A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 194: The Uterus

– I will definitely win this time. Esdes grinned and ran towards the enemy

It turned out to be a cancer man. Large, sharp claws, a sturdy black spiked shell that glistened like metal in the sun.

Clapping his claws, the half–man said - Little girls taste the best, come here, princess, I'll make you my wife.

And even though he said it, in fact, this crustacean was very alert. "Leo was one of the strongest in the tribe, and this kid just knocked him dead with one blow. With the intervention of these little monsters, the battle can be considered lost. We need to retreat."

This crustacean also secretly gave signs with its claws to its tribesmen, who also understood that things were taking a bad turn.

Although to be honest, these natives had characteristics equal to Esdes, and their combat experience even surpassed her. They have been through many battles.

They got the power only with experience and time. In fact, the local tribes were extremely similar to the native tribe of Ryuu and Esdes, with the exception that they also dabbled in robbery.

It was just that Ryuu's display of strength was too astounding, and they decided to play it safe.

Running up, Esdes swung a falcata – The first! – she shouted with mirth

Crustacean squinted and put his right claw under the blow of Esdes, when the second one was preparing to attack the girl's opened side – "Fast, we need to disable it, otherwise it won't let us escape. The kid is unlikely to leave her alone and run after us."

Unfortunately, the plan of the crustacean was covered with a copper basin at the very beginning, because the claw, which previously easily blocked swords, spears and axes, was cut, and falkata Esdes continued her movement towards the body of the half-man.

– "What the hell!?!" – the crustacean finally exclaimed to himself before Esdes cut his body diagonally from the right shoulder to the left side.

– One-one, Ryuu! Esdes shouted joyfully, while the upper part of the crustacean was 'moving out"

Ryuu did not share the joy of Esdes. He never liked sexual violence and torture, such is his essence. For him, these were extremes that he was very reluctant to use in extremely rare cases, if the situation required it.

That's why now his mood was spoiled, and his hands were asking to split a couple of skulls.

After looking at the crowd of natives more, he rushed in their direction, not hiding his terrifying thirst for blood.

– "What has this child managed to survive?!" – the natives and caravaneers exclaimed as one in their heads.

Suddenly, to the surprise of the Esdes and the caravaneers, all the natives, as one, ran in completely different directions at once, shouting – Run!

Ryuu foresaw this, and therefore immediately ran to cut the strongest native.



Age: 35 years

Gender: Male

Faction: Anfis Tribe

Sex Orientation: [show]

Fetishes: [show]

The Secret Art: The Coming of the Tiger

Emotions: Caution, Fear, Anger

Strength - 77

Dexterity - 105

Perception - 55

Endurance - 84

Mind - 33


– "Damn boy!" thought Alice, when he saw Ryuu approaching him out of the corner of his eye

Alice was a half-human, half-tiger with a shiny white coat. Formidable claws on the legs and hands, as well as soft pads, like any feline.

– "Don't force me, asshole!" – Alice cursed mentally, trying to break away

He tried to stop abruptly, turn sharply, make deceptive movements, but all to no avail.

A pair of barely noticeable rings were burning in Ryuu's eyes, which indicated that the Emperor's Eyes were active. And this meant only one thing, Ryuu knew about Alice's plans before he came up with them.

The tiger cub realized that it would not be possible to escape. Ryuu did not give him the opportunity to even get out of the clearing where the battle was taking place.

– Do you want a fight?! I'll give it to you! – Alice answered with anger and fury, realizing that he would most likely die soon, because even if he killed Ryuu, there were still Esdes and the caravan guards

Alice stopped abruptly, stood up in a menacing pose and growled like a tiger, attacked Ryuu with his right paw, who was running after him.

He counted on the fact that he would not have time to stop and continue running straight at his paw… In principle, what he expected happened.

Ryuu had foreseen this development. He could stop, or he could slightly strengthen his legs with prana and accelerate, since Esdes was now busy with another opponent.

He chose the latter.

Strengthening his legs and accelerating, Ryuu passed the tiger's attack and got close to the unprotected chest of the humanoid and swung.

There was a loud bang again. Ryuu's fist smashed into the native's body.

The tiger's insides didn't suffer as much as Ryuu's first target, as he didn't underestimate his opponent.

And yet Alice flew three meters away and fell on his back. Several of his ribs were broken, his muscles were torn in some places, and his internal organs received good damage.

Expectorating blood, Alice tried to inhale air, but could hardly do it.

Looking up with bloodshot eyes, he saw Ryuu walk up to him and lift his leg, almost making a perfect vertical split.

Then his leg abruptly began to descend, under the whistling of the torn air.

"Damn you foreigners! – Alice finally shouted, before Ryuu's foot smashed his head, scattering brains, blood and pieces of flesh in different directions.

It's amazing what Ryuu's body weight allowed him to do. He wasn't much stronger than Alice, but his weight was twice as much, which means that the blows were more destructive, albeit minus his movement speed.

– Hmm. – Ryuu jerked his nose, calming down a little.

Turning around, he saw that only the caravaneers, corpses and Esdes remained in the clearing.

Slowly, the howling and crying of women rose, who cautiously began to get out of the wagons, which were guarded by both mercenaries and men of the caravan itself.

About half of the mercenaries died. The caravan itself suffered the same losses.

Ryuu Imperial Zone looked inside the caravans and roughly realized something. It was a caravan of traders who seemed to be heading for the civilized towns of the Putra desert. There they most likely intended to trade and bring rare goods back to the Empire. It was a risky but profitable business.

This caravan traveled in families. A dozen families united in a caravan and traveled, hiring mercenaries as guards.

It is worth saying that these family 'caravans' are quite rare, yet it is somewhat inconvenient and risky to drag your family with you, but such caravaners themselves claim that it is better to live like this and endure sorrows and joys together, and if you die, then also together. It's better than not seeing each other for months or even years.

Under the women's crying and roaring, Esdes came up to Ryu with a smile holding three severed heads – I managed to take three. – playing with her eyebrows, she said

Esdes was clearly not embarrassed by all these cries of bitterness and despair, she was only interested in her brother and their competition.

– Two. – Ryuu calmly replied

– Victory! Esdes shouted with amusement, jumping up and down with three heads in her right hand

– Yes, throw them out already. Ryuu rolled his eyes, watching the rescued people stare at them strangely

– Yeah. – joyfully replied Esdes and swung her head into the bushes – Today you're cooking.

– I know. Ryuu waved away

At this moment, a man's crying suddenly rang out – Mickey~and! Oh my God, Mickey~and! What have they done to you, oh gods!..

With a sigh, Ryuu turned towards the scream. A young black-haired guy, a mercenary, fell to his knees in front of a girl, the same mercenary, who was raped and at the same time eaten by an antopomorphic lion until recently.

Surprisingly, this Mickey was still alive.

Her broken eyes expressed nothing–Finish me off, Shin.

– Don't say that. – squeezing out the words, the guy said, quickly pulling out clean bandages from his homemade unloading vest – You will live, sister. You'll still be happy, trust me.

Tears rolled down the girl's cheeks. Biting her lip, Mickey sobbed softly.

Having bandaged his shoulder, the guy found the strength to look at the girl's crotch – Damn, damn, damn. – he clenched his jaw – What to do about it?

– Don't look, Shin! – Mickey exclaimed with panic and despair – Don't look, brother, please!

– B-but we need to do something... somehow process it. Shin sat in a panic, not understanding what to do with such wounds

The girl's vagina was, what exactly is, torn and stretched from harsh violent actions. The girl's uterus just fell out. Now there was a real blood mess.

– Yes, she got well. a thoughtful young girl 's voice sounded

Shin abruptly turned around and saw that the blue-haired children were next to him.

–S-thank you for saving my sister. – with gratitude, said Shin

Meanwhile, Mickey couldn't help but think that the two children who had saved her were now examining her crotch.

Ryuu just nodded at this gratitude, and then looked at the girl's crotch – "I could cure all this, however, in this case I will have to reveal my abilities to Esdes and these strangers. Unfortunately, it's too early for that yet… However, there is another way out."

Ryuu calmly walked up to the place where he and Esdes entered this clearing. Their backpacks were lying there now, which they immediately threw off before the fight.

Picking up his backpacks, he returned to them.

– Here. – said Ryuu, when he pulled out of his backpack a jar with thick glass, inside which there was ointment

– What is it? Shin asked

– Ointment. Ryuu shrugged and uncorked the jar. A refreshing, invigorating and somewhat cooling fragrance immediately came out – My sister and I travel a lot, and I am fond of various crafts. The place we lived in wasn't rich in herbs, but this South is just a whole storehouse of various useful herbs. I created this ointment quite recently, and it has excellent effects. It dulls pain, accelerates the regeneration of affected tissues, has an antibacterial effect and much more.

Picking up the ointment with his fingers, Ryuu approached Mickey and told Shin – Let me.

– Yes, yes. Shin said quickly and allowed Ryuu to soak the bandages he had placed on his sister's shoulder.

The ointment was really really cool, especially with the bonus from the Crafting skill, but Ryuu also, imperceptibly, helped Mickey's regeneration a little with his prana.

– Do you feel it? Ryuu asked while smearing the girl's shoulder

- Yes. Mickey said with relief, feeling the pain in her shoulder go away under the pleasant cooling effect.

– Now... – said Ryuu and pointedly looked at her crotch

The girl immediately started waving her head and crying – No need, no need.

– It is necessary. Ryuu nodded and knelt down

Finding the strength, Shin said – M-maybe I'll do it?

Ryuu calmly raised his head and looked into Shin's eyes – Can you?

"I..." Shin swallowed the words, unable to answer. Would he be able to treat the crotch of his recently raped sister with ointment now? He didn't know the answer to that question.

Ryuu calmly said, typing ointment on his fingers – I would give a lot of reasons why you need to give in to me, but I will only say one. You need small hands here, you know?

Shin nodded at this and looked at his sister's pleading eyes – Mickey needs to do this, I won't let you die.

In desperate shame, Mickey closed her eyes and began to cry softly.

Meanwhile, Ryuu started processing the vagina. This was not the first time he had done something like this, there were similar situations in the past world, although they were not so deplorable.

First, he treated the insides with ointment, and then very gently and carefully returned the girl's uterus to its place. He accompanied all this with the imperceptible introduction of his prana, which allowed him to do such things.

The stretched and torn walls of the vagina could not hold the uterus inside, and therefore Ryuu strengthened and treated the deep part of the walls to fix the uterus in its proper place.

Shin turned away while Ryuu was doing this, but Esdes was carefully watching her brother dig into some girl's pussy. Strange sensations were spreading through her body, and she could not call these sensations pleasant.

– That's it. – Ryuu said calmly and looked at Mickey's face – It's much better now, isn't it?

With extreme shame that she was overwhelmed, Mickey opened her eyes and, unable to find the strength to look Ryuu in the eye, said – Yes, thank you very much.

– Glad to help. – Ryuu nodded with a slight smile and put the ointment in his backpack, threw it on his shoulders

Suddenly, Esdes, behind his back, squinting softly said, so that only he could hear it – And what, did you like it?

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this is a translation. pls add the site where we can find the raws. plus mentioning who the author is and that you are translating it. otherwise. youbare stealing the authors work

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The name is journey through the universe but he doesn’t leave the world he’s in so you should change the name

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The story is not bad in itself, the problem is that the author (or translator) changes the names of the characters. For example: Kohta is called Cat, Rei is Ray.... There are also very embarrassing parts of the story, it's exactly Mc in the way he acts and talks with other characters, he looks like a beta SIMp with OP skills.

<figure data-hvi="true" data-report-pdt="readerend" data-report-pdid="23102006005984205" data-report-l1="1" data-report-did="23345958706186900">

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