A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Snape’S Love Letter

Professor Tywin was undoubtedly lucky.

Judy Crouch’s withdrawal spell shot at the base of his thigh, less than a centimeter away from a special part.

According to that distance, if Judy’s little hand shook a little, Tywin wouldn’t be able to laugh.

Although there are no bones there, who can guarantee that the corpus cavernosum or the prostate will not disappear.

After all, no wizard has ever tried it.

Madam Pomfrey was upset.

“You shouldn’t teach the little wizard such dangerous magic!” she said angrily, “you are all injured, can you still protect the children?”

Madam Pomfrey thanked William again and said that he could come to teach at Hogwarts in the future.

The school lacks such an excellent professor!

This made Snape and Tywin lying on the bed very embarrassed.

Madam Pomfrey threw a set of pajamas to Tywin gloomily, “Professor, you have to stay here at night, but you will suffer more.”

She took another big bottle from the cart with the label “Bone Spirit” on it.

“But with Professor Snape by your side, it shouldn’t be particularly difficult,” she said, pouring out a steaming mug of potion and handing it to Professor Tywin.

“It tastes weird, but it works.”

Professor Tywin looked at the lump of yellow viscous liquid in the cup, resisted nausea, and drank it in one gulp.

The raw bone spirit burned in Tywin’s mouth, and then burned down the throat, causing him to cough again and again, and the yellow liquid spattered.

However, the visual impact is more unacceptable than the taste discomfort.

Madam Pomfrey stepped back, still smacking her lips, complaining that the Defence Against the Dark Arts class was too dangerous and the teachers were too incompetent.

If Madam Pomfrey was the headmaster, she would probably only allow medical classes.

Snape’s bed, not far from Professor Tywin.

He was wearing a black cartoon pajamas printed with two silver doe instead of green snakes, grazing together.

An unpredictable smile appeared on Professor Snape’s face, and greasy said: “Oh, let me see, who is this… What? Tywin, looks seriously injured?”

“It’s okay.” Professor Tywin said with a smile, “It’s just like studying like you.”

The burns on Snape’s face were almost healed, but there was still a bandage around his neck, which looked like a mummy.

Snape also wanted to go back, but in this hospital, no one could defy Madam Pomfrey, not even Dumbledore.

William noticed that on Snape’s table, there were a few condolence cards and a piece of creme fraiche.

Things are pitiful.

In addition to the things that William called on Cedric and a few Ravenclaw students to send, there were only condolence cards from the professors.

Almost none of the students sent him, including Slytherin!

William seriously doubted that the condolence cards of those staff were also euphemistically “remind” by the old man Dumbledore.

It can be seen that Professor Snape’s popularity is not very popular!

and many more…

William’s dark green eyes flashed with shock.

Merlin’s beard!

He actually saw a bunch of flowers in the trash can, or roses!

In any culture, roses represent love, and the magic world is no exception!

What, wild lily…sorry, does the old bat also have spring?

Professor Tywin followed William’s line of sight and also noticed this. He quietly took the wand by the pillow and used the Flying Charm on the flower.

The whole bouquet flew into Professor Tywin’s hand. On the bouquet, there was a small pink card with a brightly dressed witch who was blowing kisses.

Shock! In Hogwarts Hospital, in front of Professor Snape’s bed, the ‘small card” in the hotel appeared.

Wouldn’t Professor Snape be “jumped by a wizard”?

William is obviously overthinking, there is no such “high-end” scam in the magic world.

This is just a simple and simple confession letter.

I saw Professor Tywin coughing, and like a poet, he read aloud emotionally:


your eyes,

As dark as a dung beetle who just finished pushing a dung ball,

your hair,

With a beautiful luster like gutter oil,

You are full of stories,

Almost as vicissitudes as the dark dungeon,

I wish you were mine,

You are really handsome,

The warrior who conquered the potion!


“Break apart!”

Before Professor Tywin finished reading, the whole card exploded in an instant, and Snape stared at Tywin with a pale face.


Not to be outdone, Professor Tywin held his wand and aimed it at Snape.

“Come on, Severus, I’ve wanted to fight you for a long time.”

The disguised smile on Tywin’s face disappeared, and he shouted, “You despicable betrayer!”

“I didn’t…” The pupils in Snape’s eyes shrank sharply, and a flash of pain flashed.

“No? Then how did James and the Dark Lord die? Why did you live peacefully at Hogwarts for ten years?” Professor Tywin said coldly.

“Severus, you should enter Azkaban, not Sirius…”

William stood there dumbfounded.

He didn’t know any of the people that Professor Tywin mentioned, except the Dark Lord.

But he could know one thing, Snape and Tywin once knew each other.

Maybe it’s a classmate, but it’s not a college.

Madam Pomfrey heard the movement and walked in quickly, she screamed, and they both put down their wands at the same time.

Soon, William was also kicked out.

After the first get out of class, the news that Professor Tywin was hospitalized spread throughout Hogwarts.

In two days, two professors fell in a row, and William’s title of “Professor Killer” spread like wildfire.

All the teachers started avoiding him.

But William was well-known and popular at Ravenclaw Academy.

His performance in the classroom is obvious to all, and Ravenclaw students know the truth.

Of course, most of the students at Hogwarts are also looking forward to it, hoping that William can create another good story, UU reading www. uukanshu.com hospitalized the third and fourth professors.

But unfortunately, Professor Flitwick is so witty.

In the first few weeks of spells class, spells are not taught, only the gesture of waving a wand.

There are only seven basic movements, but there are more than 230 varieties derived from them.

If it involves the ancient Rune spell, the action of waving the wand will be more complicated, cumbersome and changeable.

Professor Flitwick will not teach all of them. He only teaches the most basic movements, which are enough for schoolwork and daily life.

The remaining knowledge points will be learned in advanced classes, or left to students who have spare capacity to study!

As for ordinary students, there are no too many requirements.

Therefore, in order to prevent teaching accidents, Professor Flitwick does not allow the little wizards to use wands, and can only use wooden sticks with similar shapes instead.

He was really afraid that some students would accidentally poke someone else, or make some other mischief, which would lead to his hospitalization as a professor.

William’s swing was very standard, and Professor Flitwick hurriedly added a point to him and told him to stop immediately.

William was very aggrieved. From the beginning to the end, it was an accident caused by others. He was just dealing with the aftermath. What does it have to do with him?

Of course, the aftermath is not without benefits at all. In just two days, William has given Ravenclaw a hundred and twenty points.

One hundred percent of it was added because of Snape and Tywin’s teaching accident.

At this point, Ravenclaw is far ahead, counting the sapphires in the hourglass, and they can go around Hogwarts once in a row. For two consecutive days, the school ranks first!

(ps Merry Christmas, the first update, please recommend (????ω????))

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