A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Dirty Sorting Hat

Everyone walked out of the room, walked through the hall, passed a double door at the back, and entered an ultra-luxury restaurant.

The students from other classes in the academy were already sitting around four long tables, above which thousands of candles floating in the air illuminated the dining room.

There were four tables with gleaming gold plates and goblets, and on the first table in the dining room was another long table, where the teachers were seated.

Dumbledore sat in the middle, wearing a luxurious dark blue robe with many **** and oo embroidered on it, with a prominent wizard temperament.

Aside from flowing silver-white hair and an extremely well-trimmed beard, the most noticeable thing is probably the long hooked nose, which seems to have been broken several times.

He wears a pair of half-moon glasses, behind which are two bright blue eyes, very penetrating, as if taking an X-ray.

There was a vacant seat next to Dumbledore, which should have been reserved for Professor McGonagall, and next to it was a teacher with greasy black hair, hooked nose, and sallow skin.

William quickly took his seat. After all, in the description of the twin brothers, the professors all have… characteristics.

Or, in other words, odd shapes, crooked melons and cracked dates, uneven…

So, this one must be in their mouths – the old bat, the greasy middle-aged man Professor Snape.

William shook his head. The two of them were talking too much. The words they used were…accurate, sophisticated, and meaningful.

Professor McGonagall took the first-year students to the center of the hall, and asked them to line up facing the entire senior class, with the teachers behind them.

The candlelight flickered, and hundreds of faces stared at them like pale lanterns. Ghosts were also among the students, shimmering dimly with silver light.

Professor McGonagall gently placed a four-legged stool in front of the first-year freshman, and then carried a top wizard hat and placed it on the stool.

The hat was patched, worn, and so dirty that it never seemed to be washed.

William felt that the hat should not be placed on the stool, but should be placed in a sink filled with Liby dishwashing liquid.

Could it be that the sorting test is to see who can clean this hat with the fastest speed?

Suddenly, the hat twisted and seemed to be doing a shoulder-shake dance.

A wide slit in the brim of the hat, like a mouth—the hat began to sing in some strange melody:

“You may think I’m handsome, but don’t try to fall in love with me, it will hurt you, but I won’t feel guilty. Who made me a charming and cute sorting hat.”

William felt that Professor McGonagall’s lips were pressed tighter, and she would probably take out her wand at any time and give the Sorting Hat a Silence Charm.

But William was disappointed, Professor McGonagall gasped a few times, and his face returned to calm.

William suspected that she had used a caneless, silent spellcasting, and closed her ears to listen to herself.

The House of Hats is still making terrifying noises:

“Gryffindor, there is bravery buried in it;

Ravenclaw, where there is innate tact and wisdom;

Hufflepuff, where there is eternal loyalty and kindness;

Slytherin, there are ambitions and pursuits imprinted in their hearts.

Hogwarts, the common home of the four houses! ”

The frequency of twisting in the hat-sharing courtyard is getting faster and faster, like a rock boy who is addicted to music and can’t extricate himself, but in fact it is just a square dance aunt.

William is still a little fortunate, but fortunately, the Hatter House doesn’t understand hip-hop, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to play an earthy Rap.

After a full ten minutes, the House of Hats finally completed its once-a-year epoch-making concert. After singing, the audience burst into applause.

The Weasley brothers even stood on their chairs applauding, and almost rushed over to ask for an autograph.

The hat-sharing courtyard saluted the four dining tables one by one, and then stood still, but her mouth was still opening and closing, not knowing what she was chanting.

Looking at that mouth, a bold thought suddenly flashed in William’s mind.

Professor McGonagall took a few steps forward, holding a roll of parchment in his hand.

“Whoever name I call now puts on a hat, sits on a stool, and waits for sorting,” she said.


A black-haired boy immediately walked up.

Almost as soon as the hat touched his head, he screamed, “Slytherin!”

The boy was very satisfied, he bowed slightly to the Slytherin table, and there was thunderous applause.

“Katie Bell!”

A little girl with a ruddy complexion and long messy blond hair hurried out of the queue and put on a hat that just covered her eyes.

She sat down, paused for a moment…

“Gryffindor!” cried the Hat. ?


There was a burst of cheers from the dining table farthest on the left, and the twin brothers took out a loudspeaker out of nowhere and made a loud noise. ?

Percy gave them a hard look, but his cheers were quite loud.

“Gavin Campbell!”

A boy with curly hair rushed up in a hurry.


The people at the table on the right applauded and cheered Jarvan, welcoming him to sit at their table, and the fat monk ghost also waved to him happily.

Autumn is coming soon.

Qiu walked slowly to the hat-sharing courtyard, and put on her hat. But this time the hat hesitated for a long time before a voice came: “Ravenclaw!”

“Oh, no!” Cedric covered his face, in great pain. He didn’t expect that the beginning of the second grade would be so gloomy.

Cho took a seat next to Marietta Akemore, who was also assigned to Ravenclaw.

“William Stark!” read Professor McGonagall. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

William walked calmly to the side of the hat division. The hat was more dirty than he thought. The hat had pilled and there were a lot of patches all around.

The most extreme thing was that there was a cobweb on half of it, and a small spider was staring at William.

Fortunately, it wasn’t a cockroach, otherwise William would really have to worry about the hygiene of the entire Hogwarts.

He picked up the hat, shook the dust on it, and put it on his head with disgust.

“Hey, boy, what’s your attitude?” A small voice came from William’s ear.

“Don’t deny—” The Sorting Hat’s voice was sharp, “I can see what you’re thinking!”

“Hmm, let me come to your little head, Kangkang, to decide which academy you go to…”

William scratched his dark brown hair. He really felt a little itchy on his scalp, and the discomfort quickly spread throughout his body.

The Sorting Hat seemed to have been greatly insulted, and its self-esteem was bursting, and it raised the decibel again: “Forever! Never! Don’t think of me with such filthy thoughts!

I am obsessed with cleanliness! Which hat have you seen, washed a thousand times! ”

For a hat, taking thousands of baths is really not a small amount, but you have existed for at least a thousand years. On average, don’t you take a bath once a year? !

The Sorting Hat obviously knew what William was thinking, and it hummed and changed the subject.

Dumbledore coughed twice, reminding the Sorting Hat to hurry up.

Even if he’s not hungry, can those lovely students not be hungry? !

—I am the Separator of the Sorting Hat —

Sorting Hat: Wizards, as long as you vote, I can assign you to the college you want to go to.

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