A Lich's Guide to Dungeon Mastery

Azrael 3: Pulled

Azrael stared into the distance with a look of concern on her face. It felt like she’d forgotten something and needed to go find it, but she knew she hadn’t. She’d already checked twice, but that nagging feeling just wouldn’t–

The beast she was fighting bellowed in rage and charged her, pulling her out of her thoughts yet again. Its body was stocky, wide, and gray, with a single horn on its head. It seemed mostly mundane, aside from the fact that it was undead and Azrael had never seen another creature like it. A perfect low-risk enemy but physically powerful foe to test herself against.

With a sigh, she charged up the enchantment Ambrose had placed on her new shortsword and swung downwards at the beast’s head.

It was an incredibly tough beast, and its skull had been heavily reinforced to allow it to use its horn effectively.

None of that particularly mattered to the wave of Absiete as it passed through it. Where there once had been matter, there now… wasn’t. The remaining portions of the creature sloughed to the ground.

After a moment, the dissipated portion of creature popped pack into existence

Usually, Azrael’s abilities were less effective on living creatures, but the inscription on her shortsword allowed her to pack a lot more power into a single swing than she would normally be able to manage. It was such a powerful ability that she could even forgive him for forgetting to make a second sword.

Of course, the improvements to her gauntlet’s abilities helped too. Ranged manipulation of objects without even needing to use her own energy was powerful.

She really didn’t know how Ambrose was able to utilize so much power at a time. Her best theories involved his domain, his full Willpower build, a lot of practice, or just simply his being a lich, but she figured that the best answer was a mix of all those factors.

Pulling herself out of her thoughts, she clicked her tongue at the realization that she was staring off into the distance.

That nagging sensation was starting to get annoying. Hopefully some more murder would help.

Murder did not help Azrael’s issue. In fact, as the time had passed, the sensation evolved from a nag to a pull, then to an intense desire, and finally into an incessant need to head in that direction.

Logically, she knew that this was probably some sort of Soothen magic, manipulating her fate and trying to force her to play along, but it was in the wrong direction. Why would a Soothsayer want her to head East of all places?

The only reason she could think of was to execute an ambush on Seif, but his domain was large enough that he could just teleport her back before he was put into any real danger.

Looking left, then right, she considered her current state.

She was fully geared, so she wouldn’t put herself in danger by just choosing a direction and walking.

Her magic was a bit drained from using her Absiete on her armor to increase her mobility, but it would recover over the course of an hour or two, so that wasn’t a serious limiting factor.

She had no need for food, water, or rest, so any other supplies were unneeded.

With one last glance towards Ambrose’s tower, she started walking.

She didn’t know where she was going, nor did she know why she was being called there.

But she did know one thing.

Now that she’d committed to following the path laid before her, there would be no turning back.

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