A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 175: I like Adventures

It took seven days for Masamune and the others to reach Dams Arden after leaving Halekuwait. The people of this country were by no means wealthy but thanks to Schniesers policies they were all happy. There was plenty of food and orphanages to the point that there was no one going hungry. Masamune was looking out the carriage window at the country but he didn’t seem to be all that interested.

“Nito, I heard about the Charitable bloodline but could you tell me a little about what happened in that town?”

Francesca has explained a little but not in detail which left Schneiser a little concerned about what would become of Lagoo.

“What? Why do you care?”

Schneiser replied with a mysterious look on his face.

“There is a lot of mystery surrounding that organization and I don’t know much about it. Although I did hear that Ankh rarely shows his face. I just feel like I might have to deal with it at some point.”

The charitable bloodline had only come into being two months ago. The Organization has expanded at a startling rate and even though it is now quite large there is not actually a lot known about it.

“Deal with? What do you mean? You plan to go to war?”

“No way, I don’t want war! But if the rumors about it prove to be true then I might not be able to just let them be.”

Schneiser avoided confirming anything since he was a king but his expression seemed to say that he had already decided that they were dangerous.

“That must suck, I didn’t realize that a king needed to care about rumors.”

“It depends on the situation.”

“By situation I assume you mean Ankh.”

“That would be the case, yes.”

Masamune was silent for a moment before replying. Francesca didn’t even like talking about what happened in the town.

“He instigated suicide.”

“……..I see.”

Schneiser then fell silent for a moment.

“He told a women that committing suicide was the right thing to do and told her to not run away from it.”


“As a result the woman jumped, however her life didn’t end. But….That speech.”


“Yeah it was like the was preaching to the crowd. It even made Toa feel a little sick but I didn’t really understand it. “

Schneiser sighed, based on the rumors and the religious aspect of the charitable bloodline coupled with Nito’s explanation, he could imagine what happened. But if no one died then there wasn’t really a problem. That town was more or less a lawless area that wasn’t part of anyone’s territory.

“I see….It does seem to be abnormal”

Schneiser stroked this beard.

“Do you intend to crack down on them?”

“We need facts in order to act. However if it involves us in the first place then we may not be able to just leave them alone.”

It was an ambiguous reply.

“Answered like a true politician.”

Masamune looked out the window again even though there wasn’t anything he wanted to see out there.

“What did you think?”

Schneiser was persistent and wanted to know Nito’s thoughts. But Masamune answered while still looking out the window.

“I’m not really interested in what other people do nor can I understand their ideas. The less interested that I am the less I pay attention. To put it simply I’m selfish and only care about what is going on with myself. Besides, is it a religion or a charity?”

That did not answer Schneiser’s question so he asked something else instead. His thought was that if Nito became part of that organization someday then it would turn into a threat. Masamune answered slowly while still looking out the window.

“I like my freedom, I just want to explore this world not be tied down by anyone. I want to travel with my friends and that’s it.”


To Schneiser that was a surprising answer and he couldn’t help his eyes widening in astonishment.

“This organization is gaining followers fast and its power may eventually swell to the point that it is untouchable. You are going to be considered a country soon, are you not interested in something like this?”

“Interested? Me?”


“Not at all. Do you know what happens when you are part of some organization? You lose your freedom. I don’t want to have to belong anywhere, besides this great mage title doesn’t matter. Isn’t it just something to do with human relations?”

“So, what was the purpose behind you getting all that power?”


It made Nito aware once again that Schneiser was suspicious of him but he didn’t really care.

“Didn’t I tell you? For adventures.”


It was a childish answer.

“Yeah, I’m an adventurer. We go on adventures. Welcome to adventurer 101.”

“Isn’t it a little too much for adventuring?”

“You don’t believe me? It’s really a lot simpler than you think.”

Those words changed his impression of Nito.

“I see….You are surprising.”


“Don’t worry about it. I am just old.”

At that time the carriage arrived at the royal castle and a butler opened the door to reveal a large amount of guards outside.

“Hey Schneiser, I wanted to ask why you don’t do anything about Tonpearl and Nut?”


Schneiser stopped as he looked at the soldiers outside.


It was difficult for him to say but he didn’t want to lie.

“That is the only dark thing about this country.”

“Dark? As king is it even okay for you to say that?”

“It’s fine, I’m talking as Schneiser right now.”

He had a serious look on his face.

“I might not have a good impression of them but even as the King of Dams Arden and one of the 7 I am no match for them.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be on equal footing?”

“The current emperor Uranas was the king of Dams Arden.”

“……..What!? What do you mean he’s the king?”

“You didn’t know? After marrying my sister he was crowned and the current empire is what was originally known as Dams Arden.”

But when Uranus lost his wife the current Dams Kale was born.

“After that it was the other kings who helped us form the new Dams Arden. The abundance we have here is not due to my own power but is with the help of the other countries.”

“So that’s why you’re no match…..I see.”

Masamune changed topics.

“So why did they help you? Wouldn’t it take a lot of money to create a country from scratch?”

“The existence of the 7 kings is supposed to be absolute on this continent and there must never be one missing.”

“So does that mean that the destruction of Artemias is going to cause trouble?”

“That’s correct. Right now it is a secret but we will probably have to do something.”

Schneiser sighed and finally climbed out of the carriage followed by Masamune and the others. The castle of Dams Arden was entirely white.

“A kings castle…. Parallel world or not this is a masterpiece.”

“Really? I thought it looked just like every other castle.”

Toa doesn’t seem to be super interested in castles.

“Lord Nito, do you want a castle?”

“Do I want one?……”

Masamune took a moment to think about it.

“A castle……I haven’t really thought about it.”

Masamune had his finger on his lips as he thought, Sufilia and the others just stared at him.

“Allow me to guide everyone inside.”

Despite being the king Schneiser beckoned them forward and Francesca sprinted ahead with Dolly.

“All you need is a letter of recommendation. Why don’t we stop by the town soon?”

Nito started walking with a troubled expression on his face. The others followed behind him but little did he know that he was about to meet someone that he hadn’t seen in a while. Although it was trivial as in the end everything would be up him.

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