A Guide to Kingdom Building

Chapter 70: Bright Light Oyue

"Bright Light Oyue. That's the first spell. Your body will easily adapt this power, I guarantee. You can learn more along the way if you choose to. This also works well with elemental magic and creation magic! But you have to learn those for yourself." The moon goddess explained.

"It's still too much!" 132-X exclaimed.

"Trust me, Adlaw-on. That's still lacking compared to what you have before." Oyue smiled. "Oh! One more thing, you need a new name now, since you are no longer a slave! Do you have anything in mind?"

"Yes." He answered.

132-X ran towards the portal and vanished as Oyue closed the glowing entrance.

She took a deep breath and snapped her fingers, summoning a viewing mirror to appear.

"Well, Adlaw-on," She smiled. "Let's see what you can do with that power."

Oyue crossed her arms as she viewed Adlaw-on's action in the real world. It was her first time in such a long time to see a hero work his way against the Obscurii menace. During the Age of Wonder, it was her duty as a goddess and a guardian to anoint her champion and send them to the world to rid it off of the remnants of the Crawling Darkness.

For the lucky few, they would finish their services to her as kings, heroes or progenitors of clans. No matter the race was, bards sang their heroic deeds and scribes wrote their names down in history as champions of the world.

Humans, Aelvens, Dwyrvyns, Orgars and Morophiis had sang songs of their legendary heroes that had beaten demons, monsters and Obscurii throughout the years from the Age of Wonders. It never mattered to the goddess who her champions were. To her, it was all about eradicating the darkness she accidentally sowed unto the world.

For the ill-fated ones, they mostly end-up dying inside the cold and dark stomachs of the monsters of the void. An unfortunate fate that Oyue had to shoulder their lives for all eternity. For the dead, there was no glory, there was no story and neither a legacy. Their souls just rot inside the gut of the Obscurii they bravely faced or ran away from.

It was during the last days of the Age of Wonders where in Chandara, the other moon goddess and Oyue's sister ended this practice. Using the help of a scorned Yldar, Zaduriel, her sister trapped Oyue perpetually along with the ley lines, Obscurii and grand magic out of existence.

It took her years before she could materialize into the world again, as they ley lines were completely severed, and the magic sealed. She slept for thousands of years, missing the rest of the world's history. It took a stray soul to break a portion of the seal for her to wake up and saw the world changed during her absence.

Through the mirror she saw how an experienced transmigrator used the little power she gave into something awe-inspiring. Oyue never thought that the simplest gift she could give to a mortal could turn so potent beyond what she thought it would.

"That blade really is something else." Oyue said to herself while pointing at the blade. "That weapon itself is an anomaly. I never thought the aetherium would meld along with that broken weapon!"

Even as a goddess, there are still things in this world that even she nor the other deities could explain. Fate was something that they can trifle on a minimal scale and nothing more. They could try and put the hero or their chosen one on the right path. But at the end of the day, their fate is still somewhere out there that they could not accurately predict.

Adlaw-on began his offensive. He took a step and blinked towards the ghastly army hacking the undead and Obscurii alike. His fast attacks maybe blindingly uncapturable to a mortal's eye, but the goddess could see it in all its violent glory. She could just imagine the Obscurii trying to attack after images of Adlaw-on as he weaved through each attack with ease. It was a speed that even the Obscurii hadn't experience in quite some time.

Oyue saw how Adlaw-on decimated the brood of Obscurii. Slicing and humiliating them in a blink of an eye, as if a god descended to smite the demons of the earth.

"You are indeed powerful, Adlaw-on," she snapped her fingers prompting the mirror to go dark and disappear. "There are still a lot of things I haven't told you about yourself. Things that I shall share with you in the future after you grow out from their grasp."

The moon goddess decided to stroll along the hall. She looked around to appreciate the real beauty of the Assembly Hall in the Greater Heaven. The pillars made of marbled stone and gold linings looked majestic under the gentle light of the sun.

The seats that afloat the clouds were picturesque as the deities rest their feet under the constellations. The different imagery of the gods and goddesses along the hallway made the place grandiose and sacred at the same time…just like the halls she used to walk in.

She went to the center of the hall where the still images of Andalos, Adlaw-on's mimic and the High Council stood, paused in the fickle memory of the mortal she just sent back.

Oyue looked at the mimic's face. His hair glowed a pale white light as the sun's ray touched it. His eyes had the color of a clear cloudless sky, peaceful awaiting the storm. It reminded her of someone she knew from eons ago. A face she thought she would never see again.

The moon goddess glared at Andalos before putting her attention to the silver-haired High Chancellor's image smiling at Adlaw-on's mimic. She looked at him straight in the eyes, disgusted and disappointed at him and the Assembly he founded.

She spat on his face cursing the image of the dead god. But when that didn't content her, she resorted to slapping him. She slapped as hard as she could, contorting the image and smearing its colors in the air.

"You are petty, Tarjunta." She spoke in her deities' language. "After bringing all of them out of Calamatis, to save yourselves…after sealing the gate…after sacrificing more of our brethren during the attack of the Crawling Darkness…you…" she paused to compose herself.

"YOU! Had the gall to call yourself the High Chancellor?!" She spat. "You can never be as close as the Great Father once was!"

She snapped her fingers and got transported to Adlaw-on's memory where the High Chancellor was about to explode because of his uncontrollable magic.

Oyue saw the horror in his eyes as his magic slowly expanded from the wound on his palm. The moon goddess reveled at the misery of the High Chancellor as his final moment was clearly inevitable to that point.

"I wished for the day either one of us would kill you." She moved closer to bask at the horrified expression of the silver-haired god. "Ironically, it was your creation that killed you—I still wished it was me who did it."

She took a deep breath and snapped her fingers, letting the images moved in sequence. Oyue amusingly watched the High Chancellor's expression worsened as he got engulfed by the white light, before exploding violently.

"Adlaw-on," Oyue mumbled. "Maybe I've given more than what you've asked for. But I want to reward you for doing us a favor." She smiled as she walked away.

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