A Murder Wizards Adventure

61 I didn’t expect this to happen

It is a short walk to the Tanaka estate, a relatively big mansion, that is completed mostly in silence that is occasionally interrupted by Machi saying something suggestive and me acting like a petite, submissive and bre- *cough* and me sputtering and blushing at the insinuations.

Yes I do work out, no you don't need to check, thank you for the consideration.

Machi, doesn't knock or anything when we get there, instead just bursting through the door like she owns the place, which she does so fair enough.

"PAPA!!" Machi shouts into the empty room, and not long later Tamaki himself arrives, looking like your typical businessmen in his forties, only maybe a little less pudgy than my cliche instincts tell me he should be which upsets me.

"Ah, my darling little girl! And who is this boy?" Tamaki's tone starts out jovial and friendly but ends rather severe and accusing in the, my daughter has just brought a boy home and I want to kill somebody because of it, kind of way that I pretend to be cowed by.

"Papa, this is that boy I told you about, remember? The one who calls himself a traveling healer?"

Recognition flashes briefly in Tamaki's eyes before he seems to take my measure, eyeing me up more like a businessman and less like a father as I just stand there awkwardly, unsure of what to do with my hands so I just grab my bags strap.

"Really now, I suppose you'll be wanting to take a look at my employees then?"

"T-that, um, is the plan, yes."

The two of them eye each other, both amused by my attitude, though there is the begining of something else in the eyes of Machi.

"Well the, best not keep them waiting then, the sooner those brutes can get back to doing what I'm paying them for the better."

Decision made, Tamaki leads us through the building as Machi walks by my side, occasionally brushing her shoulder against mine and smirking at the way it makes me blush. Tamaki pretends not to notice with nothing but a fond sigh.

We make it to one of the side rooms and Tamaki opens the door to let me though. Inside there are two men lying on a cot each, one has some bandages covering his torso, while the other has a broken arm, I mean, has his arm in a sling for reasons I do not know yet, and is also looking faint, probably from poison, the type that the cure is not common knowledge, but that is just a guess with no backing whatsoever.

"Well, get to it then lad!"

I jump at his sudden raising of voice before approaching the poisoned, *cough* sick looking, guy and putting my bag on the floor before I get to work, assessing his condition, preparing and feeding him some crushed herbs and other medicinal stuff that I don't want to explain, because it's so obvious and doesn't need explaining, totally, anyway, I don't use any chakra, because I'm not a ninja and I don't know how to use chakra.

I put on my serious face, time to get to work.

[POV Shift: Machi]

A few days ago, I was chilling in the local bar, bored out of my mind as per usual, granted, playing poker with the bandits, 𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴, with the guards helps pass the time, and I do enjoy ordering them around. The 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 that comes with it is amazing. That these stupid, muscle headed idiots all do what I tell them to do is pretty cool if I say so myself, which I do, so it is.

Anyway, a few days ago, my evening drink was interrupted, not that I ever get drunk around the idiots, I don't trust their self preservation instincts enough to leave myself vulnerable around them, but I do like a small drink in the evening, which is when I come across a peculiar specimen.

A boy, around my age, maybe a bit younger, with bright pink hair of all things and a personality girly enough to match and he interesting. He seems to be perpetually afraid of everything but is contradictorily incredibly willing to approach strangers, even those who he is visibly afraid of, to ask if they need any help.

Our first interaction was fairly amusing, and I think it's what stoked my interest. I've been surrounded by thugs and strong, tough men my entire life, so to see someone so atypical was novel, so I had some men keep watch on him, see what he gets up to. When they came back to tell me that he was just going around helping people, free of charge, even literally helping an old lady walk home, well, I was dubious.

Surely only someone who has lived an incredibly sheltered life could be so incredibly naive. But he is an orphan, so he must know some of the truth of this cruel world and he isn't naive, he can clearly tell who is trouble and what that trouble would mean for him, how he could die, but he offers to help them anyway, willing to risk his life to help the very person who would be willing to kill him.

It is such a novelty that I can't help but want to see more of it, and just as I'm trying to figure out an excuse to see more of him, one fall right into my lap as two of the idiots ran into some shinobi, at least they were spared death, would be a waste of money if they just died.

Then, when I bring him in to help out the idiots, it's like he is a completely different person, gone is the stuttering, submissive coward, and in its place is a man who will do whatever it takes to save a life. His face, all serious and focused as he treated the idiots, well, I admit it may have made me blush a little. He just looked so cute! Like a kid focusing on a painting or something, face all scrunched up.

Then there's the way he looks at me, now don't get me wrong, I know I'm attractive, and I am used to people staring, whether they think they are being discreet or not, but what I am 𝘯𝘰𝘵 used to, is someone looking 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 because they find me attractive. It's adorable really, whenever he works up the courage to look me in the eye, he ends up staring for a second too long and becomes a blushing stuttering mess and I love it.

It was after he fixed up the two idiots that I gave him an offer he wouldn't refuse. He can live in the mansion and will get a salary, in exchange, we get use of his services. So, with him now working for me, I make sure to bring him along with me wherever I go, just in case I get hurt you see, no other reason at all.

Because of the extra time we spent together, he eventually starts opening up, and sometimes he can even speak directly to my face, he really is adorable. Apparently, while he isn't from the Capitol, he is from one of the neighbouring cities, where his family were small time nobles, which explains why he is so well groomed and mannered, then he was orphaned and ended up wondering.

He still hasn't told me what happened to his family, but that's fine, he will eventually, I can understand the difficulty of loss at the very least.

A couple weeks later and I realise something. I don't just like Felix, I 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 him. He is just so delightfully adorable and I want him to be 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦. Then I realise with startling clarity, if that is what I want, then I will just have to claim him.

Which leads to now, I am sitting at my desk in my room, waiting for my maid to bring Felix here. I am dressed in a thin babydoll dress that I can easily slide down my shoulders with nothing else on and I am just reading through some business reports as I wait for my guest.

When I hear the hesitant knock, I know it's him, no one else I know could somehow make a knock sound nervous.

I open the door wide, and relish in the way his eyes take my body in, slack jawed, and the way he starts to blush, starting from the ears all the way down the neck his face turns red, like a tomato, as he stands there, unable to even find the words necessary for conversation. Getting tired of waiting, I grab him by the arm and pull him inside, closing the door behind his dumbstruck form.

"A-a-a-ah, u-uh, w-w-w-wha..?"

I relish in his nervousness for a moment before taking a step forward, that makes him violently recoil so that his back is to the door and he is looking at me with wide, scared eyes, that just make me so, incredibly, 𝘸𝘦𝘵.

"Look at me." When he doesn't immediately comply I take one more step and reach out to grab his face, angling his chin so that he has to face down to me. "I said, look at me. Do not make me repeat myself Felix."

The way his head fervently shakes affirmative makes me smile, that smile widens as I let go of his face and he doesn't drop eye contact, no matter how badly he blushes or how scared he looks.

Good, so he can follow orders.

"Do you know why you're here?"

He jerkily shakes his head, but that isn't what I want.

"Answer me verbally when I speak to you."


Ahhhn~ So adorable~ at this point I'm practically whispering, trying to see just how flustered I can make him.

"So obedient~, now I will ask again, do you know why you're here?"

It takes him a moment, and I allow him to gather his courage.


Ahn~, it's good, but it could be even 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳. So I lean in close and whisper in his ear.

"That is no, mistress. Understood?"


"Yes, what?"

"Y-ye-yes, m-m-mistress." He barely whispers the word but it sends a jolt down my spine that almost leaves me weak in the knees. I lean back to face him again as I continue, still whispering.

"Good boy, now, the reason you're here, you've been a bad, bad boy, making me all hot and bothered, so I have decided, that from now on", I lean real close, so I can whisper in his other ear this time, "You are 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦, understood?"

I give his ear a little bite as I wait for his answer, heart beating in my chest with anticipation.

"Y-yes, mistress." He breathes out his response, barely even stuttering and unknowing of what his words are doing to my body.

"Good boy, then you can start your new duties now." I take a step back after saying that and while staring into his eyes, that are still locked onto mine, with a smirk on my face, I grab the shoulders of my babydoll and slowly, ever so slowly, push them aside, letting the whole thing fall to the floor around me, revealing me fully.

I try not to fidget, so what I'm a little nervous? It's not like I've ever done something like this before. I've never been interested in any of the men my papa hired before, so I'm still pure, well I'm still a virgin, whether I'm pure or not is a whole other debate.

Still, my nerves are assuaged by the way Felix's eyes greedily devour every inch of my exposed form, and I can clearly see just how much he enjoys the view.

"Come here." The way his eyes immediately return to my own as he rushes to obey like an overeager puppy just makes me want him even more.

"Good boy," I push him to his knees, not that I need to use any force as he drops to his knees as soon as my hands touch his shoulders, not dropping eye contact all the while, looking at me with innocent, 𝘥𝘦𝘷𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘥 eyes.

I push his face towards my core and with a gulp he needs no further prompting.

It seems tonight will be a long and enjoyable night.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

*Ahem* I'm just not going to say anything.


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