A Light Within Darkness.

A Light Within Darkness Chapter XIV

The Genestealers that were battling the other Sisters of Battle each screamed in unison, a couple moments after the head of the Genestealer collided with the ground. The psychic backlash of the Patriarch's death who acted as the lynchpin to their psychic gestalt sent the surviving Genestealers into an all but totally mindless fury of violence as they abandoned their weapons and charged at us brandishing their claws in a primal desire to simply rip us to shreds.

"Hold firm Sisters! All that is left is to weather the few Xeno filth here before we can begin purging them at our leisure!" The leader of the Sisters of Battle roared as she used her heavy bolter to kill off the rushing Genestealers that attempted to bury us in a wave of bodies.

I was lucky to be the equivalent of a walking heavy flamer and was thus capable of coating my body in an intense corona of flames that would prevent the Genestealers from dog-piling me to be torn apart.

Because it doesn't matter if you are an alien monster typically far stronger and durable than a normal human. If you sprint face-first into billowing flames that can cut steel, you aren't going to be continuing to run once your senses catch up to the knowledge you are being turned into charcoal.

"You guys got reinforcements coming in?!" I yelled out from within the flames.

"Huh, I thought you decided to kill yourself in such flames." The leader called out in an upbeat tone. "Oh yeah, no we are on our own probably as the, The Adamantine Reckoners of Qulemax Guard Regiment will slowly be working its way towards us!"

Was that the name of this worlds Guard regiment? Sounds like some asshole got the name out of a hat or off some random name generator...

"What is the name you carry child of our emperor!" The grizzled old woman finally asked as the unending tide of Genestealers seemed to be thinning out.

"Aren't you supposed to give out your name first and stop calling me a child I am more than twenty years old, for fucks sake!" I snarled as a Genestealer somehow fell from the one of the ceiling's supports beams and I kicked it across the room with a flame coated leg.

She likewise threw a bayonet into the head of a Genestealer that looked about ready to rip off the head of one of her subordinates. "My name is Lucia Juniah, Revered Evangelist of the Alabaster Dawn!"

"Names Jake, resident psyker of this shithole of a Hivecity." I called out kinda sheepishly as I didnt have a grandiose title like she did. When I get later into the cultivation ranks I could one day proudly announce myself as something like 'Lord Primordial Chaos Zenith Heaven Golden Immortal.'

Once my Qi began to lower again I cut back on using my flames and switched back to using my sword in close combat while my Kasaya Beads snaked around and absorbed the blood of all the fallen Genestealers and with the massive quantity of split blood the Kasaya Beads were able to grow to the point where it was able to split into separate ropes of beads.

"I cannot feel the taint of the ruinous powers from my own mind and even my rosaria isn't registering that... Barbed rope as something demonic, what is it?" Lucia asked obviously offput by the semi sentient Kasaya Beads that had gorged themselves on the blood of the fallen and were proactively killing off the Genestealers giving us a good deal of breathing room.

For a moment I considered not explaining and telling to simply mind her business, but I knew how the Kasaya Beads in view of any church agent in the know about Chaos demons would be instantly considered an artifact of the blood god Khorne.

I sighed and knew that it was in my best interest to explain my own view of the beads. "You know of Wraithbone correct? Well, when I first learned of my powers, one of the people who helped take care of me down here was a retired guardsmen who survived their tour of duty and more importantly told me about his battles against some Aeldari and the properties of the miracle material."

"Are you saying that you have managed to learn how to create crystalized warp energy that won't have corruptive properties?" Lucia grunted incredulously.

I knew where she was coming from as such a thing as far as I knew simply wasn't done by human psykers as my races of space wizards always tried to throw fireballs or increase pressure around a target in order to blow them up internally. Well, that or they messed around with the Warp directly and ran the much higher risk of being possessed by a demon.

"Yup... Took me a long while but I managed and now I have a set of beads that can act as weapons and restrain my foes as was shown by me saving your ass from the Patriarch." I said referencing the time where I grabbed the Patriarch and pulled it away from her when she got knocked to the ground.

"No, the Emperor merely showered his divine light upon me, allowing me to serve another day." Lucia said seriously we all sat down behind some cover with the flood of Genestealers seemingly having ended.

"Well in that case I feel his divine light calling me to go home and have some rations. I have killed the Patriarch and I rather not stick around you know what I mean." I said lightly and the few Sisters of Battle around the Lucia and I tensed.

Lucia nodded in understanding as she knew that once the battle was over, she was obligated to take me and unregistered psyker in. "We will be hunting you down kid. The information you have just on how to make noncorrupted warp materials will see to this Underhive being turned upside down to find you. Not to mention that although you aren't all that powerful now anyone in the know will see you as a high-quality talented recruit once you have been bound to the Emperor's light."

My face scrunched up at the mention of having my soul bound to the decrepit rotting corpse of the Emperor of Mankind. "Yes, well that's in case you find me and good luck finding me in this Underhive of more than ten million souls."

"Sister's let us push into the heart of the Genestealer Xeno's birthing rooms and cleanse them of heresy!" Lucia roared as she wordlessly led the half a dozen surviving Sisters of Battle into one of the larger side rooms.

I instantly saw what she was doing. She couldn't just let me go, but if she was preoccupied in destroying the birthing rooms of Xeno filth... Well killing Xeno's was far more important than dealing with a non-hostile and non-Warp touched psyker who could be retrieved earlier at her leisure.

I groaned as my aching body made its displeasure known as I went through the hole, I cut into the armored door to get to the Patriarch, and I made my way down the tunnels in the direction of the main hanger to see if I could find a way back to my vault.


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