A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Professor Tai Wen

In the afternoon, Ravenclaw and Slytherin went to the history of magic together.

William in his previous life was a science student, but he was particularly interested in history.

It was just the history of magic that surprised him, it was so boring that he wanted to sleep.

Professor Binns dragged his white pearl-colored body through the blackboard into the classroom, and everyone was startled.

——He is a ghost.

If you change into women’s clothes, this way of appearing is probably as cool as Sadako.

Professor Binns was very old, looking older than Dumbledore.

He was wrinkled and puffy all over, not round at all, but no one wanted to beat him.

There are many versions of Hogwarts about the legend of Professor Binns.

The official story is that when Professor Binns was alive, he got up one day to go to class and accidentally left his body in an armchair in front of the fire in the staff lounge.

Since then, all his daily activities have remained the same without any change. He didn’t notice that he was dead, and he still went to class conscientiously and continued to shine.

This is the role model of the professors, one of the top ten figures in the magic world, everyone must learn from him!

It was hard for William to imagine that after Snape’s death, his soul was still dragging greasy hair, standing in the basement classroom, torturing generations of students with poisonous tongues.

Moreover, William is very skeptical of the official statement.

This is obviously a naked oppression, not even a ghost will be spared, but also continue to teach, and do not get paid, do not need to eat.

The black-hearted magic world!

Especially when Professor Binns used his hypnotic voice to slowly talk about the villain Merrick and the eccentric Yuric in the classroom, William’s thoughts were even stronger.

He wanted to rescue Professor Binns immediately so that the school could change a teacher.

William wasn’t the only one who thought so.

Professor Binns recited in a dry, low, monotonous voice, like an old vacuum cleaner, and the whole class fell into a groggy state. Occasionally, they came to their senses, copied down a name or date, and then fell back into a semi-sleep state.

Little by little, Qiu’s head was like a chicken pounding rice, and she thought she was fascinated and agreed with Professor Binns’ point of view.

Bobo Cha stared at her for a long time, her paws left a dark mark on her face, and she didn’t respond.

Bobo tea swiped again with his fluffy tail, and the textbook on the history of magic fell on the table.

It was the textbook that Qiu used to support his flat chest and prevent his body from lying on the table.

Without support, her face slammed straight to the table.

The poor little white rabbit, who was lying on the table eating carrots, smashed his face directly, rolled his eyes, and fainted again with fright.

The plan of Slytherin’s little snakes to avenge the dean also failed to materialize. They were too sleepy!

There is an inner ghost, the plan is aborted, go to sleep!

If there is a class that is most anticipated, it is undoubtedly Defense Against the Dark Arts on Tuesday morning.

Defense Against the Dark Arts itself is very attractive, and the terrible campus legend of changing professors once a year adds a bit of mystery!

When everyone arrived in the classroom of Professor Tywin’s first Defence Against the Dark Arts class, he wasn’t there.

They all sat down, took out books, quills, and parchment, and they were chatting when Tywin finally walked into the classroom.

Tywin was wearing a fitted robe and his short blond hair was meticulously groomed, in stark contrast to Snape.

He smiled slightly, not holding a textbook in his hand, only a wand made of ebony wood.

The classroom soon became quiet, and many little witches looked at Professor Tywin madly.

This is undoubtedly a very charming wizard.

But there was still the sound of squeaky chairs rubbing around, and Professor Tywin didn’t stop it.

William recognized it as a Slytherin student.

In fact, the overlap between Ravenclaw and Slytherin courses is much higher than that of other colleges.

The school will always rank two colleges that have a good relationship together, the eagle is the snake, and the badger is the lion!

But this year has changed a little, William hurt their lovely snake king (greasy Snape blew up), and there are always people who want to get back on their feet.

Deliberately making noise, this is a small measure by Slytherin’s little snakes to take revenge on William.

It’s not very useful, it’s just for disgusting people.

“Good morning, everyone.” Professor Tywin said gently, “I’m very happy that everyone has the textbook – “Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Defense”.”

“It’s a very old textbook. Hogwarts has been using it for 120 years or 150 years, I can’t remember exactly.

But I know the author of this book, Professor Quentin Trimble, whose portrait has been on the wall of the principal’s office for over a hundred years. ”

“Being able to use it for so many years represents the classic level of this textbook. Of course, Professor Quentin Trimble himself may not think so.”

“Come on, let’s open the title page of the textbook, and we can see a row of beautiful swash characters – actual combat is always greater than theory.”

“This means that we will only take a few theoretical classes, and most of them are practical classes!”

“As Professor Snape said, ‘I won’t teach too much theory, I won’t fully use books, that’s what you should learn and master after class’.

This is also what I want to tell you. ”

Professor Tywin suddenly laughed.

“I know, I know, after our dear Professor Snape said this yesterday, he was admitted to the school hospital, so I will be very careful to prevent repeating the same mistakes.

I would like to highlight Mr. Stark here, as he deserves to be a Ravenclaw. ”

William was expressionless. He found that Professor Tywin had drawn another wave of hatred for him, and all the Slytherins were staring at him.

Professor Tywin stepped off the podium and said loudly: “As we all know, Defense Against the Dark Arts is a course to learn how to deal with evil black magic spells and evil creatures~www.readwn.com~ Then, how can there be black magic or black magic in the magic world? Evil creature? Miss Qiu Zhang, you answer.”

Qiu stood up, thought about it, and said, “Vampire.”

“That’s right, vampires… terrifying magical creatures that originated in the Balkans. I was fortunate enough to encounter one or two when I traveled, and it was very difficult to deal with.

Muggles will use garlic and holy water to defend themselves, which is definitely useless.

In today’s love literature, there are more and more stories of vampires. In order to cater to the market, many witches and wizards shape vampires into handsome and long-lived creatures. ”

“This is undoubtedly wrong, trust me,” Tywin winked at Qiu, “don’t try to fall in love with a vampire.”

Qiu’s face flushed red.

I don’t know why, William thought of Cedric. He probably wouldn’t like Professor Tywin, and even thought about turning into a vampire and biting Tywin.

“Professor, will you teach me… how to deal with vampires?” a Slytherin girl asked boldly.

She had freckles on her face and was slightly fat, and her voice sounded like the legendary witch, His Highness Qiao Biluo.

Seeing her **** look, William felt that she probably didn’t want to learn how to subdue vampires, but to subdue Professor Tywin.

Professor Tywin said with a smile: “Of course, if I can teach the third grade safely, I will teach you myself, Miss Crouch.”

Everyone laughed. The terrible legend of the Defense Against the Dark Arts position is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

“Right, five points for Ravenclaw.”

Professor Tywin made no secret of his preference for Ravenclaw College, because he was a student who graduated from this college.

However, that was more than ten years ago.



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