A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 129: Battle with the guards (I)

Helena saw the shocked looks in their eyes and then rolled her eyes at them.

"Girls, come on. What's with the shocked look for?" Helena asked with a smile in her face.

"Well, we were greatly astounded by what you said. You are the Chosen One who should help people. Not steal from them. Don't you know that doing so wouldn't differentiate you from any of those bad guys disturbing our world?" Lydia asked.

"Duh! I am the Chosen One. I will do whatever I like. So, who is with me?" Helena asked.

"Well, it should be fun. I am with you, Valiant Blade Empress" Lauren said with a giggle. Same with Deborah who nodded her head, showing that she was in support of what Helena wanted to do.

Lydia and Lucretia looked at Helena and then sighed.

"Alright. We would join you to steal. We absolutely have no choice." Lydia said while Lucretia nodded.

"Thank you!" Helena said with a smile.

She then said with a smile "Alright girls, follow me. We have a map to steal. It won't steal itself"

Then they spread out where they were to go individually meet people to ask for where they could find a place or places where kingdom maps were being drawn.

After many hours of relentlessly asking around for where they could purchase kingdom maps, they finally got the description to a particular place that wasn't really far away from where they stood at.

Then they marched there together.

Not long, they arrived before the place and saw to their amazement how big the place was.

It was a really tall building with tall barb-wired fences and a tall and thick gate.

"Uhm... Helena, do you think we can steal map from this place? It seems highly secured. We would be in deep trouble if we got caught. I will advise that we go to the kingdoms where we are to carry out our witch-killing missions." Lucretia said.

"Scarlet Chaos, why you are being intimidated by the appearance of the building and it environs? Those tall fences that you see are only there to keep mortals and beginner-level spellcasters out. It can't keep out spellcasters at our level" Helena said and chuckled.

"I know. But we aren't breaking into there, right? So, we wouldn't be kept out. Instead, we would be kept in. When we enter, we might be prevented from leaving, and then imprisoned." Lydia said fearfully, as she imagined being caught and incarcerated by the guards working here.

Helena then smiled.

"You are right, actually. But I won't let any harm come to any of you. You haven't seen me in my true goddess-like form. So, you don't really know about or understand the boundlessly vast power of the incomparable ravaging fire that I wield." Helena said with a twinkling, fiery purple glow manifesting in her eyes.

When Helena said this, the girls looked at her and saw the soft, fiery purple glow in her eyes and the confident smile in her face and then unexpectedly agreed to go into the secured building with her.

The glow that surfaced in her eyes had actually influenced their confidence in her. Helena too was surprised when they suddenly agreed to go in with her. She then felt that the glow in her eyes either produced a strong compulsion or persuasion effect on their minds.

They arrived before the large bronze gate of the building and knocked on it.

Then the gate swung open and a beautiful female who was in her prime appeared before them to usher them in.

When they entered the establishment, the gate closed back. Then the woman led them to into the organization.

On their way as they walked through the hallway to a colossal hall where the maps were kept, the woman asked "So girls, what map do you seek for?"

"Well, a map that will project all the kingdoms that there are in this world." Helena responded.

"Hmm. That's is going to cost you a lot. And I seriously doubt that you girls have the money to be able to purchase such a large map." The woman said as she scanned Helena and her colleagues with her sharp eyes .

"Oh! Well, how much is it?" Helena asked in a curious tone.

"Since it's a map that shows you about all the kingdoms in this world, imagine the effort that was put into making that map. So, since you now have a glimpse of how extremely onerous it would be to develop such a massive map, you should be able to guess within yourselves how much it would actually cost." The woman said with a friendly smile in her face as she looked at Helena and the rest of the girls in her group.

"Okay ma'am. I could come up with a figure on how much the map could really be sold at." Helena said seriously.

"Good. Now, tell me the figure that you arrived at in your mind." The woman said.

"Well, I arrived at five hundred bronze coins?" Helena asked with one of her brows furrowed.

"What?! How dare you come up with such a low figure after everything that I told you? You didn't even make the coins golden coins. You mentioned bronze coins. Is that how terrible you girls are at speculating the prices of objects? Ugh! I guess you girls haven't really priced any item before in your entire lives, right?" The woman rudely asked.

Her mind was still reeling from tremendous shock because of what Helena said, which was actually intentional to anger the woman and start a fight right here in the hallway.

"Oh. I am sorry about that, ma'am. I guess I am just bad at guessing. But why don't you just tell us?" Helena asked.

"Hmm. I will tell you then." The woman who later regained control over her whirling mind said.

Then still gazing at Helena with that angry and shocked expression in her face, she said indifferently "The map that you requested for costs eight million, two hundred and fifty-five golden coins."

Helena's eyes widened in awe from the amount that the woman called the purchase cost of the map for them. Same with the girls in her group who were looking at the woman with incredible astonishment in their eyes. Then they turned their heads some moments later to look at Helena to see what she would say or do.

Helena nodded her head at the woman who was surprised by Helena's action.

"So, what do you say? Do you have the money to purchase it or you will immediately get out of here?" The woman impolitely asked, after she had perceived that the girls before her had no money and were only wasting the wonderful time that she could use in doing many other paramount things.

"Gosh! Woman, you are so rude. The hell! How do you know that we don't have the money to purchase the map that we asked for?" Helena asked with false rage in her tone.

"Well, you look poor. Same with your colleagues. So, you girls definitely don't have the money to pay for such!! Now, I will advise that you leave here of your own accord. Or be ready to be badly harassed out of here by the male magical warriors employed as guards here. Trust me, you wouldn't want them to molest you girls." The woman threatened.

She then harrumphed as she walked away from Helena and her group's presence.

But she couldn't take more than a step when Lydia's angry voice rang out "What? You will make some male magical warriors appear to harass us out of here? Wow! That's incredible of you, woman. You can call all of them out to do so. But you should wait and see see what would really happen to them"

"Oh really? And what can you girls do against fierce magical warriors at the Sky-level spellcasting stage? Eh? I will ask that you leave here. Now go... Shooo!! The longer you stay here, the longer you stand the great chance of being harassed and embarrassed. And I would love to enjoy the sight of that" The woman said and then turned around to go back to where she came from before bringing Helena and her colleagues in.

Lydia who couldn't take what the woman said, asked with towering wrath in her voice "So, you will make some male bully us because we look poor to you? Bring it on then and see who would be harassed"

She then turned her head to look at Helena and said out loud in a fierce tone "Let's steal that map!"

The woman who was now totally ignoring them as she walked back to her quarter, had her eyes widen with great shock when she heard the words what Lydia angrily spouted from her mouth.

Then without demanding for any explanation from Lydia, she said out loud "Guards! Come and arrest these girls. They are here to steal a really expensive map from this place"

Immediately the woman said that, Helena sighed and said to her colleagues with a smile in her face "I guess our mission start in this place. Now, let's tear it down to look for the map that we want. Then we can take some of their monies too. If not all"

"But Helena, the guards here are Sky-level spellcasters. We won't be able to do anything to them. They would instantly round us up like chickens for slaughter" Deborah said.


Helena grinned.

"Don't tell me that you have quickly forgotten about your upgraded bloodline power, the Azure Brilliance Razor Wind. You can keep them at bay with that. And if you are really determined, you will cause them great injuries or even death." She said while Deborah nodded her head with a light of fierceness beginning to erupt from her eyes.

Not long, many hefty males appeared behind the woman and then rushed towards Helena and her colleagues to bind them up.

They couldn't get close to them as Helena suddenly unleashed a powerful spell of fire that materialized as a huge flaming jet-black dragon that raged towards them at extreme speeds.

However, one of the guards adeptly casted a Strength Enhancement spell on himself, resulting in a glow of his two arms.

He then decisively sent one of his glowing fists at the spell that was in the form of a massive jet-black dragon that had flames burn ragingly around it entire figure.


A loud bang sound rang out as the fiery pitch-black dragon shattered into smithereens.

Immediately the spell shattered apart into smithereens, the Spellcaster then powerfully clapped his magically enchanted hands at Helena and her group members, generating a really powerful, sonic boom-like sound in the process that caused Helena's ears and that of her colleagues to shake very hard that it could almost rip apart into shreds. Also, a powerful wind gust appeared immediately after the thunderous clapping and swept all of them off their feet and carried them into the distance like they were in a raging flood.

When they stood back to their feet from where they landed to, Helena said to her group members.

"Girls, let's spread out. We can take on these fools."

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