title of mage seemed to be really unreliable.

“Wai, Nito!? What is that!?”

The receptionist was no longer calm either.

“Didn’t you say that anything was fine?”

Aren’t they trying to judge me? After a moment tears began to flow from her eyes as though it was raining.


I just noticed something.

…….The usual magical beaker wasn’t there. Normally there would be a magic circle thing that would contain the blood. However there was no beaker there right now and the tears continued to pour down without showing any sign of stopping. What’s going on?


“…….Oh, is it because there was no target?”

Or rather I targeted the land below it so maybe these tears just won’t stop until they find the thing targeted and kill it. Eventually the blood had turned into a river in front of me.

“Uhm? Can I stop now? It doesn’t really feel like anyone’s judging so I would just like to get the title and head out now.”

The receptionist stared at the goddess in the sky in astonishment. The other judges were doing the same as they walked backwards away from the blood.

“You pass. Thats enough, the examination is over!”

One of the old men shouted out.


I sent the goddess back.

“I don’t know about you guys being mages, but what did you guys think of the goddess?”

I doubt they will try and punish me for saying that.

“So, am I a great mage now?”

The receptionist answered slightly panicked.

“O, Of course! Here is your certificate!”

Why do I need a piece of paper?……

“Couldn’t I have just registered?”

“Yes, but that will happen at a later date. As of now Nito is a great mage.”

Blood was still flowing around my feet and rising up to my knees. Maybe I should use the erosion wave to make it easier to walk?

“Can I leave now?”

“Go right ahead! ….This way!”

No longer calm the receptionist opened the door allowing the river of blood to rush out.


“Not at all, we will deal with it.”

She said that they would deal with it but part of me thinks that it’s impossible since its blood from the abyss. I doubt that they will be able to get rid of it with magic so the only other option would probably be to wait for it to evaporate or dry… or something.

When I opened the door to the entrance room where everyone was waiting the first one I saw was Toa running from the blood.

“Nito! What is this!?”

Nem was splashing happily through the blood, her clothes were already bright red.

“My magic. Don’t worry about it.”

Francesca was ordering Dolly to take a photo of the blood.

“Don’t worry about it!? Isn’t it normal to worry!?”

It seemed like Toa was angry.

“It’s okay I’ll clean you off properly later.”

“Nito, did you get the title of great mage?”

William was quick to ask.

“Yeah. Toa why don’t we head outside for now?”

We hurried out the entrance. Sufilia however didn’t seem to care at all, in fact her expression never changed as it seemed that only Toa was disgusted by the blood. I felt a little bad as we were leaving though so I used erosion to try to erase the blood in the entrance area but the river of blood flowed right back into the room I had just cleaned. I don’t plan to go and clean it all up though, they can do that themselves. Besides it’s not like I’m ever going to come back here.

“That place kind of sucked……”

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