A life with the Author


My mother had cried in my arms for some time before her attitude did a 180 turn and she shifted from a vulnerable woman to the Asian mom.

She scolded me. Admonished me. Reprimand me. All that stuff.

It was very weird seeing such a change in mood so I couldn`t help but marvel at her while she lectured me.

Every word went in one of my ear and most of them immediately left from the other ear. But some of her words stayed, like...

'What would I have done without you?'

'I love you so much. If something bad were to happen...'

'You are the only family I have left.'

I like those words.

I kept them in my head because I want to remember them forever. The other stuff about looking twice before crossing the road? Not so much.

After all that, she did a very thorough check up on every inch of my body. She was even more careful with her examination than the doctors.

It was as if she was desperate to know where I was hurting and how much I was suffering.

Then she insisted on meeting the doctors and after she talked to them, she seemed satisfied and finally accepted that I was truly safe.

And after that, she bid me farewell and went back home to change her clothes and to clean up. She promised that she would return and spend the night with me in the hospital.

Now I was lying on the hospital bed alone, bored and with no one around. So I decided to leave my bed and take a walk around the hospital.

I met some of the nurses during my walk and they were very enthusiastic to talk to me. Calling themselves big sister and all that stuff.


What can I say, Girls love me. hu hu hu hu~

I should be made illegal for the safety of the female heart.

They were also kind enough to show me the way to the garden of the hospital. But when I reached there I realized it was more like a mini park than anything.

I walked around the garden for a while, chatting and greeting the other patients who were also enjoying the garden.

Most of them were old patients and they warmly received my pleasant greetings. My charm was not only towards girls and neither did it only affect my appearance after all.

The vibe around me was just naturally charming. Even my awkward talking and anti-social behaviour appeared charming to others.

Even when I stuttered while I was greeting them, instead of thinking, 'He is really bad with people.' They are like, 'Oh he is so kind, gretting me even though he is obviously shy.'

Or at least that's how I think my charm works.

And after the sun was at its peak, it was very hot so most of them retreated to the air conditioned room of the hospital.

But I stayed behind in the garden. And the heat? As Goggins said, I didn't even notice it 

I was sitting on one of the bench and enjoyed the peace and calm of the place. It was really weird as the hospital was still in the city yet I didn't hear any cars nor people.

I enjoyed the time for a while, the calm and serenity did wonders to heal me. But then I got a company.

A brown dog.

The same one I had saved.

It was very shy at first. The dog was hiding behind a tree and simply observed me from a distance.

I smiled at it and put my hand forward, "Come here girl." I said.

For some reason I had a feeling that it was a girl. Her appearance was strangely feminine and pretty after all.

She slowly approached me. She stopped a couple of times and smelled the air multiple times before she got comfortable around me.

I remember the saying that dogs can smell the character of a person. Hopefully I smell like a good guy.

Soon, she was close to me and I was finally able to study it`s feature.

I realized then...

{I swear to God that is NOT a dog.} the author said what was on my mind.

She finally reached me and I curiously patted her head before ruffling her soft and plentiful fur.

She was very big. Like really big.

And gorgeous too. I never knew I was an animal person but I guess that's because I had only seen animals through a screen.

I carefully played with her head and even rubbed under her chin.

Her intelligent eyes were observing me the whole time. It felt like a human was watching me. 

'Her hazel eyes see so much.'

I ruffled her for a bit more before I suddenly stretched her mouth. I was greeted with rows of white teeth and sharp canines.

Her teeth were a bit wild and savage to be a dog's.

Her brown hazel eyes never leave mine, she was curiously observing me with a tilt of her head.

'What is he doing to me?' I could almost hear her thoughts.

Slowly. Extremely slowly and delicately, I let go of her mouth.

I discovered something.

{That's not a bitch, that's a wolf!!!}

'No shit Sherlock.' I said in my mind. 

Now I was a bit scared and tense. But looking at her round curious eyes, I was convinced that she was a nice wolf and not a bad wolf.

{What the fuck is a wolf doing in the city?}

'I don`t know. Maybe it escaped from the zoo?' I said in my mind.

Nevertheless I stopped entertaining such thoughts and spoke to her.

"You are wolf aren't you? A nice and friendly wolf that do not bite." I said and her ears instantly perked up as if she understood my words.

Her eyes also narrowed and almost became fearful. As if people had always shooed her away when they learnt that she was a wolf.

I patted her again.

"Don`t worry. I won't tell anyone." I said, "I like wolves." I added and she visibly relaxed. She then nuzzled on my hands and eagerly feel my touch.

Wha~ So cute. How can something so dangerous and big be this cute?

I observed her with great amusement. It was strange, she was very intelligent. I always heard that wolves were highly intelligent but I would`ve never guessed that it was to such an extent.

"Hey girl, do you want to play?" I asked.

Her ears perked up and I assumed that to be a yes.

"Okay." I said and picked up a stick from the ground.

I showed it off to her, "You see this?"

"Fetch!!" I said and throw the stick away. She turned her head to the flying stick and she watched as it hit the ground a few meters away.

Then she turned her head to face me again, and she gave me the driest look an animal had ever given me.

She looked almost offended.

"No?" I asked curousily.

"Then do you play tag?" I asked and she sat straight up when I said that.

"Then let's play tag okay~, let's play tag." I did the doggy talk and she lookd at me weirdly.

"You first." I said and leaped out of the bench. I ran a few distance away but noticing that she did not follow me, I turned back.

She was still in the same position and she seemed hesitant.

"Come on girl, come one." I said and soon she stood up on all fours and she bagan running towards me.

I also ran and she began chasing me.

We played like that until the sun hung lowly in the sky, playing tag under the cruel sun but as I said, I barely noticed the heat.

My superhuman agility and hers seemed to be just the right match and I enjoyed it very much. Though if I was completely healed I would be quicker than her.

We did not just play tag throughout the day. We sometimes lay down beneath the shade of a tree or did some hide and seek.

It was fun.

I wonder if having a pet felt like this. 

At the end of it all, I was sitting lazily on the bench again as I watched her from the distance. She picked up the stick which I had thrown before and brought it back to me.

At last I had finally persuaded to play fetch with me.

"Good girl." I said an patted her while taking the stick from her.

She smelled my hand again in a trance. She had done this multiple times throughout the day and I can`t help but suspect that it was due to my incubus race.

She seemed to really like how I smell.

She then came closer to me and smelled my bandaged arm. She seemed to ask me how it feels.

I think she knew she was the reason why I got injuired.

"I told you before, it's fine." I said and decided to take off the bandage which was quite dirty after all the playing.

I took off the bandage and my arm was slightly swollen but it was mostly okay.

"See, all fine." I said and showed it to her. She smelled it and few licks. As she was so close, I wrapped my bandage around her neck.

"Well, there you go. You look good." I said as I watched her with my bandage covering her neck like a collar.

I rubbed her head for the final time before saying goodbye.

"Well, I need to go now. See you again wolfie." I said and got up.

I leave while waving at her. She was sitting still near the bench until I entered the hospital.

Then the moment I entered, I heard a howl.


I just smiled and opened the door again but she was no longer there.

Now I wonder if that would be the last time I meet her.

'I should've adopted her' I thought with some regret.

[IMG of Yuki : Wolf hybrid]



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